15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering
25 - 29 August 2002
Praha, Czech Republic

Lectures E

E1 - Monday morning
Symposium on transient multiphase flows

Chairmen: M. Giot, Y. Taitel

E1.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Boiling of surfactant solutions. *Hetsroni G., Mosyak A., Rozenblit R., Segal Z. (Technion IIT, Haifa, IL) [1185]

E1.2   10:20   PIV measurements of the velocity field around a Taylor bubble in a vertical pipe. *Shemer L., Gulitski A., Barnea D. (Tel-Aviv Univ., IL) [988]

E1.3   10:40   Bubble measurement and characterization using optical fiber probe: Relationship between measuring accuracy and bubble interfacial deformation. Saito T., *Yamamoto S., Yamashita T., Fukawa M., Kusano H. (Shizuoka Univ., JP) [406]

11:00   Coffee break

E1.4   11:30   Keynote lecture: Multiscale characteristics of bubbly flow in simple and complex geometries. *Zun I. (Univ. Ljubljana, SI) [1203]

E1.5   12:10   Comparison between temporal pressure and ERT signals in a bubble column. Fransolet E., Toye D., *Crine M., L'Homme G., Marchot P. (Univ. Liege, BE) [1123]

E2 - Monday afternoon
Symposium on transient multiphase flows

Chairmen: M. Crine, L. Shemer

E2.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Two-phase flow water hammer transients and induced loads on materials and structures (WAHALoads). *Giot M., Dudlik A.1, Lauter E.2, Lemonnier H.3, Tiselj I.4, Castrillo F.5, Van Hove W.6, Perezagua R.7, Potapov S.8, Seynhaeve J. M. (Cathol. Univ., Louvain-la-Neuve, BE; 1Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, DE; 2Framatone ANP, Offenbach, DE; 3CEA, Grenoble, FR; 4J. Stefan Inst., Ljubljana, SI; 5Iberdola, Madrid, ES; 6Tractebel, Bruxelles, BE; 7Empresarios Agrupados, Madrid, ES; 8EDF, Clamart) [1098]

E2.2   14:40   Water hammer and cavitational hammer in process plant pipe systems. *Dudlik A., Schonfeld S. B. H., Hagemann O., Fahlenkamp H.1 (Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, DE; 1Univ. Dortmund, DE) [6]

E2.3   15:00   Observation of transients in slug flow using electrical capacitance tomography. *Azzopardi B. J., Clark W. W., Baker G., Dyakowski T.1 (Univ. Nottingham, UK; 1UMIST, Manchester, UK) [228]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

E2.4   16:00   Atomization of liquids by critical two phase gas-liquid flow. Effects of the flow regime inside the nozzle on the spray. *Lorcher M., Mewes D. (Univ. Hannover, DE) [620]

E2.5   16:20   Keynote lecture: Fast visualization of transient two-phase flows and mixing processes in single phase flows by means of electrode-mesh sensors. *Prasser H.-M. (Res. Cent., Rossendorf, DE) [1244]

E2.6   17:00   Direct steam generation in parallel pipes using solar energy. Natan S., Barnea D., *Taitel Y. (Tel Aviv Univ., IL) [1085]

E3 - Tuesday morning
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Gas-liquid flow

Chairmen: G. Hetsroni, I. Zun

E3.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Fluid flow and thermodynamics via art. *Tamir A. (Ben-Gurion Univ. Negev, Beer-Sheva, IL) [1161]

E3.2   10:20   Description of flow regimes in a flat bubble column via wavelet transform. Olmos E., Gentric C., *Wild G., Poncin S., Midoux N. (LSGC, Nancy, FR) [1199]

E3.3   10:40   Improved model for homogeneous bubbly flow. *Scheid S., Schluter M., John S., Bork O., Parchmann H., Rabiger N. (Univ. Bremen, DE) [1050]

11:00   Coffee break

E3.4   11:30   Limitations of stochastic approach in the calcualtions of particle and bubble dispersion in turbulent free shear flows. *Yang X., Thomas N. H.1, Guo L. J.2, Li L. (Univ. Paisley, UK; 1FRED Ltd., Birmingham, UK; 2Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [1205]

E3.5   11:50   Sensitivity analysis of the transverse distribution of bubbles in laminar flows in the limit of small particle Reynolds numbers. Ho T., *Sechet P., Cartellier A. (LEGI, Grenoble, FR) [662]

E3.6   12:10   Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions of the one-dimensional dispersion model. *Siyakatshana N., Kudrna V., Machon V., Cermakova J. (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [418]

E4 - Tuesday afternoon
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Bubbles, particles, jets

Chairmen: D. Mewes, H.-M. Prasser

E4.1   14:00   Particles-liquid hydrodynamics and mixing of suspensions in airlift loop tanks (ALT). *Trilleros J. A., Diaz R.1, Redondo P. (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, ES; 1Univ. San Pablo, Madrid, ES) [289]

E4.2   14:20   The effect of gas inlet height and orifice diameter on liquid velocity and gas holdup in an airlift bubble column. *Yamashita F., Kiba Y., Nakatuji H., Takashina K. (Kanagawa Inst. Technol., JP) [162]

E4.3   14:40   Mass transfer at swarms of droplets under the influence of interfacial convections. *Tourneau M., Stichlmair J. (Tech. Univ., Munchen, DE) [496]

E4.4   15:00   Experimental study of vortex structures in a pulsating impinging jet. *Vejrazka J., Marty P.1, Tihon J. (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1CEA, Grenoble, FR) [459]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

E4.5   16:00   A quantitative 3-D flow visualisation technique. *Ramadan A., Michelet S.1, Lee K. C.1, Yianneskis M.1 (City Univ. London, UK; 1King's Coll. London, UK) [890]

E4.6   16:20   Surfactant effects in liquid jets. *Weiss M., Darton R. C., Battal T., Bain C. D. (Univ. Oxford, UK) [295]

E4.7   16:40   A miniature laser sheet anemometer. *Aroussi A., Menacer M. (Univ. Nottingham, UK) [1370]

E4.8   17:00   Pulverised fuel flow through bifurcators in power station pipelines. *Aroussi A., Abdul-ghani S. (Univ. Nottingham, UK) [1372]

E5 - Wednesday morning
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Multiphase CFD

Chairmen: B. Azzopardi, X. Yang

E5.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Requirements for accurate numerical calculations of bubbly flows and associated sensitivity studies. *Sommerfeld M., Bourloutski E. (Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg, DE) [1514]

E5.2   10:20   Analysis of particle transport processes for the calculation of particle separation in a gas cyclone. *Ho C. A., Sommerfeld M. (Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg, DE) [989]

E5.3   10:40   CFD calculation of particle-wall adhesion in horizontal pneumatic conveying of fine powder. *Heinl E., Bohnet M. (Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, DE) [957]

11:00   Coffee break

E5.5   11:30   Computer simulation of turbulent flow in a rectangular channel. Rousar I., *Petera K, Ditl P. (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1153]

E5.6   11:50   Numerical three-dimensional simulation of horizontal steam generator thermal-hydraulics: steady-state and transient conditions. Stevanovic V. D., *Stosic Z. V.1, Kiera M.1, Stoll U.1 (Fac. Mech. Eng., Beograd, YU; 1Framatome ANP GmbH, Erlangen, DE) [1059]

E6 - Wednesday afternoon
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Multiphase CFD

Chairmen: M. Ruzicka, M. Sommerfeld

E6.1   14:00   Influence of instabilities on the trajectory of a light sphere. *Jenny M., Bouchet G., Dusek J. (Inst. Mech. Fluids, Strasbourg, FR) [25]

E6.2   14:20   Direct numerical simulation of mass transfer between rising gas bubbles and water. *Bothe D., Koebe M., Wielage K., Pruess J.1, Warnecke H.-J. (Univ. Paderborn, DE; 1Martin-Luther Univ., Halle, DE) [237]

E6.3   14:40   Parallelization and performance optimization of a dynamic CFD reactor model. *Lindborg H., Eide V., Unger S.1, Henriksen S. T., Jakobsen H. A. (Norwegian Univ. Sci. Technol.,Trondheim, NO; 1Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, DE) [1190]

E6.4   15:00   Modelling bubble collisions, coalescence and break-up using the Lagrangian approach. *Sommerfeld M., Broder D., Ruzicka M.1, Drahos J.1 (Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle-Wittenberg, DE; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [987]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

E6.5   16:00   CFD and PIV aided study of hydrodynamic and mixing in a Couette-Taylor mixing device. Application to animal cell culture. Ben Amor H., Coulon L., Haut B., Halloin V., *Peeters F. (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [826]

E6.6   16:20   CFD code application for flow through narrow channels with corrugated walls. Paras S. V., *Kanaris A. G., Mouza A. A., Karabelas A. J. (Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR) [621]

E6.7   16:40   Mass transfer jump conditions for double emulsion systems. Morales-Zarate E., *Ochoa-Tapia J. A. (Univ. Autonom. Metrop., Iztapalapa, MX) [810]

E6.8   17:00   Electrophoretic mobility in concentrated suspensions of charge-regulating colloidal spheres. *Ding J. M., Keh H. J. (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW) [18]

E7 - Thursday morning
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Particulate systems

Chairmen: V. Stanek, J. Tobis

E7.1     9:40   Keynote lecture: Review of recent experimental results and evaluation of physical criteria required for surfactant drag reduction. *Zakin J. L., Qi Yunying, Zhang Ying (Ohio State Univ., Columbus OH, US) [724]

E7.2   10:20   Experimental characterization of the dynamic of bubbles flowing in fixed beds. Bordas M.-L., Cartellier A., *Sechet P., Boyer C.1 (LEGI, Grenoble, FR; 1Inst. Fr. Pet., Vernaison, FR) [456]

E7.3   10:40   Turbulent flow behaviour within complex structures. *Tobis J. (Inst. Phys. Chem., Warszawa, PL) [300]

11:00   Coffee break

E7.4   11:30   Network modelling of flow in a packed bed. *Martins A. A., Dias M. M., Lopes J. C. B. (Univ. Porto, PT) [526]

E7.5   11:50   Computing of experimental research of the process dehydration and granulation in an air-fluidized bed. Korniyenko Ya., *Statyukha G., Skladannyy D. (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA) [738]

E7.6   12:10   Characterisation of pulverised fuel roping. *Aroussi A., Giddings D., Pickering S. J., Mozzafari E. (Univ. Nottingham, UK) [1373]

E8 - Thursday afternoon
Fluid flow and multiphase systems

Film flow and rheology

Chairmen: O. Wein, J. Zakin

E8.1   14:00   Keynote lecture: Wavy film flows: linear stability and evolution. *Wein O., Tihon J. (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1061]

E8.2   14:40   Hydrodynamics of the solitary waves travelling down a liquid film. *Tihon J., Tovcigrecko V., Sobolik V., Wein O. (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1149]

E8.3   15:00   Rheological properties of aqueous ceria dispersions. *Nacu A., Hsu J. P. (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW) [70]

15:20   Coffee break and poster session

E8.4   16:00   Non-Newtonian fluid flow modeling through piping system using power law and Sisko model. *Ternik P., Marn J. (Univ. Maribor, SI) [535]

E8.5   16:20   Fluid transportation at extremely high or low temperatures. *Kraemer R., Neumaier R. (HERMETIC-Pumpen GmbH, Gundelfingen, DE) [54]

E8.6   16:40   Mathematical simulation of non-Newtonian liquid (catalytic paste) flow in ram extruder. *Jensa A. V., Mironov A. V., Medvedev E. A., Kostyuchenko V. V., Petropavlovskiy I. A., Filippin V. A., Koltsova E. M. (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [360]

E8.7   17:00   Rheological behavior of motor oil. *Etemad S. G., Mellati A., Thibault J.1 (Isfahan Univ. Technol., IR; 1Univ. Ottawa, CA) [88]

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