Lectures H
H1 - Monday morning PRES 2002
Chairmen: J. Klemes, P. Stehlik
H1.1 9:40 PRES Plenary: Sustainable systems theory: ecological and other aspects. Pawlowski C. W.,
Mayer A. L.,
Hoagland N. T.,
*Cabezas H.
(Nat. Risk Manag. Res. Lab., Cincinnati OH, US) [42]
H1.2 10:20 Keynote lecture: On minimization of the number of heat exchangers in water networks. *Sorin M.,
Savulescu L.
(Nat. Resources Canada, Varennes QC, CA) [35]
11:00 Coffee break
H1.3 11:30 Water network optimization in the process industry - case study of a liquid detergent plant. *Forstmeier M.,
Goers B.,
Wozny G.
(Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE) [47]
H1.4 11:50 Nitrogen removal of pig manure liquid fraction. *Hidalgo M. D.,
Del Alamo J.,
Hernandez M.,
Irusta R.
(CARTIF, Valladolid, ES) [83]
H1.5 12:10 WADO: water design optimization methodology and software for the synthesis of process water systems. *Ullmer C.,
Kunde N.1,
Lassahn A.,
Gruhn G.,
Schulz K.1
(Tech. Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, DE;
1Siemens AG, Erlangen, DE) [612]
H1.6 12:30 Optimal wastewater reuse networks design by adaptive random search optimization. Poplewski G.,
*Jezowski J.,
Jezowska A.
(Rzeszow Univ. Technol., PL) [229]
H2 - Monday afternoon PRES 2002
Chairmen: H. Cabezas, G. Gruhn
H2.1 14:00 PRES Plenary: Process integration for reduced environmental impact. *Smith R.
(UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1033]
H2.2 14:40 Keynote lecture: Environmentally benign solvent selection and in-process solvent recycling in complex batch distillation. *Kim K.-J.,
Diwekar U. M.,
Tomazi K. G.1
(Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh PA, US;
1Mallinckrodt Inc., St. Louis MO, US) [805]
15:20 Coffee break and poster session
H2.3 16:00 Life cycle analysis of dividing wall columns. Shah P.,
*Brodkorb M.
(Hyprotech Ltd., Calgary, CA) [808]
H2.4 16:20 Design and development of solvent recovery technologies by hybrid separation tools. *Szanyi A.,
Mizsey P.,
Fonyo Z.
(Budapest Univ. Technol. Econ., HU) [1181]
H2.5 16:40 New solution for thermal coupling between a crude distillation unit and a delayed coking unit. Plesu V.,
Bumbac G.,
Munteanu M.,
*Ivanescu I.1,
Popescu D. C.2
(Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO;
1PETROM, Bucuresti, RO;
2PETROM, Ploiesti, RO) [1249]
H2.6 17:00 Modelling and simulation of a combined membrane/distillation process. *Kreis P.,
Gorak A.
(Univ. Dortmund, DE) [869]
H3 - Tuesday morning PRES 2002
Chairmen: U. M. Diwekar, F. Friedler
H3.1 9:40 Keynote lecture: CO2 emissions and its impact on refinery industry. *Zhu X. X.
(UOP, Des Plaines IL, US) [13]
H3.2 10:20 Second law thermodynamics as a utility in developing sustainable technology. *Dewulf J.,
Van Langenhove H.
(Ghent. Univ., BE) [234]
H3.3 10:40 Development of E-Learning for environmental engineering education. *Perry S.
(UMIST, Manchester, UK) [434]
11:00 Coffee break
H3.4 11:30 Waste minimisation - recycling of waste electrical and electronical equipment. *Hornung A.,
Schoner J.,
Balabanovich A.,
Donner S.,
Furrer J.,
Seifert H.
(Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, DE) [302]
H3.5 11:50 Peroxi-coagulation reactors for the treatment of polluted water. De Francesco M.,
*Fedi A.1,
Pera P.1,
Paladino O.1
(Univ. Genova, IT;
1CIMA, Savona, IT) [713]
H3.6 12:10 Multicriteria decison making in process integration. *Cziner K.,
Tuomaala M.,
Hurme M.
(Helsinki Univ. Technol., FI) [870]
H4 - Tuesday afternoon PRES 2002
Chairmen: J. J. Nossent, G. Wozny
H4.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Minimisation of water use in a novel sugar manufacturing process. *Urbaniec K.,
Wernik J.
(Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [818]
H4.2 14:40 Analysis of sugar production flowsheets. Part III: Balances at equipment and operation level. *Diaz R.,
Ribas Garcia M.,
Hurtado Vargas R.,
De Armas Casanova C.,
Rostgaard Beltran L.
(ICIDCA, La Habana, CU) [400]
H4.3 15:00 Overview of the environmental problems in beet sugar processing: possible solutions. *Vaccari G.,
Tamburini E.,
Sgualdino G.,
Urbaniec K.1,
Klemes J.2
(Univ. Ferrara, IT;
1Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL;
2UMIST, Manchester, UK) [543]
15:20 Coffee break and poster session
H4.4 16:00 AWARENET: agro-food wastes minimisation and reduction network. De las Fuentes L.,
Sanders B.1,
*Klemes J.2
(GAIKER, Zamudio, ES;
1ADAS, Wolverhampton, UK;
2UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1328]
H4.5 16:20 Optimization of a ASR pyrolysis reactor for the minimization of energy consumption. *Chiarioni A.,
Dovi V.
(Univ. Genova, IT) [288]
H4.6 16:40 New one-stage MILP procedure for HEN design and retrofit. Barbaro A.,
*Bagajewicz M. B.
(Univ. Oklahoma, Norman OK, US) [531]
H4.7 17:00 Interfaces between process simulation environment and process integration software. Plesu V.,
*Marcov-Tacu C.,
Bumbac G.,
Iancu P.,
Bercaru M. T.,
Grozeanu I.1
(Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO;
1PETROM, Ploiesti, RO) [1247]
H5 - Wednesday morning PRES 2002
Chairmen: V. Plesu, T. Thonon
H5.1 9:40 Keynote lecture: Targeting the integration of multi-period utility systems for site scale process integration. *Marechal F.,
Kalitventzeff B.1
(Swiss Fed. Inst. Technol., Lausanne, CH;
1Belsim s.a., Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, BE) [587]
H5.2 10:20 Cooling system design with pressure drop constraints. *Kim J.,
Smith R.
(UMIST, Manchester, UK) [740]
H5.3 10:40 Utility system management using path analysis. *Singh H.,
McKay I.
(Hyprotech Ltd., Calgary, CA) [46]
11:00 Coffee break
H5.4 11:30 Separation of azeotropic mixtures: synthesis of column sequences with recycles. Wasylkiewicz S. K.,
*Brodkorb M.
(Hyprotech Ltd., Calgary, CA) [725]
H5.5 11:50 Alternative approach in optimization of plate type heat exchangers. *Jegla Z.,
Stehlik P.,
Kohoutek J.
(Tech. Univ., Brno, CZ) [395]
H5.6 12:10 Entropy generation reduction through chemical pinch analysis. Case study: methanol synthesis heat integrated reactor. *Lavric V.,
Baetens D.1,
De Ruyck J.
(Vrije Univ., Bruxelles, BE;
1Vlaam. Inst. Technol. Onder., Mol, BE) [447]
H6 - Wednesday afternoon PRES 2002
Chairmen: F. Marechal, J. Paris
H6.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Reduction of water intake and COD emissions by using new watertreatment technology in paper industry. *Nossent J. J.,
Hepp B.
(TNO Ind. Technol., Delft, NL) [559]
H6.2 14:40 EPPIC Thematic Network "A Competitive European Pulp and Paper Industry". *Badieritaki P.,
Nossent A. J. J. F1
(European Process Greece, Zografos, GR;
1TNO, Delft, NL) [352]
H6.3 15:00 Framework for water minimisation technology evaluation in paper making. *Manninen J.,
Kaijaluoto S.,
Puumalainen T.,
Hakala J.
(VTT Energy, Jyvaskyla, FI) [750]
15:20 Coffee break and poster session
H6.4 16:00 System closure in an integrated newsprint mill, practical application. *Shafiei S.,
Domenech S.1,
Paris J.
(Ec. Polytech., Montreal, CA;
1ENSIGC, Toulouse, FR) [258]
H6.5 16:20 Use of process heat of a pulp mill in a district heating system - synthesis of flexible heat exchanger network. *Aaltola J. M.
(Helsinki Univ. Technol., FI) [45]
H6.6 16:40 Processing of wastes from pulp and paper plant. Oral J.,
Sikula J.,
Puchyr R.,
Hajny Z.,
Trunda P.,
*Stehlik P.1,
Bebar L.1
(EVECO Ltd., Brno, CZ;
1Tech. Univ., Brno, CZ) [1094]
H6.7 17:00 Energy and water saving - using pinch analysis. *Bohacek S.
(Pulp&Paper Res. Inst., Bratislava, SK) [1188]
H6.8 17:20 Increasing paper machine performance by integrating biochemical and chemical processes. *Bobu E.,
Popa V.
(Tech. Univ. Iasi, RO) [1246]
H6.9 17:40 Examples of practical applications of process integration to pulp and paper mills. Retsina T.,
*Rouzinou S.
(American Process Inc., Athens, GR) [455]
H7 - Thursday morning PRES 2002
Chairmen: S. Kaijaluoto, A. Hornung
H7.1 9:40 Keynote lecture: Design and optimisation of the dividing wall column for product separation in an oil refinery. *Plesu V.,
Isopescu R. D.,
Gheorghita T.1
(Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO;
1Astra Romana, Ploiesti, RO) [1235]
H7.3 10:20 The using of plate heat exchangers with optimal grouping for district heating systems. Tovazhniansky L. L.,
Babak T. G.,
*Havin G. L.1,
Arseneva O. P.1
(Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA;
1Sodrugesrtvo, Kharkiv, UA) [602]
H7.4 10:40 Long-term leaching behaviour of zinc in Portland Cement. *De Velasco M. F.,
Andres A.,
Irabien A.
(Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [761]
11:00 Coffee break
H7.5 11:30 Conceptional design modeling of combined power generation cycle for optimum performance. *Hany A. M.
(Assiut Univ., EG) [5]
H7.6 11:50 New approach to the exposure-response study of the industrial impact on forest. *Butusov O. B.,
Meshalkin V. P.1
(Forest Ecol. Cent., Moskva, RU;
1Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1088]
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