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Posters P5, WednesdayComputer aided process engineeringP5.1 Computer-aided methods for process synthesis and design biocides in metalworking fluids production. *A. I. Chulok, T. A. Chulok, L. S. Gordeev (Russian Chem. Technol. Univ., Moskva, RU) [304] P5.2 The synthesis of mass exchanged network for gas purification. *G. A. Statyukha, Y. Beznosyk, L. Bugaeva, J. Jeżowski1 (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA; 1Tech. Univ. Rzeszow, PL) [268] P5.3 Robust design and operation of water usage networks. *G. A. Statyukha, J. Jeżowski1, A. Shakhnovsky, A. Kvitka (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA; 1Rzeszow Univ. Technol., PL) [581] P5.4 An approach to design optimal wastewater treatment network with mathematical models of processes. *G. A. Statyukha, A. Kvitka, I. Dzhygyrey, J. Jeżowski1 (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA; 1Rzeszow Univ. Technol., PL) [424] P5.5 Application of an experimental-statistical modeling method for searching optimum compositions in dry mixes production. *G. A. Statyukha, N. Telitsyna, I. Surup, E. Makhlina (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA) [682] P5.6 The design of continuous boric acid production process from colemanite ore. A. A. Ceyhan, *M. B. Kuskay Celikoyan, E. Ozdemir, A. N. Bulutcu (Istanbul Tech. Univ., TR) [934] P5.7 A new iterative method created and applied to equilibrium calculations. M. Ç. Koçak (Univ. Ankara, TR) [673] P5.8 Chaos control in the process of crystallization. *M. V. Cherenkov, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Inst. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [121] P5.9 Simulation of structure sodium germanate glasses by molecular dynamics. *O. S. Svatkova, D. I. Sharif, V. N. Sigaev, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [195] P5.10 Mathematical simulation of carbon nanofibers obtaining from methane by CVD process. I. S. Nenaglyadkin, E. G. Rakov, *A. V. Jensa, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [211] P5.11 Modeling of the crystallization processes of the slightly soluble substances (on example of the dibasic lead phosphite crystallization 2PbO*PbHPO3*0.5H2O). *A. V. Aganina, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [212] P5.12 Mathematical modeling of the hydrodynamic processes in highly porous materials. *A. S. Shaimardanov, A. I. Kozlov, A. V. Jensa, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [247] P5.13 Cellular automata for simulation of producing process of Fe – nanothreads. *E. R. Abasheva, H. K. Chan, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [303] P5.14 Elaboration of the intellectual system on the processes of crystallization. *V. A. Vasilenko, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [307] P5.15 Investigation, mathematical modelling and simulation of the crystals attrition. *M. I. Dorofeeva, A. Lieb1, E. M. Koltsova, M. Kind1 (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU; 1Univ. Karlsruhe, DE) [311] P5.16 Mathematical modeling of processes for phosphorous-containing compounds synthesis and information technologies. *R. A. Suleymanov, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [397] P5.17 CALS-technologies in the industry of chemical reagents and special-purity substances. A. M. Bessarabov, O. A. Zhdanovich, A. N. Ponomarenko, *E. M. Koltsova1 (Res. Inst. Chem. Reag. High Purity Subst., Moskva, RU; 1Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [1359] P5.18 Characterization of complex mixtures for ANN modeling of pyrolysis with incomplete data. *E. Eckert, T. Vaněk, Z. Bělohlav, P. Zámostný (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1356] P5.19 Finite time stability of nonlinear fractional order time delay systems: new results. M. P. Lazarević (Fac. Mech. Eng., Beograd, YU) [1333] P5.20 Qualitative integration of shallow knowledge of economics and deep engineering know-how by information degradation. M. Dohnal, J. Dohnalová, *V. Kučerová (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1282] P5.21 Qualitative analysis of chaotic behaviors of complex systems – identification of all possible scenarios. *T. Vícha, M. Dohnal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1281] P5.22 Macroeconomical parameters and large investments into process industries – qualitative models. T. Meluzín, *J. Luňáček, T. Vícha, M. Dohnal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1261] P5.23 Modeling the influence of temperature on alcoholic fermentation kinetics using a genetic algorithm. E. A. Ccopa Rivera, A. C. D. Costa, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [784] P5.24 Development of dynamic models and predictive control by fuzzy logic for polymerization processes. N. M. N. Lima, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [716] P5.25 Optimization through desirability functions and factorial design for a catalytic cracking unit. *P. R. Trajano, P. Guinho Barbosa, R. Maciel Filho, M. R. Wolf Maciel (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [782] P5.26 Synthesis, optimization and on-line remote control of a cheese whey refinery. *G. A. Pinto, R. Y. C. Padilla, R. L. C. Giordano, R. C. Giordano (UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR) [608] P5.27 Dynamic optimization approaches for the enzymatic synthesis of ampicillin. M. P. A. Ribeiro, J. M. Pinto1, *R. C. Giordano (UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR; 1Polytech. Univ., Brooklyn NY, US) [721] P5.28 Control of a reboiler by Simatic 300. M. Ondrovičová, M. Bakošová, *D. Puna (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [700] P5.29 Three-position relay control system. *L. S. Gordeev, V. P. Plyutto, I. I. Dubrovsky, V. L. Lukyanov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskka, RU) [643] P5.30 An efficient method for handling data resulting from Aspen Custom Modeler. *S. Gruetzmann, G. Niggemann, T. Albrecht, G. Fieg (Hamburg Univ. Technol., DE) [609] P5.31 Calculation of physical property data of the system MgO – SO2 –H2O and their implementation in Aspen Plus. *K. Schöggl, M. Steindl, H. Weber, A. Friedl1, H. Sixta (Wood K-Plus, Lenzing, AT; 1Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [438] P5.32 Optimal temperature control of the enzymatic hydrolysis of maltodextrin. *A. Guadix, E. M. Guadix (Univ. Granada, ES) [341] P5.33 Neural model of the vitamin C solubility in a four–compound miscible system: ascorbic acid – methanol – ethanol - water. *K. Piotrowski, B. Wierzbowska1, J. Koralewska1, A. Matynia1 (Silesian Univ. Technol., Gliwice, PL; 1Wroclaw Univ. Technol., PL) [288] P5.34 Design of dynamics in polymer electrolytes. O. N. Zhygir1, *G. A. Statyukha, D. R. Kolomiets (Kyiv Polytech. Inst., UA; 1Inst. Macromol. Chem., Kyiv, UA) [233] P5.35 Evaluation of neural networks-based controllers for batch polymerisation. *E. E. Ekpo, I. M. Mujtaba (Univ. Bradford, UK) [193] P5.36 Applied software package of chemical heterogenic-catalytic processes computer modelling. *I. U. Ibadzadeh, V. V. Bogatov (Inst. Chem. Probl., Baku, AZ) [43] P5.37 Neuronal method for calculation of axial dispersion in the fixed beds. Part I. Fixed beds of garnishings parallelepipedic. *D. Hassani, S. Hanini, K. Daoud2, E. Mauret1, M. N. Bouaziz, G. Mortha1 (Univ. Medea, DZ; 1EFPG, Saint Martin d'Heres, FR; 2USTHB, Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1007] P5.38 Neuronal method for calculation of axial dispersion in the fixed beds. Part II: Fixed beds of garnishings spherical. *D. Hassani, S. Hanini, K. Daoud2, E. Mauret1, X. Correa, M. P. A. Ribeiro1 (Univ. Medea, DZ; 1EFPG, Saint Martin d'Heres, FR; 2USTHB, Alger, DZ) [1063] P5.39 Neuronal method for calculation of axial dispersion in the fixed beds. Part III: Fixed beds of fibrous garnishings. *S. Hanini, D. Hassani, E. Mauret1, K. Daoud2, M. N. Bouaziz, G. Mortha1 (Univ. Medea, DZ; 1EFPG, Saint Martin d'Heres, FR; 2USTHB, Alger, DZ) [1112] P5.40 Study of acoustic properties of building materials via FEM/BEM. *D. Fojtu, A. Polasek, L. Lapcik Jr. (T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [1083] P5.41 Curvilinear travelling waves in reaction-diffusion systems. *L. Buřič, A. Klíč (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1301] P5.42 Fuzzy identification of the chemical reactor. A. Vasičkaninová, *M. Bakošová, D. Puna (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [748] P5.43 Data mining/storing/processing in target-oriented knowledge bases performing in the biology-chemistry-electronics intersection – the case of amperometric biosensors. F. A. Batzias (Univ. Piraeus, GR) [1502] P5.44 Multi agent systems in diagnostics and exception handling of batch processes. P. Burian (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1504] P5.45 Computer aided for the steady-state simulation of phosphoric acid concentration process. B. Messnaoui (EMI, Rabat, MA) [1522] P5.46 Dynamics from time series. *J. Křupka, M. Dubcová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1364] P5.47 Three principles and an algorithm for splitting primary physical dimensions in chemical process scale up. F. A. Batzias (Univ. Piraeus, GR) [1516] P5.48 Automated image analysis of moulds area on the surface of salami. *A. Husáková, E. Jirák (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1653] P5.49 Application of artificial neural networks in control of a distillation column: a case study. *A. Farzi, A. Mehrabani (Isfahan Univ. Technol., IR) [1644] P5.50 Simulation and designing of methanol production plant based on the synthesis gas. *F. Babazadeh, A. Mousa Haddadi1, M. Kazemeini (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [1642] P5.51 Designing a methanol pilot plant. *F. Babazadeh, A. Mousa Haddadi1, M. Kazemeini (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [1640] P5.52 An advanced non-linear control applied to catalytic reactor. E. R. Duarte, L. Ender1, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Reg. Univ., Blumenau, BR) [678] P5.53 Numerical simulation of a torus reactor. L. Pramparo, *I. Sanchez, F. Stüber, J. Font, A. Fortuny1, A. Fabregat, P. Legentilhomme2, J. Pruvost2, J. Legrand2, C. Bengoa (Univ. Rovira Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1Univ. Polytech. Catal., Vilanova i la Geltru, ES; 2Univ. Nantes, FR) [1526] PRES 2006Note: The best PRES Conference Poster Competition - 3rd Annual Competition "Zdenek Burianec Memorial Award". Selection Committee: G. Wozny (DE), Chairman; C. Bouallou (F); S. J. Perry (UK); V. Plesu (RO). --- Please, follow the announcement at the Congress site. P5.58 Modeling direct methanol fuel cell performance. *M. A. Gervits, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [339] P5.59 Biodiesel production - application of response surface methodology to optimize castor oil ethanolyse. N. Silva Lima, *M. R. Wolf Maciel, C. B. Batistella, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [689] P5.60 The effect of channel corner rounding on flow and heat transfer in a simple minichannel flow system involving two straight sections separated by a 180o bend. P. H. Oosthuizen (Queen's Univ., Kingston Ont., CA) [1079] P5.61 Dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste: a full scale experiment. T. F. Forster Carneiro, *M. Pérez García, L. I. Romero García, M. Á. De la Rubia1 (Univ. Cadiz, ES; 1Univ. Alicante, ES) [66] P5.62 Importance of monitoring of incineration process for meeting emission limits. *T. Pařízek, L. Bébar, L. Urban, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1188] P5.63 Mathematical model of waste heat boiler in thermal processing of waste applications. *M. Sponar, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1335] P5.64 Simple computational tool for calculation of rotary kilns for waste treatment. *M. Sponar, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1349] P5.65 Preparation of activated carbon from polycarbonate by chemical activation. Z. Li, R. Wang, J. Ye, *Z. Sha (Tianjin Univ. Sci. Technol., CN) [1442] P5.66 Thermal dependences of physical aspects of sewage sludge. *T. Elsässer, L. Houdková, J. Boráň, J. Sponar, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1295] P5.67 Vehicular emission source profile of São Carlos City/SP - Brazil. *S. A. Pozza, R. L. Bruno, J. A. S. Gonçalves, J. R. Coury (Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos, BR) [412] P5.68 Alternative two-layer optimization approach of a three phase catalytic slurry reactor by evolutionary optimization with genetic algorithms. D. N. C. Melo, E. C. Vasco de Toledo, A. P. Mariano, M. M. Santos, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [423] P5.69 Improving the waste water treatment of urea production. L. Matijasevic, H. Lisac, *I. Dejanovic (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [510] P5.70 Water source diagram procedure: wastewater reduction for single contaminant. E. M. Queiroz, *F. L. P. Pessoa (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [847] P5.71 Treatment of solid leather waste by enzymatic degradation. *P. Mokrejs, D. Janacova, K. Kolomaznik, M. Mladek, F. Langmaier (T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [1123] P5.72 Electrocoagulation in wastewaters containing arsenic. Comparing different reactor design. *H. K. Hansen, P. Nuñez (Univ. Tec. Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, CL) [1154] P5.73 Electrodialytic remediation of copper mine tailings. Effects of different operational conditions. *A. Rojo, H. K. Hansen, L. M. Ottosen1 (Univ. Tec. Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, CL; 1Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK) [1159] P5.74 Verification of efficiency of chrome liquor prepared from the chrome cake after enzyme hydrolysis of shavings for tanning of white-hide from pigskin. *P. Mokrejs, M. Mladek, K. Kolomaznik, F. Langmaier, D. Janacova (T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [1175] P5.75 Application of WSD procedure to petroleum industry. R. C. Mirre, *R. P. Santos, B. D. C. Delgado, F. L. P. Pessoa (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [1313] P5.76 Minimization of water consumption on cooling towers trhough mass and energy balances . *C. M. Higa, J. P. F. Silva, S. Ávila1, F. L. P. Pessoa (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR; 1Serv. Nac. Ind., Lauro de Freitas, BR) [1338] P5.78 Removal efficiency of nanoparticles with the use of cellulose and polyester filters. J. Steffens, *S. A. Pozza, J. R. Coury (Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos, BR) [406] P5.79 Innovative design and multi-objective optimization of hybrid reverse osmosis and multi-stage flash desalination plants. *F. Vince1, F. Marechal2, P. Breant1, E. Aoustin (Veolia Envir., Paris, FR; 1Anjou Rech., Maisons-Laffitte, FR; 2EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [517] P5.80 A nonlinear model for a turbo compressor using fuzzy approach. *F. Laaouad, A. Hafaifa, K. Laroussi (Boumerdes Univ., DZ) [1635] P5.81 Analysis of recycled paper physical properties after forced and natural convective drying. M. G. A. Vieira, *S. C. D. Rocha (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [1527] P5.82 Automatic control of nitrogen oxides reduction during waste combustion. Z. Němec, R. Matoušek, L. Bebar, *T. Parizek (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1594] P5.83 Compact heat exchangers for phosphoric acid production process. P. A. Kapustenko, G. L. Khavin, *A. Y. Perevertaylenko, S. A. Boldyryev (Sodrugestvo-T, Kharkiv, UA) [1672] P5.84 Development of a document management platform in University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. R. Isopescu, *V. Plesu, I. Arsene1, D. Fagurel1 (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 1SIVECO, Bucuresti, RO) [1685] P5.85 Green ion exchange technologies: complex processing of acidic mine waters with conversion of pollutants to fertilizers. *D. N. Muraviev, F. Mijangos1 (Aut. Univ. Barcelona, Bellaterra, ES; 1Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1539] P5.86 Influence of tacticity on mechanical properties of PP/LDPE blends. *M. A. Suleiman, I. A. Hussein (King Fahd Univ. Pet. Min., Dhahran, SA) [1606] P5.87 Investigation of optimum parameters for biodiesel production technique using THF (tetrahydrofuran) as solvent agent. E. Caglar (Izmir Inst. Technol., TR) [1525] P5.88 Kinetic studies on the etherification of isobutene to fuel ether ETBE. *G. Bumbac, A. Motelica, A. Plesu, G. Bozga, A. Toma1 (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 1SC Petrom, Ploiesti, RO) [1687] P5.89 Kinetic study of biomass pyrolysis in molten salt medium. R. Adinberg (Weizmann Inst. Sci., Rehovot, IL) [1630] P5.90 Modelling and optimising of preventive reparation costs in a dynamic exploitation system of a park of machines . *A. Benmounah, T. Hachemi (Univ. Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1608] P5.91 Solar energy used in an air conditioning process for thermal comfort in operating rooms in arid areas. *A. Benzaoui, N. El Gharbi (USTHB, Algiers, DZ) [1590] P5.92 Thermodynamic possibilities and constraints for pure hydrogen production by iron based chemical looping process at lower temperatures. K. Svoboda1, G. Slowinski, *J. Rogut1, A. Siewiorek1 (Warsaw Tech. Univ., PL; 1JRC, Petten, NL) [1592] P5.93 Thermodynamic possibilities of pure hydrogen production by chromium, nickel and manganese-based chemical looping process at lower temperatures. *A. Siewiorek, K. Svoboda1, J. Rogut2 (JRC, Petten, NL; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2Cent. Min. Inst., Katowice, PL) [1549] P5.94 Effect of feed composition on economic and controllability analysis of conventional and divided-wall column. *M. Emtir, H. Showesh (Pet. Res. Cent., Tripoli, LY) [186] P5.95 Control of polluting emissions by Co-firing the renewable with the fossil fuel. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, *A. Desnickis1 (Univ. Latvia, Salaspils, LV; 1Riga Tech. Univ., LV) [699] P5.96 Electric control of combustion dynamics and pollutant emissions from the swirl stabilized premixed combustion. M. Zake, I. Barmina, *A. Desnickis1 (Univ. Latvia, Salaspils, LV; 1Riga Tech. Univ., LV) [727] P5.97 Decarbonising process integration for heat and power utility systems. *J.-K. Kim, R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1463] P5.98 Synthesis and characterization of polyindole based liquid crystalline containing mesogenic group at 3-position of indole ring. *A. Shahvelayati, S. H. Hosseini1, M. Ghazvini (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1Imam Hossein Univ., Tehran, IR) [148] P5.99 Modelling and simulation of a fed-batch reactive rectifier. *C. Ciornei, G. Bumbac, V. Plesu, V. Lavric (Univ. Politech., Bucuresti, RO) [96] P5.100 Stochastic modelling and the suitable operational policy resolving for defined configuration of chemical processes. *J. I. Mikulic, B. M. Nenadovic Mikulic (Petrochem. Ind., Pancevo, YU) [996] P5.101 Bioreactor performance in dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion of MSW: a laboratory scale experiment . T. F. Forster Carneiro, *M. Pérez García, L. I. Romero García, M. Á. De la Rubia1 (Univ. Cadiz, ES; 1Univ. Alicante, ES) [1015] P5.102 Thermal damage of T-junction in chemical industry. *R. Nekvasil, S. Vejvoda (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1363] P5.103 Modelling and optimisation of preventive maintenance machines periodicity. A. Benmounah (Bougara Univ., Boumerdes, DZ) [949] P5.104 Web based e-learning with centralized coaching. *G. W. Suter, R. Gfeller1 (Swiss Safety Inst., Basel, CH; 1SDN AG, Obfelden, CH) [1125] P5.105 Plant wide simulation using the free chemical process simulator Sim42: natural gas separation and reforming. *R. S. Dias, L. C. Silva1, A. J. D. Assis1 (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Fed. Univ. Uberlandia, BR) [1368] P5.106 Analysis of biomass oscillations in a chemostate cultures by means of mathematical and thermodynamic methods. *A. S. Skichko, E. M. Koltsova, N. V. Zakharova (Mendeleev Inst. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [199] P5.107 Catalytic steam gasification of biomass using alkali-nickel catalyst. *P. Kuchonthara, B. Puthasawat, A. Tsutsumi1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Univ. Tokyo, JP) [441] P5.108 H2 rich product gas from steam reforming of anaerobic digestion derived biogas. *M. Ashrafi, T. Pröll, H. Hofbauer (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [500] P5.109 Thermokinetic characterization of an herbaceous crop pyrolysis by differential scanning calorimetry. *C. J. Gómez Díaz, E. Velo, L. Puigjaner (Univ. Polit. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1297] P5.110 Exploring mechanisms leading to robust biochemical systems. *Z. Nagy, B. Bertok, F. Friedler, D.-Y. Lee1, L. T. Fan2, S. Shafie2 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Nat. Univ. Singapore, SG; 2Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS, US) [1331] P5.111 Enthalpy-driven optimization of intermittent drying. J. Bon (Univ. Valencia, ES) [1037] P5.112 Optimal shell and tube heat exchanger design using generalized disjunctive programming. *M. A. S. S. Ravagnani1, J. A. Caballero (Univ. Alicante, ES; 1Univ. Est. Maringa, BR) [559] P5.113 Plate heat exchangers for heat pumps. L. L. Tovazhnyanskyy, P. A. Kapustenko, *G. L. Khavin, O. P. Arsenyeva1 (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA; 1AO Sodrugestvo, Kharkiv, UA) [622] P5.114 Wavelet analysis of an unsteady flow in a rectangular sudden expansion. *A. Djati, M. Brahimi (Univ. Bejaia, DZ) [1000] P5.115 Optimized design of convection sections of petrochemical industrial furnaces. *E. Hříbková, J. Kohoutek (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1311] P5.116 Research and development of heat exchanger “water-sludge” and heat exchanger “flue gas-sludge”. *B. Kilkovský, J. Boráň, Z. Straňák, L. Houdková, Z. Jegla, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1367] P5.117 Novel integrated unit for polluted gas cleaning. *R. Dvořák, M. Dudeková, L. Bébar, P. Stehlík, J. Oral1 (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ; 1Eveco Ltd., Brno, CZ) [973] P5.118 Influence of operating parameters on absorptive flue gas cleaning process. *M. Dudeková, L. Bébar, D. Jecha, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1307] P5.119 Computational analysis of secondary combustion chamber in hazardous waste incinerator. J. Hájek, M. Šarlej, *P. Petr, M. Piskovský, T. Pařízek, L. Bébar, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [866] P5.120 A methodological proposal for monitoring atmospheric pollutants by means of satellites. F. Cumo, *G. Guidi1, V. Francione, E. Ortore (Univ. Rome La Sapienza, Roma, IT; 1ENEA, Roma, IT) [1669] P5.121 Optimal schedule of a dairy manufactory. *R. Adonyi, E. Shopova1, F. Friedler, N. Vaklieva-Bancheva1 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Inst. Chem. Eng., Sofia, BG) [560] P5.122 Addressing the scheduling of chemical supply chains under demand uncertainty. G. Guillén, A. Espuña, *L. Puigjaner (Univ. Polytech. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [876] P5.123 Demonstration program for S-graph based batch-process scheduling. *M. Hegyhati, R. Adonyi, T. Holczinger, F. Friedler (Univ. Veszprem, HU) [1444] P5.124 Relationship between molecular and morphologic characteristics with quality properties for polymers: applications for high density polyethylene with blow moulding application. *M. C. Bartasson, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [813] P5.125 Fuzzy mass balances of sugar factory flowsheets. R. Sabadi, *M. Dohnal1 (ICIDCA, Havana, CU; 1HiTech Center, Brno, CZ) [1244] P5.126 Green energy anaerobic digestion. S. Shankar (Venkateswara Coll. Eng., Chennai, IN) [1495] P5.127 Efficient trading of biomass fuels and analysis of fuel supply chains and business models for market actors by networking. E. Alakangas, P. Vesterinen, T. Lensu, J. Klemeš1, R. Smith1, *I. Bulatov1 (VTT, Jyvaskyla, FI; 1Univ. Manchester, UK) [1487] P5.128 AITEKIN: A new software tool for enhanced kinetics studies. R. Bagatin, S. Palmery, *C. Theodoropoulos1, J. Klemeš1, D. B. Galloway2, E. Pelosio3, V. Dovi3, B. Firth4, G. Kowalska5, K. Urbaniec5 (Polimeri Europa, Novara, IT; 1Univ. Manchester, UK; 2UOP London, UK; 3Technosind, Roma, IT; 4Firth Executive Ltd., Holyhead, UK; 5BUTiH, Poznan, PL) [1455] P5.129 Processing of sludge from pulp production. *V. Ucekaj, J. Boráň, L. Houdková, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1192] P5.130 Sustainability of the European sugar sector. *J. Wernik, K. Urbaniec, G. Vaccari1, P. Glavic2, M. Narodoslawsky3, G. Pezzi4, M. Bruhns5, A. Olkowicz6, A. Sloth Jensen7 (Warsaw Univ. Technol., PL; 1Univ. Ferrara, IT; 2Univ. Maribor, SI; 3Graz Univ. Technol., AT; 4Cooperativa Prod. Bieticoli, IT; 5Pfeifer&Langen, DE; 6Krajowa Spolka Cukrowa, PL; 7EnerDry, Aps, DK) [1736] P5.131 Desalination through HD method with assisted renewal energy (Part I). *M. Amidpour, M. A. Zienali1, M. Zamen, M. Sofari (Toosi Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Iran. RD Cent Chem. Ind., Tehran, IR) [9] DryingP5.132 Analysis of freeze drying and microwave vacuum drying processes for retinol concentration. E. T. Koroishi, E. A. Boss, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [428] P5.133 Development of orange juice freeze drying process. E. T. Koroishi, E. A. Boss, *R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [461] P5.134 The influence of the microwave assisted drying on the condition of the rape seeds. A. Koziol, *A. Lupinska, M. Lupinski, M. Araszkiewicz (Univ. Technol., Wroclaw, PL) [410] P5.135 A mathematical model to describe temperature distribution and moisture evolution in a microwave drying process . J. I. Lombraña, R. Rodriguez, *C. de Elvira1 (Univ Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES; 1Inst. Frio (CSIC), Madrid, ES) [672] P5.136 Dewatering of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumethylsulfate (ECOENGTM212) in a falling film evaporator. *F. K. Weise, M. Uerdingen1, S. Scholl (Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, DE; 1Solvent Innovation GmbH, Köln, AL) [718] P5.137 Spray drying of multi-component suspensions with different density. *V. Brozek, J. Domlatil (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1203] P5.138 Drying of the powdery biomaterials – interparticular forces influence in fluidized bed drying. G. Jinescu, P. Vasilescu, *G. Isopencu, M. Mares (Univ. Politech., Bucuresti, RO) [650] P5.139 Drying of fine sand in a draft-tube conical spouted bed. *G. López, H. Altzibar, M. Olazar, M. J. San José, S. Alvarez (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1314] P5.140 Meso-scale modelling and tomographic visualisation of solvent drying from packed bed of crystal particles. *M. Kohout, Z. Grof1, F. Stepanek1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Imperial Coll., London, UK) [547] P5.141 Experimental factorial designs to produce niobium precursor by spray drying process. U. C. Oliveira Filho, M. B. Dantas Bezerra, F. A. Oliveira Fontes, *C. P. Souza (UFRN, Natal, BR) [739] P5.142 Transport phenomena of a spray drying used for the obtaining of the powder of niobate oxalate of ammonia ((NH4)3[NbO(C2O4)3]3H2O). S. A. Oliveira, J. E. S. Ourique, *C. P. Souza (UFRN, Natal, BR) [843] P5.143 Textural analysis of dried and defrost chestnuts. *R. Moreira, F. Chenlo, N. Abelenda, M. J. Vazquez (Univ. Santiago Compostela, ES) [840] P5.144 Convective drying rate curves of pre-treated chestnuts by means of osmotic processes. *R. Moreira, F. Chenlo, L. Chaguri (Univ. Santiago Compostela, ES) [701] P5.145 Control of enzymatic browning in parsley. V. Pilizota, *D. Subaric, N. Nedic Tiban, S. Prpic (J. J. Strossmayer Univ., Osijek, HR) [698] P5.146 Colour change kinetics of okra and spinach during microwave drying. *G. Dadali, E. Demirhan, D. K. Apar, B. Özbek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [1165] P5.147 Microwave drying kinetics of okra and spinach. *G. Dadali, E. Demirhan, D. K. Apar, B. Özbek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [1167] P5.148 Rehydration kinetics of okra and spinach during microwave drying. *G. Dadali, E. Demirhan, D. K. Apar, B. Özbek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [1169] P5.149 Thermal treatment of wood at high temperatures. *D. Kocaefe, R. Younsi, S. Poncsak, Y. Kocaefe (Univ. Quebec, CA) [155] P5.150 Determination of parameters influencing drying of canola seed in a vertical bed dryer. *M. Niakousari, S. Javadian1 (Shiraz Univ., IR; 1Fars Eng. Res. Cent., Shiraz, IR) [1734] Heat transfer processes and equipmentP5.152 New model for natural convection on an inclined plate. *M. N. Bouaziz, S. Hanini, M. Bouksani (Univ. Medea, DZ) [1064] P5.153 New natural convection model on an inclined plate. Experiments and comparisons. *M. N. Bouaziz, S. Hanini, M. Bouksani (Univ. Médéa, DZ) [1559] P5.154 Effect of heat and mass buoyancy convection in a partially porous cavity. O. Rahli, *K. Bouhadef (USTHB, Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1129] P5.155 Experiments on free-convection heat transfer from vertical slender cylinders. *C. O. Popiel, J. Wojtkowiak (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [490] P5.156 Forced convection in annular curved pipe filled with porous medium. *A. Azzi, K. Bencheikh, R. Kibboua (USTHB, Alger, DZ) [495] P5.157 Thermal pressure forming of food materials. *J. Skočilas, R. Žitný (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1296] P5.158 Numerical analysis of fluid flow in heat exchanger with non-standard inlet sections. J. Bartoszewicz (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [140] P5.159 Laminar film condensation on an elliptical tube with porous coating. *R. Kibboua, A. Kechnit, A. Azzi (USTHB, Alger, DZ) [538] P5.160 Influence of the flow turbulence on heat transfer on a sphere surface. L. Bogusławski (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [514] P5.161 Heat transfer for the viscous liquids in a vessel equipped with reciprocating plate agitator. *S. Masiuk, R. Rakoczy, M. Kordas (Szczecin Univ. Technol., PL) [502] P5.162 Experimental investigation of pollutant formation in pulverized coal combustion on axial-blade swirl type burner model. *N. D. Crnomarkovic, B. S. Repic, R. V. Mladenovic (Inst. Nucl. Sci. Vinca, Beograd, YU) [489] P5.163 Heat transfer conditions and ultrasonic measurements of alumina based refractories. *T. Volkov-Husovic, R. M. Jancic, L. Pavlovic1, S. Martinovic1, A. Terzic1 (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, YU; 1Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, YU) [337] P5.164 Estimate of effectiveness of a rectangular annular fin obtained by numerical and analytical way. S. Zoubiri, *Y. K. Benkahla (USTHB, Alger, DZ) [174] P5.165 Development of new techniques of non-destructive analysis based in infrared thermography for its application in the detection of appeased lack of adhesion in facades of buildings. *F. Cerdeira, M. E. Vázquez (Univ. Vigo, ES) [717] P5.166 Metallic carriers of thin-layer catalysts for selective oxidation or incineration of volatile organic compounds. *W. Krajewski, Z. Najzarek1 (Inst. Chem. Eng., Gliwice, PL; 1Opole Univ. Technol., PL) [988] P5.167 Study of thermal diffusivity rubber compounds. *P. Urbanec, A. Blaha (T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [1181] P5.168 Flow field in partial nucleate boiling by PIV technique. *S. Basic, L. Skerget (Univ. Maribor, SI) [1558] P5.169 Cooling generation process with the help of a recovered geothermal energy in arid areas. *A. Benzaoui, N. El Gharbi (USTHB, Algiers, DZ) [1578] P5.170 Thermal study by a nodal model of the unit tank-lng in interaction with environment. S. Ait Ferhat, *A. Benbrik, D. Lemonnier1 (Univ. Boumerdes, DZ; 1LET ENSMA, Futuroscope, FR) [1596] P5.171 Dielectric heating of syntetic and natural rubber. *P. Louckova, R. Pospisil1, Z. Dvorak1, M. Manas1 (Barum Continental Ltd., Otrokovice, CZ; 1T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [203] Next page |