Lectures H
H1 - Sunday morning
PRES 2014
11:00 -- P. Varbanov: Introduction: PRES 2014 opening and PRES ‘15 presentation
Sustainable biofuel production and use
Chairpersons: C. C. Cormos, I. Vural GurselH1.1 11:20 Distillate range of hydrocarbon production from bio-ethanol dehydration using HY and HBeta as supports of phosphorus oxide.
*J. Kittikarnchanaporn, S. Jitkarnka1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [610]
H1.2 11:40 Theoretical study on the ethanol-fuelled SOFC system integrated with dehumidifier. P. Tippawan, S. Assabumrungrat, *A. Arpornwichanop (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [1015]
H1.3 12:00 Assessment of hydrogen and power co-generation based on biomass direct chemical looping systems . *C.-C. Cormos, A.-M. Cormos, L. Petrescu (Babes Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, RO) [174]
H1.4 12:20 Heat-integrated novel process of liquid fuel production from bio resources – Process simulation and costing study. *I. Vural Gursel, Q. Wang, T. Noel, V. Hessel, G. Kolb, A. van Veen1 (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 1Univ. Warwick, Coventry, UK) [390]
H2 - Sunday afternoon
PRES 2014
Integrated CO2 capture
Chairpersons: N. Ozalp, P. SeferlisH2.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: On the efficient screening and selection of post-combustion CO2 capture solvents. *A. I. Papadopoulos, S. Badr1, A. Chremos2, T. Zarogiannis, P. Seferlis3, S. Papadokonstantakis1, C. S. Adjiman2, A. Galindo2, G. Jackson2 (Chem. Proc. Eng. Res. Inst., Thessaloniki, GR; 1ETH, Zurich, CH; 2Imperial Coll., London, UK; 3Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR) [721]
H2.2 14:40 Synthesis and optimization of membrane systems for CO2 capture applications. *R. Anantharaman, K. Lindqvist (SINTEF, Tronheim, NO) [967]
H2.3 15:00 Multi-objective optimisation of hybrid CO2 capture processes using exergy analysis. *J. C. Li Yuen Fong1, C. Anderson, B. Hooper, A. Hoadley1 (Univ. Melbourne, AU; 1Monash Univ., Victoria, AU) [1026]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Industrial & experimental studies
Chairpersons: K. Georgopoulos, C. S. KhorH2.4 16:20 Structured packing evaluation in sour gases treatment. *R. H. Chavez, J. J. Guadarrama1 (Inst. Nac. Inv. Nucl., Ocoyoacac, MX; 1Tech. Inst. Toluca, Metepec, MX) [484]
H2.5 16:40 Modeling and optimization of a two-stage MOF-based pressure/vacuum swing adsorption process coupled with material selection.
*K. Leperi, H. Gao, R. Q. Snurr, F. Q. You (Northwestern Univ., Evanston IL, US) [1350]
H2.6 17:00 Optimisation of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process for producing high purity CO2 for sequestration purposes. *I. Sharma, A. Hoadley1, S. M. Mahajani, A. Ganesh (Indian Inst. Technol., Bombay, IN; 1Monash Univ., Victoria, AU) [466]
H2.7 17:20 Utilization of emissions of CO2 by production of mineral fertilizers. *G. Mingaleeva, A. Nikolaev, E. Shamsutdinov1 (Kazan Sci. Center, Russ. Acad. Sci., RU; 1Kazan State Power Eng. Univ., RU) [842]
H3 - Monday morning
PRES 2014
11:00 -- Introductions: J. Klemeš, V. Kafarov, B. Kalitventzeff
Honouring Acad. Kafarov (1)
Chairpersons: V. Kafarov, J. KlemešH3.1 11:20 Keynote lecture: From academic research work to industrial process implementation. B. Kalitventzeff (Belsim SA, Awans, BE) [1414]
H3.2 11:40 Development and implementation of methods of cybernetics in technologies of chemical reagents and high purity substances.
A. Bessarabov (Sci. Cent. Low-tonnage Chem., Moskva, RU) [1274]
H3.3 12:00 Modelling the dynamical regimes of mass transfer in cascades of through-reactors. *A. Kalbayeva, S. Kurakbayeva, A. Zhidebaeva, E. Musrepova1 (State Univ. South Kazakhstan, Shimkent, KZ; 1Kaz. Nat. Pedag. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [1352]
H3.4 12:20 Effect of impurities in the polymerization reaction of crude glycerol to produce polyglycerol, using sulphuric acid as catalyst.
C. Ardila-Suárez, J. Rojas-Cristancho, J. Pineda- Martínez, G. Ramirez-Caballero, *A. Ramirez-Garcia (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [1576]
H4 - Monday afternoon
PRES 2014
Honouring Acad. Kafarov (2)
Chairpersons: V. G. Dovi, B. GolmanH4.2 14:20 Computation of the solid catalyzed gas phase reactions with a simultaneous choice of the scheme of the reactions for different
composition of the initial reaction mixture. *T. N. Gartman, F. S. Sovetin, E. A. Proskuro, V. F. Shvets, R. A. Kozlovskiy, Y. P. Suchkov, V. N. Sapunov, A. S. Loktev1, D. A. Levchenko1, A. G. Dedov1 (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1Gubkin State Univ. Oil Gas, Moskva, RU) [1422]
H4.3 14:40 The Italian-Russian scientific collaboration in chemical engineering: a legacy of V.V. Kafarov. *V. G. Dovì, V. P. Meshalkin1 (Univ. Genova, IT; 1Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1516]
H4.4 15:00 Study on spray drying for the production of high value particles. *B. Golman, W. Julklang (Suranaree Univ. Technol., Nakhorn Ratchasema, TH) [1261]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Honouring Acad. Kafarov (3)
Chairpersons: D. Kasperczyk, Z. VargaH4.5 16:20 Development of a step-growth polymerization kinetics model for polyglycerol production. C. Ardila-Suárez, *G. Ramirez-Caballero, A. Ramirez-Garcia (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [1598]
H4.6 16:40 Techno-economic evaluation of quality improvement of heavy gas oil with different processes. *Z. Varga, Z. Eller, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [944]
H4.7 17:00 Removal of pollutants from the ventillation air in a copper-ore mine using a compact trickle-bed bioreactor. *D. Kasperczyk, K. Urbaniec1, K. Barbusiński2 (Ekoinwentyka Ltd., Ruda Slaska, PL; 1Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL; 2Silesian Univ. Technol., Gliwice, PL) [761]
H4.8 17:20 Fluidization behaviour in an industrial-scale LLDPE polymerization fluidized bed reactor: Impacts of the perforated distributor.
*V. Akbari, H. R. Godini1, H. Kazemi Esfeh, M. K. A. Hamid (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE) [5]
H4.9 17:40 Investigation on zero flaring during start up in the gas refinery. *M. Haghighi Asl, M. Ghaedian, B. Jamshidi, A. R. Mohajeri, M. Sarkari (South Pars Gas Complex Co., Asalooyeh, IR) [1284]
H5 - Tuesday morning
PRES 2014
Industrial & experimental studies (1)
Chairpersons: A. Arpornwichanop, D. KukulkaH5.1 8:30 Experimental approach of ceramic membranes parameters for the design and simulation of ultrafiltration processes. A. García, *I. Egüés, W. Wukovits1, A. Friedl1, J. Labidi (Univ. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, ES; 1Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [350]
H5.2 8:50 Keynote lecture: Evaporation characteristics of Vipertex 1EHT enhanced heat transfer tubes. *D. J. Kukulka, R. Smith1, W. Li2 (State Univ. New York, Buffalo NY, US; 1Vipertex, Buffalo NY, US; 2Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, CN) [73]
H5.3 9:50 Discrete modelling of a multiparticle diffusion process and front propagation: dynamics and source effects. *A. P. Reverberi, R. Ferrando, B. Fabiano, V. G. Dovì (Univ. Genova, IT) [1407]
H5.4 10:10 Development of an industrial iron-making melter gasifier model with multiphase equilibrium calculations. *O. Almpanis-Lekkas, W. Wukovits, B. Weiss1 (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT; 1Siemens VAI Met. Technol. GmbH, Linz, AT) [429]
H5.5 10:30 A theoretical and experimental investigation of wastewater treatment for a polyethylene terephthalate production unit. *L. Vafajoo, A. Mohammadpour, F. Khorasheh1 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [80]
10:50 Coffee break, poster session
Industrial & experimental studies (2)
Chairpersons: K. Guo, T. G. WalmsleyH5.6 11:20 Keynote lecture: Application of interval analysis to the reconciliation of process data when models subject to uncertainties are used. A. P. Reverberi, M. Vocciante, *V. G. Dovì (Univ. Genova, IT) [157]
H5.7 12:00 Cost benefits analysis for waste heat utilization in sinter cooling bed. *Y. Liu, J. Yang, Z. L. Cheng, J. Wang, Q. W. Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [363]
H5.8 12:20 Experimental and numerical investigations on structured catalysts for methane steam reforming intensification. *V. Palma, M. Miccio, A. Ricca, E. Meloni, P. Ciambelli (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [383]
H5.9 12:40 The oligomerization of high olefin containing hydrocarbon fractions on ion exchange resin catalyst. *E. Kriván, S. Tomasek, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [492]
H6 - Tuesday afternoon
PRES 2014
Industrial application & optimal design
Chairpersons: R. T. L. Ng, M. R. W. WalmsleyH6.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Thermo-economic assessment tool for industrial milk spray dryer exhaust heat recovery systems with particulate fouling. *T. G. Walmsley, M. R. W. Walmsley, M. J. Atkins, J. R. Neale (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ) [816]
H6.2 14:40 Temperature control of batch suspension polyvinyl chloride reactors. *Á. Bárkányi, S. Németh, B. G. Lakatos (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [861]
H6.3 15:00 A heuristic framework for inherent occupational health assessment in chemical process design. *R. T. L. Ng, M. H. Hassim, M. Hurme1 (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Aalto Univ., FI) [78]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Industrial application & optimal design
Chairpersons: J.-K. Kim, J. OravecH6.4 16:20 Keynote lecture: Minimum solvent flow rate for countercurrent liquid-liquid extraction columns. *J. Bonet, V. Plesu1, A. E. Bonet Ruiz1, A. Tuluc1, J. Llorens, P. Iancu1 (Univ. Barcelona, ES; 1Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO) [1074]
H6.5 17:00 A study on the combustion dynamics of a biomass fuel bed in a BioGrate boiler. *A. Boriouchkine, V. Sharifi1, J. Swithenbank1, S.-L. Jämsä-Jounela (Aalto Univ., FI; 1Univ. Sheffield, UK) [1306]
H6.6 17:20 Bio-ethanol dehydration to hydrocarbons using Ga2O3/beta zeolites with various Si/Al2 ratios. *S. Sujeerakulkai, S. Jitkarnka (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [422]
H6.7 17:40 Performance improvement of biomass cogeneration plant by dual loop organic Rankine cycle. *D. Lončar, Z. Guzović, N. Šerman (Fac. Mech. Eng. Naval Archit., Zagreb, HR) [1390]
H7 - Wednesday morning
PRES 2014
EU projects & green energy
Chairpersons: I. Bulatov, P. KapustenkoH7.1 8:30 The development of heat substation for drying waste heat utilization. *A. O. Gariev, J. J. Klemeš1, S. K. Kusakov2, L. L. Tovazhnyanskyy, P. Anokhin3, P. O. Kapustenko, O. P. Arsenyeva, L. Čuček1 (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 2Sodruzhestvo, Kharkiv, UA; 3Philip Morris Ukraine, Kharkiv, UA) [1014]
H7.2 8:50 Keynote lecture: Rate-based modelling of CO2 capture process by reactive absorption with MEA. *B.-H. Li, N. Zhang1, R. Smith1 (Dalian Univ., CN; 1Univ. Manchester, UK) [1363]
H7.3 9:30 Improving heat recovery of heat exchanger network with intensified heat transfer. *M. Pan, R. Smith, I. Bulatov (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1039]
H7.4 9:50 Process integration for bromine plant. *S. Boldyryev, P. S. Varbanov1 (PJSC Brom, Krasnoperekopsk, UA; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1105]
H7.5 10:10 HyTIME – Combined biohydrogen and biogas production from 2nd generation biomass. A. Drljo, *W. Wukovits, A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [524]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
EU projects & green energy
Chairpersons: M. Binns, M. PanH7.6 11:00 A methodical approach for energy efficiency analysis based on existing process models. *T. Bohnenstaedt, G. Fieg (Hamburg Univ. Technol., DE) [533]
H7.7 11:20 Low grade heat recovery at process sites and local energy systems. *M. Binns, S.-Y. Oh, D.-H. Kwak, J.-K. Kim (Hanyang Univ., Seoul, KR) [688]
H7.8 11:40 About the possibilities of the heat exchangers network retrofit for post-combustion CO2 capture unit without stream splitting.
O. Y. Perevertaylenko, *A. O. Gariev, T. Damartzis, L. L. Tovazhnyanskyy, P. O. Kapustenko, O. P. Arsenyeva (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA) [1006]
H7.9 12:00 Shifted retrofit thermodynamic diagram: a modified tool for retrofitting on heat exchanger network. *J. Y. Yong, P. S. Varbanov, J. J. Klemeš (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1620]
H7.10 12:20 Optimal design technologies for gas-fire plant and integration in CO2 capture. *M. Pan, S. J. Perry, R. Smith, M. Gharaie, A. A. Ifeoma, I. Bulatov (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1061]
H8 - Wednesday afternoon
PRES 2014
EU projects & green energy
Chairpersons: Ž. Knez, Z. KravanjaH8.1 14:20 Keynote lecture: A new steam turbine model for utility system design and optimization. *L. Sun, R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [198]
H8.2 15:00 Synthesizing Total Site networks for direct and indirect inter-process heat exchange. A. Nemet, J. Hosnar, J. J. Klemeš1, *Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1514]
H8.3 15:20 Identification of process integration options for CO2 capture in Greek lignite-fired power plant. *P. Y. Liew, J. J. Klemeš, A. Doukelis1, N. Zhang2, P. Seferlis3 (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Nat. Tech. Univ., Athens, GR; 2Univ. Manchester, UK; 3Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR) [1126]
15:40 Coffee break, poster session
EU projects & green energy
Chairpersons: P. Varbanov, J. Y. YongH8.4 16:40 Keynote lecture: Efficient transshipment-based framework for energy targeting and retrofitting industrial Total Sites. L. Čuček, *Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI) [1505]
H8.5 17:20 The choice of the optimal retrofit method for sections of the catalytic reforming unit. L. M. Ulyev, P. O. Kapustenko1, *D. D. Nechiporenko (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA; 1Sodruzhestvo, Kharkiv, UA) [1123]
H8.6 17:40 Data acquisition for Total Sites analyses under varying operational conditions. L. Čuček, K. Zirngast, J. Y. Yong1, V. Mantelli2, M. Vocciante3, P. S. Varbanov1, J. J. Klemeš1, V. G. Dovì3, A. Gariev4, P. O. Kapustenko4, *Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 2IPLOM SPA, Busalla, IT; 3Univ. Genova, IT; 4Sodruzhestvo, Kharkiv, UA) [1517]
H8.7 18:00 A new absorption-desorption pilot plant for CO2-capture . *N. Hüser, E. Y. Kenig (Univ. Paderborn, DE) [79]
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