Lectures J
J1 - Sunday morning
PRES 2014
11:00 -- P. Seferlis: Introduction: PRES 2014 opening and PRES ‘15 presentation
Industrial application & optimal design (1)
Chairpersons: A. I. Papadopoulos, L. PerkovićJ1.1 11:20 Keynote lecture: Framework of coherent structure method (CSM) for LES simulation of isothermal and reacting swirling flows. *L. Perković, N. Duić (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [1093]
J1.2 12:00 Modelling of multi-layer foam gypsum drying process. *U. Gross, U. Iljins, A. Gajevskis, J. Skujans (Latvia Univ. Agric., Jelgava, LV) [286]
J1.3 12:20 Effect of gas diffusion layer properties on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. H. Kazemi Esfeh, A. Azarafza1, V. Akbari, *M. K. A. Hamid (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Iran Univ. Sci. Technol., Tehran, IR) [49]
J2 - Sunday afternoon
PRES 2014
Industrial application & optimal design (2)
Chairpersons: B. Fabiano, D. PapasideroJ2.1 14:20 Stimuli-responsive platforms for integrated multifunctional intelligent systems. C. G. Siontorou, *K. N. Georgopoulos (Univ. Piraeus, GR) [290]
J2.2 14:40 Relating bread baking process operating conditions to the product quality: a modeling approach. *D. Papasidero, F. Manenti, M. Corbetta, R. Francesco (Politecnico, Milano, IT) [757]
J2.4 15:00 Modelling approach to the evaluation of explosion limits of ethylene-air mixtures at flowing conditions for industrial process
optimisation. E. Palazzi, F. Pistritto, A. P. Reverberi1, *B. Fabiano (Polytech. School, Genova, IT; 1Univ. Genova, IT) [1428]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
More efficient operation
Chairpersons: M. Balintova, T. KulcsarJ2.5 16:20 Keynote lecture: PDLF-based robust MPC of a heat exchanger network. *J. Oravec, M. Bakošová (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [355]
J2.6 17:00 Synergy between data reconciliation and principal component analysis in energy monitoring. *B. Farsang, S. Németh, J. Abonyi (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [185]
J2.7 17:20 Modelling and operational assessment of micro-multigeneration for residential applications. M. Badami, *G. Chicco, A. Dacio, A. Portoraro, F. Spertino (Politecnico, Torino, IT) [169]
J2.8 17:40 Feature selection algorithms for model development and reason analysis in energy monitoring and targeting. *T. Kulcsar, J. Abonyi, M. Balaton, L. Nagy (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [896]
J3 - Monday morning
PRES 2014
CFD and heat transfer numerics (1)
Chairpersons: A. Egedy, Z. JeglaJ3.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Numerical analysis of heat transfer in radiant section of fired heater with realistic imperfect geometry of tube coil. *Z. Jegla, J. Hájek, J. Vondál (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [136]
J3.2 11:40 Numerical investigation of the air flow in a novel PV-Trombe wall based on CFD method. *Y. Su, B. Zhao1, X. Xu (Donghua Univ., Shanghai, CN; 1Shanghai Univ. Sci. Technol., CN) [1112]
J3.3 12:00 Investigations of heat transfer mechanisms between a moving sphere and a static plate with Computational Fluid Dynamics. *G. Brösigke, A. Herter1, M. Rädle1, J.-U. Repke (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, DE; 1Hochschule Mannheim, DE) [50]
J3.4 12:20 CFD assisted scale up of a rotating drum leaching reactor. *A. Egedy, S. Fogarasi1, T. Varga, Á. Imre-Lucaci1, T. Chován (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Babes Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, RO) [319]
J4 - Monday afternoon
PRES 2014
Sustainable biofuel production (2)
Chairpersons: J. Hájek, K. ShahzadJ4.1 14:00 Biogas production from intercropping/intercrops (synenergy). *K. Shahzad, S. Maier, M. Narodoslawsky (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [561]
J4.2 14:20 Investigation of storage stability of gas oils containing waste originated biodiesel. *G. Pölczmann, O. Tóth, Á. Beck1, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1MOL Hung. Oil Gas Plc., Szazhalombatta, HU) [451]
J4.3 14:40 Metallic Sn- and SnO2-doped SAPO-34 as model catalysts for investigating the effect of oxidation states on bio-ethanol dehydration
products. *U. Chinniyomphanich, S. Jitkarnka1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [457]
J4.4 15:00 The bioCRACK process – a refinery integrated biomass-to-liquid concept to produce diesel from biogenic feedstock. *J. Ritzberger, P. Pucher, N. Schwaiger1, M. Siebenhofer1 (BioDiesel Int., Grambach, AT; 1Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [1379]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
CFD and heat transfer numerics (2)
Chairpersons: Á. Bárkányi, W. OsleyJ4.5 16:20 Keynote lecture: Study on heat transfer and pressure drop performances of airfoil-shaped printed circuit heat exchanger. *L. Li, T. Ma, X. Y. Xu, M. Zeng, Q. W. Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [370]
J4.6 17:00 On the applicability of RANS-turbulence models in CFD simulations for the description of turbulent free jets during biomass
combustion. *M. Miltner, C. Jordan, M. Harasek (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [908]
J4.7 17:20 Infrared thermography and CFD analysis of hydrocarbon jet fires. *L. G. Zarate Lopez, H. E. Lara, M. E. Cordero Sanchez, B. Kozanoglu1 (Univ. Aut. Puebla, MX; 1Univ. Amer. Puebla, MX) [677]
J4.8 17:40 Computational fluid dynamics investigation of air cooled heat exchangers. *W. G. Osley, P. Drögemüller, P. Ellerby, I. Gibbard1 (Cal Gavin Ltd., Alcester, UK; 1Progressive Thermal Eng., UK) [579]
J5 - Tuesday morning
PRES 2014
WTE (2)
Chairpersons: M. Pavlas, M. ToušJ5.1 8:30 Co-gasification of rice production wastes. *R. N. Andre, F. Pinto, M. Miranda, C. Carolino, P. Costa (LNEG, Lisboa, PT) [1315]
J5.2 8:50 Keynote lecture: Waste-to-energy plant operation planning based on stochastic simulation. *M. Touš, M. Pavlas (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [828]
J5.3 9:30 Gasification conversion and char reactivity of rubber seed shell and high density polyethylene mixtures using steam co-gasification
process. *B. L. F. Chin, S. Yusup, A. Al Shoaibi1, P. Kannan1, C. Srinivasakannan1, S. A. Sulaiman (Univ. Teknol. Petronas, Tronoh, MY; 1Petroleum Inst., Abu Dhabi, AE) [228]
J5.4 9:50 Effect of experimental conditions on liquids composition produced by co-pyrolysis of rice husk and plastics wastes. *P. Costa, F. Pinto, M. Miranda, R. N. Andre (LNEC, Lisboa, PT) [1323]
J5.5 10:10 Quality improvement of waste tyre pyrolysis oil by using Cu/HMOR as a catalyst. *R. Yuwapornpanit, S. Jitkarnka (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [749]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
Knowledge management and transfer
Chairpersons: A. M. Josceanu, S. MoretJ5.6 11:00 Keynote lecture: Swiss-EnergyScope.ch: a platform to widely spread energy literacy and aid decision-making. *S. Moret, V. Codina Gironès, F. Maréchal, D. Favrat (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [966]
J5.7 11:40 e-Chemistry, next step. A. M. Dumitrescu, *A. M. Josceanu, R. D. Isopescu, P. Postelnicescu, V. Plesu, F. Ghindescu-Negura1 (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 1Siveco Romania, Bucuresti, RO) [1326]
J5.8 12:00 The role of companies in accomplishing environmental sustainability engineering. M. A. A. Al-dujaili (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1485]
J5.9 12:20 The R&D value cycle of nano-enanbled medical devices – The case of biosensors. C. G. Siontorou (Univ. Piraeus, GR) [292]
J6 - Tuesday afternoon
PRES 2014
Sustainable biofuel production (3)
Chairpersons: W. P. Q. Ng, A. RomJ6.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Waste-to-wealth: Energy Pack as an integrated biofuel. *W. P. Q. Ng, H. L. Lam (Univ. Nottingham, Semenyih, MY) [143]
J6.2 14:40 Thermal integration of different plants configurations of sugar and ethanol production from sugarcane. *E. A. Pina, R. Palacios-Bereche, M. F. Chavez-Rodriguez1, A. V. Ensinas, M. Modesto, S. A. Nebra2 (UFABC, Santo Andre, BR; 1UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR; 2UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [494]
J6.3 15:00 Comparison of sweepgas and vacuum membrane distillation as in-situ separation of ethanol from aqueous solutions. *A. Rom, M. Strommer, A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [210]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
J7 - Wednesday morning
PRES 2014
WTE and biofuels
Chairpersons: A. Irabien Gulias, J. D. SilvaJ7.2 8:50 Design and fabrication of bench-scale flash pyrolysis reactor for bio-fuel production. N. Alias, *N. Ibrahim, M. K. Abd Hamid, H. Hasbullah (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY) [1173]
J7.3 9:10 Response surface methodology analysis for photocatalytic conversion of CO2 in presence of CH4 over nitrogen-doped titania
nanotube arrays. S. Delavari, *N. A. S. Amin (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY) [1220]
J7.4 9:30 Impact of zeolites channel structure on structure of hydrocarbon compounds and petrochemicals in waste tyre-derived oils.
*S. Muenpol, S. Jitkarnka1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [669]
J7.5 9:50 Comparison of components in oil derived from tire pyrolysis with and without KL catalyst using GC × GC / TOF-MS. *S. Pithakratanayothin, S. Jitkarnka1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [575]
J7.6 10:10 Study on an integrated proton exchange membrane fuel cell system fuelled by mixture of bio-ethanol and methane. A. Arpornwichanop3, U. Suwanmanee, D. Saebea1, Y. Patcharavorachot2, *S. Authayanun (Srinakharinwirot Univ., Nakhon Nayok, TH; 1Burapha Univ., Chonburi, TH; 2King Mongkut´s Univ. Technol., North Bangkok, TH; 3Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [485]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
Water and energy integration
Chairpersons: Z. Novak Pintarič, L. SunJ7.7 11:00 Keynote lecture: Designing optimal water networks for the appropriate economic criteria. *Z. Novak Pintarič, N. Ibrić1, E. Ahmetović1, I. E. Grossmann2, Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI; 1Univ. Tuzla, BA; 2Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh PA, US) [601]
J7.8 11:40 Optimization of cooling-water systems with temperature-rise and pressure-drop constraints. *J. Sun, X. Feng (China Univ. Petrol., Beijing, CN) [724]
J7.9 12:00 Design method of optimal and flexible water networks with regeneration processes. G. Poplewski (Rzeszow Univ. Technol., PL) [851]
J7.10 12:20 Integration of membrane technologies for the sustainable management of reverse osmosis brines. A. Pérez-González, R. Ibañez, P. Gómez1, *A. Urtiaga, I. Ortiz (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES; 1APRIA Systems S.L., Camargo, ES) [1040]
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