Posters P7, Wednesday
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturization
P7.1 Bisphenol-A process intensification by reactive stripping. *A. Manchekar, S. Anapat (SABIC Res.&Technol., Bangalore, IN) [1421]
P7.2 Influence of dissolved oxygen on degradation of 4-chlorophenol in photo microreactor. *M. Drhová, S. Hejda1, P. Kluson, J. Křišťál (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Purkyne Univ., Usti n/L, CZ) [1339]
P7.3 Process intensification of the MDA-process using the DTU PI methodology. A. M. Benneker, A. G. J. van der Ham, *H. van den Berg, B. de Waele1, A.-J. Zeeuw1 (Twente Univ., Enschede, NL; 1Huntsman Holland, Rotterdam, NL) [341]
2020+ Chemical manufacturing – commercial and technical impact from EU projects
P7.9 Liquid-phase methanol synthesis in the low pressure field. A. V. Bykov, M. A. Rubin, E. M. Sulman, *M. G. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [236]
P7.10 Runaway reaction in the epoxydation of vegetable oil. E. Salzano, V. Russo1, *R. Tesser1, M. Di Serio1 (Ist. Ric. Combust. CNR, Napoli, IT; 1Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT) [1136]
PRES 2014
P7.16 Sustainable gas phase selective photocatalytic oxidation of cyclohexane on MoOx/TiO2/SiO2 catalysts. *D. Sannino, V. Vaiano, P. Ciambelli (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [408]
P7.17 Use of numerical methods for the evaluation of pollutant dispersion based on advection-diffusion equation. *M. F. Pereira, S. A. Pozza, V. S. Timóteo (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [412]
P7.18 CO2 adsorption on activated carbon modified with polybenzoxazine. *S. Puntuchinrungsima, P. Rangsunvijit1, T. Chaisuwan, S. Kulprathipanja2 (Petrol. Petrochem. Coll., Bangkok, TH; 1Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 2Honeywell Co., Des Plaines IL, US) [424]
P7.19 Determination of concentrations of volatile organic compounds in indoor environment of residential buildings. *L. Meciarova, S. Vilčeková (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [428]
P7.20 Efficiency analysis of advanced g class gas turbine feed with Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) and mixture gas of syngas and SNG.
P.-C. Chen, H. M. Chiu, *Y.-P. Chyou (Inst. Nucl. Energy Res., Longtan, TW) [433]
P7.21 Energy evaluation in ethanol production by enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane biomass using different pre-treatments methods.
*R. Palacios-Bereche, A. V. Ensinas, M. Modesto, S. A. Nebra1 (UFABC, Santo Andre, BR; 1UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [435]
P7.22 Experimental analysis of spatial evolution of mean droplet diameters in effervescent sprays. *J. Broukal, J. Hájek (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [437]
P7.23 Optimal design of solvent based post combustion CO2 capture processes in quicklime plants. *T. Damartzis, A. Kouneli, A. I. Papadopoulos1, P. Seferlis1, G. Dimitriadis2 (Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR; 1Chem. Proc. Eng. Res. Inst., Thessaloniki, GR; 2CaO-Hellas (CERT), Thessaloniki, GR) [465]
P7.24 Organic solvent recovery and reuse in solute fractionation and purification processes by nanofiltration membrane cascades.
*R. Abejón, A. Garea, A. Irabien Gulías (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [468]
P7.25 Reactor design of microwave assisted demetallization of heavy crude oil. *H. Shang, J. C. Shi, J. Li1, W. H. Zhang (China Univ. Petrol., Beijing, CN; 1PetroChina Planning&Eng. Inst., Beijing, CN) [478]
P7.26 The influence of thermal resistance of condenser fouling on power generated by a condensation-type steam turbine. *S. Alabrudzinski, M. Markowski, M. Trafczynski (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [491]
P7.27 Theoretical analysis of the wall deposition of particles in spray dryers. A. Patniboon, P. Ponpesh, A. Soottitantawat, *A. Arpornwichanop (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [493]
P7.28 Vanadium-ceria catalysts for the selective partial oxidation of H2S from biogas. *V. Palma, D. Barba, P. Ciambelli (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [496]
P7.29 Comparison of sequential and simultaneous approaches for multiperiod heat exchanger network synthesis and application for
crude preheat train. *P. Tangnanthanakan, K. Siemanond1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [503]
P7.30 Heat exchanger network synthesis on gas separation plant no.2 (GSP2) in Thailand. *N. Angsutorn, P. Saikhaw, R. Chuvaree1, K. Siemanond2 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1PTT Company, Bangkok, TH; 2Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [507]
P7.31 Recycling technology of the glass furnace flue dust. *Y.-T. Huang, J.-H. Cheng, C.-J. Kao, F.-Y. Chang, C.-H. Hsiao, M.-Y. Chang, J.-J. Wong (Ind. Technol. Res. Inst., Hsinchu, TW) [519]
P7.32 Simulation of CO2 absorption using the system K2CO3-piperazine. *M. Arshad, W. Wukovits, A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [520]
P7.33 Study of the influence of reutilization Ionic liquid on lignin extraction. *R. Prado Garcia, X. Erdocia, J. Labidi (Univ. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, ES) [522]
P7.34 Hydrodeoxygenation of bio-oil. A. Gustova, *L. Z. Nikoshvili, E. M. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [523]
P7.35 A hierarchical approach for evaluation of waste heat utilization opportunities. *G. Oluleye, M. Jobson, R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [530]
P7.36 A novel thermal desalination process using fluidized bed. *H. Mizuno, Y. Kansha, M. Ishizuka, A. Tsutsumi (Univ. Tokyo, JP) [536]
P7.37 Acquisition of operational data in industrial laundry care facilities. *P. Kuba, P. Bobák, V. Máša, M. Vondra (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [540]
P7.38 Alternative form of the buildings energy supply system of renewable energy sources. *M. Gavlik, L. Boszorményi (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [545]
P7.39 Aromatics extraction. 2. Economic aspects. P. Steltenpohl, *E. Graczová (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [555]
P7.40 Assessment of sweet sorghum as a feedstock for a dual fuel biorefinery concept. F. Theuretzbacher1, A. Drljo, *F. Weinwurm, A. Friedl, A. Bauer1, J. Pucker2, G. Jungmeier2, D. Leidinger, L. Wannasek3, M. Kirtz4 (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT; 1Univ. Nat. Resources Appl. Life Sci., Wien, AT; 2Joanneum Res., Graz, AT; 3EVM, Margarethen am Moos, AT; 4Agrar Plus GmbH, Pölten, AT) [557]
P7.41 Batch operations: a unified solution for dynamic real-time optimization, nonlinear model predictive control, and optimal batch
time. F. Rossi, *F. Manenti, K. Kozin1, A. Goryunov1 (Politecnico, Milano, IT; 1Tomsk Polytech. Univ., RU) [559]
P7.42 Biocomponent containing jet fuel production with using coconut oil. *Z. Eller, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [560]
P7.43 Catalysts for purification of waste gas on the basis of natural zeolites of Kazakhstan. M. A. Sadenova, S. A. Abdulina, E. M. Sapargaliev, *S. A. Tungatarova1 (East Kaz. State Tech. Univ., Ust-Kamenogorsk, KZ; 1Inst. Org. Catal. Electrochem., Almaty, KZ) [565]
P7.44 CFD and FEA analysis boiler collector. *J. Buzík, F. Nováček, P. Lošák (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [568]
P7.45 Combustion optimization using methane number and wobbe index as evaluation criteria. J. Saavedra, *L. Merino1, M. Gomez1, V. Kafarov1 (Colomb. Pet. Inst., Piedecuesta, CO; 1Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [571]
P7.46 Competitive adsorption of carbon dioxide and methane on activated carbons. *N. Samanwong, P. Rangsunvijit1, B. Kitiyanan1, S. Kulprathipanja2 (Petrol. Petrochem. Coll., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH; 2Honeywell Co., Des Plaines IL, US) [576]
P7.47 Composition materials for the adsorption-catalytic cleaning from toxic organic admixtures. K. Dossumov, D. H. Churina, B. N. Kenessov, E. M. Tulibayev, A. B. Maylina, *M. M. Telbayeva (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [577]
P7.48 Conceptual design of waste heat recovery schemes. *G. Oluleye, M. Jobson, R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [583]
P7.49 Controllability analysis and control structure design for solid oxide fuel cell. *N. Chatrattanawet, S. Skogestad1, A. Arpornwichanop (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Norweg. Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO) [585]
P7.50 Design of model predictive control for butyl acetate production in reactive distillation. *A. Arpornwichanop, T. Komkrajang, S. Kheawhom, W. Paengjuntuek1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Thammasat Univ., Bangkok , TH) [599]
P7.51 Eco-efficiency evaluation of a biorefinery model for biofuel and biochemicals production in thailand based on life cycle assessment
approach. *V. Kunakemakorn, P. Malakul (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [613]
P7.52 Economic and environmental effect of wall tube temperature variation on coke formation. H. Escobar, J. Saavedra1, M. Salloum2, *L. Merino3, V. Kafarov3, A. Zuorro4, J. Rodríguez5 (Ecopetrol, Santander, CO; 1ICP, Santander, CO; 2Petrobras, Bahia Blanca, BR; 3Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO; 4Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, IT; 5TIP Ltda, Pidecuesta, CO) [614]
P7.53 Effect of filler content on rheological behaviour of HTPB based polyurethane. *A. M. Iftikhar, M. I. Ahmad, E. Aamir1, M. Rafiq2 (Univ. Eng. Technol., Peshawar, PK; 1Dep. Control Signal Proc., Islamabad, PK; 2Quaid-e-Azam Univ., Islamabad, PK) [617]
P7.55 Effect of the water treatment of hemp hurds on the properties of biocomposites. *I. Schwarzova, N. Stevulova, J. Cigasova, J. Junak (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [625]
P7.56 Energetic evaluation of an absorption heat transformer operating with Water-Carrol solution by means of mathematical programming.
J. R. Sánchez, *A. Rodríguez Martínez, R. J. Romero, J. Ibarra, J. M. Ponce1, M. Serna1 (Univ. Aut. Est. Morelos, Cuernavaca, MX; 1Univ. Michoacana San Nicolas Hidalgo, Morelia, MX) [632]
P7.57 Enhancement of anaerobic digestion of cellulosic fraction in cassava production wastewater by microaeration. *O. Khongsumran, P. Rangsunvijit1, S. Chavadej, M. Leethochawalit2 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH; 2Srinakharinwirot Univ., Nakhon Nayok, TH) [637]
P7.58 Enhancement of hydrogen production for steam reforming of biogas in fluidized bed membrane reactor. *D. Saebea, S. Authayanun1, Y. Patcharavorachot2, A. Arpornwichanop3 (Burapha Univ., Chonburi, TH; 1Srinakharinwirot Univ., Nakhon Nayok, TH; 2King Mongkut’s Inst. Technol., Ladkrabang, TH; 3Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [638]
P7.59 Evaluation of the behaviour of objective functions in the optimization of a batch process for biodiesel production. L. R. Tóth, T. Torgyik, *D. Paor, L. Nagy (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [645]
P7.60 Heat exchanger network design considering the heat pump performance. *M. Yang, X. Feng1, G. Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN; 1China Univ. Petrol., Beijing, CN) [659]
P7.61 High temperature production and desulphurisation of syngas. *J. S. Ali, M. Carsky, S. L. Kiambi (Univ. Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, ZA) [662]
P7.62 Fouling of plastic fiber heat exchanger. *I. Astrouski, M. Raudensky, M. Dohnal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [663]
P7.63 Hydrogen and methane production from biodiesel wastewater with added glycerine by using two-stage anaerobic sequencing batch
reactor (ASBR). *T. Pranee, S. Chavadej (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [665]
P7.64 Hydrogen production from glycerol supercritical water reforming with CO2 absorption unit. *Y. Patcharavorachot, S. Authayanun1, A. Arpornwichanop2 (King Mongkut’s Inst. Technol., Ladkrabang, TH; 1Srinakharinwirot Univ., Nakhon Nayok, TH; 2Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [666]
P7.65 Improved feasibility analysis under volatile conditions: case of waste-to-energy. *T. Ferdan, R. Šomplák, M. Pavlas (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [670]
P7.66 Life Cycle Assessment of decaffeination industrial processes. I. De Marco, R. Iannone, S. Miranda, *S. Riemma (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [684]
P7.67 Long-term water absorption behaviour of hemp hurds composites. *N. Stevulova, J. Cigasova, P. Purcz (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [686]
P7.68 Looking for a key to improve microalgae anaerobic digestion. *M. Caporgno, M. Olkiewicz, C. Torras1, J. Salvadó1, C. Bengoa (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1Catal. Inst. Energy Res. (IREC), Tarragona, ES) [687]
P7.69 Mathematical models of aggregation of dispersed substances in reaction- diffusion systems. *A. M. Brener, A. S. Muratov, V. G. Golubev (State Univ. South Kazakhstan, Shimkent, KZ) [692]
P7.70 Multi-objective optimization of an integrated natural gas-based industrial complex. *C. Chen, R. Wakelin (North. Res. Inst. Narvik, NO) [712]
P7.71 New heat exchanger network design model. *P. Jongsuwat, U. Suriyapraphadilok, M. J. Bagajewicz1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Univ. Oklahoma, Norman OK, US) [715]
P7.72 Numerical flow field prediction downstream of axial guide vane swirl generator. *J. Vondál, J. Hájek (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [718]
P7.73 Pollution and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the Smolnik creek (Slovakia). E. Singovszka, *M. Balintova (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [734]
P7.74 Polymeric hollow fiber heat exchangers. *I. Astrouski, M. Raudensky, M. Dohnal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [735]
P7.75 Prediction of heating value of waste and its importance for conceptual development of new waste-to-energy plants. *O. Putna, J. Kropáč, L. Frýba, M. Pavlas (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [737]
P7.76 Predictive model to define mixtures of fuel gas optimal used in furnaces for thermal cracking for reducing greenhouse gases.
*A. Carreno, L. Merino1, V. Kafarov1, J. Saavedra1, A. Zuorro2 (ICP, Santander, CO; 1Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO; 2Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, IT) [739]
P7.77 Principles of ethanol organosolv lignin precipitation: process simulation and energy demand. *F. Weinwurm, A. Drljo, T. Silva1, A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT; 1Univ. Minho, Braga, PT) [744]
P7.78 Process integration for industrial water reuse: A case study from a Brazilian biodiesel commercial plant. C. Souza, A. C. C. Santos, M. V. A. Narciso, I. O. C. Nascimento, L. M. Queiroz, R. A. Kalid, S. A. B. Vieira de Melo, *F. L. P. Pessoa1 (Univ. Fed. Bahia, Salvador, BR; 1UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [746]
P7.79 Reduced reaction mechanism for refinery fuels mixtures combustion. *C. García, J. Melo, L. Merino, V. Kafarov, A. Sierra (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [753]
P7.80 Reduction of chronic ecotoxicity of a refinery effluent using advanced treatment technologies and Toxicity Identification
Evaluation (TIE) studies. *S. D. A. Daflon, J. C. Campos, C. M. R. Botta1, M. Reynier2 (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR; 1Univ. Sao Carlos, BR; 2LABTOX, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [754]
P7.81 Reduction of NOx at unique mobile experimental unit using ceramic catalytic filter. *F. Jedlička, D. Jecha, P. Stehlik (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [755]
P7.82 Reliability approach to the choice of dimensions and materials of tubes used in hydrocarbons transport networks. *N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb1, E. Bouali, M. Bettayeb, R. Bouzid (Univ. Bouira, DZ; 1Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [758]
P7.83 Siemens-reactor’s high-frequency power supply. K. Kozin, A. Goryunov, *F. Manenti1 (Tomsk Polytech. Univ., RU; 1Politecnico, Milano, IT) [768]
P7.84 Simulation of hydrogen production with in situ CO2 removal using ASPEN PLUS. *Y. Patcharavorachot, C. Likkasith, N. Piemnernkoom, D. Saebea1, A. Arpornwichanop2 (King Mongkut’s Inst. Technol., Ladkrabang, TH; 1Burapha Univ., Chonburi, TH; 2Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [772]
P7.85 Software tool for creating and modifying parametric shell and tube heat exchanger geometry. T. Létal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [777]
P7.86 Sorption in acidic environment – biosorbents in comparison with commercial adsorbents. *M. Balintova, M. Holub (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [782]
P7.87 The Energy Efficiency Directive impact on the industry sector: importance of energy management. *E. Méchaussie, G. Van Eetvelde1, F. Maréchal (EPFL, Lausanne, CH; 1Univ. Ghent, BE) [804]
P7.88 The potential use of natural coagulants and flocculants in the treatment of urban waters. *C. Y. Teh, T. Y. Wu (Monash Univ., Selangor, MY) [809]
P7.89 Using experimental measurements the concentrations of carbon dioxide for determine the intensity of ventilation in the rooms.
*P. Kapalo, S. Vilčeková, O. Voznyak1 (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK; 1Lviv Polytech. Nat. Univ., UA) [824]
P7.90 Waste flow simulation across Europe for future sustainable operation of waste-to-energy plants. *M. Pavlas, O. Putna, R. Šomplák (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [827]
P7.91 Water and heat exchanger network design for fixed-flowrate system. S. Thongpreecha, *K. Siemanond (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [843]
P7.93 Different pathways to preserve the sulphide state of the catalyst during the hydroprocessing of triglycerides. *C. Tóth, D. Sági, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [852]
P7.94 Dissipative approach to the calculation of the diffusion coefficient of the aerosol in turbulent flows. *A. Shakirova, M. Eskendirov, K. Syrmanova, B. Shakirov (State Univ. South Kazakhstan, Shimkent, KZ) [853]
P7.95 Energy management and environmental impact in petroleum refining and petrochemicals industry. L. E. Navas, J. Saavedra1, *A. Zuorro2, L. Merino3, V. Kafarov3 (Barrancabermeja Refinery, CO; 1Ecopetrol, Santander, CO; 2Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, IT; 3Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [855]
P7.96 Instability in flame burner and its effect on safety and environmental impact of the process in the refining and petrochemical
industry. W. Bernal, *L. E. Navas1, L. Merino2, H. Escobar1, J. Saavedra3, A. Zuorro4 (Cartagena Refinery, CO; 1Barrancabermeja Refinery, CO; 2Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO; 3Ecopetrol, Santander, CO; 4Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, IT) [856]
P7.97 Methods for evaluating the influence of large-scale effect on heat and mass efficiency of chemical apparatuses. *L. M. Musabekova, N. N. Dausheyeva, N. S. Zhumataev, M. A. Jamankarayeva1 (State Univ. South Kazakhstan, Shimkent, KZ; 1Int. Humanit. Tech. Univ., Shymkent, KZ) [857]
P7.98 Evaluation of CO2 capture using aqueous ammonia solution in a flexible operation scenario. *A.-M. Cormos, A. Morar (Babes Bolyai Univ., Cluj-Napoca, RO) [864]
P7.99 Coefficient efficiency can be more than 100% (?!). D. Terpugov, *G. Terpugov, O. Katsereva, B. Ksenofontov1 (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1Moscow State Univ., Moskva, RU) [875]
P7.100 Double-effect distillation and thermal integration applied to the ethanol production process from sugar cane. *R. Palacios-Bereche, A. V. Ensinas1, M. Modesto, S. A. Nebra2 (UFABC, Santo Andre, BR; 1EPFL, Lausanne, CH; 2UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [882]
P7.101 Economic optimization of Carbosulcis underground waste disposal plant. *A. Lallai, F. Bordicchia1, E. Fois1 (Univ. Cagliari, IT; 1Carbosulcis SpA, Gonnesa, IT) [884]
P7.102 Economical and financial advantages of sustainable investments in clean development mechanisms and carbon credit generation.
*S. A. M. Bittencourt, R. L. Basso, D. D. Bertagnolli1, A. Gabbi1 (UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, BR; 1UNIFRA, Santa Maria, BR) [885]
P7.103 Evaluation of energy aspects in residential buildings. E. Krídlová Burdová, *S. Vilčeková (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [890]
P7.104 Evaluation of structures design concept of lower structure from embodied energy and emissions. A. Sedláková, *S. Vilčeková, E. Krídlová Burdová (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [891]
P7.105 Extraction of rare and scattered elements fron natural and waste waters by the method of direct osmosis. G. Terpugov, O. Katsereva, *D. Terpugov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [892]
P7.106 Investigation of quality improving of waste origin bio-paraffins. *P. Solymosi, J. Hancsók (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [900]
P7.107 Kinetic modelling of heterogeneously catalyzed free fatty acids esterification in (monophasic liquid)/solid in different reactor
configurations. F. Galli, M. Corbetta1, C. Pirola, *F. Manenti1 (Univ. Milano, IT; 1Politecnico, Milano, IT) [901]
P7.108 Multicriterial method for performance measurement in supply chain in the automotive industry. *S. A. M. Bittencourt, M. A. Sellitto (UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, BR) [906]
P7.109 Multi-scale simulation of the propane aromatization process as a recovery step in the microalgae-to-oil conversion. M. Corbetta, F. Manenti, N. M. N. Lima1, L. Zuniga Linan1, F. Rossi, *D. Papasidero (Politecnico, Milano, IT; 1UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [907]
P7.110 Production and physicochemical characterization of microspheres made from sericin and alginate blend. T. L. Silva, A. C. Silva Junior, M. G. A. Vieira, M. L. Gimenes1, *M. G. C. Silva (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1State Univ. Maringa, BR) [919]
P7.111 Study of the radial distribution of void fraction in catalyst bed. G. Rádi, *A. Egedy, T. Varga, T. Chován (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [928]
P7.112 The influence of the concentration of dissolved substances in the effluent sulfate pulp and paper mills on the productivity
of semi-permeable membranes. G. Terpugov, O. Katsereva, A. Truberg, *D. Terpugov, Z. Vdovenko, A. Razbiralova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [936]
P7.113 The purification of fermentative produced hydrogen utilizing membrane technology – A simulation based on small scale pilot
plant results. *T. Lassmann, A. Friedl, M. Harasek, W. Wukovits, M. Miltner, A. Makaruk (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [937]
P7.114 Thermostable polyoxide catalysts of complete combustion of methane or biogas in the catalytic heat generators. *S. A. Tungatarova, Z. T. Zheksenbaeva, D. B. Abdukhalykov, T. S. Baizhumanova (Inst. Org. Catal. Electrochem., Almaty, KZ) [942]
P7.115 Carbon sources diagram - a tool for carbon-constrained energy sector planning. *F. D. S. Francisco, F. L. P. Pessoa, E. M. Queiroz (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [949]
P7.116 The influence of bound nitrogen content in the gaseous fuel on the formation of NOx. *P. Skryja, P. Bělohradský (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [952]
P7.117 Management of water consumption in pulp and paper industry – a case study using water sources diagram. *F. D. S. Francisco, E. E. D. Calixto, R. C. Mirre, F. L. P. Pessoa, E. M. Queiroz (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [954]
P7.118 Renewable sources potential analysis in the electrical matrix of Paraná state, Brazil. G. M. Tiepolo, J. Urbanetz Junior, *O. Canciglieri Junior1, T. Viana2 (UTFPR, Curitiba, BR; 1Pontif. Cathol. Univ. Parana, Curitiba, BR; 2Fed. Cent. Technol. Educ., Rio de Janeiro, BR) [960]
P7.119 Simulation and optimization of a distillation column: a case study in a biodiesel production site. *J. Palmeira, J. Silva1, H. A. Matos1 (Inst. Sup. Eng., Lisboa, PT; 1Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, PT) [961]
P7.120 Ventilation, heating technology and energy savings. *R. Nagy, D. Košičanová, P. Kapalo, J. Lojkovics (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [970]
P7.122 Elaboration of new ceramic supports from lignite fly ash/clay mixtures using powder metallurgy processes. *P. Samaras, X. Spiliotis1, N. Koukouzas2, E. Papastergiadis, G. Papapolymerou1, V. Karayannis3 (Technol. Educ. Inst., Thessaloniki, GR; 1Tech. Educ. Inst., Larissa, GR; 2Inst. Solid Fuels Technol. Appl., Athens, GR; 3Univ. W. Macedonia, Kozani, GR) [980]
P7.124 Integration of supercritical water gasification in combined 1G/2G ethanol production plants. *A. Mian, J. Albarelli, A. V. Ensinas, F. Maréchal (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [988]
P7.125 Modeling dispersive mixing of the ingredients of rubber compounds. A. Suigenbayeva, *A. M. Brener, D. Sabyrkhanov, S. Sakibayeva (State Univ. South Kazakhstan, Shimkent, KZ) [991]
P7.126 Optimization of the coagulation process to remove total suspended solids (TSS) from produced water. *P. Roccaro, G. Lombardo, F. G. A. Vagliasindi (Univ. Catania, IT) [992]
P7.127 Thoughts on product development oriented to sustainability in organizational overview. R. A. Mattioda, P. T. Fernandes, J. L. Casela, *O. Canciglieri Junior (Pontif. Cathol. Univ. Parana, Curitiba, BR) [996]
P7.128 Techno-economic and environmental assessment of oligomers production from lignocellulosics. J. C. Carvajal, J. A. Dávila, *C. A. Cardona (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO) [1000]
P7.129 Applications of CFD techniques in the design of fabric filter. F. B. Marques, K. H. Simon, D. C. Ribeiro, F. D. A. R. Pereira, *S. M. S. Rocha (UFES, Sao Mateus, BR) [1001]
P7.130 Cost effect of plant layout issues on total site heat integration. *P. Y. Liew, S. R. Wan Alwi, J. J. Klemeš (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1027]
P7.131 Application of innovative processes for the valorization of alkaline spent batteries. *S. Ubaldini, J. Kadukova1, A. Mrazikova1, P. Fornari, A. Luptakova2, R. Marcincakova1, P. Pizzichemi (Ist. Geol. Amb. Geoing. CNR, Monterotondo, IT; 1Tech. Univ., Košice, SK; 2Inst. Geotech., Košice, SK) [1034]
P7.132 Numerical simulation of combustion in pulverized fuel fired boiler. A. S. Askarova, *A. S. Bolegenova, V. Y. Maximov, Z. Gabitova, S. Ospanova (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [1043]
P7.134 CFD simulation and PIV validation for bubbly flow in an internal-loop airlift reactor. *M. Han, A. Laari, Z. L. Sha1, I. Turunen (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI; 1Tianjin Univ. Sci. Technol., CN) [1069]
P7.135 Feasability and analysis of minimum extractive agent flow rate for extractive distillation. A. Calvet, V. Plesu1, *A. E. Bonet Ruiz1, J. Bonet2, J. Llorens2 (Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES; 1Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 2Univ. Barcelona, ES) [1071]
P7.136 Minimum gas/liquid flow rate for absorption columns. *J. Bonet, V. Plesu1, A. E. Bonet Ruiz1, P. Iancu1, J. Llorens (Univ. Barcelona, ES; 1Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO) [1073]
P7.137 Model of six–bed silica gel–water adsorption heat pump used for heating. *K. Zwarycz-Makles, K. Kuczynski (West Pomeranian Univ. Technol., Szczecin, PL) [1077]
P7.138 Modeling of gold thiosulphate leaching in a cascade of reactors. *V. V. Zhukov, Y. V. Sharikov1, A. Laari, I. Turunen (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI; 1Nat. Univ. Miner. Res., St. Petersburg, RU) [1082]
P7.139 The impact of alternative heat supply options on CO2 emission and district heating system. *S. Link, V. Mašatin, A. Siirde (Tallinn Univ. Technol., EE) [1098]
P7.140 Electric field-induced variations of combustion dynamics. *M. Zake, I. Barmina, R. Valdmanis (Univ. Latvia, Salaspils, LV) [1119]
P7.141 Design of optimal ionic liquids for carbon dioxide capture via Computer-Aided Molecular Design (CAMD). *F. K. Chong, N. G. Chemmangattuvalappil, M. Atilhan1, D. C. Y. Foo, F. T. Eljack1 (Univ. Nottingham, Semenyih, MY; 1Univ. Qatar, Doha, QA) [1129]
P7.142 Removal of uranium (VI) ion by adsorption onto AFI aluminophophate molecular sieves (ALPO-5 and SAPO-5). N. Bayou, *H. Ait-Amar1, M. Attou (Nucl. Res. Cent., Draria, DZ; 1USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1135]
P7.143 Asphaltene precipitation risk assessment in Algerian oilfields. *M. Eutamene, A. H. Meniai, N. Mouloudj1, H. Djema1, M. Khodja2 (Univ. Constantine Algeria, DZ; 1Sonatrach, Boumerdes, DZ; 2Inst. Alger. Petrol., Boumerdes, DZ) [1145]
P7.144 Optimization by computational modelling for a single effect evaporation process applied to saccharose solutions. P. C. G. Silva, D. L. Souza1, *D. P. Fabiano (UFSJ, Ouro, BR; 1Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR) [1169]
P7.145 A user-defined pervaporation unit operation in AspenPlus© on the basis of experimental results from three different organophilic
membranes. *A. Rom, D. Esteve Gimeno, A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [1182]
P7.146 Asphaltene precipitation in Algerian oilfields: experimental investigation and field mitigation. *M. Eutamene, N. Mouloudj2, A. H. Meniai, H. Djema1, M. Khodja2 (Univ. Constantine Algeria, DZ; 1Sonatrach, Boumerdes, DZ; 2Inst. Alger. Petrol., Boumerdes, DZ) [1185]
P7.147 Operating pressure drop of vegetal biomass in conical spouted beds. *J. F. Saldarriaga, A. Achutegui, I. Estiati, R. Aguado, M. Olazar (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1189]
P7.148 Fractionation of biooil from flash pyrolysis. B. Vasilkovová, *J. Augustínová, J. Mikulec1, J. Cvengroš (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 1VURUP, Bratislava, SK) [1200]
P7.149 Method of integrated product development oriented to sustainability: a conceptual model. P. T. Fernandes, *O. Canciglieri Junior, M. Borchardt1 (Pontif. Cathol. Univ. Parana, Curitiba, BR; 1UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, BR) [1208]
P7.150 Investigation of cross-section area (from rectangular to square) effect on flow characteristics. *S. Sen, K. Bilen (Atatürk Univ., Erzurum, TR) [1219]
P7.151 Use adaptive neuro-fuzzy modeling for the performance of alternative refrigerant gas R152a as a mobile air conditioning refrigerant.
*A. Hasiloglu, K. Bilen, A. T. Kalkisim1 (Atatürk Univ., Erzurum, TR; 1Gümüshane Univ., TR) [1223]
P7.152 CO2 post-combustion capture from pulverized coal power plant using ammonia and membrane contactors. *M. Kanniche, Y. Le Moullec, M. Louis-Louisy, T. Neveux (EDF, Chatou, FR) [1232]
P7.153 Coal entrained flow gasifier 1D model. M. Kanniche (EDF, Chatou, FR) [1233]
P7.154 The simulated effect of defoliation in the growth of the Eucalyptus grandis. *M. A. Oliveira, T. C. M. Della Lúcia, M. R. Della Lúcia, N. Anjos1, B. S. Leite, M. S. Araujo1 (Univ. Vicosa, Florestal, BR; 1Univ. Est. Goias, Ipameri, BR) [1262]
P7.155 Energy saving in a crude distillation unit by a retrofit design of heat exchanger networks. *H. Rezaei, M. Sarkari1, M. M. Zarei2, H. Haghparast1 (Iran. Offshore Oil Co., Lavan Island, IR; 1Pardis Petrochem. Co., Assaluyeh, IR; 2Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Zahedan, IR) [1266]
P7.156 Assessment of sustainable collection and recycling policy of lead-acid accumulators from the perspective of system dynamics
modelling. A. Blumberga, *L. Timma, J. Vilgerts, D. Blumberga (Tech. Univ., Riga , LV) [1270]
P7.157 Dry reforming-Fischer-Tropsch synthesis-catalytic dehydrogenation: a method to no flaring-no CO2 emission in the gas refinery.
*M. Sarkari, H. Haghparast, M. Haghighi Asl (South Pars Gas Complex Co., Asalooyeh, IR) [1275]
P7.158 Green energy strategy 2050 for Latvia: a pathway towards a low carbon society. D. Blumberga, G. Cimdiņa, *L. Timma, A. Blumberga, M. Rošā (Tech. Univ., Riga , LV) [1282]
P7.159 Particle cycle times in draft tube conical spouted beds. *I. Estiati, H. Altzibar, M. Olazar (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1288]
P7.160 Analysis of formation harmful substances formed as a result of burning the low-grade coal in the combustion chamber of the
industrial boiler of Kazakhstan using CFD-code FLOREAN. A. S. Askarova, A. S. Bolegenova, *V. Y. Maximov, A. Bekmukhamet, M. T. Beketaeva (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [1308]
P7.161 CFD simulation for the pasteurization of fruit puree with pieces. L. D'Addio, *F. Di Natale, A. Budelli1, R. Nigro (Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT; 1Heinz Italy, Milano, IT) [1314]
P7.162 Fuzzy model based temperature control of a process simulator with on-line wireless connection. *A. Aldemir, A. Altınten1, Z. Zeybek, H. Hapoglu, M. Alpbaz (Ankara Univ. , TR; 1Gazi Univ., Ankara, TR) [1335]
P7.163 Gas flow distribution study in columns with modern random packings and maldistribution estimation using different indices.
*S. Darakchiev, T. Petrova, R. Popov, N. Vaklieva-Bancheva (Inst. Chem. Eng., Sofia, BG) [1336]
P7.164 Mapping of knowledge on algae biorefinery in Iran: feasibility study. *O. Tavakoli, G. Hatami Fard, M. A. Khoddam, N. Sehat (Univ. Tehran, IR) [1345]
P7.165 Sustainability features in tea processing and effects upon final product quality. R. D. Isopescu, *A. M. Josceanu, I. Minca, I. Bajenariu (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO) [1373]
P7.166 Techno-economic assessment of the jet biofuel production from olive stone. *V. Aristizábal, J. M. Romero-García1, E. Castro1, V. Hernández, C. A. Cardona (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO; 1Univ. Jaén, ES) [1377]
P7.167 The method of selection of supercritical agent for the separation of close boiling mixtures. *M. A. Komarova, N. V. Menshutina, M. B. Glebov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1404]
P7.168 Development of an optimization package for design of energy supply mixtures of renewable devices. *M. Chung, J.-H. Kim1, J.-H. Yoon2, W.-C. Shin3, N.-C. Baek4 (Yeungnam Univ., Kyungsan, KR; 1Samsung C&T Corp., Seoul, KR; 2Hanbat Nat. Univ., Daejon, KR; 3Daejeon Univ., KR; 4Korea Inst. Energy Res., Daejeon, KR) [1412]
P7.169 Design for usability and sustainability to support the integrated product development. G. U. Unruh, *O. Canciglieri Junior (Pontif. Cathol. Univ. Parana, Curitiba, BR) [1417]
P7.170 Bio-propylene glycol production from renewable source. *R. A. Kozlovskiy, D. Efimkin, S. Koshkin, I. Kozlovskiy, A. Kuznetsov, A. Beloded, T. Miniukova1, V. Parmon1, V. F. Shvets (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1Boreskov Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU) [1420]
P7.171 Concept of an ecosystem model to support transformation towards natural energy systems. *A. Kostevšek, J. J. Klemeš, P. S. Varbanov, G. Papa1, J. Petek2 (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Inst. J. Stefan, Ljubljana, SI; 2Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje, Ptuj, SI) [1442]
P7.172 Simulation of reactive distillation column for biodiesel production at optimum conditions. *S. Karacan, F. Karacan1 (Ankara Univ. , TR; 1Turkish At. Energ. Authority, Istanbul, TR) [1446]
P7.173 Mathematical model for film sulfonation from palm stearate. J. A. Torres-Ortega (La Salle Univ., Bucaramanga, CO) [1451]
P7.174 Synthesis of polyurethane using castor oil and polyglycerol. *G. Ramirez-Caballero, A. Ramirez-Garcia (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [1482]
P7.175 Throughput maximization with the S-graph framework - global branching tree. *T. Holczinger, Á. Orosz, F. Friedler (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1487]
P7.176 Economic pipe size selection by using graphical method. *M. Kowalski, J. Wernik (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [1494]
P7.177 Analysis of cooperation of gas turbine with dual-fluid organic power plant. S. Wisniewski, A. Borsukiewicz-Gozdur, *K. Zwarycz-Makles (West Pomeranian Univ. Technol., Szczecin, PL) [1503]
P7.178 Comparing efficiencies of selected ion exchange resins in removing steryl glucosides in biodiesel. *D. Na-Ranong, H. Thaikan, P. Laungthaleongpong, S. Khambung (King Mongkut’s Inst. Technol., Ladkrabang, TH) [1504]
P7.179 The effect of dust grain size on lower explosive limit, minimum ignition energy and minimum ignition temperature. *P. Lepik, J. Havelkova, M. Mynarz, J. Serafin (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1506]
P7.180 Concentration polarization in reverse osmosis membranes: effect of membrane splitting. *A. P. Reverberi, B. Fabiano1, C. Cerrato2, V. G. Dovì (Dep. Chem. Ind. Chem., Genova, IT; 1Dep. Civ. Chem. Env. Eng., Genova, IT; 2DISMET, Genova, IT) [1507]
P7.181 Improvement of an industrial process of wood heat treatment by conduction: X-ray tomography analysis of natural wood variability
and the final product quality. *J. Hamada, A. Pétrissans, F. Mothe1, P. Gérardin, M. Pétrissans (Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, FR; 1INRA, Champenoux, FR) [1525]
P7.182 Decreasing CO2 emission of hydrogen plant in the refinery. *S. H. Alavi Nejad, M. R. Sardashti1, F. Shahraki1, M. Sarkari2 (Iran. Offshore Oil Co., Lavan Island, IR; 1Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Zahedan, IR; 2South Pars Gas Complex, Assluye, IR) [1533]
P7.183 Heat exchanger network design for Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit in refinery plant. S. H. Alavi Nejad, *H. Rezaei, S. M. R. Alavi Nejad1 (Iran. Offshore Oil Co., Lavan Island, IR; 1Islamic Azad Univ., Marvdasht, IR) [1536]
P7.184 Prediction of flammable mixtures flash-point. P. Dolníček, P. Lukešová, *M. Skřínská, J. Skřínský, J. Marek, I. Bartlová, H. Věžníková, C. Serafínová, R. Přichystalová (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1549]
P7.185 Calculation of maximum explosion pressure for gaseous C1-C3 oxidiser mixtures with different initial temperatures in a spherical
closed volume. *J. Skřínský, M. Skřínská (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1557]
P7.186 Sensitivity analysis of hybrid power systems using power pinch analysis considering feed-in tariff. N. E. Mohammad Rozali, *S. R. Wan Alwi, Z. A. Manan, J. J. Klemeš1, M. Y. Hassan (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1572]
P7.187 Fouling of plastic fiber heat exchanger. *I. Astrouski, M. Raudensky, M. Dohnal (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1579]
P7.188 Modeling and optimization of interval between preventive repairs of the industrial engines. *A. Benmounah, C. Boutemdjet, T. Hachemi (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1600]
P7.189 Automated design and synthesis of MEA-based CO2 capture processes. S.-Y. Oh, H. Cho, *J.-K. Kim (Hanyang Univ., Seoul, KR) [1613]
P7.190 Optimization of NGL (natural gas liquid) processes for improving energy efficiency. S. Yoon, *J.-K. Kim (Hanyang Univ., Seoul, KR) [1615]
P7.191 Energy-target modification of distillation columns with total site integration. *N. Pouransari, D. Tanguy1, G. Bocquenet1, F. Maréchal (EPFL, Lausanne, CH; 1Solvay R&I Cent., Lyon, FR) [1456]
P7.192 Minimization of off-grade production in multisite multiproduct plants by solving multiple traveling salesman problem. A. Király, *B. Farsang, T. Chován, M. Christidou1, E. Karlopoulos1, J. Abonyi (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Cent. Res. Technol. Hellas, Ptolemaida, GR) [1621]
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