The CHISA Congress with all its topics and specialised symposia supports the concept of sustainable development – a concept aimed at the future of mankind. Convinced that chemical engineering includes, masters and creates most of the tools that play a key role in realising this concept, chemical engineers try to find the specific and most effective ways to maximise this effort. This striving includes formulation of new targets of individual branches of chemical engineering science and practice, developing new methods for achieving them, dissemination of relevant information among specialists from Europe and the whole world and supporting young engineers in entering and understanding the profession.
Congress Structure
The Congress is structured as follows:
Plenary and Keynote Lectures
General topics of chemical and process engineering
"PRES 2006 - Ninth Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and
Pollution Reduction
Specialised symposia
Exhibition MARCHES 2006
The technical program includes invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions and poster sessions. Some symposia are co-organised with the corresponding EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies.
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art papers and commercial information on the following subjects will be presented.
- Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- Distillation and absorption
- Extraction and leaching
- Membrane processes
- Adsorption and ion exchange
- Filtration and solid-liquid separations
- Phase equilibrium and fluid properties
- Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- Mixing
- Fluidization
- Heat transfer processes and equipment
- Drying and evaporation
- Computer aided process engineering
- Particulate solids
- Chemical engineering education
PRES 2006
- 9th Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution
- Symposium on environmental engineering
- Symposium on safety in chemical industry
- Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
- Symposium on food processing and technology
- Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
- Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
- IMPULSE Workshop on integrated multiscale process units with locally structured elements
CHISA 2006 plenary lectures will be presented (at 10:10–11:00) after coffee/poster break during morning sessions on Monday and Tuesday. PRES 2006 plenary lectures will be located within PRES schedules. There will be 59 keynote lectures delivered in the respective sessions.
CHISA 2006 plenary lectures
- K. F. Jensen (Massachussetts Institute of Technology, USA):
Chemical and biological microsystems - A revolution in discovery and development
- G. Lewin (President, Shell Global Solutions International BV, NL):
Possibilities into reality to create a green energy future
PRES 2006 plenary lectures
- L. F. Diaz (President of CalRecovery, Inc., California, USA):
Achieving high waste diversion rates
- N. Lior (University of Pennsylvania, USA):
Water resources and desalination
- S. J. Perry (The University of Manchester, UK):
Towards a framework for learning and teaching in engineering in the 21st century
- S. Pistikopoulos (Imperial College, London, UK):
Parametric programming & control
Keynote lectures
Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- S. C. Burnham: Towards the automated deduction of chemical reaction mechanism
- V. G. Gomes: An advanced framework for optimal operation and control of multiphase polymerisation reactors
- Z. Knez: Enzymatic synthesis of citronellol laurate in organic solvents and in ionic liquids
- H. Nishiumi: Fullerene as visible light catalyst
- R. Pohorecki: Modelling of the kinetics of cyclohexane oxidation
- E. Toukoniitty: Transient methods in three-phase catalysis
Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
- M. Eic: Diffusion of selected hydrocarbons in meso-structured SBA-15 and SBA-16 materials
Distillation and absorption
- E. N. Bart: Solving problems in binary batch distillation on the computer using Mathcad
- P. W. J. Derks: Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions of MDEA and piperazine
- We Wei: Modeling of the reactive distillation process for the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) by urea methanolysis method
Membrane processes
- K. K. Sirkar: Membranes, interfaces and separations: Novel processes and techniques - an overview
Phase equilibrium and fluid properties
- N. Brauner: Using the similarity between molecular structures for property prediction
- K. Ruzicka: Vapour pressures for compounds of technological and environmental interests by static method
Particulate solids
- F. Saito: Optimization of ball milling and prediction of power consumption by a ball mill simulation
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- A. Gorin: Transport phenomena in turbulent separated and reattached flows
- D. Legendre: Effect of the contamination on the efficiency capture of solid particules by bubbles
- F. Risso: Statistical properties of bubble-induced turbulence
- Wei Wang: Multiscale simulation of spatial and temporal structures in multiphase reactors
Heat transfer processes and equipment
- D. G. Kroeger: Experimental convection heat transfer coefficient between a horizontal surface and the natural environment
- L. Liebenberg: Refrigerant condensation flow regimes in enhanced tubes and their effect on heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops
- C. O. Popiel: Free convection heat transfer from vertical slender cylinders
Chemical engineering education
- M. Molzahn: New curricula for new careers - the EFCE Bologna recommendations
PRES 2006
- A. Alva-Argaez: Water-energy management in oil sands industry. A process integration perspective
- B. Bertok: Evaluating new technologies by process synthesis: illustration with biochemical production of butanol, ethanol, and acetone
- C. Bouallou: CO2 capture study in advanced Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
- G. Chen: Freeze drying of mannitol aqueous solution with dielectric-material-assisted microwave heating
- D. Brown: Thermo economic analysis for the optimal conceptual design of biomass gasification energy conversion systems
- D. C. Y. Foo: Targeting the minimum number of units and network evolution techniques for a batch heat exchanger network
- J. Geldermann: Multi Objective Pinch Analysis (MOPA) for production networks
- T. Gundersen: Extended pinch analysis and design utilizing pressure exergy for subambient cooling
- G. J. Harmsen: Industrial reactive distillation, a review of applications, research, development, design and operation
- V. Hessel: Integrated microstructured heat exchanger-reactors for fuel processing
- K. Hirata: Submerged type incinerator heat recovery by fluidized bed heat exchanger
- A. M. Josceanu: Technology-pedagogy relationship in developing e-learning systems for chemical engineering education
- K. Kataoka: Energy-saving heat integrated distillation system of C-5 (pentane) splitter
- J.-K. Kim: Synthesis of low temperature utility systems
- N. Lior: Energy resources and use: the present situation and possible paths to the future
- J. P. Meyer: In-tube passive heat transfer enhancement in the process industry
- M. Narodoslawsky: Beyond processes - application of process synthesis to optimising regional economies
- M. Picon Nunez: The effect of network arrangement on the heat transfer area of cooling networks
- G. G. Pranghofer: Control of fine particulate matter, especially PM2.5 , by means of high effciency ePTFE membrane filter laminates
- S. S. Voutetakis: Model predictive control of a fluid catalytic cracking pilot plant
- R. Smith: Fouling in heat exchanger networks
- D. Staak: Outflow conditions and strains on interior during pressure relief events on distillation columns
- P. R. Stuart: Survey of LCA applications in the pulp and paper industry
- B.Thonon: Natural refrigerants heat pumps
- T. Zhelev: Energy efficiency improvement of wastewater treatment processes subjected to load fluctuations
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
- N. Brevis: An overview of process intensification technology within AstraZeneca
- J. J. H. M. Font Freide: Mini vs. Maxi: The miniaturization and intensification of technology
- K. VandenBussche: The potential of process intensification and miniaturization in the processing industries
IMPULSE Workshop
- P. N. Sharratt: IMPULSE - the challenges in adopting a new processing paradigm
Symposium on environmental engineering
- J. Baeyens: Reviewing the growing potential of porous sintered metal filters
- J. Venselaar: Focussing innovation strategy for sustainability in chemical industry
Symposium on food processing and technology
- S. J. James: Thermal and non-thermal food decontamination systems
- P. Nesvadba: Sorption and thermal properties of dried egg whites
- D. W. Sun: Computer vision determination of melting, browning and oiling-off characteristics of Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses as affected by baking conditions
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- H. Kittel: The future role of ETBE and alkylate in reformulation of gasoline in the Czech Republic
- E. Kozliak: Contamination of common building materials (wood and concrete) with chemicals and novel approaches to their remediation
- H.-P. Schmauder: Fermentative preparation of liquid feedings solutions for pigs and quality control and characterization of the final products - new developments in biotechnology
Lecture and poster sessions
Eleven parallel lecture sections will take place at 8:30–12:30 and 14:00–17:40 based on 20 minutes rigid schedules. For keynote lectures 40 minutes are reserved. (Note: Please do not deduce the time of presentation from the preliminary program since it may be subject to changes and will be finalised only in July.)
Poster sessions will take place the whole day from 9:00 to 17:00. However, authors must attend their posters during the coffee/poster breaks: 9:50–10:10 (Mon, Tue),10:10–10:50 (Wed, Thu), and 15:20–16:00 (all days).
Program overview:
Final scientific program and the
Author index are available.
ECFE Meetings and Other Events
- Discussion Forum on Engineering Education (organized in cooperation with the Engineering Academy of the CR). Tuesday, 29 August, 8:30
Final summary and full text
The final summary and full text have to be written in English and are requested from authors of all contributions (lectures and posters). The deadline for submission of the final summary and full text is 31 May 2006.
The final summary can be modified at any time till 15 June 2006 by means of your user pages at the CHISA 2006 website.
Both the final summary and full text should be prepared according to the
Instructions for authors (.doc, 32 kB) with information on presentation facilities, too. Please follow all instructions very carefully. Regrettably, many of the preliminary summaries have not complied with these instructions, therefore they had to be reedited. In these cases, the organisers have no responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting. The preliminary summary will be used if a final summary has not been submitted. If the full text is not received, the final summary will be used instead.
For submitting of the final summary please access your user pages, in the menu select "Inspecting submitted papers" and upload the final summary instead of the preliminary one. This is also the easiest way how to notify organizers about change of the title, authors, affiliations etc. The full text should also be interactively uploaded via user pages in a similar manner. In case of difficulties contact
paper@chisa.cz. Fax will not be accepted because of poor quality for reproduction. In all correspondence please always refer to the serial number assigned to your contribution.
In July, every author will receive an e-mail confirming location and timing of his paper in the Final Program.
Submission of additional papers
Additional papers are still being accepted. They will be included mostly as posters, however, significant lectures will also be considered. For fast submission, please use the interactive application form.
The list of newly received contributions will be currently updated at the
List of Submitted Papers not included in the Preliminary Program. The Final Program will be presented there in July. Only papers received before 31 May 2006 will be listed in the printed Final Program provided that at least one of the contribution’s authors registers in time and pays the Congress fee.
Further contributions (only as posters) will be accepted till the beginning of the Congress, however, they will not appear in the Congress summary sets, and will only be listed in supplementary sheets.
Sets of summaries with pre-prints on CD-ROM
Summaries will be clustered according to the thematic groups as six Sets numbered from 1 to 6. The Set 6 and another one selected are included in the Congress fee; selection must be specified in the registration form. Among Congress materials will be a CD-ROM containing full texts of all accepted lectures and posters.
Extra set of summaries at a price of 15 EUR/each and extra CD-ROM at a price of 25 EUR may be purchased at the Congress office. The sets of summaries and CD-ROMs can also be ordered after the Congress by contacting the Organising Committee.
- Set 1 - Reaction engineering (Reactor engineering, catalysis and kinetics)
- Set 2 – Separation processes and equipment (Distillation and absorption; Phase equilibrium and fluid properties; Symposium on supercritical fluids; Extraction; Membrane processes; Adsorption and ion exchange; Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials; Filtration and solid–liquid separations)
- Set 3 – Hydrodynamic processes and equipment (Fluid flow and multiphase systems; Mixing; Fluidisation; Particulate solids)
- Set 4 – System engineering (Computer aided process engineering; PRES Conference; Heat transfer processes and equipment; Drying)
- Set 5 – Systems and technology (Symposium on environmental engineering; Symposium on safety in chemical industry; European forum on teaching safety to chemical engineers; Symposium on food processing and technology; Symposium on progress in chemical technology; Chemical engineering education; IMPULSE, Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation)
- Set 6 – General (Plenary lectures, Catalogue of Exhibitors – MARCHES 2006, List of Participants)
Publication policy
Participants will receive the Congress full texts including summaries on a CD-ROM. Authors are free to publish their papers at will after the Congress.
Selected papers from PRES 2006 will appear in full in the special issues of the following journals: Applied Thermal Engineering (UK), Heat Transfer Engineering (US), Journal of Cleaner Production General (US), Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal (US), Integrated Processes and Energy Saving (UA), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (US), ENERGY (US), Drying Technology (CA).
Exhibition MARCHES 2006
MARCHES 2006 - the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will take place in the premises of the CHISA 2006 Congress. Standard exhibition booths of 5 m2 floor area will be available for business negotiations and demonstration purposes.
The price for the renting of a booth, including the Congress Registration Fee for one company/institute representative, is 1500 EUR. For this price also 2 other company/institute representatives can attend the Booth and obtain invitations for Festive Congress Opening and Coffees during Coffee breaks. Every exhibiting institute/company can include a one-page text (company/institute advertisement) in the Catalogue of Exhibitors which will be distributed to all Congress participants.

For renting of a booth, please check the relevant item in the registration form available under Application Forms.
A schematic drawing of an Exhibition booth is shown on Fig.1. The back wall of the Exhibition booth is 2.8 m long and comprises of two poster panels on which promotional material can be pinned up (adhesive tape should not be used). The booth is bounded on the sides by railings 1 m high, filled with cloth. The booth has a floor area of 2.8 x 1.8 m (approx. 5 m
The booth will be equipped with a table (tables), chairs and an electric plug of 220 V. No other special outfit is offered. If special outfit is required, please contact the CHISA Congress Organising Committee and specify your request.
The Organisers of the Exhibition are not making any special arrangements for delivery of exhibition material or arrangements concerning customs procedures. Please enquire at your countries customs authorities what arrangements have to be made to enable import and export of exhibits in and out of the Czech Republic free of duty. The best solution is to bring all exhibits by car. If you want to send any consignments in advance, please do not send them to the address of the University (there is no storage place) but contact the CHISA Congress Organising Committee and ask for this possibility.
The floor layout of the Exhibition is shown on Fig.2. The Exhibition will be situated in the central hall of the Congress building. Booths face directly into the corridors through which all the participants will be passing when going to the lecture halls on the 1st floor and to the coffee and poster area. It is thus ensured that all the booths are in the centre of traffic of the Congress participants.
The exhibition booths will be erected by Monday morning, 28 August 2006 when installation can begin. The Exhibition will be open from Tuesday to Thursday (9:00 – 17:00).
Surveillance of the exhibits during closing hours will be arranged but since the Exhibition is on the corridors it cannot be locked up during night hours. Therefore very valuable instruments should be deposited in a special room.
The Exhibition Catalogue will be handed out to all participants.
Any additional information can be provided at

Fig.1 Schematic drawing of an Exhibition booth

Fig.2 Floor layout of Exhibition MARCHES 2006