Lectures B
B1 - Sunday morning
Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
Chairpersons: S. Enders, D. V. Nichita
B1.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Development of a universal group-contribution method to predict temperature-dependent binary interaction parameters (kij)
for any cubic equation of state. *R. Privat, J.-N. Jaubert (ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [71]
B1.2 11:40 Calculation of the high pressure phase equilibrium in hyperbranched polymer systems with the Lattice-Cluster Theory. C. Browarzik, *S. Enders, D. Browarzik1 (Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE; 1Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle, DE) [187]
B1.3 12:00 Thermodynamic modeling based upon information theory. *T. Wallek, M. Pfleger, A. Pfennig (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [335]
B1.4 12:20 Sorption and diffusion of n-pentane in polystyrene. *J. Chmelar, H. Hajova, A. Nistor, J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [435]
B2 - Sunday afternoon
Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
Chairpersons: G. Bogdanić, R. Privat
B2.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Phase stability analysis in the vicinity of the stability test limit using modified objective functions. *D. V. Nichita, K. Boudjlida (Univ. Pau, FR) [512]
B2.2 14:40 An approach for speeding-up the resolution of linear systems in Newton iterations for phase equilibrium calculations. *M. Petitfrere, D. V. Nichita (Univ. Pau, FR) [470]
B2.3 15:00 Applying discrete modeling to ideal gas and real gases. *M. Pfleger, T. Wallek, A. Pfennig (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [246]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
B2.4 16:20 Experimental and theoretical determination of interfacial tension in systems of enhanced gas and oil recovery at elevated
pressures. S. Enders, G. Nino-Amezquita, R. Eggers1, *P. T. Jaeger1 (Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE; 1Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE) [241]
B2.5 16:40 Natural gas sweetening using ionic liquids, experiment and modeling. M. Safavi, *C. Ghotbi, A. H. Jalili1, V. Taghikhani1 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR) [1125]
B2.6 17:00 Investigation of effect of association term in modeling CO2 solubility in aqueous N-methyldiethanolamine solution by electrolyte
equation of state. *A. T. Zoghi, F. Feyzi1 (Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR; 1Iran Univ. Sci. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1098]
B2.7 17:20 A study on vapour-liquid equilibria in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. *Z. Karimi, M. Rahmani, M. Moqadam (Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [346]
B3 - Monday morning
Extraction and leaching
Chairpersons: M. Carsky, J. Tříska
B3.1 11:00 Emulsions and double emulsions as memristive systems. A. Spasic (Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, RS) [17]
B3.2 11:20 Optimization of the deliming process during production of food gelatine. *J. Šolc, K. Kolomazník, J. Pecha, D. Janáčová (T. Bata Univ., Zlín, CZ) [31]
B3.3 11:40 Study of the organic extraction and acidic leaching of chars obtained in the pyrolysis of plastics, tire rubber and forestry
biomass wastes. *M. Bernardo, N. Lapa, M. Gonçalves, B. Mendes, F. Pinto1 (Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT; 1LNEG, Lisboa, PT) [174]
B3.4 12:00 Novel extraction strategies for the concentration of ferric chloride. *M. Milosevic, B. Schuur1, A. B. de Haan (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 1Twente Univ., Enschede, NL) [295]
B3.5 12:20 Uranium extraction from ore leach solutions using PC88A – development and modelling of a new process. *D. Hartmann, M. Marbet, C. Balaguer, B. Courtaud1, J. Thiry1, N. Syna1 (CEA, Bagnols-sur-Ceze, FR; 1AREVA, Bessines-sur-Gartempe, FR) [465]
B4 - Monday afternoon
Extraction and leaching
Chairpersons: M. Carsky, J. Tříska
B4.1 14:00 Tailored extraction of caffeine using alcohol and phosphate-based aqueous two-phase systems. S. B. Santos, I. A. O. Reis, C. P. C. Silva, J. A. P. Coutinho1, C. M. F. Soares, *Á. S. Lima (Tiradentes Univ., Aracaju, BR; 1Univ. Aveiro, PT) [850]
B4.2 14:20 Entrainment reduction in a static-mixer settler setup by applying electric field enhanced coalescence. *E. Barega, E. Zondervan, A. Haan (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL) [912]
B4.3 14:40 Design, adjustment and comparison of several coupled methods for oil extraction of third generation energy crops for biodiesel
production. A. D. González-Delgado, *V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [539]
B4.4 15:00 Comparative study of antioxidant solvent extraction from Algerian Myrtus Communis L. leaves using instant controlled pressure
drop and classical route. B. Berka-Zougali, A. Hassani1, *K. Allaf2 (Univ. La Rochelle, FR; 1ENS, Algier-Kouba, DZ; 2ABCAR-DIC Proc., La Rochelle, FR) [1015]
B4.5 15:20 Instant controlled pressure drop combined to ultrasounds as innovative extraction process combination. *T. Allaf, V. Tomao, F. Chemat (Univ. Avignon, FR) [1092]
B5 - Tuesday morning
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Sub- and supercritical water; micronization
Chairpersons: E. Rój, I. ŽižovićB5.1 8:50 Investigation on the separation behaviour of higher molecular organic compounds in water at elevated temperatures and pressures
using ceramic membranes. *A. Felix, V. Herdegen, R. Haseneder, G. Härtel, J.-U. Repke (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, DE) [496]
B5.2 9:10 Hydrothermal conversion of food industry waste: effect of reaction conditions on product distribution, kinetics and composition.
I. Pavlovič, *M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [219]
B5.3 9:30 Catalytic fluid technologies for hydrogenation and oxidation reactions. *V. G. Matveeva, V. Doluda, E. Sulman, E. Shimanskaya (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [361]
B5.4 9:50 Modeling of supercritical anti-solvent micronization process. *S. Roy, P. K. Kumar (Indian Inst. Technol., Bombay, IN) [1118]
10:10 Coffee break, poster session
Thermodynamic data and modelling
B5.5 11:00 Keynote lecture: Determination of diffusion coefficients in high pressure processes. *R. Eggers, P. T. Jaeger, M. Müller (Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE) [135]
B5.6 11:40 Thermodynamical modelling of binary mixtures of systems gases/water. *B. Kramberger, E. Markočič, M. Knez Hrnčič, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [337]
B5.7 12:00 A theoretical discussion on the constant bed void space assumption in the mathematical modelling of packed bed extraction
of swellable spherical solids using differential mass balance models and dimensional analysis. *A. Rieger, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, DE) [445]
B6 - Tuesday afternoon
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Natural products
Chairpersons: V. I. Anikiev, R. EggersB6.1 14:00 Sustainable processes using sub- and super critical fluids. *M. Knez Hrnčič, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [327]
B6.2 14:20 Production of antibactericidal biomaterial by a combined supercritical extraction and impregnation process. M. A. Fanovich, I. Zizovic1, *P. T. Jaeger2 (INTEMA, Mar del Plata, AR; 1Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 2Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE) [165]
B6.3 14:40 Separation of extracts from natural substances solved in near or supercritical fluids by means of nanofiltration. *V. Herdegen, R. Haseneder, G. Härtel, J.-U. Repke (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, DE) [312]
B6.4 15:00 Extraction of polyphenolic compounds from grape by-products using supercritical CO2 and ethanol. *R. Camarillo, F. Martínez, J. Garcia, R. González, J. Rincón (Univ. Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, ES) [1068]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
B6.5 16:20 Modeling of supercritical fluid extractions from rapeseed under consideration of change of fixed bed properties. *F. Meyer, P. T. Jaeger, R. Eggers, M. Stamenic1, I. Zizovic1 (Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE; 1Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS) [292]
B6.6 16:40 Supercritical extraction of essential oil from Mentha and mathematical modelling – the influence of plant particle size .
S. Maksimovic, J. Ivanovic, *D. Skala (Univ. Belgrade, Beograd, RS) [1192]
B6.7 17:00 Differences in CO2 extraction of vegetable oils, essential oils, and minor components from plants. H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [260]
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