The CHISA Congress with all its topics and specialised symposia supports the concept of sustainable development – a concept aimed at the future of mankind. Convinced that chemical engineering includes, masters and creates most of the tools that play a key role in realising this concept, chemical engineers try to find the specific and most effective ways to maximise this effort. This striving includes formulation of new targets of individual branches of chemical engineering science and practice, developing new methods for achieving them, dissemination of relevant information among specialists from Europe and the whole world and supporting young engineers in entering and understanding the profession.
Congress structure
The Congress is structured as follows:
- General topics of chemical and process engineering
- Specialised symposia
- PRES 2012– 15th Conference on process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction
- Exhibition MARCHES 2012
The technical program includes invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions and poster sessions. Some symposia are co-organised with the corresponding EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies.
Congress topics
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art papers and commercial information on the following subjects are invited.
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
[2] Distillation and absorption
[3] Extraction and leaching
[4] Membrane separations
[5] Filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, hydrocyclons
[6] Fluid flow and multiphase systems
[7] Mixing
[8] Computer aided process engineering
[9] Particulate solids
[10] Chemical engineering education
[11] Pharmaceutical engineering
Specialised Symposia
[12] Symposium on environmental engineering
[13] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
[14] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
[15] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
[16] Symposium on food processing and technology
[17] Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
[18] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
[19] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
[20] EU FP7 projects – F3 Factory, COPIRIDE, POLYCAT, SYNFLOW and PILLS
[21] Symposium: Next generation biofuels from laboratory to industry
[22] Workshop: Measuring sustainability of processes and products

PRES 2012
[23] 15th Conference "Process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction"
The Conference will be held as a specialised international venue in the framework of the CHISA Congress. It is the fifteenth event in the series – Prague (1998), Budapest, Hungary (1999), Prague (2000), Florence, Italy (2001), Prague (2002), Hamilton, Canada (2003), Prague (2004), Taormina, Italy (2005), Prague (2006), Ischia, Italy (2007), Prague (2008) and Rome, Italy (2009), Prague (2010), Italy (2011) and in 2013 will be organised in Rhodos, Greece.Main Topics:
- Advanced heat exchangers (incl. Compact, membranes, polymers)
- Batch processes
- Clean energy from biomass – a challenge for chemical technology
- Clean technologies – low emission technologies
- CO2 minimisation and sequestration
- Combined heat & power, combined cycles
- Dynamic, flexible and sustainable plant operation
- Energy efficient drying technologies
- Energy saving technology
- e-learning, e-teaching and e-knowledge
- Heat exchangers as integrated items
- Heat pumps in industry
- Heat transfer processes
- Industrial & experimental studies
- Industrial application & optimal design
- Integrated and multifunctional operations
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- INTHEAT: Profit Recovery through Heat Recovery
- Operational research and supply chain management
- Process integration for sustainable development
- Pulp & paper
- Sustainable biofuel production
- Sustainable processing and production
- Sustainable food and drink production
- Sustainable agriculture related industries
- Towards hydrogen economy
- Waste to energy including thermal processing
- Waste minimisation, processing and management
- Waste water treatment and soil remediation
PRES 2012 Best Poster Competition
Plenary and keynote lectures
Four plenary lectures will be presented before coffee/poster break during morning sessions on Sunday and Monday (at 8:30–10:30 h.). There will be 32 and 29 keynote lectures delivered within the CHISA Congress and PRES 2012 Conference, respectively.
Plenary lectures
A1.1 – 8:30 – Chemical engineering challenges for a post-nuclear and post-fossil energy future. G. Kreysa (Eppstein, DE) [1365]
A1.2 – 9:30 – Process heat transfer enhancement to upgrade performance, throughput and reduced energy use. M. J. Gough (Cal Gavin Ltd., Alcester, UK) [701]
A3.1 – 8:30 – Energy, water and raw materials: an integrated solution. E. Drioli (ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [1388]
A3.2 – 9:30 – Power from the deserts: vision or reality? H. Mueller-Steinhagen (Tech. Univ., Dresden, DE) [1384]
Keynote lectures
Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
A5.1 – 8:30 – Determination of diffusion coefficients in ionic liquids –experimental and modelling approach. *T. Salmi, J. Reinik1, L. Myreen, J. Wärnå, K. Eränen, P. Virtanen, J.-P. Mikkola2 (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Nat. Inst. Chem. Phys. Biophys., Tallinn, EE; 2Umea Univ., SE) [259]
A6.1 – 14:00 – Catalytic technologies for production of biofuels from fatty acids and triglycerides. *P. Mäki-Arvela, D. Y. Murzin (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [250]
A7.1 – 8:30 – Catalytic hydrogenation of aromatic compounds in the liquid phase. *M. Králik, M. Turáková1, I. Mačák, S. Wenchich (VUCHT, Bratislava, SK; 1Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [5]
Membrane separations
C5.1 – 8:30 – Nanocomposite membrane materials for gas and vapour separations. P. M. Budd (Univ. Manchester, UK) [90]
C5.6 – 11:00 – Engineering with membranes …. what else? J. G. Crespo (Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT) [658]
C7.1 – 8:30 – Integrated membrane operations for the purification of olive mill wastewaters, recovery of high added values components and new formulations. *L. Giorno, A. Cassano, C. Conidi, R. Mazzei, E. Piacentini (ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [1246]
C7.6 – 11:00 – How to synthesize nanofiltration membranes? Influence of the manufacturing procedure on the performance of poly(ether)sulfone (PES) – polyamide (PA) membranes. *B. Van der Bruggen, A. Rashed, R. Zhang, A. Sotto1 (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE; 1Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles, ES) [144]
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
D1.1 – 11:00 – Drag force on a single bubble. T. Sanada (Shizuoka Univ., JP) [1032]
D5.7 – 11:00 – Transfer of mixing knowledge across industries: practical opportunities. *M. K. Dawson, D. A. R. Brown (BHR Group, Cranfield, UK) [342]
Computer aided process engineering
F1.1 – 11:00 – Modeling and control of microbial spoilage and color degradation occurring in convective drying of vegetables. *S. Curcio, A. Saraceno, M. Aversa (Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [290]
F2.1 – 14:00 – A phenomena-based methodology for process synthesis incorporating process intensification. P. Lutze (Tech. Univ., Dortmund, DE) [887]
F4.1 – 14:00 – Advanced sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for computer-aided process engineering. *G. Sin, A. Quaglia (Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK) [59]
F4.2 – 14:40 – Process development and improvement using mass-, energy-, and cost flow analysis. *A. Bode, T. Letzelter, T. Wisniewski (BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE) [659]
F4.3 – 16:20 – Optimal management and control of drug delivery systems. *M. C. Georgiadis, E. N. Pistikopoulos1 (Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR; 1Imperial Coll., London, UK) [669]
F4.4 – 17:00 – Industrial perspectives on modeling for chemical engineering applications. P. M. Piccione (Jealott's Hill Int. Res. Cent, Bracknell, UK) [62]
Particulate solids
E5.1 – 8:30 – Dynamic modeling of a plug flow fluidized bed dryer. H. Y. Behzad, H. M. S. Lababidi, *C. G. J. Baker (Kuwait Univ., Safat, KW) [365]
Chemical engineering education
H6.1 – 14:00 – Student engagement in engineering ethics. E. Alpay (Imperial Coll., London, UK) [672]
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
B5.5 – 11:00 – Determination of diffusion coefficients in high pressure processes. *R. Eggers, P. T. Jaeger, M. Müller (Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE) [135]
Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
B1.1 – 11:00 – Development of a universal group-contribution method to predict temperature-dependent binary interaction parameters (kij) for any cubic equation of state. *R. Privat, J.-N. Jaubert (ENSIC, Nancy, FR) [71]
B2.1 – 14:00 – Phase stability analysis in the vicinity of the stability test limit using modified objective functions. *D. V. Nichita, K. Boudjlida (Univ. Pau, FR) [512]
Symposium on food processing and technology
H1.1 – 11:00 – Different meso-scale models for multi-scale modelling of food processing. F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [717]
Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
C3.1 – 11:00 – Mathematical modeling of the heat transfer in micro- and nano-cellular polymer foams. R. Pokorny, P. Ferkl, A. Nistor, *J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [430]
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
G4.1 – 14:00 – Non-catalytic cracking of jojoba oil to produce fuel and chemical by-products . *E. Kozliak, R. Mota, D. Rodriguez, A. Kubatova, D. C. Stahl, V. H. Niri, G. Ogden1, W. Seames (Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks ND, US; 1Ogden Eng. Assoc., Tuscon AR, US) [507]
Symposium on proces intensification and miniaturisation
E1.1 – 11:00 – Modular microstructured reactors with integrated platform concept. N. Kockmann (Tech. Univ., Dortmund, DE) [384]
E2.1 – 14:00 – Potential for process intensification by structured reactors in on-site fuel production. P. Pfeifer (Karlsruhe Inst. Technol., DE) [461]
EU FP7 projects - F3 Factory, COPIRIDE, POLYCAT, SYNFLOW and PILLS
H7.1 – 8:30 – F³ Factory – a European project aiming at modular process design. *S. Buchholz, L. Frye, T. Groemping, D. Guenter (Bayer Technol. Services, Leverkusen, DE) [1069]
H7.7 – 11:00 – SYNFLOW: Continuous flow homogeneous catalysis. D. J. Cole-Hamilton (Univ. St. Andrews, UK) [1335]
H7.10 – 12:00 – Novel polymer based catalysts and microflow conditions as key elements for innovation in fine chemical synthesis – the FP7 EU project POLYCAT. *P. Löb, T. Rehm, V. Hessel1, E. Sulman2, L. Bronstein3 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 2Tver State Tech. Univ., RU; 3Nesmeyanov Inst., Moskva, RU) [1351]
H8.1 – 14:00 – Combining process intensification-driven manufacture of microstructured reactors and process design regarding to industrial dimensions and environment - update on the results of the EU FP7 Project CoPIRIDE. *P. Löb, U. Krtschil, V. Hessel1, J. Lang2 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 2Evonik Ind., Hanau-Wolfgang, DE) [1348]
H8.5 – 16:20 – Process intensification methodologies applied to liquid-liquid systems in structured equipment – objectives, results and generic learning of the EU FP7 Project PILLS. P. Löb, R. Farnell1, S. Fletcher1, *J. M. Double2 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Chemistry Innovation Ltd., Runcorn, UK; 2Britest Ltd, Runcorn, UK) [1353]
Symposium: Next generation biofuels from laboratory to industry
G5.1 – 8:30 – Biofuels: a path to practical production. *W. Seames, E. Kozliak, M. Linnen, A. Kubatova, R. Wills (Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks ND, US) [67]
Workshop: Measuring sustainability of processes and products
G7.1 – 8:30 – Sustainability measurement for complex systems: a review of sustainability indicators and indices . H. Wu, *R. C. Darton, A. G. L. Borthwick1 (Oxford Univ. , UK; 1Univ. Coll. Cork, IE) [848]
PRES 2012
I1.1 – 11:20 – Integrating the compression heat in oxy-combustion power plants with CO2 capture. C. Fu, *T. Gundersen (NTNU, Trondheim, NO) [997]
I2.1 – 14:00 – The supply and production of rubber seed oil as biofuel and biochemicals. W. P. Q. Ng, *H. L. Lam, S. Yusup1 (Univ. Nottingham, Semenyih, MY; 1Univ. Teknol. Petronas, Tronoh, MY) [1455]
I2.5 – 16:20 – Polygeneration system design with optimal predictive control strategies. *R. P. Menon, F. Marechal (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [751]
I3.1 – 11:00 – Solution strategies for the synthesis of heat-integrated process water networks. *E. Ahmetović1, Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI; 1Univ. Tuzla, BA) [1175]
I4.1 – 14:00 – Techno-economic assessment of the fermentative hydrogen production from sugar beet. *K. Urbaniec, R. Grabarczyk (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [780]
I4.5 – 16:20 – Modelling and optimisation of gasification for palm kernel shell (PKS) in a fluidized bed gasifier. R. T. L. Ng, *D. K. S. Ng, D. H. S. Tay1, W. A. W. A. K. Ghani2 (Univ. Nottingham, Selangor, MY; 1Global Green Synergy, Kuala Lumpur, MY; 2Univ. Putra Malaysia, Selangor, MY) [648]
I5.1 – 8:30 – A novel and flexible energy management strategy with application in a hydrolytic solar hydrogen autonomous system. C. Ziogou, D. Ipsakis, *P. Seferlis1, S. Bezergianni, S. Papadopoulou2, S. Voutetakis (Chem. Proc. Eng. Res. Inst., Thessaloniki, GR; 1Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR; 2Technol. Educ. Inst., Thessaloniki, GR) [983]
I5.7 – 11:00 – Area targeting for heat recovery loop temperature selection and optimum energy and cost reduction. *M. R. W. Walmsley, M. J. Atkins, T. Walmsley, J. Neale (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ) [1221]
I6.1 – 14:00 – Optimization of water network integrated with process models. *C. Deng, X. Feng (China Univ. Petrol., Beijing, CN) [774]
I6.5 – 16:20 – Accounting for thermal resistance of cooling water fouling in plate heat exchangers. *O. Arsenyeva, L. Tovazhnyansky1, P. Kapustenko, O. Demirskyy (Sodruzhestvo, Kharkiv, UA; 1Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA) [118]
I7.1 – 8:30 – Retrofit procedure for intensifying heat transfer in heat exchanger networks prone to fouling deposition. *M. Pan, I. Bulatov, R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [188]
I7.7 – 11:00 – Effect of turbulence enhancement on crude oil fouling in a batch stirred cell. M. Yang, Z. Wood, B. Rickard, *B. Crittenden, M. J. Gough1, P. Droegemueller1, T. Higley1 (Univ. Bath, UK; 1Cal Gavin Ltd., Alcester, UK) [684]
I8.1 – 14:00 – Development and evaluation of enhanced heat transfer tubes for transitional Reynolds number flow. *D. J. Kukulka, R. Smith (State Univ. New York, Buffalo NY, US) [136]
I8.5 – 16:20 – Minimising energy use in milk powder production using process integration techniques. *M. J. Atkins, M. R. W. Walmsley, T. Walmsley, Z. Fodor1, J. Neale (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1113]
J1.1 – 11:20 – Energy analysis needs of the transforming pulp and paper industry. J.-C. Bonhivers, S. Sanaei, *P. Stuart (Ec. Polytech., Montreal QC, CA) [1259]
J2.1 – 14:00 – Thermal energy integration mapping for retrofit assessment of industrial plants. *L. Savulescu, Z. Périn-Levasseur, M. Benali (CANMET, Varennes QC, CA) [641]
J2.5 – 16:20 – Holistic and versatile process integration tools for maximising resource efficiency. *Z. Abdul-Manan, S. R. Wan Alwi (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY) [772]
J3.1 – 11:00 – A targeting method for hybrid power systems with energy losses. N. E. Mohammad Rozali, *S. R. Wan Alwi, Z. Abdul-Manan, J. J. Klemeš1 (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [854]
J4.1 – 14:00 – Design space for the sizing and selection of heat exchangers of the compact type. *M. Picón-Núñez, G. T. Polley, J. M. Riesco-Avila (Univ. Guanajuato, MX) [625]
J4.5 – 16:20 – Designing sustainable supply chains. *D. Young, T. Hawkins, W. Ingwersen, R. Smith (US EPA, Cincinnati OH, US) [1361]
J5.1 – 8:30 – Energy saving performance of internal heat-integrated batch distillation. *K. Matsuda, Y. Suzuki, T. Yamaki, K. Takahashi, A. Endo1, M. Nakaiwa1 (Yamagata Univ., JP; 1Nat. Inst. Adv. Ind. Sci. Technol., Tsukuba, JP) [771]
J5.7 – 11:00 – A numerical study of the effect of a venetian blind on the convective heat transfer rate from a recessed window with transitional and turbulent flow. *P. H. Oosthuizen, S. Oghbaie (Queen's Univ., Kingston ON, CA) [752]
J6.1 – 14:00 – Graphical targeting tool for the planning of carbon capture and storage. R. E. H. Ooi, *D. C. Y. Foo, D. K. S. Ng, R. R. Tan1 (Univ. Nottingham, Selangor, MY; 1De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH) [638]
J6.5 –16:20 – Ecological footprint comparison of biobased PHA production from animal residues. K.-H. Kettl, K. Shahzad, M. Eder, *M. Narodoslawsky (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [592]
J6.6 – 16:40 – CO2 valorisation: Production of synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel from dry reforming of methane. *H. Er-rbib, C. Bouallou, F. Werkoff (MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [193]
J7.1 – 8:30 – Reducing the dimensionality of criteria in multi-objective optimisation of biomass energy supply-chains. *L. Čuček, J. J. Klemeš1, P. S. Varbanov1, Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1288]
J7.7 – 11:00 – Catalytic solar thermochemical processing for enhanced heat transfer and emission-free production of hydrogen. K. Ibrik, M. Al-Meer, *N. Ozalp (Texas A&M Univ. at Qatar, Doha, QA) [1008]
J8.1 – 14:00 – Waste-to-energy facility planning supported by stochasting programming - part I Introduction. R. Šomplák, *M. Pavlas, V. Ucekaj1, P. Popela (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ; 1Eveco Ltd., Brno, CZ) [884]
J8.5 – 16:20 – Stress study on different designs of ceramic high temperature heat exchangers. T. Luo, T. Ma, M. Zeng, *Q. Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [1182]
Program Overview

Click to enlarge
Table of contents
Complete Table of contents, Author index can be found here
Lecture and poster sessions
Ten parallel lecture sections will take place at 8:30–12:40 h. and 14:00–18:00 h. based on 20 minutes rigid schedules. For keynote lectures 40 minutes are reserved. Poster sessions will take place the whole day from 9 to 17 h. However, authors must attend their posters during the coffee/poster breaks: 10:30–11:00 h. and 15:20–16:20 h.
Procedia publications
Publication in Procedia is an option for the authors who wish to exploit this possibility; it can recommended but it is not obligatory. Papers accepted for CHISA Congress (i.e. excluding those for the PRES conference) can be published in a special issue of the electronic journal Procedia, which will be permanently displayed on the Elsevier website. Subsequently, such contributions will be recorded in both the Web of Science and the Scopus data bases. Manuscript must be submitted before 30 April 2012 in the formal appearance as required by the Elsevier. The rules must be observed very carefully otherwise the text will not be accepted. A template (as Word document) for preparation of the manuscript can be downloaded here. The signed and scanned first page of the Copyright Form must be submitted together with manuscript. The Procedia will be published shortly after the Congress (expected: September). Such a new feature will not influence the publication policy of CHISA Congresses.PRES publications
The full texts of selected PRES contributions will be published in Chemical Engineering Transactions, covered by Scopus and Web of Science (ISI). Special issues of journals Applied Thermal Engineering (UK), Heat Transfer Engineering (US), Journal of Cleaner Production General (US), Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal (US), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (US) will be also published. PRES 2012 Chemical Engineering Transactions – 2 volumes, publication with full coverage of Scopus (article status) and Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index Expand. You can order this publication using your registration form; price for both volumes is 40 EUR. The author instructions, embedded in a completely functioning template document, can be downloaded directly from The authors are encouraged to download the document and type their manuscript inside. It is important to follow the instructions closely using the required prefefined styles.Final summary and full text
The final summary and full text have to be written in English and are requested from authors of all contributions (lectures and posters). Both the final summary and full text should be prepared according to the Instructions for authors, which can be found here.Please follow all instructions very carefully. Regrettably, many of the preliminary summaries have not complied with these instructions, therefore they had to be reedited. However, the Editors have no responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting. In case you wish to modify anything later, please DOWNLOAD AT FIRST your summary from the website, because here is accessible the version already edited. In this way we shall avoid repeatedly re-formatting the abstract in order to be compatible with the rules. Then, you can modify it and submit: for submission please access your user pages, in the menu select button “Inspecting submitted papers” and upload the final summary. Resubmission will automatically notify the administrator of database about some change. This is also the easiest way how to announce correction of the title, authors, affiliations, etc. It is valid what is in summary. The final summary must be received before 31 May 2012, however only in the case if it is different from the preliminary one. The full text should also be uploaded via user pages in a similar manner. Please observe kindly the instructions. The deadline for submission of the full text is 31 May 2012.
In case of difficulties contact In all correspondence please always refer to the serial number assigned to your contribution. In July, every author will receive an e-mail confirming location and timing of his paper in the Final Program.
CHISA Congress – overview of instructions for authors
2. Full paper (will be published on CD ROM) - see an example, deadline for full paper sbmission is 31 May 2012
3. Manuscript for Procedia – see the template, deadline for submission is 30 April 2012
4. If you wish to publish your paper in Procedia, you are requested to upload parallelly the signed Copyright Form Copyright Form.
PRES Conference – overview of instructions for authors
2. Full paper – see the template – format for CET by AIDIC, deadline for submission is 31 May 2012
3. If you wish to publish your paper in CET, you are requested to upload parallelly the signed Copyright Form.
For all uploads please use your user pages.
Publication policy
Participants will receive Congress full texts on a CD-ROM. Printed abstracts will not be published. Authors are free to publish their papers at will after the Congress.Poster presentation
The majority of papers will be presented as posters and thus they are a very important part of the Congress program.
Scope. Try to arrange your poster in such a way to provide a clear comprehensible image of your work at first sight even for those participants who are not conversant in your special field of interest. Give preference to diagrams, pictures and charts. The text should be very concise and accentuate the particular aim of your work, its importance, application, and the key formulas and symbols. Leave details to the discussion with interested people and to the full text.
Form. The size of the poster board is 130 cm (height) by 96 cm (width). The presenters will mark their posters with a heading, containing the title (size of letters 4 cm, at least), and the name(s) of author(s), affiliation, city and country (size of letters 2 cm). Letters under 1 cm are not suitable. Posting only a printout of the full text does not do credit to the sense and purpose of poster session.
Presentation. The presenters will arrange their posters at designated panels before the beginning of the poster session and remove them immediately after the closure of the session. The presenters must attend their posters during the coffee break from 15:20 to 16:20 h.
Lecture presentation
Since the oral sessions are based on rigid time schedules, a regular lecture including discussion can last no longer than 20 minutes. Forty minutes are reserved for keynote lectures only.
Data projectors. Lecture rooms will be equipped with dataprojector/PC and CD-ROM drives, and with PowerPoint software (version 2003). We are not adapted for Macintosh software. A PC for checking the PowerPoint presentation beforehand will be available in the Congress Reading Room. A connection to Internet will not be available in the lecture rooms.
Oral presentation. The lectures should be presented in English. Kindly use short sentences, a slower pace of delivery and clear and distinct pronunciation. This concerns specifically those presenters who speak in their mother tongue (i.e. English).