Lectures D
D2 - Sunday afternoon
Particulate solids
Chairpersons: A. Eštoková, M. Poletto
D2.1 14:20 Application of chaos theory in the fluid dynamics study of a fluidized bed for particles A, B and D of the Geldart classification.
*W. H. Prieto, M. A. Cremasco (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [844]
D2.2 14:40 Effect of particle characteristics on mixing behaviour for an agitating mixer by DEM simulation. *M. Yamamoto, S. Ishihara1, J. Kano1 (Sumimoto Bakelite Ltd., Fujieda, JP; 1Tohoku Univ., Sendai, JP) [162]
D2.3 15:00 Polyolefin particle agglomeration in gas- and liquid-dispersion reactors. J. Chmelař, J. Maršálek, M. Kroupa, L. Konopka, *J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1156]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Bulk properties
Chairpersons: J. Kano, T. SvěrákD2.4 16:20 Surface modification of cohesive glass powders to alter their contact properties. *Z. Kutelova, W. Hintz, J. Tomas (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [1113]
D2.5 16:40 Bulk properties of special micro-fine ligneous fillers. *T. Sverak, P. Kejík, O. Slanina, K. Sikorová, P. Bulejko, O. Krištof (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1556]
D2.6 17:00 Determination of the micromechanical material properties of glass beads via compression tests, atomic force microscopy and
nanoindentation. *K. Mader-Arndt, Z. Kutelova, J. Tomas (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [28]
D2.7 17:20 Effect of the container shape on the movement of particulate material during unloading, investigated by using the EDEM program.
*J. Vyletělek, J. Zegzulka (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1325]
D2.8 17:40 Roller compaction: Effect of amorphous content of lactose upon product properties. *C. Omar, R. M. Dhenge, J. D. Osborne1, T. Althaus1, S. Palzer2, M. J. Hounslow, A. D. Salman (Univ. Sheffield, UK; 1Nestle Prod. Technol. Centre York, UK; 2Nestle SA Headquarters, Vevey, CH) [1221]
D3 - Monday morning
Particulate solids
Dust control
Chairpersons: J. Kosek, P. WypychD3.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Research and application of new dust control technologies. *P. W. Wypych, D. B. Hastie, S. Wangchai (Univ. Wollongong, AU) [1391]
D3.2 11:40 Stripe- and network-patterned structures of silica submicrometer particles prepared by convective self-assembly method. *Y. Mori, R. Sakamoto, K. Tsuchiya (Doshisha Univ., Kyoto, JP) [1138]
D4 - Monday afternoon
Particulate solids
Powder processes
Chairpersons: A. Ramirez Gomez, P. ZámostnýD4.1 14:00 Effect of crystallinity on CaO conversion of natural limestone in carbonation/recarbonation/calcination cycles. J. M. Valverde, P. E. Sánchez-Jiménez, L. A. Pérez Maqueda, *M. A. S. Quintanilla, J. Pérez-Vaquero (Univ. Sevilla, ES) [1509]
D4.2 14:20 Optimization of distributions powder for selective laser sintering processes. *D. Sofia, D. Barletta, M. Poletto (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1343]
D4.3 14:40 Granule size distribution of roller compaction process: two parameters Rosin-Rammler equation. *R. B. Al-Asady, M. J. Hounslow, A. D. Salman (Univ. Sheffield, UK) [1209]
D4.4 15:00 The effects of agitated beds homogenization on stirrer geometry and bed depth via DEM. *M. Kohout, T. Trávníčková1, J. Havlica1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Purkyne Univ., Usti n/L, CZ) [1380]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Chairpersons: N. Števulová, T. SvěrákD4.5 16:20 Analysis of particle breakage behaviour using ADEM simulation. *S. Ishihara, Q. Zhang, J. Kano (Tohoku Univ., Sendai, JP) [125]
D4.6 16:40 Solid-liquid abrasion - a review. *M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [289]
D5 - Tuesday morning
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Chairpersons: T. Botić, E. Rój
D5.1 8:30 Keynote lecture: Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction - quo vadis. E. Rój (Fertiliz. Res. Inst., Pulawy, PL) [406]
D5.2 9:10 Micronization of lysozyme by expanded liquid antisolvent process. *V. Prosapio, E. Reverchon, I. De Marco (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [240]
D5.3 9:30 Preparation and characterization of micro- and nanocellular polystyrene foams. *A. Nistor, A. Rygl, M. Sajfrtová1, M. Bobak, J. Kosek2 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2Univ. West Bohemia, Plzeň, CZ) [1157]
D5.4 9:50 Development of drug-polymer composite microparticles by suspension-enhanced dispersion by supercritical CO2. *A.-Z. Chen, S.-B. Wang (Huaqiao Univ., Xiamen, CN) [1574]
D5.5 10:10 Modeling of aerogel structures and processes in supercritical reactors. *N. V. Menshutina, A. V. Kolnoochenko, A. E. Lebedev (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [710]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
D5.6 11:00 Effect of process parameters on antioxidant activities of Ganoderma lucidium extracts obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide.
*D. Cör, T. Botić, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [622]
D5.7 11:20 Comparison of extraction methods for isolation of 20-hydroxyecdysone from Leuzea carthamoides. *Z. Machalová, M. Sajfrtová, H. Sovová, M. Bártlová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1035]
D5.8 11:40 Promising extraction of apigenin from dried parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) by supercritical carbon dioxide involved with
stoichiometric solubility. *Y. Saotome, M. Imai (Nihon Univ., Fujisawa, JP) [516]
D5.9 12:00 Techno-economic analysis of natural antioxidants extraction from lulo (Solanum quiroense) with supercritical carbon dioxide.
J. A. Dávila, L. V. Daza, M. Rosenberg1, *C. A. Cardona (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO; 1Univ. California, Davis CA, US) [1375]
D5.10 12:20 Optimization of carotenoids extraction from microalgae Chlorella vulgaris by supercritical CO2 extraction. S. R. Pour Hoseiny, *O. Tavakoli, M. H. Sarrafzadeh (Univ. Tehran, IR) [911]
D6 - Tuesday afternoon
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Chairpersons: I. De Marco, N. V. Menshutina
D6.1 14:00 Ternary detergent range alcohol-alkane-CO2 mixtures: experimental high pressure phase behaviour observations and analytical
phase composition data. *F. C. Fourie, C. E. Schwarz, J. H. Knoetze (Univ. Stellenbosch, Matieland, ZA) [487]
D6.2 14:20 Investigations on the conductivity of the system water-salt-carbon dioxide under pressure. *V. Herdegen, A. Felix, J. Börner, K. Spitzer, J.-U. Repke (Tech. Univ. Bergakademie, Freiberg, DE) [836]
D6.3 14:40 Stable reactivity of immobilized lipase in repeated use for lipid hydrolysis in supercritical carbon dioxide. *M. Naya, M. Imai (Nihon Univ., Fujisawa, JP) [785]
D6.4 15:00 Bidisperse shrinking core model for supercritical fluid extraction. A. G. Egorov, *A. A. Salamatin (Kazan (Volga Region) Fed. Univ., RU) [52]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
D6.5 16:20 Linkage of mass transfer and transient particle size change in supercritical fluid packed-bed extraction: The single swelling
particle model. *A. Rieger, R. Haseneder, J.-U. Repke (Tech. Univ. Bergakademie, Freiberg, DE) [685]
D6.6 16:40 Kinetics of supercritical fluid extraction of lipids and pigments from microalgae. H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1031]
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