Lectures E
E1 - Sunday morning
Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
Chairpersons: Z. Bubník, F. Debaste
E1.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Application of membrane techniques in food processing and biotechnology. *B. Wiege, J. Hollmann (Max Rubner Inst., Detmold, DE) [419]
E1.2 11:40 Tangential filtration of gac (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) fruit oil for carotenoids concentration. H. C. Mai, V. Truong, *F. Debaste1 (Nong Lam Univ., Ho Chi Minh City, VN; 1Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [798]
E1.3 12:00 An application of lactic, propionic and acetic acids separated from fermented whey by membrane processes to improve the properties
of bakery products. M. Sluková, *A. Hinková, V. Pour, S. Henke, Z. Bubník, F. Smrž1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Zeelandia Co., Malšice, CZ) [546]
E2 - Sunday afternoon
Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
Chairpersons: E. Šárka, B. Wiege
E2.1 14:00 Trends and development of technological procedures in the sugar industry during last twenty years. *Z. Bubník, A. Hinková, P. Kadlec, E. Šárka, V. Pour, S. Henke, J. Gebler1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1VUC, Praha, CZ) [373]
E2.2 14:20 Assessment of drying characterics of berry fruits under physical pretreatment. G. Adiletta, *P. Russo1, M. Di Matteo (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT; 1Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, IT) [1311]
E2.3 14:40 Extrusion of corn grits with native or modified starch addition – influence of process parameters on digestibility, shear
stress and expansion ratio. *E. Šárka, P. Smrčková, J. Koláček, M. Saglamtas, D. Chena, V. Pour (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [654]
E2.4 15:00 Spray drying of coconut sugar. *M. Phongpipatpong, K. Wongkrajang1 (King Mongkut’s Inst. Technol., Ladkrabang, TH; 1Inst. Food Res. Prod. Dev., Bangkok, TH) [1292]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
E2.5 16:20 Processing of colostrum by liquid chromatography and membrane separation methods. *V. Skalka, L. Čurda, A. Kastnerová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1359]
E2.6 16:40 Influence of the extrusion process on properties of barley dietary fibre. *I. Honců, K. Vaculová1, M. Sluková, B. Wiege2, E. Fehling2 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Agrotest Fyto, Kroměříž, CZ; 2Max Rubner Inst., Detmold, DE) [1030]
E2.7 17:00 Pasting characteristics of wheat-chia blends. *I. Švec, M. Hrušková, I. Jurinová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [89]
E3 - Monday morning
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
Chairpersons: C. Guy, V. Roig
E3.1 11:00 Modeling of a slurry bubble column reactor for the production of biofuels by use of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. *C. B. Vik, J. Solsvik, Z. Chao1, H. A. Jakobsen (NTNU, Trondheim, NO; 1Saftec Nordic AS, Trondheim, NO) [413]
E3.2 11:20 Comparison of random and structured modern packings for post-combustion carbon capture absorption columns. M. Fourati1, L. Raynal, *V. Roig1 (IFP Energies Nouvelles, Solaize, FR; 1Univ. Toulouse, FR) [1316]
E3.3 11:40 Experimental determination of Darcy-Forchheimer equation parameters for various type of unconsolidated porous media. *R. Clavier, N. Chikhi, F. Fichot, M. Quintard1 (IRSN, Saint Paul-lez-Durance, FR; 1Univ. Toulouse, FR) [438]
E3.4 12:00 Dehydration and effect of hydrate formers on multi-phase flow envelope. *A. Esmaeili, F. Golozari1 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1PFI Consult. Co., Tehran, IR) [160]
E4 - Monday afternoon
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
Bubble columns
Chairpersons: V. Roig, A. SaboniE4.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Mixing and mass transfer in two-dimensional bubble column. E. Bouche1, S. Cazin, A.-M. Billet, F. Risso, *V. Roig (Univ. Toulouse, FR; 1Univ. Rouen, FR) [1349]
E4.2 14:40 Characterization of gas-phase hydrodynamics in heterogeneous bubbly flows by monofiber conic optical probes and endoscopic
image processing. *P. Raimundo, A. Forret, F. Augier, D. Benenventi1, A. Cartellier2 (IFP Energies Nouvelles, Solaize, FR; 1LG Proc. Papet., Saint-Martin d Heres, FR; 2Lab. Ecoul. Geophys. Ind., Grenoble, FR) [504]
E4.3 15:00 Experimental characterization of a gas-liquid bubble column reactor by considering the rheological behavior of the liquid
phase. A. Esmaeili K.S., J. Chaouki, *C. Guy (Ec. Polytech., Montreal QC, CA) [649]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
E4.4 16:20 Analysis of breakup & coalescence rates in bubble column modelling. *S. Azizi, Y. M. Lau, M. Schubert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, DE) [1025]
E4.5 16:40 Bubble formation and swarm behaviour in reactive bubble columns. *M. Lichti, M. W. Hlawitschka, H.-J. Bart (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [127]
E4.6 17:00 Analysis of pressure fluctuations in a bubble column for flow regime identification. *W. Tchowa Medjiade, A. Rosenbaum Alvaro, A. Schumpe (Tech. Univ., Braunschweig, DE) [417]
E4.7 17:20 Numerical study of bubbles generation during water electrolysis and the influence of forced convection on plume thickness.
*J. Schillings, O. Doche, J. Deseure (LEPMI CNRS, Saint Martin d’Hères, FR) [398]
E4.8 17:40 Heat transfer in multiphase contactors. *M. Žižka, R. Šulc, P. Ditl (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1150]
E5 - Tuesday morning
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
Chairpersons: P. Basařová, V. S. NikolayevE5.1 8:30 Influence of three dimensional corrugations on the velocity field of falling liquid film flow on inclined surfaces. *A. Marek, J.-U. Repke (Tech. Univ. Bergakademie, Freiberg, DE) [392]
E5.2 8:50 Influence of design parameters on heat and mass transfer of a modularized, milli-structured reactor. *P. Biessey, F. Schael, J. Heck, M. Grünewald1 (Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik, Wendelsheim, DE; 1Ruhr Univ., Bochum, DE) [1205]
E5.3 9:10 Two-phase and three-phase slug flow microsystems coupled with an enzyme reaction. *J. Cech, M. Pribyl, D. Šnita (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1016]
E5.4 9:30 Manipulation with droplets in microfluidic devices using electric fields. *P. Beránek, M. Pribyl (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [955]
E5.5 9:50 Static electric field and oscillating droplets in microchannels. *R. Flittner, M. Pribyl (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [786]
E5.6 10:10 Single drop breakage experiments. *J. Solsvik, H. A. Jakobsen (NTNU, Trondheim, NO) [1137]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
Capillary phenomena
E5.7 11:00 Keynote lecture: Fluid dynamics in pulsating heat pipes. V. S. Nikolayev (CEA, Gif sur Yvette, FR) [130]
E5.8 11:40 Influence of albumin and chosen surfactants addition on rheological properties of interfacial area. *L. Broniarz-Press, M. G. Rasteiro1, A. Ferreira1, J. Różański, J. Kmiecik, J. Dobrychłop (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL; 1Univ. Coimbra, PT) [447]
E5.9 12:00 Description of the three-phase contact line motion during the bubble adhesion to hydrophobic surfaces. *P. Basařová, G. Moore1, H. Suchanová, K. Soušková, T. Váchová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Univ. Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) [213]
E5.10 12:20 Tracking non equilibrium interfacial properties of bubble surface at dynamic condition for understanding rising bubble behaviour.
M. Lotfi, *D. Bastani1, V. Ulaganathan2, R. Miller2, A. Javadi2 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Max Planck Inst., Potsdam/Golm, DE; 2Univ. Tehran, IR) [818]
E6 - Tuesday afternoon
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
Suspensions and fluidised bed
Chairpersons: L. Broniarz-Press, E. ClimentE6.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Simulations of particulate flows (from passive to active suspensions). E. Climent (Inst. Mech. Fluids, Toulouse, FR) [33]
E6.2 14:40 Coagulation and fouling in dispersions modeled by discrete element method. *M. Kroupa, M. Vonka, J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1146]
E6.3 15:00 Hydrodynamic study of fluidized bed of very dense powder: effects of reactor diameter reduction. *F. Vanni1, B. Caussat1, C. Ablitzer, M. Brothier (CEA, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, FR; 1UMR CNRS, Toulouse, FR) [164]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
E6.4 16:20 Characterization of fluidization regimes for particles A, B and D of the Geldart classification using a theoretical fluid
dynamic model. *W. H. Prieto, H. L. Moura, M. A. Cremasco (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [591]
E6.5 16:40 Fluidized bed flow behavior modeling with electronic equivalent circuit. *M. Ishizuka, H. Mizuno, Y. Kotani, Y. Kansha, A. Tsutsumi (Univ. Tokyo, JP) [1301]
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