Posters P1, Sunday
Membrane separations
P1.1 Sorption of alpha-pinene in the Nafion membrane. *L. Brožová, J. Žitka, P. Sysel1, P. Izák2 (Inst. Macromol. Chem., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 2Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [310]
P1.2 Temperature effect in polypropylene and polysulfone hollow fibre membrane contactors using ionic liquids. L. Gomez-Coma, *C. Casado-Coterillo, A. Garea, A. Irabien Gulías (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [409]
P1.3 Composite poly[Vbtma][Ac]-CS membranes for CO2/N2 selective separation. E. Santos, *C. Casado-Coterillo, A. Irabien Gulías (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [425]
P1.4 Model- and knowledge-based approach to model selection for nanofiltration processes. P. T. Mitkowski, *L. Broniarz-Press, A. Marecka (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [460]
P1.5 New coating method to prepare composite PEBAX®/PAN hollow fibre membranes for Biogas purification. F. Tasselli, G. Clarizia, *E. Esposito, P. Bernardo, S. Curcio1, J. C. Jansen, Z. Sedlakova (ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT; 1Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [513]
P1.6 Application of reverse osmosis in nuclear plants for recycling of boric acid (pilot-scale measurements). M. Skala, T. Moucha, *L. Labík, P. Kůs1, Š. Bártová1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Nucl. Res. Inst., Rez, CZ) [552]
P1.7 Evaluation of polyamide nanofiltration membranes for lead(II) separation from aqueous solutions. *C. V. Gherasim, P. Mikulášek (Univ. Pardubice, CZ) [644]
P1.8 Facilitated-transport membranes for CO/N2 separation: kinetic study of carbon monoxide reaction with an imidazolium chlorocuprate(I)
ionic liquid. G. Zarca, I. Ortiz, *A. Urtiaga (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [655]
P1.9 Physical aging study of PIM-1 using sorption gravimetric method. *M. Lanč, K. Friess, J. C. Jansen1, G. Clarizia1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [730]
P1.10 Preparation and application of ZIF-78/ZnO membranes in the gasoline vapor recovery. J. Li, *J. Zhong, W. Q. Huang (Univ. Changzhou, CN) [741]
P1.11 Structure and gas permeability of polymer-nanodiamonds composites. *N. Avagimova, Z. Pientka1, G. Polotskaya2, A. Toikka (St. Petersburg State Univ., RU; 1Inst. Macromol. Chem., Praha, CZ; 2Inst. Macromol. Comp., St. Petersburg, RU) [866]
P1.12 Pervaporation separation of water containing binary and multicomponent mixtures by PVA-fullerenol membranes. M. E. Dmitrenko, A. V. Penkova, E. S. Polyakov, *A. Samarov, A. M. Toikka (St. Petersburg State Univ., RU) [915]
P1.13 Separation of rosmarinic acid by extraction and transport through liquid membranes containing D2EHPA. *M. Postaru, A. C. Blaga1, L. Kloetzer1, A.-I. Galaction, D. Cascaval1 (Univ. Med. Pharm., Iasi, RO; 1Tech. Univ., Iasi, RO) [1023]
P1.14 Semitechnical methods for the isolation of arabinoxylans from wheat bran. *I. Honců, M. Sluková, B. Wiege1, J. Hollmann1, S. Radosta2, W. Vorwerg2, M. G. Lindhauer1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Max Rubner Inst., Detmold, DE; 2Fraunhofer Inst. Appl. Polym. Sci., Golm, DE) [1029]
P1.15 Highly hydrophobic ceramic membranes applied to the removal of volatile organic compounds in pervaporation. *J. Kujawa, W. Kujawski (N. Copernicus Univ., Torun, PL) [1176]
P1.16 Properties of PDMS based membranes in vacuum and thermal driven pervaporation. A. Rozicka, *W. Kujawski (N. Copernicus Univ., Torun, PL) [1177]
P1.17 A modeling study on gas permeation of MOF-based mixed matrix membranes. *M. Soydan, S. Deniz (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [1322]
P1.18 Preparation and gas separation properties of PEI/MOF-5 membranes for hydrogen separation. C. Gokoglu, S. Bagbakan, *M. Soydan, S. Deniz (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [1357]
P1.19 Deposition of TiO2 separation layer via RF-sputtering method on alumina support for preparation of tubular ceramic composite
membranes. *F. Abdollahzadeh Davani, A. Samimi, S. Khamseh1 (Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Zahedan, IR; 1Inst. Color Sci. Technol., Tehran, IR) [100]
P1.20 Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for membrane separations. *S. L. Ji, N. X. Wang, R. Zhang, G. J. Zhang, J. R. Li (Beijing Univ. Technol., CN) [695]
P1.21 Self-assembly of graphene oxide and polymer nanohybrid membranes for separation application. *N. X. Wang, S. L. Ji, J. Li, G. J. Zhang (Beijing Univ. Technol., CN) [766]
P1.22 Dope solution formulation of Mindel S-1000 based gas separation asymmetric membrane. *H. Hasbullah, F. Mohamed, W. N. W. Salleh, N. Yusof, N. Ibrahim, M. K. A. Hamid, R. Ali, R. M. Kasmani, A. F. Ismail, N. Alias (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY) [1236]
P1.23 Permeability of gases through temperature treated polyaniline based membranes. *V. Giel, J. Peter, Z. Pientka, M. Trchová (Inst. Macromol. Chem., Praha, CZ) [1528]
P1.24 Organic vapour sorption and permeation in polymer gel membrane containing imidazolium based ionic liquid. L. Morávková, O. Vopička1, J. Vejražka, H. Vychodilová, *Z. Sedlakova, K. Friess1, P. Izák (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1445]
P1.25 Characterization and performance of new Grignard grafted ceramic membrane in Organic Solvent Nanofiltration. *S. Rezaei Hosseinabadi, K. Wyns, A. Buekenhoudt, B. Bart Van der Bruggen1 (VITO, Mol, BE; 1Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE) [1491]
P1.26 The implementation of reverse osmosis to remove the pathogens in waste water treatment plant. C. A. Macarie, *I. Balcu, N. Mirica (Nat. Inst. Electrochem. Cond. Matter, Timisoara, RO) [1515]
P1.27 Self-supporting ion exchange membrane with glass fibers. J. Zachovalova, *R. Valek (MemBrain, Stráž pod Ralskem, CZ) [1601]
P1.28 Hydrodynamic and energetic aspects of application of turbulence promoters in microfiltration process. *S. Popović, M. Muhadinović1, S. Milanović1, J. Cakl (Univ. Pardubice, CZ; 1Fac. Technol., Novi Sad, RS) [1614]
P1.29 Selectivityof ion-exchange membrane: method of characterization. L. Dreiseitlova (MemBrain, Stráž pod Ralskem, CZ) [1619]
P1.30 The potential use of geopolymer-based materials in filtration applications. *P. Bulejko, T. Sverak, P. Kejík, O. Krištof, K. Sikorová (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1573]
P1.40 Local velocity profiles by PIV in vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine. *R. Šulc, V. Pešava, P. Ditl (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1541]
P1.41 Liquid flow in impeller rotational regions of baffled and unbaffled vessels with turbine-type agitator. *M. Yoshida, N. Shimada1, K. Umetsu1 (Muroran Inst. Technol., JP; 1Niigata Univ., JP) [1492]
P1.42 Steady CFD simulation of central vortex formation at the free surface in the vessel without baffles stirred by impeller with
three curved blades. *P. Vlček, J. Skočilas, T. Jirout (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [404]
P1.43 Large eddy simulation of complex chemical processes carried out in jet reactors. *K. Wojtas, L. Makowski, W. Orciuch, J. Baldyga (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Warszawa, PL) [682]
P1.44 Prediction of power consumption in mechanically agitated gassed reactor. A. Krejčí, *L. Labík, T. Moucha (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [249]
P1.45 Can we trust the power consumption measured by a frequency inverter?. E. Souza, *J. R. Nunhez (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [975]
P1.46 Mixing of heterogeneous suspensions. T. Jirout, *F. Rieger (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1568]
P1.47 Mixing of fine concentrated suspensions. *F. Rieger, D. Ceres, J. Moravec (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1192]
P1.48 Fluidized bed drying intensification by stirring. *P. Hoffman, M. Pěnička, I. Fořt (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1149]
P1.49 Mass transfer of the solute, toluene, from a head space with constant composition to a stirred aqueous phase in a spectrophotometric
cell. K. B. Lodge (Univ. Minnesota, Duluth MN, US) [305]
Particulate solids
P1.55 Formulation of TiO2 photocatalyst for wastewater treatment by using fluid-bed granulation. *K. Žižek, D. Brletić, A. Odak, B. Vulin, I. Grčić (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [108]
P1.56 Mixing time and power consumption in a helical ribbon and curved blades mixer for cohesive food powders. I. Gijón-Arreortúa, *A. Tecante (Univ. Aut. Nat., Mexico, MX) [168]
P1.57 Development and identification of model for optimization of granular materials separation processes by sieve classifiers.
*F. G. Akhmadiev, R. F. Gizzyatov, I. T. Nazipov (Kazan State Univ. Arch. Eng., RU) [215]
P1.58 Determination of the adhesion force between particles and surface rough, using the technique centrifuge. *P. G. D. C. Petean, M. L. Aguiar (UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR) [603]
P1.59 Experimental determination of particle-to-particle friction. *Á. Ramírez-Gómez, J. Nielsen1 (Univ. Politec. Madrid, ES; 1Aalborg Univ., Kobenhavn, DK) [648]
P1.60 Rapid solidification of ceramic frit. *T. Lešer, A. Goršek1, I. Anžel1 (Emo Frite doo., Celje, SI; 1Univ. Maribor, SI) [751]
P1.61 Simulation of formation behaviour of particle structure in slurry film during drying for thin ceramic green sheet. *I. Kasamatsu, A. Shimosaka, Y. Shirakawa, J. Hidaka (Doshisha Univ., Kyoto, JP) [770]
P1.62 Simulation of free surface granular flows in geometries of industrial interest. *S. Volpato, A. C. Santomaso (Univ. Padova, IT) [771]
P1.63 Wet granulation of pharmaceutical powders: investigation on binder addition politics. *S. Nalesso, A. C. Santomaso (Univ. Padova, IT) [830]
P1.64 Particle segregation in spouted bed operating with binary mixtures of particles with same size and different densities. *K. G. Santos, R. C. Santana1, L. V. Ferreira, M. A. D. S. Barrozo (Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [914]
P1.65 A study on the measurement error source of the vertical to horizontal stress ratio on coarse model materials. *D. Barletta, M. Poletto (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1033]
P1.67 Mechanical material properties effect on pelletization. *L. Jezerská, O. Zajonc, J. Zegzulka, L. Kovalova, R. Janouchova (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1081]
P1.68 Air-composite (LDPE/Al pellet) flow dynamics in a conical spouted bed. J. L. Z. Melo, *M. S. Bacelos (UFES, Sao Mateus, BR) [1107]
P1.69 Evaluation of the adsorptive capacity of banana skin as adsorbent agent. M. T. Costa, C. M. C. Andrade, A. S. Peiter, *J. I. Soletti, S. H. V. Carvalho, L. Meili (UFAL, Maceio, BR) [1238]
P1.70 Treatment of produced water by biosorption using sugarcane bagasse as adsorbent agent. *F. B. P. S. Almeida, M. T. Costa, L. Meili, S. H. V. Carvalho, J. I. Soletti (UFAL, Maceio, BR) [1265]
P1.71 Influence of the pelletizing process duration on the mechanical properties of the received alumina oxide pellets. *Z. Radeva, P. Müller, J. Tomas (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [1283]
P1.72 Granular dynamics of the mixing processes for different RPM using DEM. K. Jirounková, *J. Havlica1, M. Kohout2 (Purkyne Univ., Usti n/L, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1338]
P1.73 Use of DEM in the determination of friction parameters on a physical comparative model of a vertical screw conveyor. *J. Rozbroj, J. Zegzulka (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1383]
P1.74 Comparison of three nanoparticle sizing instruments: The influence of aerosol-exhaust system in an industrial seeding process.
*M. Skřínská, J. Skřínský, C. Serafínová, R. Přichystalová, P. Lukešová (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1546]
P1.75 Drying of macadamia carpel in spouted bed. P. S. Almeida, T. P. Xavier, M. S. Bacelos, M. A. D. S. Barrozo1, *T. S. Lira (UFES, Sao Mateus, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [1587]
P1.76 Effects of solid loading on rheological behaviour of HTPB-based polyurethane composites. *A. M. Iftikhar, M. I. Ahmad, E. Aamir1, M. Rafiq2 (Univ. Eng. Technol., Peshawar, PK; 1Dep. Control Signal Proc., Islamabad, PK; 2Quaid-e-Azam Univ., Islamabad, PK) [1450]
P1.77 First work of Laboratory of Filtration and Separation Processes. *K. Sikorová, T. Sverak, P. Kejík, O. Krištof, P. Bulejko (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1578]
P1.78 Fluid dynamic behavior analysis of macadamia shell and sand mixtures in conical spouted bed. K. Barcelos, T. P. Xavier, M. S. Bacelos, M. A. D. S. Barrozo, *T. S. Lira1 (UFES, Sao Mateus, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [1590]
P1.79 Specific grinding energy and phase change of limestone and corundum in ultrafine activated comminution. *P. Kejík, T. Sverak, K. Sikorová, O. Krištof, P. Bulejko (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1594]
P1.80 Application of CFD, DEM and LDA/PDA to study the liquid-solid flow in a channel. *M. Azimian, H.-J. Bart (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [375]
Symposium on environmental engineering
P1.90 Cost-effective electrocoagulation process for the remediation of fluoride from pretreated photovoltaic wastewater. B. Palahouane, *N. Drouiche, K. Bensadok1, S. Aoudj (CRTSE, Algiers, DZ; 1USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [4]
P1.91 Selective adsorbents to reduce occupational exposure to BTEX. *J. F. Fernandez, P. Nierobisch, S. Schebsdat, B. Niemeyer (Helmut-Schmidt-Univ., Hamburg, DE) [22]
P1.92 Properties modification of the dates' pedicels using environment friendly method for their application in biosorption of basic
dye in aqueous solution. *H. R. Yazid, S. Boukheloua, M. R. Announ, Z. Saadaoui (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [46]
P1.93 Synthesis of distributed wastewater treatment networks in a petroleum refinery using wastewater source diagram (WWSD). *B. E. P. C. Delgado, F. L. P. Pessoa, E. M. Queiroz (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [94]
P1.94 Evaluation of Po river water quality in Torino (Italy): effect of diffuse origin and local point loads. D. Panepinto, G. Genon, F. Marchese, *F. Viggiano (Politecnico, Torino, IT) [104]
P1.95 Rate acceleration of enzymatic hydrolysis of Kenaf by ultrasonic pretreatment. *R.-I. Nakayama, M. Imai (Nihon Univ., Fujisawa, JP) [183]
P1.96 A study on aluminium removal from aqueous solutions using banana and lemon peels as bioadsorbent. *B. Özbek, M. Mete (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [200]
P1.97 Cr (VI) removal from aqueous solution on the stems of dates. S. Hout, B. Selmouni, Z. Semar, *Z. Salem, L. Boumehdi Toumi (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [211]
P1.98 Valorisation of incineration residues by solidification. F. Salem, *Z. Hammoudi, F. Kharchi, L. Boumehdi Toumi, K. Allia (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [271]
P1.99 Valorisation of incineration residues in ammonium removal from aqueous solution. K. Khelif, Z. Salem, *L. Boumehdi Toumi, K. Allia (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [272]
P1.100 Electrochemical valorisation of CO2 to formate: comparison of Sn plate and Sn gas diffusion electrode. *A. Del Castillo, M. Alvarez-Guerra, A. Irabien Gulías (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [329]
P1.101 A comparative assessment between vermifiltration and depth filtration to treat palm oil mill effluent (POME). K. P. Y. Shak, *T. Y. Wu (Monash Univ., Selangor, MY) [527]
P1.102 A study on adsorption of nickel (II) from aqueous solutions onto pistachio shell. *E. Demirhan, T. Sen, Z. Baharcicek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [537]
P1.103 An experimental study on adsorption of ibuprofen on peanut shell. *B. Özbek, E. E. Yildirim, H. D. Özeren, E. Demirhan (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [548]
P1.104 Application of dynamic models and simulation to assessment operation of urban wastewater systems. *I. Pijáková, J. Derco (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [551]
P1.105 Degradation of benzothiazole derivatives by ozonation. *L. Sumegová, J. Derco, M. Melicher (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [595]
P1.106 Fixed-bed adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solutions onto untreated Alfa grass. A. Atta, *L. Boumehdi Toumi, L. Hamdi, Z. Salem, K. Allia (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [657]
P1.107 Management of acidic agro-industrial wastes through vermicomposting using Eudrilus eugeniae. *S. L. Lim, T. Y. Wu, Z. X. Low (Monash Univ., Selangor, MY) [689]
P1.108 Mineralization of bisphenol A water solutions via photo Fenton process. *M. Navarro-Jordà, M. Pérez-Moya, M. Graells (Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [699]
P1.109 Evaluation of the regeneration of acrylic filter submitted to filtration and cleaning by pulse jet using different particulate
matters. S. S. R. Cirqueira, *S. M. S. Rocha1, E. H. Tanabe2, M. L. Aguiar (UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR; 1UFES, Sao Mateus, BR; 2Fed. Univ. Santa Maria, BR) [1589]
P1.110 Application of Laplace transform to evaluation of periodicity between preventive repairs of the industrial engines for reducing
the air pollution. *A. Benmounah, C. Boutemdjet, T. Hachemi (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1597]
P1.111 Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous organic pollutant under UV light irradiation. *D. Tassalit, N. Chekir, O. Benhabiles, N. A. Laoufi1, F. Bentahar1 (CDER, W. Tipaza, DZ; 1USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1618]
P1.112 Multiple desulfurization-regeneration cycle tests for advanced fuel conversion process by 20 wt%Fe2O3/Al2O3 sorbent. C. Y. Huang, *Y.-P. Chyou, K. Svoboda1 (Inst. Nucl. Energ. Res., Longtan Township, TW; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1400]
P1.113 Photocatalyzed degradation of dibutylphthalate with goethite and carboxylic acids. *S. Hejda, O. Bajt1, J. Krysa2, P. Kluson3 (Purkyne Univ., Usti n/L, CZ; 1Nat. Inst. Biol., Piran, SI; 2Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 3Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1356]
P1.114 Biogas yields from the anaerobic digestion and codigestion of agro-industrial residues and sludge in a semicontinuous stirred
tank reactor (SSTR). *R. Montañés, R. Solera, M. Pérez (Univ. Cadiz, ES) [1197]
P1.115 Treatment of Cu-EDTA containing wastewaters by ion exchange process. Y.-S. Shen, *C.-M. Ma1 (Mackay Med. Coll., San-Jhih, TW; 1St. Mary Jun. Coll. Med., Sanxing, TW) [820]
P1.116 Evaluation of the regeneration of an acrylic filter felt submitted to filtration and cleaning by reverse air pulse using different
particulate matters. *S. S. R. Cirqueira, M. L. Aguiar (UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR) [841]
P1.117 Remineralization of low mineral content water using half-calcined dolomite. *A. Luptáková, J. Derco, K. Munka1, M. Kosnáč (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 1Water Res. Inst., Bratislava, SK) [759]
P1.118 Study of the thermal behaviour of sludge from a sewage sludge drying plant by TG-DSC-MS. *M. J. Renedo, B. Ortiz Marina, J. Fernández (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [792]
P1.119 Using of the steam as gasifying agent in fludized bed gasifier. *N. Salami, Z. Skála (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1419]
P1.120 Carbon and water footprints of oil production from Camellia Oleifera in the northern part of Thailand. *N. Poutrakan, A. Charoensaeng, P. Malakul (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [873]
P1.121 Steel making EAFC as the raw material into novel ceramics. *K. Lolos, K. Ntampegliotis1, D. Kasiteropoulou1, V. Karayannis2, G. Papapolymerou1, X. Spiliotis1 (Aeiforos Metal Proc. S.A., Thessaly, GR; 1Tech. Educ. Inst., Larissa, GR; 2Univ. W. Macedonia, Kozani, GR) [924]
P1.122 Analysis of fouling by organic and inorganic matter on reverse osmosis membranes during olive mill wastewater final treatment.
*J. M. Ochando-Pulido, M. D. Víctor-Ortega, G. Hodaifa1, A. Martínez-Férez (Univ. Granada, ES; 1Univ. Sevilla, ES) [1128]
P1.123 Simulation of carbonaceous waste partial oxidation versus pilot plant data. *V. Tukač, J. Hanika1, M. Veselý1, J. Lederer2, W. Poslední2, F. Nečesaný3, F. J. Nečesaný3 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 2Res. Inst. Inorg. Chem., Usti n/L, CZ; 3Unipetrol, Litvínov, CZ) [1303]
P1.124 Environmental corrosivity of power distribution networks metals in tropical climate with industrial pollutants and coastal
zones. *P. A. M. Pereira, K. F. Portella, K. J. C. Brambilla, G. C. Silva, L. A. Lacerda, L. M. Klauck1 (LACTEC, Curitiba, BR; 1Rio Grande Energia, Caixas do Sul, BR) [1328]
P1.125 Influence of initial ions concentration on the removal of chloride and sodium from olive mill wastewater by means of ion exchange
resins. *M. D. Víctor-Ortega, J. M. Ochando-Pulido, G. Hodaifa1, A. Martínez-Férez (Univ. Granada, ES; 1Univ. Pablo Olavide, Sevilla, ES) [1340]
P1.126 Sorption of arsenic from aqueous solution onto dolomitic adsorbents: micro-columns studies. *Y. Salameh, M. N. M. Ahmad (Amer. Univ. Beirut, LB) [1369]
P1.127 Numerical modeling of solid fuel combustion. A. S. Askarova, *A. S. Bolegenova, S. Bolegenova, A. Bekmukhamet, V. Y. Maximov (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [1052]
P1.128 Thermodynamic interferences of HCl and HF in producer gas desulfurization by Ce, La, Mn and Zn based solid sorbents. M. Hartman, *K. Svoboda, M. Pohořelý, M. Šyc, M. Jeremiáš, C. Y. Huang1 (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Nucl. Energ. Res., Longtan Township, TW) [1490]
P1.129 Possible removal of mercury in dry flue gas cleaning lines of solid waste incineration units. *K. Svoboda, M. Hartman, M. Šyc, M. Pohořelý, M. Jeremiáš, P. Kameníková, T. Durda (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1499]
P1.130 Degradation of organic matters in the soil. *R. Chemini, A. Bayahya, A. S. Zakaria, F. Bentahar (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1534]
P1.131 Electrooxidation of hydrazine with copper boride catalyst. *P. Włodarczyk, B. Włodarczyk (Univ. Opole, PL) [1565]
P1.132 Possibility of using Ni-Co alloy as catalyst for microbial fuel cell. *P. Włodarczyk, B. Włodarczyk (Univ. Opole, PL) [1566]
P1.133 Chemical characterization of the sludge from a thermal drying plant of Reocín (Cantabria). *M. J. Renedo, J. Fernández (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [1467]
P1.134 Possibility of using copper boride alloy as catalyst for oxygen electrode of fuel cell. *P. Włodarczyk, B. Włodarczyk (Univ. Opole, PL) [1603]
P1.135 Photodegradation of acetamiprid in aqueous semiconductor suspension under UV radiation. *D. Tassalit, N. Chekir, O. Mouzaoui1, N. Wahib1, O. Benhabiles, N. A. Laoufi, F. Bentahar (CDER, W. Tipaza, DZ; 1Univ. Blida, DZ) [1616]
Pharmaceutical engineering
P1.146 Effect of particle size of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate on flow properties and homogeneity of blends for direct tablet
compression. D. Majerová, M. Bartáková, *P. Zamostny (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [619]
P1.147 Coating of microcrystalline cellulose tablets in a fluid-bed unit with a Wurster insert. *G. Matijašić, J. Pranjić, K. Žižek (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [177]
P1.148 Developing of solid lipid based formulations for enhancement of ibuprofen solubility. *M. G. Gordienko, E. A. Ershova, K. Kalyanova, N. V. Menshutina, D. U. Zhukov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [881]
P1.149 Development and characterisation of different PBCA nanoparticles with respect to the blood-brain barrier crossing. *S. Kockentiedt, P. Henrich-Noack, N. Voigt, W. Hintz, J. Tomas, B. Sabel (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [148]
P1.150 Fabrication of podophyllotoxin nanoparticles as pure nanodrugs and their anti-cancer properties. H. Kasai, *Y. Ikuta, Y. Koseki, T. Onodera, T. Murakami1, M. Ueda, H. Oikawa (Tohoku Univ., Sendai, JP; 1Kyoto Univ., JP) [1280]
P1.151 Interactive powder mixtures for enhancing bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. *J. Petrů, L. Habaskova, P. Zamostny (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [497]
P1.152 In-vitro models of the gastro-intestinal tract for pharmaceutical and nutritional purposes. S. Cascone, *D. Caccavo, G. Lamberti, G. Titomanlio, A. A. Barba (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1290]
P1.153 Measurement of the mechanical and physical properties of mixtures used in the development of a formula with folic acid. *L. Jezerská, J. Rozbroj, J. Zegzulka, D. Pavlan, M. Stanková (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1346]
P1.154 Micro and nano structured vectors for the drug delivery. A. Dalmoro, S. Bochicchio, *P. Apicella, M. D'Amore, A. A. Barba (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1302]
P1.156 Preparation of cells microcarriers by emulsion and suspension techniques and in vitro study. *M. G. Gordienko, T. N. Somov, N. V. Menshutina, M. I. Mikhaylovskaya1, N. I. Chupikova1 (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1LLC Cell Systems, Moskva, RU) [473]
P1.157 Testing and modelling of hydrogels behavior for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. *D. Caccavo, S. Cascone, G. Lamberti, A. A. Barba (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1296]
P1.158 The effect of excipients on mechanical properties of film-coated tablets. A. Höferová, B. Kreibichová1, *P. Zamostny (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Zentiva, Praha, CZ) [801]
P1.159 Vesicles prepared by mixing dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide and dihexadecyl phosphate: physicochemical characteristics
and encapsulation. *T.-H. Chou, L.-H. Yeh, C.-H. Liang1, C. W. Chen, P. W. Liao, M.-J. Huang, C.-C. Hsu (Nat. Yunlin Univ. Sci. Technol., Yunlin, TW; 1Chia Nan Univ. Pharm. Sci., TW) [1489]
Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
P1.165 Influence of spelt flour addition on properties of extruded products based on corn grits. *A. Jozinović, D. Šubarić, Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, B. Miličević, M. Pušić (J. Strossmayer Univ., Osijek, HR) [285]
P1.166 A survey about a contribution of Czech scientists and engineers for the development of sugar processing technology and analytical
process control. *Z. Bubník, P. Kadlec, A. Hinková, E. Šárka, V. Pour, S. Henke, J. Gebler1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1VUC, Praha, CZ) [358]
P1.167 Application of a potentiometric biosensor for quality control in real samples of sesame oil. E. F. Mauricio, L. M. C. Silva, *A. F. Melo, A. M. Salgado, F. L. P. Pessoa (UFBA, Salvador, BR) [550]
P1.168 Study of the drying of Moringa Oleifera in solar dryer in Cambodia. K. Rithymean1, A. Feller, *C. Hautphenne, F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE; 1Inst. Technol., Phnom Penh, KH) [789]
P1.169 Comparing the performance of conventional and airlift bioreactor during the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultivations. A. E. Ferreria, *E. R. Nucci, A. J. G. Cruz1, M. O. Cerri (Fed. Univ. São João Del Rei, BR; 1UFSC, Sao Carlos, BR) [876]
P1.170 Application of statistic methods in evaluation of infrared spectra of selected food compounds. *J. Merrelová, S. Henke, A. Synytsya, J. Čopíková (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1007]
P1.171 Improving the nutritional value of green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris by polyphenols. *T. Brányik, B. Kotlíková, L. Jelínek, G. Procházková (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1049]
P1.172 Physical and chemical parameters of wheat, corn and potatoes starches for use in expandable snacks. *A. Rodríguez-Vidal, E. Morales-Sánchez, H. Martínez-Flores1, H. Soto-Zuñiga (IPN, Santiago de Quéretaro, MX; 1Univ. Michoacana San Nicolas Hidalgo, Morelia, MX) [1289]
P1.173 Effect of processing and roasting conditions on the chemical composition of coffee produced from different regions in Brazil.
*E. Carvalho Dias, L. Carlos Paiva1, C. José Pimenta2, R. Silva Leal2, P. Neves Mendes3, T. Guenter Kieckbusch3 (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Fed. Univ. So. Minas Gerais, Machado, BR; 2Fed. Univ. Lavras, BR; 3Fed. Univ. Alfenas, BR) [1588]
P1.174 Effects of refining method in the chocolate mass using ball mill or roll mill. *V. L. Z. Stroppa, V. Luccas1, E. C. Dias, T. G. Kieckbusch (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Inst. Food Technol., Campinas, BR) [1599]
P1.175 Automation of membrane filtration unit. *S. Henke, A. Hinková, M. Kubát1, V. Pour, N. Hassan, Z. Bubník, P. Kadlec (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1M+W Process Automation, Praha, CZ) [1555]
P1.176 The flow control in continuous chromatography. *S. Henke, L. Vejs1, V. Pour, A. Hinková, N. Hassan, Z. Bubník (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1560]
P1.177 Molasses separation using improved SMB distributor. *N. Hassan, S. Henke, A. Hinková, V. Pour, Z. Bubník, P. Kadlec (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1617]
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
P1.183 Quantitative determination of natural glycolipids in vegetable oils by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC).
*O. Wenzel, B. Niemeyer (Helmut-Schmidt-Univ., Hamburg, DE) [151]
P1.184 A modeling study on kefir grain growth in whey enriched with additives. *D. K. Apar, B. Özel, E. Demirhan, B. Özbek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [197]
P1.185 Debittering of corn gluten hydrolysate: Kinetics of hydrophobic peptide adsorption. *D. K. Apar, E. Demirhan, B. Özbek (Yildiz Tech. Univ., Istanbul, TR) [212]
P1.186 Lipase application in supercritical fluids for biofuel and valuable chemicals production. N. V. Lakina, O. V. Matveeva, V. Y. Doluda, E. M. Sulman, *M. G. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [235]
P1.187 Optimization and economic assessment of microalgae oil extraction for biodiesel production. M. C. Murillo, *M. J. Gongora, A. González-Delgado1, V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO; 1Univ. San Buenaventura, Cartagena, CO) [246]
P1.188 Styrene industrial emission treatment by a pilot unit biotrickling filter. *C. Lafita, V. Martinez-Soria, P. Marzal, C. Gough1, J. Palau (Univ. Valencia, Burjassot, ES; 1Exel Composites NV, Oudenaarde, BE) [311]
P1.189 Enzymatic biosensor for biodiesel’s quality monitoring. E. F. Mauricio, *A. F. Melo, A. M. Salgado, F. L. P. Pessoa1 (UFBA, Salvador, BR; 1UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [436]
P1.190 Prediction of CO2 production during the fermentation of milk with natural starter culture. *D. Pečar, A. Goršek (Univ. Maribor, SI) [471]
P1.191 Chitosan-based magnetic micro and nanoparticles as carriers for bioactive substances and their toxicity. *K. Heržič, G. H. Podrepšek, M. Leitgeb, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [592]
P1.192 Enzymatic synthesis of n-butyl lactate in supercritical carbon dioxide using ionic liquid as a co-solvent. *S. Kavčič, M. Primožič, M. Leitgeb, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [639]
P1.193 Sustainable management of palm oil mill wastes through vermitechnology using Eudrilus eugeniae. *S. L. Lim, T. Y. Wu, J. K. Low (Monash Univ., Selangor, MY) [794]
P1.194 Investigation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells on PCL-PLLA nanofibrus scaffold. *S. Mashayekhan, S. Vakilian, S. Moghadasi Boroujeni, S. Yaghmaei (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [834]
P1.195 Application of CFD to model batch and membrane bioreactors. R. Safarov1, E. Guseva, *N. V. Menshutina (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU; 1Aktremed, Moskva, RU) [871]
P1.196 Desulfurization and denitrogenation of heavy gas oil in a batch reactor by Rhodococcus erythropolis ATCC 4277. *A. A. Ulson de Souza, D. Maass, D. Todescato, D. G. D. Rocca, J. V. Oliveira, S. M. A. Guelli de Souza (UFSC, Santa Catarina, BR) [1181]
P1.197 Influence of carbon concentration and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio on growth of Ophiostoma floccosum FL9 grown in batch culture.
*P. D. Bustos, J. Navarrete (Univ. Bio-Bio, Chillán, CL) [1239]
P1.198 Valorization petroleum loads by thermal process. *N. Bentahar, H. Mimoun (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [16]
P1.199 Liquid-liquid equilibrium curves of Sterculia striata (chicha) biodiesel. J. C. Gomes Filho, A. S. Peiter, L. Meili, *S. H. V. Carvalho, J. I. Soletti, W. R. O. Pimentel (UFAL, Maceio, BR) [1246]
P1.200 Production of biodiesel from Sterculia striata (chicha) oil by ethyl transesterification. J. C. Gomes Filho, A. S. Peiter, L. Meili, S. H. V. Carvalho, *J. I. Soletti, W. R. O. Pimentel (UFAL, Maceio, BR) [1255]
P1.201 Determination of water content and other impurities in the essential oil of SiparunaguianensisAublet using Differential Scanning
Calorimetry. A. C. F. Portella, S. D. Ascencio, M. Munaro1, T. Ferreira, C. A. Siqueira, R. W. D. S. Aguiar, *K. F. Portella1 (Univ. Fed. Tocantins, BR; 1UFPR, Curitiba, BR) [1309]
P1.202 Influence of the presence of activated carbon passive prefilter on the VOC removal performance for a full-scale biotrickling
filter. *P. Marzal, J. Palau, M. Izquierdo, V. Martinez-Soria (Univ. Valencia, Burjassot, ES) [1605]
P1.203 Performance of heavy metals in anaerobic reactors: study of biosorption onto anaerobic granular biomass. *P. Marzal, C. Álvarez, C. Lafita, M. Izquierdo (Univ. Valencia, Burjassot, ES) [1606]
P1.204 Modelling and economic evaluation of Sulcis coal chemical cleaning process. *A. Lallai, E. Fois1 (Univ. Cagliari, IT; 1Carbosulcis SpA, Gonnesa, IT) [904]
P1.205 Effect of several parameters affecting the regeneration process of Dowex Marathon C resin. *M. D. Víctor-Ortega, J. M. Ochando-Pulido, G. Hodaifa1, A. Martínez-Férez (Univ. Granada, ES; 1Univ. Pablo Olavide, Sevilla, ES) [1324]
P1.206 Process approach investigation of the old urea plants life study. R. Ranjbar (Pardis Petrochem. Co., Assaluyeh, IR) [1435]
P1.207 Valorization of petroleum loads by thermal process. *H. Mimoun, N. Bentahar (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1432]
P1.208 Time dependent mathematical modeling for the temperature dependent drying of Hass avocado seed. *M. R. Avhad, J. M. Marchetti (Norweg. Univ. Life Sci., As, NO) [1567]
P1.209 Determination of physical properties of Hass and Fuerte avocado seed at various drying temperatures: A comparative study.
*M. R. Avhad, J. M. Marchetti (Norweg. Univ. Life Sci., As, NO) [1564]
P1.210 A study of resin-dye fixation on dyeing properties of cotton fabrics using melamine based resins and a reactive dye. A. A. Nurudeen (Fed. Coll. Educ., Kano, NG) [1569]
P1.211 Synthesis of adamantyl containing compounds - structure elements of rotaxanes and supramolecular polymers. V. V. Burmistrov, *G. M. Butov, K. R. Saad (Volgograd State Tech. Univ., Volzhsky, RU) [1108]
Sustainable process industry – bright future for chemical engineers
P1.221 Anaerobic reduction of chlorophenols using biological activated carbon. *J. Chirinos, A. Fabregat, A. Fortuny1, C. Bengoa, F. E. Stüber, J. Font (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Vilanova i la Geltru, ES) [314]
P1.222 Biodegradation of Acid Orange 7 in an anaerobic - aerobic sequential treatment system. Y. García, *J. Chirinos, C. Bengoa, F. E. Stüber, A. Fortuny1, J. Font, A. Fabregat (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Vilanova i la Geltru, ES) [317]
P1.223 New theoretical methodologies for increasing sustainability in pharmaceutical plant cleaning. *W. A. Carr, E. B. Martin, M. C. Talford1, J. M. Double1 (Univ. Newcastle, UK; 1Britest Ltd, Runcorn, UK) [716]
P1.224 The outcomes of continual improvement of urea production process, is an appropriate index for industry sustainable knowledge
based development. R. Ranjbar (Pardis Petrochem. Co., Assaluyeh, IR) [1166]
P1.225 Treatment of oily wastewater by electroflocculation system. I. L. Nascimento, M. F. Cometti, D. P. Fabiano1, *S. M. S. Rocha (UFES, Sao Mateus, BR; 1UFSJ, Ouro, BR) [821]
Symposium on safety in chemical industry
P1.231 Dynamic resistance capacity at the crack initiation in the welded joints of canalizations of hydrocarbons. *R. Bouzid, E. Bouali, N. Abdelbaki, M. Bettayeb (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [300]
P1.232 Flash-point prediction for binary mixtures of alcohols with water in order to improve their safety. P. Dolníček, *J. Skřínský, P. Lukešová, M. Skřínská, J. Marek, I. Bartlová, H. Věžníková, C. Serafínová, R. Přichystalová (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [1547]
P1.233 Inherent Safety Quantification for toxic release at preliminary design stage. A. Mohd Shariff, *D. Zaini, C. T. Leong1 (Univ. Teknol. Petronas, Tronoh, MY; 1Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, MY) [1206]
P1.234 Proposition of global indicator of functionality operating systems for primary processing facilities for offshore oil production.
*M. A. G. Figueiredo, C. Lages (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro , BR) [51]
P1.235 Study of the reliability of pipelines containing corrosion defects. *M. Bettayeb, N. Abdelbaki1, E. Bouali, M. Gaceb (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ; 1Univ. Bouira, DZ) [964]
P1.236 Study of the reliability of pipelines containing welding defects with probabilistic approach. *M. Bettayeb, N. Abdelbaki1, E. Bouali, M. Gaceb (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ; 1Univ. Bouira, DZ) [971]
P1.237 Studying on affecting factors to improve productivity the safety of chemical industry. K. Mohamadbeigy Kasvaei (Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR) [1178]
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