Posters P3, Monday
Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
P3.1 A multiphase CFD three dimensional model of a trickle bed reactor in counter-current operation. S. M. Cardenas, E. M. Matos, V. P. Souza, A. D. S. Ferreira, C. A. D. A. Monteiro, *J. R. Nunhez (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [1584]
P3.2 A study of operating parameters affecting the hydrothermally synthesized V2O5/graphene catalyst utilized in the ODHP reaction.
M. Fattahi, *M. Kazemeini, F. Khorasheh, A. M. Rashidi1 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Nanotechnology Res. Cent. Tehran, IR) [42]
P3.3 A theoretical investigation of the operating parameters affecting methanol synthesis in a spherical bed reactor. S. Sadeghi, *L. Vafajoo, M. Kazemeini1, M. Fattahi1 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [48]
P3.4 Methyl acetoacetate hydrogenation in a microreactor flow system. *J. Pavlorkova, J. Kristal, P. Kluson (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [107]
P3.5 Afterburning of aromatic hydrocarbons on catalysts deposited on metal structural carriers and monoliths. *W. Krajewski, W. Turek1, J. Strzezik1, A. Krowiak1, M. Radlik1 (Inst. Chem. Eng., Gliwice, PL; 1Silesian Univ. Technol., Gliwice, PL) [204]
P3.6 Application of computational fluid dynamics simulation in petrochemical processes innovations. *X. Lan, J. Gao, C. Xu (China Univ. Petrol., Beijing, CN) [349]
P3.7 Application of local catalyst for catalytic processes. *N. Ben Tahar, G. Otmanine (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1465]
P3.8 Aromatics removal using Pd-Pt catalysts supported on mesoporous materials highly tolerant to sulphur compounds. *J. A. Colin-Luna, A. K. Medina-Mendoza1, A. Vazquez-Zavala, C. R. Tapia-Medina, J. Ramírez-Muñoz, M. M. González-Brambila, J. L. Contreras-Larios (Univ. Aut. Nat., Mexico, MX; 1Inst. Mex. Petrol., Mexico DF, MX) [872]
P3.9 Catalytic activity of cerium-containing catalysts in conversion of bioethanol. K. Dossumov, G. Y. Yergaziyeva, D. H. Churina, *M. M. Telbayeva, K. Kalichanov (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [423]
P3.10 Catalytic cracking of bio-oil under FCC unit conditions: Performance of two different bio-oils. Á. Ibarra, *E. Rodríguez, A. Gutiérrez, A. Errekatxo, J. Bilbao, J. M. Arandes (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [318]
P3.11 Catalytic steam reforming of toluene post-gasification using as model compound of tar produced by biomass gasification. A. A. N. Oliveira, *J. D. Silva (Polytechnic School UPE, Madalena, BR) [874]
P3.12 CFD model of HDS catalyst tests in trickle-bed reactor. *V. Tukač, A. Prokešová, J. Hanika, M. Zbuzek1, D. Kubička1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1UniCRE, Litvínov, CZ) [176]
P3.13 Combination of biological pretreatment with chemithermomechanical pulping for enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol production
from sugarcane bagasse. J. F. Mesquita, *A. Aguiar, A. Ferraz1 (Fed. Univ. São João Del Rei, Ouro Branco, BR; 1Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [1273]
P3.14 Comparative performance of gas oils catalytic cracking in FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) conditions. *E. Rodríguez, Á. Ibarra, A. Gutiérrez, A. Errekatxo, J. Bilbao, J. M. Arandes (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [320]
P3.15 Comparative study of dolomite dissolution in mineral acids. *M. Pultar, I. Sedlářová, J. Vídenský (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [574]
P3.16 Comparison of mechanisms of activating agent on preparation of activated carbon. *T. Honarmand, M. Rahmani, T. Fattahi (Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1396]
P3.17 Comparison of methane production potential, biodegradability, and kinetics of different organic substrates. *R. Montañés, R. Solera, M. Pérez (Univ. Cadiz, ES) [1198]
P3.18 Comparison of the Co-Mo/graphene oxide nanocatalysts synthesized through the hydrothermal and wetness impregnation techniques
utilized for hydrogenation reaction. Z. Hajjar, *A. M. Rashidi1, M. Kazemeini, M. Bazmi1 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Nanotechnology Res. Cent. Tehran, IR) [1141]
P3.19 Computer simulation of ethane pyrolysis in a tube reactor as an example of energy-intensive chemical processes in gas dynamics.
O. A. Stadnichenko, *V. N. Snytnikov, V. N. Snytnikov (Boreskov Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU) [1070]
P3.20 Conversion of glycerol to aromatic hydrocarbons over Zn promoted HZSM-5 catalysts. *S. Tamiyakul, S. Jongpatiwut1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [299]
P3.21 Degradation of amoxicillin in aqueous media using advanced oxidation processes. B. G. Padilla-Robles, A. Alonso, S. Martínez Delgadillo, M. M. González-Brambila, H. Puebla, U. J. Jaúregui-Haza1, J. A. Colin-Luna, *J. Ramírez-Muñoz (Univ. Aut. Metrop., Ascapotzalco, MX; 1Inst. Sup.Tec. Cienc. Apl., La Habana, CU) [1235]
P3.22 Degradation of synthetic dyes by photocatalytic system. *J. Šíma, P. Matuška, P. Hasal, J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [427]
P3.23 Development of a MoVNbPd catalyst supported on titania for the partial oxidation of ethane. *Y. Al-Zeghayer, M. Soliman, S. Al-Mayman1 (King Saud Univ., Riyadh, SA; 1KACST, Riyadh, SA) [1174]
P3.24 Dye decolorization using Fenton reagents and natural mediators. C. S. Santana, *A. Aguiar (Fed. Univ. São João Del Rei, Ouro Branco, BR) [1276]
P3.25 Dynamic modeling of a continuous process of production of aromatic aldehydes and organic acids in a three phase fluidized
bed reactor. *C. C. B. Oliveira, C. A. M. Abreu, F. A. D. Araújo, J. D. Silva1 (Univ. Fed. Pernambuco, BR; 1Polytechnic School UPE, Madalena, BR) [612]
P3.26 Effect of DME partial pressure in the process of DME conversion to propylene using a K modified ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. *P. Pérez-Uriarte, A. Ateka Bilbao, E. Epelde Bejarano, M. Gamero Yenes, J. Bilbao Elorriaga, A. T. Aguayo Urquijo (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [326]
P3.27 Effect of initiator presence on the conversion of ethane during thermal cracking. *A. Karaba1, P. Zamostny, Z. Bělohlav (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Res. Inst. Inorg. Chem., Usti n/L, CZ) [886]
P3.28 Effect of nanosheet structure MFI catalyst for the selective synthesis of propylene from methanol. E. Kang, J.-C. Kim2, Y. Kim2, T.-W. Kim, *H.-J. Chae, C.-U. Kim, C. Jo1, R. Ryoo1 (Korea Res. Inst. Chem. Technol., Daejeon, KR; 1Inst. Basic Sci., Daejeon, KR; 2KAIST, Daejeon, KR) [1470]
P3.29 Effect of solution pH and influence of water hardness on caffeine adsorption. *O. Moreira Couto Junior, I. A. M. N. Matos1, I. M. F. L. Maria Fonseca1, E. Antonio Silva, P. Augusto Arroyo, M. A. S. Barros (State Univ. Maringa, BR; 1Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT) [74]
P3.30 Effect of temperature on catalyst deactivation in the dimethyl ether steam reforming. J. Vicente, J. Ereña, A. G. Gayubo Cazorla, L. Oar-Arteta, *I. Sierra, J. Bilbao (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1510]
P3.31 Effect of water addition on the simultaneous liquid-phase etherification of isobutene and isoamylenes with ethanol over Amberlyst
35. *R. Soto, C. Fité, E. Ramírez, J. Tejero, F. Cunill (Univ. Barcelona, ES) [628]
P3.32 Efficient heterogeneous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenolic effluents in a continuous fixed bed reactor. *C. di Luca, N. Inchaurrondo, P. Massa, R. Fenoglio (INTEMA, Mar del Plata, AR) [1423]
P3.33 Ethyl esters production from macaw palm oil by hydroesterification process using plant and microbial lipases as biocatalysts.
A. P. P. Bressani, K. C. A. Garcia, *A. A. Mendes1 (UFSJ, Ouro, BR; 1Fed. Univ. Alfenas, BR) [1279]
P3.34 Ethylene epoxidation in a low-temperature parallel plate dielectric barrier discharge system: Effect of catalyst coating on
rough surface dielectric barrier. *S. Sotananan, T. Suttikul, S. Chavadej1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [642]
P3.35 Experimental study of catalytic cracking of oil fraction blended with HDPE over different acid zeolite. S. M. Abdalla Werfally (Libyan Petrol. Inst., Tripoli, LY) [651]
P3.36 Flame retardant study of methylol melamine phosphate-treated cotton fibre. A. A. Nurudeen (Fed. Coll. Educ., Kano, NG) [1570]
P3.37 Glycerol dehydration to acrolein using supported silicotungstic acid by zirconia. A. Talebian-Kiakalaieh, *N. A. S. Amin (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY) [1202]
P3.38 High selective catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide by strong-base anion-exchange resin in concentrated aqueous solution.
*S. C. Chen, Q. Chen (Univ. Changzhou, CN) [660]
P3.39 High surface area materials produced from biochar for environmental and catalytic applications. F. G. Mendonça, E. O. Jardim1, J. S. Albero1, S. A. F. Leite2, B. S. Leite2, R. M. Lago, *J. C. Tristão2 (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, BR; 1Univ. Alicante, ES; 2Univ. Vicosa, Florestal, BR) [661]
P3.40 Homogeneous-heterogeneous catalytic effect of CaO•ZnO/K2CO3 during biodiesel synthesis. *Ž. Kesić, I. Lukić, M. Zdujić, D. Skala (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS) [1009]
P3.41 Hydrodesulfurization CoMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/C catalysts prepared with nitrilotriacetic acid without use of NH4OH. *L. Kaluža, Z. Vít, M. Zdražil (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [123]
P3.42 Hydrogenated biodiesel for producing hydrotreated renewable jet fuel over Pt/HY catalysts obtained by different preparation
techniques. *T. Hengsawad, S. Jongpatiwut1, S. Butnark2 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH; 2PTT Publ. Co. Ltd, Ayutthaya, TH) [667]
P3.43 Hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds on the 1 % Pt catalysts containing oxides of rare earth elements (REE). *G. M. Butov, G. I. Zorina, G. M. Kurunina (Volgograd State Tech. Univ., Volzhsky, RU) [1218]
P3.44 Hydrogenation of vinyl acetylene by Pd-Mn/Al2O3 catalysts. *P. Insorn, B. Kitiyanan (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [668]
P3.45 Hydrogenation of vinyl acetylene by Pd-Ni and Pd-Ag/Al2O3 catalysts. *P. Insorn, B. Kitiyanan (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [1472]
P3.46 Challenges and opportunities of product recovery technologies for ω-transaminase processes. *S. Heintz, R. H. Ringborg, I. P. Rosinha, P. Tufvesson, U. Krühne, J. M. Woodley, K. V. Gernaey (Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK) [879]
P3.47 Characterization and n-butane ODH activity of the VOx catalysts supported on Ti-HMS and HMS supports. *L. Balatka, M. Setnička, P. Čičmanec (Univ. Pardubice, CZ) [1036]
P3.48 Chemical modification of used vegetable oils for biolubricant applications. A. Gallardo, M. V. Dominguez-Barroso, C. Herrera, M. A. Larrubia, *L. J. Alemany (Univ. Málaga, ES) [1460]
P3.49 Influence of catalyst support porous structure on dispersion of active metal nanoparticles. *M. Dudák, M. Václavík, D. Mráček, R. Medlín1, P. Kočí, M. Marek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Univ. West Bohemia, Plzeň, CZ) [839]
P3.50 Influence of temperature on the production of hydrogen from HDPE by pyrolysis and catalytic steam reforming. I. Barbarias, M. Artetxe, A. Erkiaga, J. Alvarez, *A. Arregi, M. Olazar (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [448]
P3.51 Investigation of the reaction kinetics of the total oxidation of alkene mixtures over a chromium oxide catalyst. *G. Kiedorf, A. Seidel-Morgenstern1, C. Hamel1 (Max-Planck-Inst., Magdeburg, DE; 1Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [333]
P3.52 Kinect paracetamol removal from aqueous solutiononto carbon activated at different experimental temperature. R. C. Ferreira, *O. M. Couto Junior, M. A. S. Barros (State Univ. Maringa, BR) [86]
P3.53 Kinetic analysis of the hydroformylation of 1-decene in a thermomorphic
multicomponent solvent system: subnetworks, model reduction and
parameter estimation. *A. Jörke, C. Hamel, S. Triemer, G. Kiedorf1, A. Seidel-Morgenstern1 (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE; 1Max-Planck-Inst., Magdeburg, DE) [56]
P3.54 Kinetic development and parameters estimation of methane-dehydro-aromatization. *K. Gao, C. Hamel1, A. Seidel-Morgenstern1 (Max-Planck-Inst., Magdeburg, DE; 1Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [114]
P3.55 Kinetic modelling of dimethyl ether steam reforming over CuFe2O4/AlOOH. L. Oar-Arteta, *C. Montero, A. Arandia, A. T. Aguayo Urquijo, A. G. Gayubo Cazorla (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [510]
P3.56 Kinetic modelling of vegetable oil epoxydation. *J. L. Zheng, S. Leveneur, F. Burel, T. Salmi1, B. Taouk (INSA Rouen, Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, FR; 1Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [681]
P3.57 Kinetics and rate law determination of 2-methylpropene hydrogenation in a packed-bed microreactor. *Z. Vajglova, P. Stavarek, J. Kristal, J. Kolena1, V. Jiricny (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Res. Inst. Inorg. Chem., Usti n/L, CZ) [334]
P3.58 Kinetics of D-glucose hydrogenation over polymer-based ruthenium catalysts. *E. M. Sulman, M. Grigorjev, V. N. Sapunov, V. G. Matveeva, B. Stein1, L. M. Bronstein1, M. Zaporozhets2, A. Avilov2 (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU; 1Indiana Univ., Bloomington IN, US; 2Shubnikov Inst. Crystallography, Moskva, RU) [233]
P3.59 Lactulose isomerisation over magnetic nanoparticles incorporated with borate ions. *A. Sulman, M. G. Sulman, E. M. Sulman, M. A. Rubin, A. Mikhailova, V. Y. Doluda, N. V. Lakina (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [234]
P3.60 Magnesium-promoted Cu/ZnO for the conversion of glycerol to propylene glycol. S. Paengsri, S. Tamiyakul, *S. Jongpatiwut (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH) [146]
P3.61 Mathematical modeling and optimization of steam methane reformer. *M. Sinaei Nobandegani, F. Shahraki1, T. Darbandi2, M. R. Sardashti Birjandi1, B. Honarvar3 (Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Chabahar, IR; 1Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Zahedan, IR; 2Islamic Azad Univ., Marvdasht, IR; 3Islamic Azad Univ., Fars Sci. Res. Branch, IR) [1531]
P3.62 Mathematical modelling of coke formation in industrial steam cracking process. *J. Petrů, P. Zamostny, Z. Bělohlav, J. Kolena (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [511]
P3.63 Molybdenum catalysts for cycloalkanes oxidation with molecular oxygen. *A. Szymańska, W. Łasocha, K. Pamin, J. Połtowicz (J. Haber Inst. Catal. Surf. Chem., Krakow, PL) [1542]
P3.64 Morphological characterization of PdPt nanoparticles by means of HAADF-STEM and HRTEM. *A. K. Medina-Mendoza, M. A. Cortés-Jacome, J. A. Colin-Luna1, I. Hernández-Pérez1, H. F. Puebla-Nuñez1 (Inst. Mex. Petrol., Mexico DF, MX; 1Univ. Aut. Nat., Mexico, MX) [905]
P3.65 Natural Argentinian diatomites: Efficient green catalysts for Fenton-like oxidation of Orange II. N. Inchaurrondo, *C. di Luca, P. Haure (INTEMA, Mar del Plata, AR) [1353]
P3.66 Nature, origin and location of the coke in a catalyst for the steam reforming of dimethyl ether. J. Vicente, A. G. Gayubo Cazorla, J. Ereña, L. Oar-Arteta, *I. Sierra, J. Bilbao (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1513]
P3.67 New type of the Ru-containing catalyst for the process of cellulose conversion into polyols. *O. Manaenkov, A. Filatova, O. Makeeva, O. Kislitza, E. M. Sulman, A. Sidorov, V. G. Matveeva, V. Y. Doluda, A. V. Bykov (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [243]
P3.68 Ni-Co doped layered double hydroxides as catalytic precursors for dry reforming of methane: synthesis and evaluation. *X. Zhang, Y. Xu, Q. Wei, Y. Zhang, C. Yang, Y. Yin, S. Shang1 (Sichuan Univ., Chengdu, CN; 1Yibin Univ., CN) [1580]
P3.69 Ni-containing catalyst for carbon dioxide reforming of methane to syngas. K. Dossumov, U. Suyunbaev, G. Y. Yergaziyeva, L. K. Myltykbaeva, E. M. Tulibayev, *M. M. Telbayeva (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [488]
P3.70 O3-degradation of an azo-compound in aqueous solution. Kinetic study. A. Toril, R. Gonzalez, C. Herrera, M. A. Larrubia, *L. J. Alemany (Univ. Málaga, ES) [1461]
P3.71 Operating conditions in the catalytic steam reforming of volatile products from biomass pyrolysis. *A. Arregi, M. Amutio, A. Erkiaga, J. Alvarez, I. Barbarias, M. Olazar (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [464]
P3.72 Optimization of ethyl oleate synthesis by esterification reaction in a solvente-free system catalyzed by immobilized Thermomyces
lanuginosus lipase. J. S. Miranda, A. L. D. Graciano, N. C. A. Silva, D. B. Hirata1, *A. A. Mendes1 (Fed. Univ. São João Del Rei, BR; 1Fed. Univ. Alfenas, BR) [1286]
P3.73 Optimization of chelating agents production process for agricultural administration of inorganic micronutrients. *P. Apicella, S. Cascone, G. Lamberti (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1287]
P3.74 Oxidation of alkanes into olefins on the polyoxide catalysts. *S. A. Tungatarova, D. B. Abdukhalykov, T. S. Baizhumanova, L. V. Komashko (KazCatTech Damu, Almaty, KZ) [912]
P3.75 Oxidative dehydrogenation of butane by nitrous oxide. I. T. Nagieva1, L. M. Gasanova, *T. M. Nagiev (Inst. Chem. Probl., Baku, AZ; 1Baku State Univ., AZ) [139]
P3.76 Photochemical water splitting using “metal-free” catalysts. *T. Pham Ngoc, W. Larsson, K. Kordas1, J.-P. Mikkola (Umea Univ., SE; 1Univ. Oulu, FI) [470]
P3.77 Pilot production of 5-hydroxymethylfural and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid. *Y.-T. Huang, Y.-P. Lin, H.-T. Yue, M.-C. Yeh, J.-H. Chen, C.-L. Li, J.-J. Wong (Ind. Technol. Res. Inst., Hsinchu, TW) [518]
P3.78 P-modified HZSM-5 catalysts for the transformation of ethylene to propylene. *E. Epelde Bejarano, P. Pérez-Uriarte, M. Gamero Yenes, A. T. Aguayo Urquijo, J. Bilbao Elorriaga, A. G. Gayubo Cazorla (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [339]
P3.79 Predicting steam-cracking yields and coke formation from AGO fractions using their substitute characterization by real components
. P. Zamostny, J. Petrů, Z. Bělohlav, *T. Vaněk, J. Lederer1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Res. Inst. Inorg. Chem., Litvínov, CZ) [515]
P3.80 Preparation of CoMo/MgO catalysts for hydrodesulfurization. *D. Gulková, L. Kaluža, M. Zdražil, Z. Vít (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [140]
P3.81 Preparation of sulfide hydrorefining CoMo catalysts by equilibrium adsorption of MoO3 onto SiO2-Al2O3 supports. L. Kaluža, D. Gulková, M. Zdražil, *Z. Vít (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [120]
P3.82 Pretreatment of used vegetable oil using CaO and CaO∙ZnO for biodiesel production. *I. Lukić, Ž. Kesić, M. Zdujić1, D. Skala (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 1Inst. Tech. Sci., Beograd, RS) [474]
P3.83 Process design and economics for biodiesel production using algae oil by supercritical transesterification. *A. Santana, J. Maçaira, S. S. Jesus, M. A. Larrayoz1, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1079]
P3.84 Production of biodiesel fuel from algal biomass by in situ supercritical transesterification. *A. Santana, J. Maçaira1, S. S. Jesus, M. A. Larrayoz2, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Univ. Porto, PT; 2Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1062]
P3.85 Production of carboxylic acids from forest industry wastes by wet oxidation. *A. G. Demesa, A. Laari, I. Turunen (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI) [1013]
P3.86 Production of H2 by steam reforming of acetone: Experimental and simulation. *R. González, I. Chamorro, M. A. Larrubia, C. Herrera, L. J. Alemany (Univ. Málaga, ES) [1463]
P3.87 Selective gas-phase oxidation of pyridine with hydrogen peroxide to 2,2-oxydipyridil. N. I. Ali-zadeh, I. T. Nagieva1, N. N. Melikova, B. T. Babaeva, *T. M. Nagiev (Inst. Chem. Probl., Baku, AZ; 1Baku State Univ., AZ) [141]
P3.88 Selective oxidation of 2-methylnaphthalene in the presence of peracetic acid. *E. I. Shimanskaya, V. Y. Doluda, E. M. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [153]
P3.89 Simulation of crystal evolution at the atomic level in process of thin diamond film growth. *G. Y. Averchuk, E. S. Kurkina, I. I. Mitrichev, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1291]
P3.90 Sorbents modified with fullerene soot on the basis of Kazakhstan shungite. A. A. Atchabarova, R. R. Tokpayev, A. T. Kabulov, S. V. Nechipurenko, *S. A. Yefremov, M. K. Nauryzbayev (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [142]
P3.91 Sorption enhanced reforming processes to produce H2 - bifunctional catalyst/sorbent particles. I. Aloisi, N. Jand, F. Micheli, *P. U. Foscolo (Univ. l'Aquila, IT) [1087]
P3.92 Steam reforming of bio-oil in a two-reactor system in series: Effect of temperature in the pre-reforming reactor with a low
cost catalyst. *B. Aramburu Ortega, B. Valle Pascual, C. Santiviago Petzoldt, A. G. Gayubo Cazorla, J. Bilbao Elorriaga (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [483]
P3.93 Strategies on reduction of side reactions for selective hydrogenation of oxo-aldehydes. *A. Reinsdorf, W. Korth, A. Jess, F. Klasovsky1 (Univ. Bayreuth, DE; 1Evonik Ind., Marl, DE) [1553]
P3.94 Study the activity of reforming catalyst platinum-rhenium on alumina during industrial exploitation. *R. Chemini, S. Cherouana1 (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ; 1Inst. Alger. Petrol., Boumerdes, DZ) [1538]
P3.95 Synthesis of calcium manganese oxides – unravelling the natures secrets. *H. Bourajoini, K. Kordas1, W. Larsson, J.-P. Mikkola2 (Umea Univ., SE; 1Univ. Oulu, FI; 2Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [795]
P3.96 Textural properties of vanadium mesoporous silica materials and their catalytic activities in oxidative dehydrogenation of
propane. *D. Švadlák, A. Kalužová, M. Setnička, R. Bulánek, A. Zukal1, J. Pastva1 (Univ. Pardubice, CZ; 1Heyrovsky Inst. Phys. Chem., Praha, CZ) [800]
P3.97 The effect of Si/Al ratio of NiW-loaded HY zeolite catalyst for selective ring opening of 1-methyl naphthalene. *Y.-J. Lee, E.-S. Kim, J.-R. Kim, J.-W. Kim, T.-W. Kim, H.-J. Chae, K.-E. Jeong, C.-U. Kim, C.-H. Lee1, S.-Y. Jeong (Korea Res. Inst. Chem. Technol., Daejeon, KR; 1Yonsei Univ., Seoul, KR) [1484]
P3.98 The synthesis of methyl bromide via oxidative bromination over Rh/SiO2 catalyst. *V. Sirijantarat, T. Jermwongrattanachai, B. Kitiyanan1 (Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, TH; 1Cent. Excel. Petrochem. Mater. Technol., Bangkok, TH) [810]
P3.99 Thermodynamic calculation of optimum structure of metal oxide catalysts. *V. A. Lyubimenko, I. M. Kolesnikov, S. I. Kolesnikov, E. V. Esipova, V. A. Vinokurov (Gubkin State Univ. Oil Gas, Moskva, RU) [814]
P3.100 Triacetin synthesis by protic ionic liquid catalysts. *S. M. Barros, J. S. Serra, A. Alcoeres, N. Ferreira, M. Iglesias (UFBA, Salvador, BR) [1443]
P3.101 Upgradation of vacuum pyrolysis oil using reactive chromatography. *G. Praveen, C. Vijaya Lakshmi, S. M. Mahajani, A. Ganesh (Indian Inst. Technol., Bombay, IN) [1046]
P3.102 Utilisation of carbon dioxide using novel heterogeneous catalysts. A. I. Adeleye, D. Patel, *B. Saha (London South Bank Univ., UK) [825]
P3.103 The laser catalytic reactor of C2-C3 alkane pyrolysis. *O. P. Stoyanovskaya, V. N. Snytnikov, P. V. Snytnikov, O. A. Stadnichenko, T. V. Markelova, D. J. Potemkin (Boreskov Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU) [808]
P3.104 Thermal aging of nanocomposite food packaging materials studied by dielectric thermal analysis. *A. Porjazoska Kujundziski, D. Chamovska1, A. Marra2, D. Duraccio3, C. Silvestre3 (Int. Balkan Univ., Skopje, MK; 1Cyril&Methodius Univ., Skopje, MK; 2Univ. Napoli Federico II, IT; 3ICTP-CNR, Pozzuoli, IT) [1430]
Extraction and leaching
P3.114 Application of adsorbents for treatment of produced water in petrochemical industry. *A. A. Ulson de Souza, L. H. Oliveira, S. M. A. Guelli de Souza (UFSC, Santa Catarina, BR) [1179]
P3.115 Aromatics extraction. 1. Extraction characteristics of ILs for the toluene/heptane separation and equipment design aspects.
*E. Graczová, L. Thomas1, P. Steltenpohl (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 1Univ. Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) [554]
P3.116 Benzene, toluene and o-xylene (BTX) removal from aqueous solutions through adsorption processes. *S. M. A. Guelli de Souza, F. V. Hackbarth, V. J. P. Vilar1, A. A. Ulson de Souza (UFSC, Santa Catarina, BR; 1Univ. Porto, PT) [1180]
P3.117 Development of an innovative process of synthesis and extraction of spatial grade hydrazine N2H4. *C. Betton, D. M. Le, A.-J. Bougrine, H. Delalu (Univ. Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, FR) [1535]
P3.118 Electron transfer and memory storage phenomena at the interfaces of selected emulsions and double emulsions. *A. M. Spasic, J. M. Jovanovic1, V. Manojlovic, M. Jovanovic1 (Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, RS; 1Univ. Belgrade, Beograd, RS) [218]
P3.119 Experimental design methodology applied to adsorption of dibenzothiophene into naphthenic lubricant oil. *S. M. A. Guelli de Souza, J. F. Fontana, T. N. C. Dantas1, A. A. Ulson de Souza (UFSC, Santa Catarina, BR; 1UFRN, Natal, BR) [1184]
P3.120 Extraction and hydrolysis of edible oil from Helianthus annuus seeds in hot-pressurized water medium: Feasibility study. *M. Ravber, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [257]
P3.121 Increase of efficiency of process of extraction of oil from vegetative raw material with application of dioxide of carbon.
*Z. A. Meretukov, E. P. Koshevoy (Maykop State Technol. Univ. , RU) [188]
P3.122 Influence of aqueous phase viscosity on the interfacial mass transfer rate of succinic acid in the reactive extraction process
with tri-n-octylamine. *A. Cârlescu, L. Kloetzer, M. Turnea1, A. C. Blaga, A.-I. Galaction1, D. Cașcaval (Tech. Univ., Iasi, RO; 1Univ. Med. Pharm., Iasi, RO) [1021]
P3.123 Innovative process for the recovery of gold from mining waste. *S. Ubaldini, P. Fornari, P. Pizzichemi, I. De Michelis1 (Ist. Geol. Amb. Geoing. CNR, Monterotondo, IT; 1Univ. l'Aquila, IT) [1111]
P3.124 Quartz sandstone enrichment intended for PV application. *A. Kheloufi, R. Azzouz, A. Kefaifi, H. Rahab, S. Anas, A. Keffous, S. A. Medjahed, F. Kerkar (CRTSE, Algiers, DZ) [1143]
P3.125 Recycling, separation and purification of rare metals from secondary raw material of electronic and photovoltaic industry.
*N. Patel, J. Sznapka, J. Kotowski, D. Šnita (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1055]
P3.126 SPE extraction of pesticides from groundwater samples. H. Lebik, S. Amrani, K. Boumedine-Tahrout, *H. Ait-Amar (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [1436]
P3.127 Synthesis under microwave irradiation, characterization and application of alkyliminodimethylenediphosphonic acids in solvent
extraction of uranium (VI). *M. Bouhoun Ali, A. Y. Badjah Hadj Ahmed1, M. Attou, A. Elias2, M. A. Didi3 (Nucl. Res. Cent., Draria, DZ; 1King Saud Univ., Riyadh, SA; 2Univ. M. Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, DZ; 3Univ. Tlemcen, DZ) [14]
P3.128 The solvent extraction of uranium, plutonium and thorium from aqueous solution by 1-hydroxyhexadecylidene-1,1-diphosphonic
acid. *M. Bouhoun Ali, A. Y. Badjah Hadj Ahmed1, M. Attou1, A. Elias2, M. A. Didi3 (Nucl. Res. Cent., Draria, DZ; 1King Saud Univ., Riyadh, SA; 2Univ. M. Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, DZ; 3Univ. Tlemcen, DZ) [37]
Distillation and absorption
P3.134 Concentrating of glucose syrup using sweeping gas membrane distillation (SGMD): Experiments and modelling. *D. Bastani, A. Kargari1, M. M. A. Shirazi1, M. Soleimani2, M. Farshadi kia3 (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 1Membrane Sep. Technol., Karaj, IR; 2Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 3Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [581]
P3.136 Separation process optimization under uncertainty by chance constraint programming with recourse. *L. Sun, H. Zhang (Univ. Manchester, UK) [255]
P3.137 Intermolecular interactions of mercaptans with aromatic hydrocarbons of close-cut gasoline fractions. *V. A. Lyubimenko, I. M. Kolesnikov (Gubkin State Univ. Oil Gas, Moskva, RU) [832]
P3.138 Flexible modular technology of aliphatic hydrocarbons and petroleum ethers of reagent qualification. *A. Bessarabov, V. Trokhin, A. Kazakov, A. Kvasyuk, A. Vendilo (Sci. Cent. Low-tonnage Chem., Moskva, RU) [1226]
P3.139 Modification of a stabilizer column using structure packing. *M. Sarkari, M. M. Zarei1, H. Rezaei2, H. Haghparast (Pardis Petrochem. Co., Assaluyeh, IR; 1Sistan Baluchistan Univ., Zahedan, IR; 2Iran. Offshore Oil Co., Lavan Island, IR) [1251]
P3.140 Separation of a propane-propylene mixture using extractive distillation. H. Carmona-Carmona, *E. Ramirez-Jimenez, D. Justo-Garcia (Inst. Polit. Nac., Mexico DF, MX) [1392]
P3.141 Study of the influence of CO2, air and water flow an absorption column. A. F. L. Pereira, A. L. R. Castro, S. M. S. Rocha1, *D. P. Fabiano (UFSJ, Ouro, BR; 1UFES, Sao Mateus, BR) [927]
P3.142 The experimental study of adsorptive desulfurization of liquefied petroleum gas for carbonyl sulfide removal. J. Alaei Kadijani, *E. Narimani (Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR) [1539]
P3.143 Estimation of physical properties for loaded CO2 MEA solution using Lewis cell. *V. Contreras Moreno, A. Ledoux, L. Estel (INSA Rouen, Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, FR) [283]
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
P3.148 Supercritical carbon dioxide + organic solvent mixtures for the antisolvent micronization of sodium alginate. V. Prosapio, S. Cardea, E. Reverchon, *I. De Marco (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [193]
P3.149 Use of a supercritical fluids assisted process to generate cellulose acetate loaded membranes for controlled release applications.
S. Cardea, *I. De Marco, M. Scognamiglio, E. Reverchon (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [270]
P3.150 Aerogels as a drug delivery system. *A. E. Lebedev, D. D. Lovskaya, A. M. Katalevich, N. V. Menshutina (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [544]
P3.151 Regeneration of solid matrices by supercritical fluids. II. Kinetic aspects: transport models in a fixed bed. B. Bensebia, O. Bensebia1, D. Barth2, *S. Kouadri-Mostefaï (Univ. Chlef, DZ; 1USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ; 2Univ. Nancy, FR) [959]
P3.152 Modeling of processes in supercritical fluids. *A. E. Lebedev, V. V. Busygin, A. M. Katalevich, N. V. Menshutina (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [705]
P3.153 Phase equilibria of the ternary system of propylene glycol, ethanol and CO2 at different temperatures. *D. Čuček, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [182]
P3.154 Regeneration of solid matrices by supercritical fluids. I. Adsorption equilibrium and solubility. *B. Bensebia, O. Bensebia1, D. Barth2 (Univ. Chlef, DZ; 1USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ; 2Univ. Nancy, FR) [920]
P3.155 Argon as a potential solvent to substitute conventional supercritical fluids. *M. Knez Hrnčič, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [316]
P3.156 Research of catalytic hydrogenation of a nitrobenzene in supercritical carbon dioxide with use of Pd-containing catalysts.
M. Y. Rakitin, T. A. Fedorova, *V. Y. Doluda, E. M. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [288]
P3.157 Supercritical CO2 extraction of rosemary, sage leaves and their mixture. *O. Bensebia, B. Bensebia1, K. Allia, D. Barth2 (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ; 1Univ. Hassiba B. Bouali, Chlef, DZ; 2Univ. Nancy, FR) [407]
P3.158 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity of the Ganoderma lucidum extracts obtained using supercritical carbon dioxide. *T. Botić, D. Cör, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [539]
P3.159 Extraction kinetics and insecticidal activity of volatile components isolated from rue by supercritical CO2. *M. Sajfrtová, J. Karban, H. Sovová, R. Pavela (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1048]
P3.160 Fractionation of volatile compounds from eucalyptus and lippia using sorbents together with supercritical fluid extraction.
*M. Topiar, M. Sajfrtová, H. Sovová, J. Karban (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1083]
P3.161 Extraction of antioxidants from olive tree pruning. *V. Hernández, E. Castro1, J. C. Martínez1, J. A. Dávila, C. A. Cardona (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO; 1Univ. Jaén, ES) [1331]
P3.162 Techno-economic assessment of the supercritical extraction of antioxidant compounds and fatty acids from Avocado (Persea americana).
*J. A. Dávila, H. A. Forero, M. Rosenberg1, C. A. Cardona (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO; 1Univ. California, Davis CA, US) [1378]
P3.163 Effect of different co-solvents on the supercritical CO2 extraction of polyphenols from asparagus. *M. Solana, S. Dall'Acqua, I. Boschiero, A. Bertucco (Univ. Padova, IT) [1447]
P3.164 Extraction of phenolic compounds from dried rosemary leaves using supercritical CO2 and conventional methods. *O. Bensebia, B. Bensebia1, K. Allia, D. Barth2 (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ; 1Univ. Hassiba B. Bouali, Chlef, DZ; 2CNRS, Nancy, FR) [384]
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
P3.170 Effect of surfactant type on the three-phase contact line motion during the bubble adhesion to solid surfaces. T. Váchová, *P. Basařová, H. Suchanová, K. Soušková, G. Moore (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [281]
P3.171 Film drainage between interacting viscous drops with large deformations. *M. E. M. Brik, A. Saboni (Univ. Pau, FR) [1281]
P3.172 Mass transfer into a contaminated water droplet. *A. Saboni, S. Alexandrova1, M. Karsheva2, C. Gourdon3 (Univ. Pau, FR; 1ENSGTI, Pau, FR; 2Univ. Chem. Technol. Metall., Sofia, BG; 3ENSIACET, Toulouse, FR) [1285]
P3.173 Steady deformations of a droplet suspended in a viscous fluid under uniform electric field. *M. E. M. Brik, A. Saboni, R. Ruscassié (Univ. Pau, FR) [1212]
P3.174 The influence of surfactants on the drainage of mobile liquid films between drops undergoing a constant interaction force.
*S. Alexandrova, M. Karsheva1, A. Saboni2, C. Gourdon3 (ENSGTI, Pau, FR; 1Univ. Chem. Technol. Metall., Sofia, BG; 2Univ. Pau, FR; 3ENSIACET, Toulouse, FR) [1298]
P3.175 The shape of non-axisymmetric bubbles on curved surfaces. Z. Brabcová, *P. Basařová, T. Váchová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [293]
P3.176 CFD simulation of two-phase flow patterns in the gas channel of a PEM fuel cell. E. Mancusi1, E. Fontana, A. A. Ulson de Souza, *S. M. A. Guelli de Souza (UFSC, Santa Catarina, BR; 1Univ. Sannio, Benevento, IT) [1215]
P3.178 Computational fluid dynamics in CSTR type digesters for anaerobic digestion of tequila vinasses. A. Pallares-Garcia, J. Ramírez-Muñoz, *H. Puebla, M. Sales-Cruz1, H. Mendez-Acosta2 (Univ. Aut. Metrop., Ascapotzalco, MX; 1Univ. Aut. Metrop., Cuajimalpa, MX; 2Univ. Guadalajara, MX) [1234]
P3.179 Modelling of tracer flow in oil reservoirs to determine residual oil saturation. *M. M. González-Brambila, G. Soto-Cortés, H. Puebla, J. A. Colin-Luna, M. Otero, A. Fernandez-Alarcon, J. Ramirez-Seborag1, J. Ramírez Muñoz (Univ. Aut. Metrop., Ascapotzalco, MX; 1Inst. Mex. Petrol., Mexico DF, MX) [1250]
P3.180 Numerical and experimental study on heat transfer of copper oxide(II) - water nanofluids flow in annular duct. G. Dzido, *M. Korpyś, M. Lemanowicz, A. Gierczycki, J. Wójcik (Silesian Univ. Technol., Gliwice, PL) [244]
P3.181 Simulation of invert emulsion dynamic flow blocking effect. *I. V. Malanichev, F. G. Akhmadiev (Kazan State Univ. Arch. Eng., RU) [170]
P3.182 Influence of flow turbulence on wake distribution behind sphere. L. Bogusławski (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [353]
P3.183 Possible explanations of hysteresis at hydraulic characteristics in pipes. *R. Žitný, M. Houška1, A. Landfeld1, J. Skočilas, J. Štancl (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ; 1Food Res. Inst., Praha, CZ) [1477]
P3.184 Shear stress distribution on flat surface impinged by jets. *R. Kłosowiak, L. Bogusławski (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [481]
P3.185 Simulation of velocity profiles using CFD to evaluate the effect of eccentric motion of the inner tube in the non-Newtonian
fluid dynamics in annuli. *J. L. Vieira Neto, C. H. Ataide1, M. A. D. S. Barrozo1 (Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [774]
P3.186 The comparison of numeric and experimental results for flows in a cylindrical chamber. J. Bartoszewicz (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [263]
P3.187 The study of turbulence structure in the closed channel. *J. Bartoszewicz, R. Kłosowiak, R. Urbaniak (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [266]
P3.188 CFD simulation of a spouted bed works with a size distribution of sand particles: segregation aspects. *K. G. Santos, L. V. Ferreira1, O. S. Oliveira1, A. V. P. Campos1, M. A. D. S. Barrozo1 (Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [1002]
P3.189 Hydro-dynamical interactions of moving rigid particles’ cluster. *J. Havlica, T. Trávníčková, M. Kohout1 (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1397]
P3.190 Influence of mixture composition and static bed height on fluidynamic of spouting bed with binary mixtures differing in size.
*K. G. Santos, R. A. Malagoni1, M. A. D. S. Barrozo1 (Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [990]
P3.191 Minimum fluidization gas and liquid velocities in the draft-tube airlift reactor with the inverse fluidized bed on the downcomer.
B. Kawalec-Pietrenko (Univ. Technol., Gdansk, PL) [1005]
P3.192 Singular spectral analysis (SSA) applied to the study of pressure fluctuations of a fluidized bed. H. L. Moura, *G. J. Castilho, M. A. Cremasco (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [962]
P3.193 The use of Differential Evolution method for estimate the correlation parameters of minimum spouting and a CFD study in a
spouted bed with draft tube. *J. L. Vieira Neto, D. L. Souza, M. A. D. S. Barrozo1 (Fed. Univ. Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [811]
P3.194 Experimental study and 3D numerical simulation of dense gas-particle suspension upward flow set in a hot solar receiver. *R. Ansart, B. Boissiere, M. Hemati, H. Benoit, D. Gauthier1, G. Flamant1 (INPT, Toulouse, FR; 1CNRS, Font-Romeu Odeillo, FR) [1577]
P3.195 Bed pressure drop in conical spouted beds with a draft tube in thermal treatment of wastes of different particle diameter,
density and shape. *M. J. San Jose, S. Alvarez, A. Ortiz de Salazar, I. Garcia (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [1230]
P3.196 CO2 absorption to the NaOH solution using pilot-plant wet shower scrubber. *O. Krištof, T. Sverak, P. Kejík, P. Bulejko, K. Sikorová (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1586]
P3.197 Heat transfer in falling film of freon mixture on a vertical tube with wire mesh coating. *N. I. Pecherkin, A. N. Pavlenko, O. A. Volodin (Inst. Thermophys., Novosibirsk, RU) [1459]
P3.198 Liquid velocity in an external-loop airlift reactor with different spargers and diluted alcohol solution. *P. Kojić, M. Tokić, I. Šijački, N. Lukić, D. Petrović, D. Jovičević, S. Popović (Fac. Technol., Novi Sad, RS) [1562]
P3.199 Mean gas holdup and liquid circulation time in an internal-loop airlift type bubble column with rectangular cross-section.
*T. Yamamoto, T. Uesugi, H. Kawasaki (Univ. Toyama, JP) [455]
P3.200 Sparger type influence on the gas holdup of an external loop airlift reactor with diluted ethanol solutions. *P. Kojić, M. Tokić, I. Šijački, N. Lukić, D. Petrović, D. Jovičević, S. Popović (Fac. Technol., Novi Sad, RS) [1563]
P3.201 A multidimensional combined multifluid-population balance model for gas-liquid bubble-driven flows. *J. Solsvik, H. A. Jakobsen (Norweg. Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO) [1464]
P3.202 Effect of PIV image preprocessing in liquid velocity distribution in the bubble column with diameter expansion. R. D. L. Amaral, K. K. Da Costa, D. I. S. Forero, O. P. Taranto, *S. S. V. Vianna, M. Mori (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [620]
P3.203 Effect of the draft tube on mixing in the reactor with internal circulation loop – CFD simulation. *P. Lestinsky, M. Večeř1, P. Vayrynen2 (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ; 1Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ; 2Aalto Univ., FI) [624]
P3.204 Using fluorescent PIV for detect the effect of gas distributors in the 2D velocity field of a bubble column. A. D. Barbutti, R. D. L. Amaral, *G. J. Castilho, M. Mori (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [969]
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