The Congress is structured as follows
- CHISA 2016 – General topics of chemical and process engineering
- CHISA 2016 – Specialised symposia
- PRES 2016 – 19th Conference on process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction
- Exhibition MARCHES 2016
- EFCE WP Meetings and other agenda
The program covers invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions, and poster sessions. Some symposia will be co-organised with the corresponding EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies. The possibility to arrange short courses (mainly after the Congress) is offered. Anyone interested in arranging such a course (refresher) should contact the Organising Committee; the courses will then be announced in the second circular. For these courses it will be possible to publish lecture notes (with ISBN number).
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art papers and commercial information on the following subjects are invited.
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics (reactors and transport phenomena, catalysis and particles, reforming and Fischer-Tropsch, kinetics, petrochemistry)
[2] Distillation and absorption
[3] Extraction and leaching
[4] Membrane separations (gas and vapour separation, pressure separation, other membrane processes, chemical reaction)
[5] Solid–liquid separations
[6] Fluid flow and multiphase systems (bubble/ drop mechanics, interfaces and capillarity, foams, emulsions and slurries, gas–liquid(–solid) flows, surfactants, fluidization)
[7] Mixing
[8] Computer aided process engineering (synthesis and control, modelling and design, optimisation, process system engineering)
[9] Particulate solids
[10] Pharmaceutical engineering (general problems, continuous manufacturing, downstream processing of biological products, combination of chemical and biological processes, engineering knowledge in handling of highly active substances)
[11] Chemical engineering education
[12] Symposium on environmental engineering
[13] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
[14] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications (sub- and supercritical water; micronization, thermodynamic data and modelling, natural products)
[15] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
[16] Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
[17] Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
[18] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology (biofiltration, bioreactor applications, biotechnology, chemical technology)
[19] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
[20] Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
19th Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction"
The Conference will be held as a specialised international venue in the framework of CHISA.
- Process integration for sustainable development
- Energy saving technology
- CO2 minimisation and mitigation
- Combined heat & power, combined cycles
- Heat exchangers as equipment and integrated items
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- Integrated and multifunctional operations
- Operational research, supply chain and technology management
- Pulp & paper
- Clean technologies - Low emissions technologies
- Sustainable processing and production
- Waste minimisation, processing and management
- Thermal treatment of waste including waste to energy
- Dynamic, flexible and sustainable plant operation
- Industrial & experimental studies
- Industrial application & optimal design
- e-learning, e-teaching and e-knowledge
- CFD and numerical heat transfer
- Sustainable biofuel production
- Data reconciliation for process industry

Jonathan Seville (Univ. Surrey, Guildford, UK)
Formulation engineering – the chemical engineering of products
The chemical engineering of products, increasingly known as Formulation Engineering, concerns the design and manufacture of microstructured products which are often sold directly to the consumer and often designed to break down in use. Examples include foods, “instant” drinks, pharmaceutical dosage forms such as tablets, personal and household cleaning products, paints and inks – an increasingly long list. Product formulation and its subsequent processing is designed to form a specified microstructure. In use (eating, taking the dose, painting the wall, etc.) the product microstructure breaks down in a useful way, releasing flavour or active ingredients or forming a gloss layer or whatever. In manufacture, cost-efficiency and product quality are of supreme importance. In use, perception of product quality will depend on the effective breakdown or evolution of microstructure. This talk will discuss some examples and developments in teaching and research in Formulation Engineering.

Cheryl Teich (The Dow Chemical Company, US)
Chemical and Process Engineering - Forging a Path with Help from Stephen Sondheim
In the United States, over the last thirty years, there has been a shift in industrial focus from process to product development. Over essentially the same time frame, there has been an expansion of the chemical engineering discipline to encompass areas outside the scope and the scale of the traditional CPI. These shifts in focus, combined with years of restructuring and the coincident retirement of the baby boomer population, has produced the “perfect storm” in reducing the pool of expert process practitioners.
The need to pay more attention to process engineering fundamentals is being recognized and addressed on a number of fronts. Process engineering forms the basis for ensuring a safe, secure, and economical supply of air, water, energy, food, as well as a myriad of discretionary consumer products.
The Pareto principle is valid for process development. While ever-increasingly more precise analytic tools are available, we can acquire ~ 80% of the process picture by applying chemical engineering basics: mass balance, the three laws of thermodynamics, rate laws, and economics. My talk will demonstrate the value of applying the fundamentals to frame specific “grand challenge” problems, with a goal of providing tools and guidance to newer process practitioners and speeding their own development and success.
But what does Stephen Sondheim have to do with it?

Fengqi You (Cornell Univ., Ithaca NY, US):
Design and operations of sustainable supply chains – recent advances in life cycle optimization methods (PRES 2016 Plenary Lecture)
As evidenced by the pope's recent encyclical on climate change and the public’s interests in carbon and water footprints, sustainability issues are becoming more prevalent in the thoughts and actions of more and more people around the world. The increasing awareness of sustainability issues has driven the industry and society to pursue more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable strategies in the design and operations of supply chains. Systematic methods based on computational optimization frameworks using a life cycle perspectives play an important role in this quest. These computational frameworks integrate life cycle analysis and technoeconomic assessment with multiobjective superstructure optimization to improve overall sustainability performance of the supply chains. This talk will explore some recent results on the development of large-scale mathematical programming models and algorithms for life cycle optimization of sustainable supply chains. We will specifically focus on two computational frameworks and their applications. The first one is concerned with the functional unit-based life cycle optimization of sustainable supply chains under economic and environmental criterions. The second one is a multi-scale life cycle framework that accounts for and optimizes the direct and indirect environmental impacts from the foreground process systems scale and from the background economy scale through the integration of process systems optimization with process-based and input-output-based models. The last framework addresses the life cycle optimization in a decentralized, non-cooperative supply chains under a leader-follower game structure. We will discuss general modelling frameworks, efficient solution algorithms, and case studies on hydrocarbon biofuel and shale gas supply chains.
František Štěpánek (Univ. Chem. Technol., Prague, CZ):

Remote control of reaction-diffusion processes with chemical robots
The ability to control the rates of chemical or biochemical reactions at length-scales comparable to those of single-cell organisms or their sub-cellular compartments would be desirable in a number of situations, ranging from fundamental studies of transfer phenomena to applications such as controlled delivery of actives from functional materials in the pharmaceutical, food, personal care or crop protection products. Established strategies for the control of chemical reactions known from the macroscopic world, such as control of temperature, the addition rate of reactants, or the availability of a catalyst have been applied to autonomous micro-scale systems called “chemical robots”. A chemical robot is an internally structured microparticle consisting of a semi-permeable membrane that regulates molecular transport between the interior and the surroundings, a system of stimuli-responsive internal compartments that store and release reactants, immobilised enzymes or catalysts for facilitating chemical reactions, and magnetic nanoparticles that act as susceptors and enable the receiving of remotely sent radiofrequency signals.
A1.3 11:00 Effectiveness of capillary membrane bioreactor/reactor depending on the transport in cylindrical space. E. Nagy (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [1034]
Reaction kinetics
A3.3 11:00 Photocatalysis: light, alternative energy and the environment. H. de Lasa (Univ. Western Ontario ON, CA) [227]
A5.1 8:30 Novel mesoporous carbon from renewable sources and microporous zeolite catalysts for production of biofuel components. L. J. Konwar2, P. Mäki-Arvela, D. Dekka2, T. Riittonen, *N. Kumar, J.-P. Mikkola1 (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Umea Univ., SE; 2Tezpur Univ., IN) [345]
Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
A6.1 14:00 CO2 reforming of methane over Ni-based 6%LSNZ pyrochlore catalyst. N. Kumar, M. L'Abbate1, D. Haynes2, D. Shekhawat2, *J. J. Spivey (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge LA, US; 1Royal Inst. Technol., Stockholm, SE; 2U.S. Dep. Energy, Morgantown WV, US) [679]
Pressure membrane separation processes
B2.1 14:00 Desalination using RO and NF: New insights, limitations and improvements. V. Freger(Technion - Israel Inst. Technol., Haifa, IL) [1105]
B2.4 16:20 Peculiarity of membrane separation of lower hydrocarbons: basic aspects and practice.V. V. Zhmakin, *V. V. Teplyakov (Topchiev Inst. Petrochem. Synt., Moskva, RU) [352]
B3.1 11:00 Continuous in-line mixed gas permeability and selectivity measurements of polymeric membranes by mass spectrometric analysis. A. Fuoco, M. Monteleone, E. Esposito, P. Bernardo, C. Brazinha1, S. C. Fraga1, J. G. Crespo1, M. Carta2, N. B. McKeown2, M. Lanc3, K. Friess3, *J. C. Jansen (ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT; 1Univ. Nova Lisboa, PT; 2Univ. Edinburgh, UK; 3Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ) [538]
B4.1 14:00 Pervaporation and gas separation with supported liquid membranes. *P. Izák, M. Žák, Z. Sedláková, M. Kárászová, M. Kačírková, J. Vejražka (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [670]
B4.4 16:20 Novel chemistry routes to prepare solvent-resistant nanofiltration membranes.I. F. J. Vankelecom (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE) [1274]
Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
B5.1 8:50 Novel strategies to design zeolite catalysts with tailored acidities and porosities. *B. Louis, P. Losch, A. Vieira1, E. Silva Gomes1, A. Belen Pinar2, M. Maciel Pereira1 (Univ. Strasbourg, FR; 1UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR;2ETH, Zurich, CH) [867]
B6.1 14:00 Ice templating based approaches for porous materials and nanostructures. A. D. Roberts, U. Wais, A. Ahmed, L. Qian, R. Hayes, *H. Zhang (Univ. Liverpool, UK) [559]
Extraction and leaching
C1.1 11:00 From microextraction experiments to apparatus design. *S. Willersinn, H.-J. Bart (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [158]
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
C3.1 11:00 Towards pure enantiomers with supercritical carbon dioxide based crystallizations.*E. Székely, M. Zsemberi, L. Lőrincz, M. Kőrösi, A. D. Zodge, T. Sohajda1, J. Madarász (Budapest Univ. Technol. Econ., HU;1Cyclolab LtD, Budapest, HU) [1042]
C4.1 14:00 The story of the 1978’s Essen symposium that got started our research field on supercritical fluid applications. J. M. del Valle (Pontif. Univ. Catol., Santiago, CL) [1225]
Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
C5.1 8:30 Mathematical constraints for an optimal design of temperature-dependent attractive parameter expressions in cubic equations of state. *J.-N. Jaubert, R. Privat, S. Lasala, Y. Le Guennec (Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, FR) [196]
C5.6 11:00 10 years with the PPR78 model: capabilities and limitations of predictive cubic equations of state involving classical mixing rules. *R. Privat, J.-N. Jaubert (Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, FR) [33]
Distillation and absorption
C7.1 8:30 Development of the novel rate-based mass-transfer model for the packed absorption and distillation columns. *F. Rejl, J. Haidl, L. Valenz (Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ) [1004]
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
D4.5 16:20 A spatially coupled two-fluid model and discrete particle model for the simulation of gas-solid fluidized beds. X. Chen, *J. Wang (Inst. Proc. Eng., Beijing, CN) [716]
D5.1 8:50 Hydrodynamics of mixing: processing of Particle Image Velocimetry data. A. Liné (INSA, Toulouse, FR) [24]
D7.1 8:50 Mixing in CIJS: insight into highly efficient 2D laminar micro / mesomixers. N. D. Gonçalves, C. P. Fonte, M. M. Dias, R. J. Santos, *J. C. Lopes (Univ. Porto, PT) [469]
Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
E1.1 11:00 Food application of RS4 resistant starch. *E. Šárka, M. Kubová, I. Wiege, P. Horák1, P. Smrčková, V. Dvořáček2, D. A. Chena Aldao, Z. Bubník (Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Macromol. Chem., Praha, CZ; 2Crop Res. Inst., Praha, CZ) [925]
Morphology and bulk properties
E3.1 11:00 Dynamic evolution of morphological characteristics during particulate processes through on-line experimental analysis and population balance modelling. *C. Frances, C. Coufort-Saudejaud, A. Liné (Univ. Toulouse, FR) [127]
Processes and bulk properties
E4.1 14:00 Nanoparticulate zeolite production by the combination of mechanochemical and hydrothermal procedure. *A. Muramatsu, K. Kanie, M. Sakaguchi, H. Kobayashi, M. Nakaya (Tohoku Univ., Sendai, JP) [696]
E4.4 16:20 Fabrication of compartmentalized microparticles by extractive gelation in a microfluidic device. *A. Pittermannová, A. Zadražil, N. Bremond1, J. Bibette1, F. Štěpánek (Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ;1ESPCI Paris Tech., FR) [914]
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
E5.4 11:00 A microfluidic tool box for emulsification and separation research. *K. Schroen, K. Muijlwijk, T. van der Laar, S. Sahin, J. Sprakel, C. Berton-Carabin (Wageningen Univ., NL) [398]
E6.1 14:00 Microscale technology and biocatalytic processes: from lab on a chip to production scale.I. Plazl (Univ. Ljubljana, SI) [1171]
Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
E7.1 8:30 Harnessing the value from scientific and technical collaborations – a pharmaceutical industry perspective. H.-J. Federsel (Astra Zeneca, Macclesfield, UK) [1014]
E7.2 9:10 Green electricity-based processing: the inevitable future. A. Stankiewicz (Delft Univ. Technol., NL) [763]
E7.5 11:00 Engineering of photocatalytic reactions in microreactors: reaction development and scale up.T. Noel (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL) [1062]
E7.6 11:40 Biocatalytic process design and reaction engineering. R. Wohlgemuth (Sigma-Aldrich, Buchs, CH) [1083]
Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
E8.1 14:00 Multi-scale simulation framework applied to morphology evolution and properties of polyurethane foams. *H. Preisig, S. Pricl1, A. Daiss2, B. Eling3, D. Marchisio4, H. Rusche5, P. Anderson6, J. Llorca7, J. Gross8, J. Kosek9, P. Albrecht10 (Norweg. Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO; 1Univ. Trieste, IT; 2BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE;3BASF, Lemfoerde, DE; 4Politecnico, Torino, IT; 5WIKKI Ltd., London, UK; 6Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 7IMDEA, Getafe, ES;8Univ. Stuttgart, DE; 9Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ; 10DIN German Inst. Standard., Berlin, DE) [1162]
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
F1.1 11:00 Cross-linked polymers as products of lignin biotreatment. *E. Kozliak, Y. Ji, A. Kubátová, F. Asina, I. Brzonova, K. Voeller (Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks ND, US) [718]
Pharmaceutical engineering
F4.1 14:00 Hot melt coating for QbD oriented patient-centric product development: An overview.*S. Salar-Behzadi, D. Lopes, K. Becker1, R. Hohl, M. Stehr2, D. Lochmann2, D. Haack3, M. Bresciani, J. Khinast, A. Zimmer1 (RCPE GmbH, Graz, AT; 1Karl-Franzens Univ., Graz, AT; 2Cremer Oleo GmbH, Witten, DE; 3Hermes Arzneimittel GmbH, Grosshesselohe, DE) [943]
Computer aided process engineering
F6.1 14:00 On the combined grassroots-retrofit integration of first and second generation biorefineries.*A. D. Mountraki, A. B. Benjelloun Mlyakh, A. Kokossis1 (Comp. Ind. Matiere Veget., Toulouse, FR; 1Nat. Tech. Univ., Athens, GR) [1022]
F8.1 14:00 Artificial intelligent tools to analyze thermographic images. Assisting in early diagnosis of illnesses. E. S. Pariente, J. C. Cancilla, G. Matute, R. Aroca-Santos, *J. S. Torrecilla (Univ. Complutense, Madrid, ES) [69]
F8.2 14:40 Industry 4.0 – Reluctant Communication?. *A. Fricke, J. C. Schöneberger (Chemstations Europe GmbH, Berlin, DE) [176]
Symposium on safety in chemical industry
G2.1 14:00 Tell and sell safety knowledge. N. Schmersal-Hoekstra (Fluor B.V., Hoofddorp, NL) [267]
Chemical engineering education
G3.1 11:00 Teaching efficiency in chemical engineering. J. Glassey, N. Kockmann1, V. Meshko2, A. Porjazoska Kujundziski2, M. Polakovic3, M. Madeira4, *E. Schaer5 (Newcastle Univ., UK; 1Tech. Univ., Dortmund, DE;2Int. Balkan Univ., Skopje, MK; 3Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 4Univ. Porto, PT; 5Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, FR) [985]
G4.1 14:00 Teaching of process simulation in chemical engineering program. *R. Tuunila, M. Huhtanen, E. Lahdenperä (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI) [369]
Symposium on environmental engineering
G5.1 8:30 Electrocatalytic approach to carbon dioxide utilization. *A. Irabien, M. Alvarez-Guerra, J. Albo1, A. Dominguez-Ramos, E. Alvarez-Guerra, A. del Castillo, I. Merino-Garcia (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES; 1Univ. Pais Vasco, Leioa, ES) [686]
G6.1 14:00 Getting to grips with the water-energy-food Nexus? – A Chemical Engineering Matters Green Paper. A. Howe (Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, UK) [643]
G7.1 8:30 Analysis of the degradation of multiple organic micropollutants using laccase enzymes.R. Pype, C. Hautphenne, J. Blavier, *F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [404]
G8.1 14:00 Fly ash treatment and metal recovery. *H. van den Berg, K. A. Kruders1, A. G. J. van der Ham, H. P. M. Oudenhoven2 (Twente Univ., Enschede, NL; 1Zeton B.V., Enschede, NL; 2Twence B.V., Hengelo, NL) [156]
[22] PRES 2016
H1.1 11:20 New developments in heat exchanger network retrofit. R. Smith (Univ. Manchester, UK) [668]
H1.2 12:00 Regional and total site CO2 integration considering purification and pressure drop.W. N. R. Nawi, S. R. Wan Alwi, Z. A. Manan, J. J. Klemeš1, *P. S. Varbanov1 (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1Pazmány Péter Cathol. Univ., Budapest, HU) [1298]
Integrated and multifunctional operations
H2.1 14:00 A P-graph model for multi-period optimization of isolated energy systems. *K. Aviso, J.-Y. Lee1, R. Tan (De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH; 1Nat. Taipei Univ. Technol., TW) [736]
Process integration for sustainable development
H4.1 14:00 Simultaneous optimization and heat integration of effluent recovery process in polyolefin plants. G. Tu, Z. Liao, Z. Huang, B. Jiang, J. Wang, *Y. Yang (Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, CN) [361]
H4.4 16:20 Pinch analysis approach to energy planning using weighted composite quality index.M. Patole, *R. Tan1, D. Y. Foo2, S. Bandyopadhyay (Indian Inst. Technol., Bombay, IN; 1De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH; 2Univ. Nottingham, Semenyih, MY) [871]
H4.5 17:00 Mixing pressurization and chemical absorption based carbon capture and hydrogen recovery from low pressure refinery off-gases. *Q. Zhang, H. Song, G. L. Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [205]
H4.6 17:40 Data reconciliation for total site integration. *J. Y. Yong, A. Nemet1, P. S. Varbanov2, Z. Kravanja1, J. J. Klemeš2 (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Univ. Maribor, SI; 2Pazmány Péter Cathol. Univ., Budapest, HU) [1085]
H4.7 18:20 Cost effective heat exchangers network of total site heat integration. *S. Boldyryev, G. Krajačić, N. Duic (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [554]
Sustainable processing and production
H6.1 14:00 Application of P-graph techniques for efficient the use of wood processing residues in biorefineries. *M. J. Atkins, T. G. Walmsley, B. H. Y. Ong, M. R. W. Walmsley, J. R. Neale (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ) [513]
H7.1 8:30 Systems synthesis by maximizing sustainability net present value. D. Širovnik, *Ž. Zore1, L. Čuček1, Z. Novak Pintarič1, Z. Kravanja1 (Ptuj, SI; 1Univ. Maribor, SI) [1134]
Energy saving technology
I2.5 16:20 Robust model predictive control of heat exchangers in series. *J. Oravec, M. Bakošová, A. Mészáros (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK) [261]
Industrial application & optimal design
I4.1 14:00 Process and utility design and integration for ultra-energy efficient milk powder production.*T. G. Walmsley, M. J. Atkins, J. R. Neale, M. R. W. Walmsley, M. Philipp1, R. H. Peesel1 (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ;1Univ. Kassel, DE) [238]
I4.4 16:20 Energy efficiency concepts for batch retort sterilization in the food processing industry.*R. H. Peesel, M. Philipp, G. Schumm, J. Hesselbach (Univ. Kassel, DE) [140]
*P. Kapustenko, G. Khavin1, O. Arsenyeva, O. Matsegora1, S. Kusakov1, I. Bocharnikov (Kharkiv Polytech. Inst., UA; 1AO-SPIVDRUZHNIST, Kharkiv, UA) [567]
Heat exchangers as equipment and integrated items
I6.4 16:20 Development of a dynamic fouling model for a heat exchanger. K. Zahid, R. Patel, *I. M. Mujtaba (Univ. Bradford, UK) [1208]
Education, operations research and supply chain management
J4.1 14:00 Overview of biomass supply chain optimisation model: HAZOP approach. *C. H. Lim, H. L. Lam (Univ. Nottingham, Selangor, MY) [705]
Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
J4.4 16:20 Potential of biomass to resources as an action to mitigate transboundary haze in ASEAN country. S. T. Tan, *H. Hashim, A. H. Abdul Rashid1, E. K. Y. Wong2, J. S. Lim, W. S. Ho, A. B. Jaafar (Univ. Technol. Malaysia, Johor, MY; 1SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam, MY; 2Acad. Sci. Malaysia, MY) [1276]
Industrial & experimental studies
J6.5 16:20 Comparison of heat exchanger designs using Vipertex 1EHT enhanced heat transfer tubes.*D. J. Kukulka, R. Smith1 (State Univ. New York, Buffalo NY, US; 1Vipertex, Buffalo NY, US) [97]
J7.1 8:50 Study of hydrogen sulfide absorption with diethanolamine in methanolic aqueous solutions.F. Amararene, *C. Bouallou (MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [281]
CO2 minimisation and mitigation
K2.1 14:00 Addition of water in calcium based adsorbent for CO2 adsorption: Experimental and isotherm modelling studies. N. Azmi, N. A. Rashidi, *S. Yusup, K. M. Sabil1 (Univ. Teknol. Petronas, Perak, MY; 1Heriot-Watt Univ. Malaysia, Putrajaya, MY) [51]
CFD and numerical heat transfer
K3.1 11:00 Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamics in a bubbling fluidized bed with granulated molten slag particles during heat recovery process. *L. Cao, H. Wang, X. Zhu, X.-Y. He, Q. Liao, Q. Fu (Chongqing Univ., CN) [750]
K4.1 14:00 Sensitivity analysis of radiative heat loading to tube coil with geometric imperfections.*J. Hájek, Z. Jegla (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [617]
Clean technologies - Low emissions technologies
K5.1 8:50 CO2 separation process using circulating fluidized bed based on exergy recuperation.*Y. Kansha, M. Ishizuka, H. Mizuno, A. Tsutsumi (Univ. Tokyo, JP) [94]
K5.4 11:00 Targeting of water-using networks of single contaminant involving regeneration reuse/recycling. J.-H. Liu, A.-H. Li1, *Z.-Y. Liu2 (Hebei Univ. Technol., Tianjin, CN; 1Chengde Petrol. Coll., Hebei, CN; 2Hebei Univ. Technol., Tianjin, CN) [673]
K5.5 11:40 Carbon capture from integrated pulp and board mill. *P. Kangas, K. Onarheim, V. Hankalin1, S. Santos2 (VTT, Espoo, FI; 1ÅF-Consult Ltd., FI; 2IEAGHG, UK) [638]
K5.6 12:20 Innovative technology for production of construction materials on the basis of man-made waste of metallurgical industry. Y. M. Fedorchuk, *M. A. Sadenova1, S. A. Abdulina1 (Tomsk Polytech. Univ., RU;1Serikbayev East Kaz. State Tech. Univ., Ust-Kamenogorsk, KZ) [462]
K5.7 13:00 Microwave susceptible catalytic diesel particulate filter. V. Palma, *E. Meloni (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [468]
MARCHES 2016 – the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will take place in the premises of the CHISA 2016. Standard exhibition booths of 6 m2 floor area will be available for business negotiations and demonstration purposes. A Catalogue of Exhibitors will be distributed to all Congress participants. An expression of interest in the Exhibition should be sent to upon which more detailed information will be provided.
This Overview might be still very slightly modified.
The plenary lectures will be delivered at 8:30–10:30 h. on Sunday and Monday. The parallel lecture sessions will take place at 11:00–12:40 h. (on Sunday and Monday) or at 8:30–12:40 h. (on Tuesday and Wednesday) and on every day at 14:00–18:00 h., based on 20 minutes rigid schedules. For keynote lectures 40 minutes are usually reserved. Poster sessions will take place the whole day from 9 to 17 h. However, authors must attend their posters during the coffee breaks: 10:30–11:00 h., and 15:20–16:20 h.
J. Drahoš (Congress Chairman, President of the CSChE, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
P. Stehlík (Chairman of PRES 2016)
I. Wichterle (Chairman of Scientific Committee)
P. Klusoň (Vice-Chairman of Scientific Committee)
Z. Boháčová (Chairman of Organising Committee)
R. Gani (President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering – EFCE)
G. Stephanopoulos (President-Elect of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers – AIChE)
V. Báleš (Past President of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering – SSChE)
P. Cingr (President of the Association of Chemical Industry CR)
M. Václavík (President of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic)
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
P. Čapek (CZ), P. Forzatti (IT), A. Gavriilidis (UK), J. Hanika (CZ), K.-O. Hinrichsen (DE), L. Kiwi-Minsker (CH), P. Kočí (CZ), J. Kosek (CZ), J. Levec (SI), J. Markos (SK), E.J. Molga (PL), K. Nigam (IN), A.E. Rodrigues (PT), T. Salmi (FI), J.C. Schouten (NL), E. Vyskočilová (CZ), G. Wild (FR)
[2] Distillation and absorption
R.C. Darton (UK), V. Jiřičný (CZ), N. I. Pecherkin (RU), F. Rejl (CZ)
[3] Extraction and leaching
H.J. Bart (DE), M. Carsky (ZA), J. Tříska (CZ)
[4] Membrane separations
M. Bleha (CZ), J.G. Crespo (PT), K. Friess (CZ), P. Izák (CZ), J.J. Jansen (IT), P. Mikulášek (CZ), Š. Schlosser (SK), Yu.P. Yampolskii (RU)
[5] Solid–liquid separations
W. Höflinger (AT), J. Přidal (CZ)
[6] Fluid flow and multiphase systems
P. Colinet (BE), T. Gambaryan-Roisman (DE), J.B. Joshi (IN), J. Lioumbas (GR), V. Roig (FR), M. Růžička (CZ), A. Soldati (IT), C. van der Geld (NL), J. Vejražka (CZ), M. Zedníková (CZ)
[7] Mixing
J. Aubincano (FR), J. Baldyga (PL), P. Ditl (CZ), I. Fořt (CZ), M. Kraume (DE), G. Montante (IT)
[8] Computer aided process engineering
D. Bogle (UK), R. Gani (DK), M. Kohout (CZ), A. Kraslawski (FI), M. Kubíček (CZ), T. Vaněk (CZ)
[9] Particulate solids
A. Chamayou (FR), M. Ghadiri (UK), H. Kalman (IL), A. Kwade (DE), A. Muramatsu (JP), M. Peciar (SK), M. Poletto (IT), A. Ramírez Gómez (ES), N. Števulová (SK), T. Svěrák (CZ), J. Tomas (DE), J. Zegzulka (CZ)
[10] Pharmaceutical engineering
Z. Bělohlav (CZ), P. Kleinebudde (DE), R. Ramachandran (US), Z. Šklubalová (CZ), F. Štěpánek (CZ), H. Viernstein (AT), P. Zámostný (CZ), J. Zbytovská (CZ)
[11] Chemical engineering education
T. Hahn (DE), M. Jahoda (CZ), M. Pitt (UK), E. Schaer (FR)
[12] Symposium on environmental engineering
A. Irabien (ES), P. Klusoň (CZ), K. Kočí (CZ), M. Pohořelý (CZ), M. Punčochář (CZ), J. Trögl (CZ), A. Zuorro (IT)
[13] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
F. Babinec (CZ), M. Considine (UK), B. Fabiano (IT), L. Jelemenský (SK), M. Krahulík (CZ), H.J. Pasman (UK), J. Petr (CZ), R.D. Turney (UK)
[14] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Z. Knez (SI), H. Sovová (CZ)
[15] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
A. Arce (ES), G. Bogdanić (CZ), I. Economou (GR), E. Hendriks (NL), J.-N. Jaubert (FR), G. Kontogeorgis (DK), V.D. Nichita (FR), A. Toikka (RU), I. Wichterle (CZ)
[16] Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
T. Brányik (CZ), Z. Bubník (CZ), L. Čurda (CZ), F. Debaste (BE), A. Hinková (CZ), M. Houška (CZ), P. Nesvadba (UK), E. Šárka (CZ), M. Wojtczak (PL)
[17] Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
M. Eic (CA), P. Hudec (SK), M. Kočiřík (CZ), O. Šolcová (CZ), K. Soukup (CZ)
[18] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
R. Bajpai (US), J. Brožek (CZ), B. Kawalec-Pietrenko (PL), E. Kozliak (US), M. Králik (SK), P. Machač (CZ), J. Mikulec (SK), J. Páca (CZ)
[19] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
C. de Bellefon (FR), R. Dittmeyer (DE), A. Harvey (UK), J. Křišťál (CZ), P. Loeb (DE), M. Marek (CZ), G.B. Marin (BE), R. Pohorecki (PL), A. Stankiewicz (NL), T. Van Gerven (BE)
[20] Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
V. Hessel (DE), K.D. Hungenberg (DE), V. Jiřičný (CZ), W. Leitner (DE), K. Simons (UK), P. Stavárek (CZ).
19th Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction" – [more info:]
Presidents: J.J. Klemeš (HU), P. Stehlík (CZ)
Vice-Presidents: J. Drahoš (CZ), F. Friedler (HU), H. L. Lam (MY), S. Pierucci (IT), P. Seferlis (GR), S. Wan Alwi (MY)
Members: M. Atkins (NZ), S. Bandyopadhyay (IN), M. Bakošová (SK), T. Berntsson (SE), J. Bonet Ruiz (ES), C. Bouallou (FR), I. Bulatov (UK), C.-L. Chen (TW), N. Duić (HR), M. Emtir (LY), D.C.Y. Foo (MY), A. Friedl (AT), T. Gundersen (NO), M. Gough (UK), S. Harvey (SE), A. Hoadley (AU), Y.-D. Huang (CN), D. Huisingh (US), A.-M. Josceanu (RO), V. Kafarov (CO), M. Kamal (MY), P. Kapustenko (UA), Y.Kansha (JP), E. Kenig (DE), J.-K. Kim (KR), Z. Kravanja (SI), D. Kukulka (US), J. Labidi (ES), V. Lavric (RO), C. T. Lee (MY), S.-Y. Li (CN), Z.-Y. Liu (CN), R. Lozano (NL),H. Lund (DK), Z. Manan (MY), F. Manenti (IT), F. Marechal (CH), K. Matsuda (JP), A. Mészáros (SK), I.M. Mujtaba (UK), M. Narodoslawsky (AT), E. Nagy (HU), A. Nemet (SI), Z. Novak Pintarič (SI), N. Ozalp (BE), S. Perry (UK), M. Picón-Núñez (MX), A. Pleşu Bonet-Ruiz (RO), D. Reay (UK), L. Savulescu (CA), S. K. Sikdar (US), R. Smith (UK), R.G.R. Tan (PH), K. Urbaniec (PL), P. Varbanov (HU), S. Voutetakis (GR), M. Walmsley (NZ), Q. Wang (CN), Y. Wang (CN), J. Yan (SE), F. You (US), S. Bt. Yusuf (MY)
Secretariat: P.S. Varbanov (HU), H.L. Lam (MY)