Lectures C

C1 Lectures - Monday morning

Fluid properties, phase and chemical equilibria

Chairmen: K. Aim, P. Ungerer

C1.1 9.30 On thermodynamic investigation of critical phenomena in multicomponent systems. *B. I. Gorovitz, A. M. Toikka (St.-Petersburg State Univ., RU) [264]

C1.2 10.00 Bubble point calculation of alkane mixture by Monte Carlo simulation. *P. Ungerer, A. Boutin1, A. H. Fuchs1 (Inst. Fr. Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison, FR; 1Univ. Paris Sud, FR) [685]

C1.3 10.30 Unified prediction of the equilibrium properties of normal and branched alkanes by molecular simulation. *P. Ungerer, A. Boutin1, A. Fuchs1 (Inst. Fr. Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison, FR; 1CNRS, Univ. Paris Sud, FR) [1331]

C1.4 11.00 Phase behaviour of water + n-alkane systems at high pressures: available data and a new apparatus. *K. Aim, A. Babic, L. Kudelkova1, Z. Wagner, I. Wichterle (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Norwegian Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO) [1264]

C1.5 11.30 A segmental interaction model for liquid-liquid equilibrium calculations for polymer solutions. *G. Bogdanic, J. Vidal (INA - Res.&Dev., Zagreb, HR) [476]

C1.6 12.00 Determination of temperature dependence of limiting activity coefficients for a group of moderately hydrophobic organic solutes in water. *S. Hovorka, V. Dohnal, A. H. Roux1, G. Roux-Desgranges1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Univ. B. Pascal, Aubiere, FR) [1163]

C2 Lectures - Monday afternoon

Fluid properties, phase and chemical equilibria

Chairmen: D. V. Nichita, Z. Wagner

C2.1 14.00 Reduced phase equilibria calculations with three-constant equations of state. D. V. Nichita (Reservoir Eng. Res. Inst., Mountain View, CA, US) [888]

C2.2 14.25 Application of gnostic theory to critical evaluation of high pressure vapour-liquid equilibrium data. Z. Wagner (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1038]

C2.3 14.50 A prediction method based on solvation for salt effect on vapor-liquid equilibria. *S. Ohe, H. Takamatsu (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, JP) [566]

C2.6 15.15 A crossover cubic equation of state for binary mixtures. *L. Kudelkova, P. Vonka1, J. Lovland (Norwegian Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO; 1Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [695]

C2.7 15.40 A modified SRK EOS with the help of van der Waals mixing rules for prediction of high-pressure vapor liquid equilibria. *I. Goodarznia, F. Esmaeilzadeh (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [134]

C3 Lectures - Tuesday morning

Fluid properties, phase and chemical equilibria

Chairmen: G. Maurer, A. M. Toikka

C3.1 9.30 Some problems of the theory of liquid-vapor and liquid-liquid equilibria in multicomponent reacting systems. *A. M. Toikka, O. K. Pervukhin (St.-Petersburg State Univ., RU) [263]

C3.2 10.00 On the influence of some inorganic salts on the partitioning of citric acid to aqueous/organic phases in the presence of a water-insoluble amine. A. Menert, A. Schunk, *G. Maurer (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [251]

C3.3 10.30 Multi-component reaction and phase equilibria by Reaction-Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations. *M. Lisal, W. R. Smith, I. Nezbeda (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1260]

C3.4 11.00 Acid gas partial vapor pressure over aqueous MDEA solutions. B. Lemoine, Yi-Gui Li1, R. Cadours, *C. Bouallou, D. Richon (Ec. Nat. Sup. Mines, Paris, FR; 1Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, CN) [837]

C3.5 11.30 Phase equilibria in an esterification reaction. *I. Wichterle, K. Aim, M. Teodorescu (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1265]

C4 Lectures - Tuesday afternoon

Fluid properties, phase and chemical equilibria

Chairmen: P. A. Russell, I. Wichterle

C4.1 14.00 Heat capacities of selected 1-alkanols at elevated temperatures and pressures. *M. Fulem, K. Ruzicka, V. Ruzicka (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1087]

C4.2 14.30 Ultra-precise measurement of the variation of viscosity with composition of ternary gas mixtures. *P. A. Russell, M. J. Heslop, G. Mason, B. A. Buffham (Loughborough Univ., UK) [321]

C4.3 15.00 Excess enthalpy for some ternary mixtures: experimental data and prediction with DISQUAC group method and hard sphere expansion conformal solution theory (HSE-CTS). A. Dahmani (U.S.T.H.B., Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, DZ) [663]

C4.4 15.30 Development of a data bank and estimation methods for pure component properties. *L. Becker, C. Ihmels, J. Rarey, J. Gmehling (Univ. Oldenburg, DE) [1246]

C4.5 16.00 Viscosities of polyethylene glycol - water solutions. *U. Gunduz, C. Cabbar (Gazi Univ., Ankara, TR) [1226]

C4.6 16.30 Simulation of water confined in pores in equilibrium with a bulk reservoir. *I. Brovchenko, A. Geiger, D. Paschek1 (Univ. Dortmund, DE; 1Univ. Amsterdam, NL) [986]

C5 Lectures - Wednesday morning

Fluid properties, phase and chemical equilibria

Chairmen: J. Linek, P. Moritz

C5.1 9.30 Calculation of vapour pressures of pure alkanes based on their molecular structures. *P. Moritz, E. Ullrich1, D. C. Kralik2, J. M. Takacs3 (Hung. Acad. Sci., Budapest, HU; 1Inst. Forensic Sci., Budapest, HU; 2Eastman Kodak, Rochester, US; 3Gas Chrom. Res., Budapest, HU) [70]

C5.2 10.00 Partitioning of biomolecules to aqueous/organic liquid-liquid phases at high pressures - the basis of a liquid-liquid extraction process. *J. Freitag, G. Maurer (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) [252]

C5.3 10.30 P-V-T behavior of alkane+1-chloroalkane mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. *J. Linek, E. Kovacs (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [100]

C5.4 11.00 Estimation of Henry's law constant of toluidines. *M. Censky, V. Ruzicka, K. Ruzicka, M. Lipovska (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1088]

C6 Lectures - Wednesday afternoon

Distillation Symposium

Column internals

Chairmen: J. Jelinek, L. Spiegel

C6.1 14.00 Keynote lecture: MellapakPlus, a new generation of structured packings. *L. Spiegel, A. Kessler, F. Moser, W. Meier (Sulzer Chemtech Ltd., Winterthur, CH) [620]

C6.2 14.40 SUPERFRAC - new generation of high performance trays. *J. Jelinek, L. Hojsik (Koch-Glitsch, Brno, CZ) [1259]

C6.3 15.00 The Marangoni effect in distillation. R. C. Darton (Univ. Oxford, UK) [1311]

C6.4 15.20 Methyl-acetate via catalytic distillation: Characteristics of MULTIPAK and their influence on the process performance. *A. Hoffmann, A. Gorak (Essen Univ., DE) [76]

C6.5 15.40 Pilot plant experiments and simulation of esterification and hydrolysis reactions in a reactive distillation column using Katapak-S. *S. Steinigeweg, T. Popken, J. Gmehling (Univ. Oldenburg, DE) [1247]

C6.6 16.00 Hydraulic and mass transfer characteristics of Rauschert's-Metal-Sattel-Ring (RMSR) random packing. V. Linek, M. Kordac, *T. Moucha (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [876]

C6.7 16.20 The effective mass transfer area determining of a Mellapak 750Y structured packing. M. Dragan, A. Friedl1, *I. Siminiceanu2 (Univ. Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, RO; 1Tech. Univ. Wien, AT; 2Tech. Univ. Iasi, RO) [145]

C6.8 16.40 New gas-liquid contact devices. *D. C. Popescu, A. Platon (Res. Inst. Pet. Proc., Ploiesti, RO) [808]

C7 Lectures - Thursday morning

Distillation Symposium

Modelling, simulation and control

Chairmen: K. Alejski, A. Gorak

C7.1 9.30 Modelling of discontinuous catalytic distillation. *C. Noeres, A. Gorak (Univ. Dortmund, DE) [637]

C7.2 10.00 Advances in rate-based modelling and simulation of three-phase distillation columns. E. Eckert, *T. Vanek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1035]

C7.3 10.30 Mathematical modeling of a kinetics of a multicomponent rectification from positions of the system approach. *G. N. Semenov, Yu. A. Komissarov, E. A. Semenova (Mendeleev Chem. Technol. Univ., Moskva, RU) [161]

C7.4 11.00 Application of the self tuning controller to the reacting distillation column. *H. Iskender, D. A. Sasmaz (Istanbul Tech. Univ., Maslak, TR) [1012]

C7.5 11.30 Modelling of the reacting distillation column using reduced order method. *K. Alejski, M. Staszak (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [90]

C7.6 12.00 Development of monosilane production technology under semi-products recycling. L. S. Gordeev, *M. B. Glebov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol., Moskva, RU) [911]

C8 Lectures - Thursday afternoon

Distillation Symposium

Optimisation, process synthesis and integration

Chairmen: E. Eckert, T. Vanek

C8.1 14.00 Synthesis and optimisation of kinetically controlled reactive destillation columns. *T. Frey, J. Stichlmair (Tech. Univ. Munchen, Garching, DE) [657]

C8.2 14.30 Development and operation on bench scale heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC). K. Naito, K. Huang, A. Endo, *M. Nakaiwa, K. Aso1, T. Nakanishi1, H. Noda2, T. Nakamura3 (Nat. Inst. Mat. Chem., Tsukuba, JP; 1Kimura Chem. Plant, Amagasaki, JP; 2Kansai Chem. Eng. Co., Amagasaki, JP; 3Maruzen Petrochem. Co., Tokyo, JP) [737]

C8.3 15.00 Batch distillation with a middle vessel column. *M. Warter, J. Stichlmair (Tech. Univ. Munchen, Garching, DE) [755]

C8.4 15.30 Consider revamping of splitter column of Isomax unit. M. R. Ehsani (Isfahan Univ. Technol., IR) [215]

C8.5 16.00 Optimal separation capability of high-purity distillation column: a depropanizer case study. *A. Yu. Torgashov, V. P. Krivosheev (Vladivostok State Univ. Econ. Serv., RU) [186]

C8.6 16.30 Separation of a non-ideal ternary mixture by a membrane/distillation column hybrid process. *T. Holtmann, P. Kreis, A. Gorak, R. Meier1, F. F. Kuppinger1 (Tech. Univ. Dortmund, DE; 1Degussa-Huls, Marl, DE) [754]

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