K3.1 9.30
Chemical engineering education - can a 10-year-old experiment provide the real paradigm shift for the future?
*D. C. Shallcross, J. L. Gravina, D. G. Wood
(Univ. Melbourne, AU)
K3.3 10.00
Implementation of sustainable development into industrial and university chemical engineering.
*S. M. Lemkowitz, G. H. Harmsen1, G. Korevaar, G. H. Lameris
(Delft Univ. Technol., NL; 1Shell Res. Dev. Centre, Amsterdam, NL)
K3.4 10.30
Integration of safety, health, environment and societal questions into engineering education and industrial training.
*S. M. Lemkowitz, H. J. Pasman1, B. A. Schupp
(Delft Univ. Technol, NL; 1TNO Def. Res., Delft, NL)
K3.5 11.00
Chemical process safety - a challenge to chemical engineering education.
J. Horak
(Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ)
K3.6 11.30
Information systems globalization, integration, knowledge based reengineering and teaching.
P. Burian
(Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ)
K5.1 9.30
Teaching sustainable development to chemical engineering students.
*A. Azapagic, S. Perdan, R. Clift
(Univ. Surrey, Guildford, UK)
K5.2 10.00
I-HEAT-ED: The use of Java supported web browser format for interactive education in heat transfer.
*Y. O. Devres, T. Duran
(Istanbul Tech. Univ., Maslak, TR)
K5.3 10.30
Psychrometric properties of humid air: calculation procedures and interactive education in Java supported web browser format.
*Y. O. Devres, G. Bingol
(Istanbul Tech. Univ., Maslak, TR)
K5.4 11.00
Putting sustainability into engineering teaching.
*R. C. Darton, R. H. Booth
(Univ. Oxford, UK)
K5.5 11.30
Introducing of reaction modeling and design software tools into chemical engineering and process safety education.
*I. A. Kirillov, B. V. Potapkin1
(Inst. Phys. Technol., Dolgoprudnyi, RU; 1Kurchatov Inst., Moskva, RU)
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