The CHISA Congress with all its topics and specialised symposia supports the concept of sustainable development - a concept aimed at the future of mankind.
Convinced that chemical engineering includes, masters and creates most of the tools that play a key role in realising this concept, chemical engineers try to find the specific and most effective ways to maximise this effort. This striving includes formulation of new targets of individual branches of chemical engineering science and practice, developing new methods for achieving them, dissemination of relevant information among specialists from Europe and the whole world, and supporting young engineers in entering and understanding the profession.
Congress structure
The Congress consists of the four following structures:
- General topics of chemical and process engineering
- PRES 2004 - Seventh Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
- Specialised symposia preparted in co-operation with the respective EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies
- Exhibition MARCHES 2004
The technical program includes invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions, and poster sessions.
Congress sections are clustered into five thematic groups.
Plenary and keynote lectures
Plenary lectures will be presented (at 10.10-11.00 h.) after coffee/poster break during morning sessions on Monday and Tuesday. PRES plenary lectures will be delivered at the same time on Wednesday and Thursday. There will be 52 keynote lectures delivered in the respective sessions.
Lecture and poster sessions
Ten parallel lecture sections will take place at 8.30-12.30 h. and 14.00-17.40 h. based on 20 minutes rigid schedules. For keynote lectures 40 minutes are reserved. (Note: Please do not deduce the time of presentation from the preliminary program since it may be subject to changes and will be finalised only in July.)
Poster sessions will take place the whole day from 9 to 17 h. However, authors must attend their posters during the coffee/poster breaks: 9.50-10.10 h. (Mon, Tue),10.10-10.50 h. (Wed, Thu), and 15.20-16.00 h. every day.
Congress topics
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art
papers on the following subjects will be presented. For details see the
Preliminary Program Overview. Click on
Preliminary program to display location of
contributions and complete index. However, this program may be subjected to modifications.
- Reaction engineering, catalysis, and kinetics
- Separation processes and equipment
- Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- Heat transfer processes and equipment
- Phase equilibrium and fluid properties
- Computer aided process engineering
- Particulate solids
- Chemical engineering education
- Product development and engineering
10. Seventh Conference "Process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction" - PRES 2004
The Conference will be held as a specialised international conference in the framework of CHISA. It is the seventh event in the series - Prague (1996), Budapest, Hungary (1999), Prague (2000), Florence, Italy (2001), Prague (2002), Hamilton, Canada (2003).
Energy saving technology * Combined heat & power * Heat transfer and process integration * Process integration for sustainable development * Integration of renewables * Waste minimisation, processing and management * Heat utilisation in waste treatment * Batch processes * Dynamic, flexible and sustainable plant operation * Industrial & experimental studies * Industrial application & optimal design * Advanced & sustainable design * E-learning in academia and continuous professional development
Selected papers from
PRES 2004 will be published in dedicated special issues of Applied Thermal Engineering (UK), Heat Transfer Engineering (US), Journal of Cleaner Production (US), Resources, Conservation and Recycling (US) and Integrated Processes and Energy Saving (UA)
Specialised symposia
11. Symposium on environmental engineering
Topics: Persistent organic pollutants
* Advanced energy systems
* Soil and water pollution
* Recycling, recovery and reuse of materials
* Life cycle aspects and eco-efficiency
* Biomass as feedstock for chemical engineering
12. Symposium on safety in chemical industry
Topics: Hazard identification, assessment and reduction
* Emergency, awareness and response preparedness
* Integrated SHE management systems
* Accident investigation
* Modelling unconfined vapour cloud dispersion
* UVCE and BLEVE accidents
* Safe storage, handling and transportation of chemicals
* Safe process changes
13. Symposium on multi-scale aspects of bubbly flows
Topics: Bubble formation and dynamics
* Bubble forces
* Bubble interactions in swarms
* Bubbly flows in reactors and pipes
* Applications
14. Symposium on electrochemical engineering
Organised in cooperation with the International Society of Electrochemistry and the EFCE Working Party on Electrochemical Engineering.
Topics: Energy storage and conversion
* Tailor made materials for electrochemical applications
* Pollution abatement
* New trends in electrochemical technology
* General session
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry.
15. Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
Topics: Microporous and mesoporous materials
* Nanosystems
* Experimental techniques
* Theory of sorption and mass transport
* Percolation
* Applications
16. Symposium on supercritical fluids
Topics: Phase equilibria and transport properties
* Extraction and fractionation
* Particle design, aerogels, porous materials
* Chemical reactions and enzymatic reactions in SF
* Other applications
17. Symposium on food processing and technology
Topics: Food structure and transport phenomena
* Novel technologies and industrial problems
* Thermal and non-thermal processing
* Application of membrane techniques
* Non-invasive measuring techniques
* Physical properties of foods and their databases
18. Symposium on odour control and measurement
Topics: Modelling criteria for odour emissions and imission
* Sampling, detection, measuring, estimating and assessing industrial odours using dynamic olfactometry and other methods
* Odour dispersion modelling
* Odour data quality
* Case studies
* Control techniques using sorption chemical scrubbers, bio-filtration and other methods
19. Symposium on progress in chemical technology and product engineering
Topics: Biotechnology
* Oil and gas processing
* High quality fuels
* Petrochemistry and organic technology
* Polymers
* Inorganic technology and catalysts
* High performance materials
* Product engineering and control
20. Symposium on microreaction technology for process development and production
Topics: Microtools for chemical reactions and unit operations in process development
* Microstructured devices for process intensification and safety
* Multiscale process and plant design using microtools for chemical production
* Modular microreaction systems for flexibility in research and production
* Integrated microstructures for local process control
* Criteria for performance enhancement using microstructured components
* Manufacturing of microstructured devices and systems
Final summary and full text
The final summary and full text have to be written in English and are requested from authors of all contributions (lectures and posters). The deadline for submission of the final summary and full text is 31 May 2004.
The final summary can be modified at any time till 15 June 2004 in your user pages at the CHISA website. Both the final summary and full text should be prepared according to the
Instructions for Authors. Please follow all instructions very carefully to be formally as close as possible. Regrettably, many of the preliminary summaries have not complied with these instructions, therefore they had to be reedited. In these cases, the Organisers have no responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting. The preliminary summary will be used if a final summary has not been submitted. If the full text is not received, the final summary will be used instead.
The best way for submission of the final summary is use of the personal password that enables to upload the new summary at your user pages. This is the easiest way how to change the title, authors, affiliations etc. The full text should be sent preferably by e-mail to
paper@chisa.cz as an attachment. Fax will not be accepted because of poor quality for reproduction. In all correspondence please always refer to the serial number assigned to your contribution.
In July, every author will receive an e-mail confirming location and timing of his paper in the Final Program.
Sets of summaries and pre-prints on CD-ROM
Summaries will be clustered according to thematic groups as six sets numbered from 1 to 6. The Set 6 and another one selected are included in Congress fee; selection must be specified in the Registration Form. Among Congress materials is the CD-ROM containing full texts of all accepted lectures and posters.
Extra set of summaries and extra CD-ROM may be purchased at the Congress Office at a price of 10 EUR/each and 20 EUR/each, respectively. The sets and CD-ROMs can also be ordered after the Congress by contacting the Organising Committee.
Set 1 - Reaction engineering (Reactor engineering, catalysis and kinetics; Symposium on microreaction technology for process development and production; Symposium on electrochemical engineering; Chemical engineering education)
Set 2 - Separation processes and equipment (Distillation and absorption; Extraction; Symposium on supercritical fluids; Membrane processes; Adsorption and ion exchange; Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials; Crystallization; Filtration; Phase equilibrium and fluid properties)
Set 3 - Hydrodynamic processes and equipment (Fluid flow and multiphase systems; Mixing; Fluidisation; Symposium on on multi-scale aspects of bubbly flows; Particulate solids)
Set 4 - System engineering (Computer aided process engineering; PRES Conference; Heat transfer processes and equipment)
Set 5 - Systems and technology (Symposium on environmental engineering; Symposium on odour control and measurement; Symposium on safety in chemical industry; Symposium on food processing and technology; Symposium on progress in chemical technology and product engineering)
Set 6 - General (Plenary lectures, Catalogue of Exhibitors - MARCHES 2004, List of Participants)
Publication policy
Participants will receive Congress full texts on a CD-ROM. Authors are free to publish their papers at will after the Congress.
Additional papers are still being accepted. They will be included mostly as posters, however, significant lectures will also be considered. The Application Form for presentation with a summary in English should be submitted as soon as possible. For fast submission, please use the Internet interactive
Application Form.
The Final Program will be here presented in July. Only the papers received before 31 May 2004 will be listed in the printed Final Program provided that at least one of the contribution's authors registers in time and pays the Congress fee.
Further contributions (only as posters) will be accepted till the beginning of the Congress, however, they will not appear in the Congress summary sets, and will only be listed in supplementary sheets.
Plenary lectures
A. Oberholz: Chemicals in 2010 - system solutions for the customer
E. Andreta: Towards the Lisbon goals: a knowledge based industry
[PRES Plenary] - B. I. Master: Most frequently used heat exchangers from pioneering research to applications worldwide
[PRES Plenary] - M. Narodoslawsky: Utilising renewable resources economically - new challenges and chances for process development
Keynote lectures
Reaction engineering
V. G. Gomes: A modelling framework based on population balances for optimum operation and advanced control of emulsion polymerization
Symposium on electrochemical engineering
H. Bergmann: Photovoltaics and electrochemistry - problems in development and design of disinfection apparatuses
F. Lapicque: Analysis of electrical phenomena occurring in ion-exchange assisted electrodialysis for treatment of rinsing solutions
K. Scott: Preparation and characterisation of Pt deposition on ion conducting membrane for making electrodes in the direct methanol fuel cell
Membrane processes
M. Teramoto: Removal and enrichment of gases by novel hollow fiber facilitated transport membrane module and novel capillary tube-type gas absorber/stripper module
Symposium on supercritical fluids
T. Gamse: Supercritical fluid techniques for production of micron and submicron particles
T. Lindt: Supercritical fluids in the formation of polymeric foams
Phase equilibrium and fluid properties
M. Lisal: Molecular-level simulations of reacting systems in bulk and confinement
G. Sadowski: Thermodynamics of polymer systems
Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
F. J. Keil: Adsorption and transport in micro- and mesoporous materials
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
S. Alekseenko: Large-scale structures in impinging jets and falling films
A. Biesheuvel: Vorticity and bubbly flows
A. Cartellier: Induced agitation and the prediction of phase distributions in laminar bubbly flows
M. Diaz: The steel converter, a stirred G-L-L' multiphase flow system
H. A. Jakobsen: Challenges on population balance modelling of the coalescence and breakage processes in bubble column reactors
R. P. Joseph: Fluid dynamics of floating particles
A. Serizawa: Flow characteristics and application of micro bubble containing bubbly two-phase flow
Particulate solids
H. Kalman: Considering mutual interactions between operating units in the chemical industry
F. Saito: Preparation of nano-particles by means of mechanochemical reaction
J. Tomas: Mechanics of particle adhesion
Computer aided process engineering
R. Gani: Computer-aided methods and tools for product-process synthesis & design
PRES 2004
R. Adonyi: Effective scheduling of a large-scale paint production system
M. Araszkiewicz: Microwave drying of porous materials
P. Chan: Flexibility study of a utility system
A. de Rijke: Reducing CO2 emissions in heat-integrated distillation systems
K. Iwakabe: Multicomponent separation by heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC)
K. H. Kaggerud: Chemical and process integration: Synergies from co-production of power and chemicals from natural gas, with CO2-capture
D. J. Kukulka: Transient evaluation of process surfaces used in fouling applications
J. Manninen: An integrated multiobjective design tool for pulp and paper process design
I. Mueller: Rate-based modelling of dividing wall columns - a new application to reactive systems
S. Perry: Experiences and future developments in e-learning and e-teaching of engineering education
M. Picon-Nunez: Alternative design approach for multipass and multi-stream plate heat exchangers for use in heat recovery systems
G. G. Pranghofer: High durability ePTFE membrane filtration and catalytic destruction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans long-term experience at European incineration plants
R. Smith: Rethinking process development in fine and specialty chemicals
J. Soederman: Structural optimisation of distributed energy systems
S. Tarasiewicz: Modeling, simulation and control; case study for wood drying systems (WDS) and clinker rotary kiln (CRK)
B. Thonon: Challenge for industrial, building and residential heat pumps
D.-C. Wang: Applications of MATLAB-based software to drying simulation
G. Wozny: Reactive distillation towers: new strategies for start up
G. Wozny: Improvement of learning of process technology using modern information technology - keynote lecture
Symposium on food processing and technology
M. Houska: High pressure and foods
B. M. McKenna: Advances in radio frequency and ohmic heating of foods
P. Nesvadba: The impact of food processing on quality
D.-W. Sun: Development of a mathematical model for vacuum cooling of cooked meats
Symposium on environmental engineering
H. Hofbauer: Biomass gasification - a promising route for the future
I. Holoubek: The case of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic compounds (PBTs) in the environment
A. Thompson: The fate and removal of pharmaceuticals during sewage treatment
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and product engineering
H. Kittel: Hydrocracking versus fluid catalytic cracking for production of clean fuels
H.-P. Schmauder: Bioavailability of substrates in processes of biodegradation and biotransformation
P. L. Silveston: Production of sulfuric acid or organicsulfonates using a cyclic process with an activated carbon catalyst and supercritical carbon dioxide as an extractant
MARCHES 2004 - the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will take place in the premises of the CHISA 2004 Congress. Standard exhibition booths of 5 m2 floor area will be available for business negotiations and demonstration purposes.
The price for the renting of a booth, including the Congress Registration Fee for one company/institute representative, is 1500 EUR. For this price also 2 other company/institute representatives can attend the Booth and obtain invitations for Festive Congress Opening and Coffees during Coffee breaks. Every exhibiting institute/company can include a one-page text (company/institute advertisement) in the Catalogue of Exhibitors which will be distributed to all Congress participants.
For renting of a booth, please check the relevant item in the
Registration Form.
A schematic drawing of an Exhibition booth is shown on Fig.1. The back wall of the Exhibition booth is 2.8 m long and comprises of two poster panels on which promotional material can be pinned up (adhesive tape should not be used). The booth is bounded on the sides by railings 1 m high, filled with cloth. The booth has a floor area of 2.8 x 1.8 m (approx. 5 m2). The booth will be equipped with a table (tables), chairs and an electric plug of 220 V. No other special outfit is offered. If special outfit is required, please contact the CHISA Congress Organising Committee and specify your request.
The Organisers of the Exhibition are not making any special arrangements for delivery of exhibition material or arrangements concerning customs procedures. Please enquire at your countries customs authorities what arrangements have to be made to enable import and export of exhibits in and out of the Czech Republic free of duty. The best solution is to bring all exhibits by car. If you want to send any consignments in advance, please do not send them to the address of the University (there is no storage place) but contact the CHISA Congress Organising Committee.
The floor layout of the Exhibition is shown on Fig.2. The exhibition will be situated in the central hall of the Congress building. Booths 1 to 12 face directly into the corridors through which all the participants will be passing when going to the lecture halls on the 1st floor. Booths 13 to 22 are facing the coffee and poster area. It is thus ensured that all the booths are in the centre of traffic of the Congress participants.
The exhibition booths will be erected by Monday morning, 23 August 2004 when installation can begin. Please note that the Congress is also starting on Monday so that there will be many people in the corridors. Please excuse this inconvenience. The Exhibition will be open from Tuesday to Thursday (9 - 17 h.).
Surveillance of the exhibits during closing hours will be arranged but since the Exhibition is on the corridors it cannot be locked up during night hours. Therefore very valuable instruments should be deposited in a special room.
The Exhibition Catalogue will be handed out to all participants.
Any additional information can be provided at
Instructions for the writing of the text for the Catalogue:
Every exhibiting institute/company can include a one-page text in the Catalogue. The text should be sent preferably by e-mail to
org@chisa.cz before 15 July 2004 at the latest. Preferably use the Microsoft Word text editor but Postscript (type 1 font), RTF or PDF formats will be accepted. The text should correspond to one page of A4 format. For the Catalogue the page will be reduced to A5 format and so the lettering of the manuscript should be sufficiently large but not smaller than 12 pt. The heading of the page should include the name of the company/institute with address and contacts and possibly also the logo. Any text or figures can be located in the area available. If possible avoid photographs because their quality decreases with reproduction.

Fig. 1 Schematic drawing of an Exhibition booth

Fig. 2 Floor layout of Exhibition MARCHES 2004