Congress venue and language
The Congress will take place in the premises of the Congress Hotel Clarion, Freyova 33, Praha 9-Vysočany (Metro station: Vysočanská, line B). The Congress language is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.
Arrivals, registration and Congress opening
It is assumed that Congress participants will arrive and register on Saturday, 28 August 2010. The Congress office (Hotel Clarion, 1st floor) will be open for registration, accommodation and information on Saturday, 28 August at 9–19 h., and on Sunday till Wednesday at 8–17 h.
The Congress will officially begin with the festive Congress opening on Saturday, 28 August at 20–22 h. in the Congress Hall and adjacent rooms in Clarion hotel.
Transport from/to the Airport
Transport from the airport to the Congress venue (hotel Clarion) can be ordered for the price 15 EUR per person. We will pick you up at the arrival hall of the airport. The way back to the airport can be purchased for the same price.
Registration for participation
All participants including authors are asked to register for participation before 30 April 2010.
Important: the submission of a contribution or indication of interest DOES NOT substitute the registration for participation.
To register for participation please fill in the interactive registration form available under Application Forms
After entering your personal data you will receive a personal password which will enable you to access repeatedly your user pages. If you have already received a password and have access to your user pages then, please select “Registration Form” in the menu. After filling it in, the invoice for the registration fee will be immediately generated for you under the button “Review of invoices”. Please follow the payment instructions given there.
If you would have any difficulties with the interactive registration form please inquire at and you will be immediately advised how to proceed.
Congress fees
Standard registration (before 30 April 2010) | 590 EUR |
Late registration (after 30 April 2010) | 660 EUR |
Students (incl. PhD students) | 390 EUR |
Late registration for students (incl. PhD students) | 420 EUR |
Accompanying person (incl. festive Congress opening and Congress concert) | 50 EUR |
Rent of exhibition booth at MARCHES 2010 (incl. registration fee for 1 representative) | 2500 EUR |
Congress party | 50 EUR |
(all fees include VAT)
The registration fee includes attendance at the Congress, Congress materials, invitations to festive Congress opening and Congress concert. Authors pay the same registration fee as participants without contribution. The author who will deliver contribution(s) must register before 30 April 2010 and subsequently to pay registration fee.
Already accepted contribution(s) will be withdrawn from the Final Program if the payment of registration fee for presenting author is not settled within the due date indicated in his invoice.
Cancellation and refunds
The registration fee will be refunded (with a deduction of 10 % to cover the handling costs) if participation in the Congress is cancelled in writing before 25 July 2010. No refund will be granted after this date.
For the reservation, please fill in the interactive accommodation booking form available in your user pages. If you have any difficulty with that form, please send an e-mail to and you will be immediately advised how to proceed.
Since hotels require substantial deposits before the Congress, participants are kindly requested to settle the accommodation payment in advance and in complete. Upon receipt of the accommodation booking form, the Orgit Ltd. will send you a confirmation e-mail with instructions on how to make the payment. Payment should then be transferred within the due date indicated on the invoice.
Please make your reservation as soon as possible and before 10 June 2010 to ensure booking of your accommodation as requested.
Accommodation cancellation and refunds
100% before 13 July,
75 % within 13–27 July,
50 % within 28 July – 12 August,
25 % within 13 – 20 August,
no refund after 21 August 2010.
Lunches will be available in the restaurant of the hotel Clarion. Lunches can be bought on site. Price will be 10 EUR per lunch – 3 course menu. Other catering facilities can be found nearby.
Payments in the Congress office
Payments in the Congress office can be settled in cash. USD and EUR will be accepted but Czech Crowns (CZK) are preferred. Major credit cards will be honoured, cheques will not be accepted.
Approximate rates of exchange:1 USD = 17 CZK, 1 EUR = 25 CZK.
No visa is required for citizens of most European countries. Please consult the Czech Embassy or authorities in your country if in doubt. Detailed instructions for granting the Czech visa will be available at the CHISA website. The participant can request a Letter of invitation by e-mail to
Participants are advised to arrange health and travel insurance and whatever insurance they consider necessary prior to departure. The registration fees do not include provision of insurance. The organisers do not assume responsibility or liability for personal accidents and loss or damage to belongings caused.
Important deadlines
Registration at standard fee | 30 April 2010 |
Obligatory registration of presenting author | 30 April 2010 |
Submission of additional contribution (submissions after 31 May will be still possible and will be included in the Supplement to the Final Program) | 31 May 2010 |
Submission of final summary and full text | 31 May 2010 |
CHISA 2010 & ECCE 7 Congress | 28 August – 1 September 2010 |
Address and contact
Organising Committee
Post mail and Express Courier:
CHISA 2010, c/o Dr. Jan Novosad
Novotného lávka 5
116 68 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Fax: +420 221 082 366 or +420 233 335 529
Paper administration:
J. Drahoš (Congress Chairman, President of the CSChE, Past-President of the EFCE)
W. Bakker (Executive Vice-President of EFCE)
H. Feise (Scientific Vice-President of the EFCE)
I. Wichterle (Chairman of Scientific Committee)
P. Klusoň (Vice-Chairman of Scientific Committee)
J. Novosad (Chairman of Organising Committee)
J. Koubek (Chairman for Industrial Liaisons)
P. Stehlík (Chairman of PRES 2010)
R. Darton (President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering – EFCE)
H. T. Kohlbrand (President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering – AIChE)
V. Báleš (President of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering – SSChE)
P. Švarc (President of the Association of Chemical Industry CR)
P. Zuna (President of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic)
T. Míšek (Honorary President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering – CSChE)
J. Novosad (Chairman), Z. Boháčová, R. Halfar, J. Kugler
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
P. Forzatti (IT), P. Galtier (FR), A. Gavriilidis (UK), J. Hanika (CZ), K.-O. Hinrichsen (DE), L. Kiwi -Minsker (CH), J. Kosek (CZ), J. Levec (SI), M. Marek (CZ), G.B. Marin (BE), J. Markos (SK), E.J. Molga (PL), A.E. Rodrigues (PT), T. Salmi (FI), J.C. Schouten (NL), V. Tukač (CZ), G. Wild (FR)
[2] Distillation and absorption
R.C. Darton (UK), V. Jiřičný (CZ), N. N. Kulov (RU), R. Pohorecki (PL), V. Staněk (CZ)
[3] Extraction and leaching
H.J. Bart (DE), G. Casamatta (FR), J. Tříska (CZ)
[4] Membrane separations
M. Bleha (CZ), E. Drioli (IT), P. Mikulášek (CZ), Š. Schlosser (SK)
[5] Adsorption and ion exchange
M. Kočiřík (CZ)
[6] Filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, hydrocyclons
W. Höflinger (AT), J. Přidal (CZ)
[7] Phase equilibrium and fluid properties (all contributions moved to topic [21])
I. Wichterle (CZ)
[8] Fluid flow and multiphase systems
N. Brauner (IL), L.S. Fan (US), J.J. Joshi (IN), J. Li (CN), R. Mudde (NL), M. Růžička (CZ), K. Tsuchiya (JP), K. Wichterle (CZ), G. Wild (FR)
[9] Mixing
J. Bertrand (FR), P. Ditl (CZ), I. Fořt (CZ), F. Magelli (IT), A.W. Nienow (UK)
[10] Fluidization
K. Svoboda (CZ)
[11] Heat transfer processes and equipment
Z. Jegla (CZ), L. Liebenberg (ZA), M. Reppich (DE), W. Wadekar (UK)
[12] Drying and evaporation
B. Čermák (CZ)
[13] Computer aided process engineering
D. Bogle (UK), R. Gani (DK), A. Kraslawski (FI), M. Kubíček (CZ), G.A. Statyukha (UA), T. Vaněk (CZ)
[14] Particulate solids
A. Chamayou (FR), J. Faitli (HU), M. Ghadiri (UK), K. Heiskanen (FI), H. Kalman (IL), A. Kwade (DE), R. Morrison (AU), S. Palzer (CH), M. Peciar (SK), R. Polke (DE), F. Saito (JP), A.D. Salman (UK), N. Števulová (SK), J. Stražišar (SI), T. Svěrák (CZ), J. Tomas (DE), W. Valderrama R.(CL), W. Valery (AU)
[15] Chemical engineering education
D. Dorland (US), S. Feyo de Azevedo (PT), J. Koubek (CZ), V. Machoň (CZ), M. Pitt (UK), D. Wood (AU)
[16] Pharmaceutical engineering
J. Khinast (AT), P. Kleinebudde (DE), V. Král (CZ), F. Muzzio (US), L. Peltonen (FI), M. Rabišková (CZ), F. Ricard (UK), F. Štěpánek (CZ)
[17] Symposium on environmental engineering
J. Calzia (FR), J. Horák (CZ), P. Klusoň (CZ), M. Kubal (CZ), M. Punčochář (CZ), F. Santarelli (IT)
[18] Symposium on electrochemical engineering
A. Aldaz (ES), A. De Battisti (IT), S. Bebelis (GR), A. Bergel (FR), K. Bouzek (CZ), C. Comninellis (CH), A. Cornell (SE), J. Deconinck (BE), V. V. Fateev (RU), M. Ferreira (PT), P. Fellner (SK), J. Híveš (SK), G. Kelsall (UK), N. Kouloumbi (GR), F. Lapicque (FR), K.-M. Mangold (DE), M. Matlosz (FR), K. Nisancioglou (NO), M. Rodrigo (ES), A. Savall (FR), P. Spinelli (IT), V. Stanković (YU), T. Tzedakis (FR), F. Walsh (UK), A.A. Wragg (UK)
[19] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
F. Babinec (CZ), M. Considine (UK), B. Fabiano (IT), L. Jelemenský (SK), N. Jensen (DK), H.J. Pasman (NL), P.J. Schmelzer (DE), J. Škarka (CZ), G. Suter (CH), R.D. Turney (UK)
[20] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
R. Eggers (DE), Z. Knez (SI), H. Sovová (CZ)
[21] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
G. Kontogeorgis (DK), R. Sass (DE), A. Toikka (RU), P. Ungerer (FR), I. Wichterle (CZ)
[22] Symposium on food processing and technology
Z. Bubník (CZ), M. Houška (CZ), J. Iciek (PL), P. Kadlec (CZ), B. McKenna (IE), P. Nesvadba (UK), E. Šárka (CZ), M. Saska (US), Da-Wen Sun (EI)
[23] Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
B. Bernauer (CZ), J.A. Dalmon (FR), M. Eic (CA), P. Hudec (SK), M. Kočiřík (CZ), O. Šolcová (CZ))
[24] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
B. Bernauer (CZ), B. Kawalec-Pietrenko (PL), J. Mikulec (SK), J. Páca (CZ), J. Pašek (CZ), H.P. Schmauder (DE), J. Škarka (CZ), C.R. Soccol (BR)
[25] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
G. Akay (UK), M. Abe (JP), J.-F. Chen (CN), E. Drioli (IT), M. C. Flickinger (US), V. Hessel (GE), R.J.J. Jachuck (US), M. Marek (CZ), R. Pohorecki (PL), A. Stankiewicz (NL), Y. Wang (US)
[26] EU Projects F3 Factory, COPIRIDE and PILLS
S. Buchholz (DE), S. Fleet (UK), V. Jiřičný (CZ)
[27] Intensified technologies for multiphase reactions (the best poster competition)
M. Marek (CZ), G. Marin (BE), J.C. Schouten (NL), A. Soldati (IT), A. Stankiewicz (NL), P. Vereecken (BE), R. von Rohr (CH)

[29] Electromembrane processes and integrated membrane systems
The symposium will be held under the auspices of the Czech Membrane Platform - member of CSChE
M. Bleha (CZ), K. Bouzek (CZ), E. Drioli (IT), L. Novák (CZ)

13th Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction" – [more info:]
Chairmen: J. Klemeš (HU), P. Stehlík (CZ)
Vice-chairmen: F. Friedler (HU), S. Pierucci (IT)
Secretary: H. L. Lam (HU)
Members: M. Atkins (NZ), J. Bone Ruiz (ES), C. Bouallou (FR), I. Bulatov (UK), C.-L. Chen (TW), V. Dovi (IT), J. Drahoš (CZ), M. Emtir (LY), D.C.Y. Foo (MY), A. Friedl (AT), M.C. Georgiadis (GR), P. Glavic (SI), D. Huisingh (US), J. Jezowski (PL), P. Kapustenko (UA), J.-K. Kim (UK), D. Kukulka (US), J. Labidi (ES), V. Lavric (RO), H. Lund (DK), K. Matsuda (JP), A. Meszaros (SK), M. Narodoslawsky (AT), P.H. Oosthuizen (CA), N. Ozalp (QA), S.J. Perry (UK), M. Picon-Nunez (MX), E. Pistikopoulos (UK), V. Plesu (RO), D. Reay (US), P. Seferlis (GR), S.K. Sikdar (US), R. Smith (UK), K. Urbaniec (PL), P. Varbanov (HU), E. Worrell (NL), G. Wozny (DE).