The CHISA Congress with all its topics and specialised symposia supports the concept of sustainable development – a concept aimed at the future of mankind. Convinced that chemical engineering includes, masters and creates most of the tools that play a key role in realising this concept, chemical engineers try to find the specific and most effective ways to maximise this effort. This striving includes formulation of new targets of individual branches of chemical engineering science and practice, developing new methods for achieving them, dissemination of relevant information among specialists from Europe and the whole world and supporting young engineers in entering and understanding the profession.
Congress structure
The Congress is structured as follows:
- General topics of chemical and process engineering
- Specialised symposia
- PRES 2010 – 13th Conference on process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction
- Exhibition MARCHES 2010
The technical program includes invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions and poster sessions. Some symposia are co-organised with the corresponding EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies.
Congress topics
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art papers and commercial information on the following subjects are invited.
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
[2] Distillation and absorption
[3] Extraction and leaching
[4] Membrane separations
[5] Adsorption and ion exchange
[6] Filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, hydrocyclons
[7] Phase equilibrium and fluid properties (program moved to topic [21])
[8] Fluid flow and multiphase systems
[9] Mixing
[10] Fluidization
[11] Heat transfer processes and equipment
[12] Drying and evaporation
[13] Computer aided process engineering
[14] Particulate solids
[15] Chemical engineering education
[16] Pharmaceutical engineering
Specialised Symposia
[17] Symposium on environmental engineering
[18] Symposium on electrochemical engineering
[19] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
[20] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
[21] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
[22] Symposium on food processing and technology
[23] Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
[24] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
[25] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
[26] EU Projects F3 Factory, COPIRIDE and PILLS
[27] Intensified technologies for multiphase reactions (the best poster competition)
[29] Electromembrane processes and integrated membrane systems

PRES 2010
[28] 13th Conference "Process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction"
The Conference will be held as a specialised international venue in the framework of CHISA. It is the eleventh event in the series - Prague (1998), Budapest, Hungary (1999), Prague (2000), Florence, Italy (2001), Prague (2002), Hamilton, Canada (2003), Prague (2004), Taormina, Italy (2005), Prague (2006), Ischia, Italy (2007), Prague (2008), and Rome, Italy (2009)Main Topics:
- Energy saving technology
- CO2 Kyoto Protocol, sequestration, minimisation
- Combined heat & power
- Heat exchangers as equipment and integrated items
- Process integration for sustainable development
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- Integrated and multifunctional operations
- Towards hydrogen economy
- Pulp & paper
- Energy efficient drying technologies
- Sustainable processing and production
- Waste minimisation, processing and management
- Thermal treatment of wastes including waste to energy
- Batch processes
- Dynamic, flexible and sustainable plant operation
- Industrial & experimental studies
- Industrial application & optimal design
- e-learning and e-teaching
- Separation processes for environment - Waste water treatment and Soil remediation
- Clean technologies - Low emissions technologies
- Clean energy from biomass – a challenge for chemical technology
Plenary and keynote lectures
Four plenary lectures will be presented before coffee/poster break during morning sessions on Sunday and Monday (at 8:30–10:30). There will be altogether 57 keynote lectures delivered in the respective sessions (35 keynotes) and 22 keynotes will be presented within PRES 2010 conference.
Plenary lectures
A1.1 - 8:30 - Nanostructured materials through combustion synthesis. L. Maedler (Univ. Bremen, DE) [1610]
A1.2 - 9:30 - Environmental footprint of energy production: process engineering challenges. P. A. Tanguy (Total SA, FR) [1786]
A3.1 - 8:30 - Moving towards a sustainable food chain through the total exploitation of agri food chain co-products and biomass. K. W. Waldron (Inst. Food. Res., Norwich, UK) [1696]
A3.2 - 9:30 - Framework conditions for a competitive chemical industry in Europe. H. Mandery (Cefic (European Chem. Ind. Council), Brussels, BE) [2149]
Keynote lectures
Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
A2.1 - 14:00 - Particulate matter and NOx abatement in diesel exhaust gas using CDPF and NH3-SCR. *J. Štěpánek, M. Schejbal, P. Kočí, F. Plát, M. Kubíček, M. Marek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [394]
A4.1 - 14:00 - Catalytic engineering in processing of biomass into chemicals . *T. Salmi, D. Y. Murzin, P. Mäki-Arvela, K. Eränen, N. Kumar, J.-P. Mikkola1 (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Umea Univ., SE) [144]
A4.4 - 16:20 - Kinetic modeling of catalytic reactions involving complex organic molecules derived from biomass. D. Y. Murzin (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [93]
A5.1 - 8:30 - Iron ions encapsulated in mesostructured matrices as efficient and leach less catalysts for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol. *M. V. Landau, G. Satishkumar, T. Buzaglo, M. Herskowitz (Ben-Gurion Univ. Negev, Beer-Sheva, IL) [684]
A8.1 - 14:00 - Kinetic investigations for methanol steam reforming in microchannels over novel Pd/In2O3 catalysts. *M. Wichert, Y. Men, R. Zapf, G. Kolb (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE) [1190]
Extraction and leaching
D2.1 - 14:00 - Finely dispersed systems: colloid electrohydrodynamics. A. M. Spasić (Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, RS) [43]
Membrane separations
D3.1 - 11:00 - Membrane engineering for the treatment of high concentrated solutions in desalination. *E. Drioli, F. Macedonio (Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [2339]
Filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, hydrocyclons
B7.1 - 8:30 - Solid-liquid separation – shrinking or booming discipline?. *J. Přidal, J. Přidal, A. Urban (Mikropur, Hradec Králové, CZ) [2058]
Fluid flow and multiphase systems
I2.1 - 14:00 - Multi‐scale computation: a short cut to virtual process engineering. J. Li (Inst. Proc. Eng., Beijing, CN) [2083]
H5.1 - 8:30 - Mixing effects in chemical product design. J. Bałdyga (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Warszawa, PL) [963]
Heat transfer processes and equipment
I6.1 - 14:00 - Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of circular smooth tubes in the transitional flow regime. *J. P. Meyer, J. A. Olivier (Univ. Pretoria, ZA) [80]
Particulate solids
H1.1 - 11:00 - Agglomeration an overview and challenges for the future. D. York (Procter&Gamble, Newcastle, UK) [2348]
H2.1 - 14:00 - A potential of grinding for recovering materials and energy source from wastes. Q. Zhang, *F. Saito (Tohoku Univ., Sendai, JP) [2338]
Chemical engineering education
G3.1 - 11:00 - Chemical engineering education for the second decade of the 21st century. D. C. Shallcross, *D. G. Wood (Univ. Melbourne, AU) [1716]
Symposium on environmental engineering
G5.1 - 8:30 - “State of the art" of biomass utilization for energy and fuel production in Japan. Y. Matsumura (Hiroshima Univ., JP) [1515]
G7.1 - 8:30 - Ability of plants to clean soils contaminated by heavy metals. *P. Tlustos, M. Puncochar1, J. Szakova, J. Balik, J. Habart, M. Syc1, M. Pohořelý1 (Czech Univ. Life Sci., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1706]
Symposium on electrochemical engineering
B1.1 - 11:00 - Hollow fibre solid oxide fuel cells. N. Droushiotis, U. Doraswami, *G. H. Kelsall (Imperial Coll., London, UK) [1904]
B2.1 - 14:00 - Nonlinear operating behaviour of fuel cells: a review. *K. Sundmacher, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, M. Mangold (Max-Planck-Inst., Magdeburg, DE) [1271]
B3.1 - 11:00 - Some challenges in industrial chlorate electrolysis. A. Cornell (Royal Inst. Technol., Stockholm, SE) [111]
B4.1 - 14:00 - Characterization of high temperature electrochemical systems. S. Bebelis (Univ. Patras, GR) [2154]
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
C5.1 - 8:30 - Separation factors for enrichment of minor components in oils extracted from seeds with supercritical CO2. H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [994]
C6.1 - 14:00 - Supercritical fluid extraction: industrial aspects and applications. *M. Gehrig, N. Igl-Schmid (NATECO2 GmbH, Wolnzach, DE) [127]
Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
C1.2 - 11:20 - Structure, solvation, phase equilibria and nucleation in multicomponent systems. *J. I. Siepmann, B. Chen1, K. A. Maerzke (Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, US; 1Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge LA, US) [1653]
C2.2 - 14:20 - Additive group-contribution methods for predicting properties of polymer systems. G. Bogdanić (INA, Technol. Dev. Proj. Manag. Dep., Zagreb, HR) [1522]
C3.2 - 11:20 - Gas processing and CO2 capture by chemical solvents – solubility measurement and thermodynamic modelling. P. Mougin (Inst. Fr. Pet., Rueil-Malmaison, FR) [2141]
Symposium on food processing and technology
E1.1 - 11:00 - Processing of foods of plant origin and deactivation of main allergens. *M. Houska, P. Novotna, M. Heroldova1, I. Setinova2, M. Kminkova, P. Kučera1, A. Proškova (Food Res. Inst., Praha, CZ; 1Vinohrady Hospital, Praha, CZ; 2Cent. Allergology Imumed, Praha, CZ) [61]
Symposium on micro- and mesoporous materials
D7.1 - 8:30 - Binary diffusion of n-heptane and toluene in SBA-15 materials. *M. Eić, Q. Huang (Univ. New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, CA) [1418]
D7.6 - 11:00 - Assessment of simultaneous reaction and diffusion in n-hexane hydroisomerization on Pt/H-ZSM-5 using single event microkinetics. *J. W. Thybaut, I. R. Choudhury, J. A. Martens1, J. F. Denayer2, G. B. Marin (Univ. Ghent, BE; 1Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, BE; 2Vrije Univ., Bruxelles, BE) [1090]
Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
E3.1 - 11:00 - Biofiltration for air emissions control: applications, case studies, progress and challenges for industrial scale technology expansion in the USA. *K. Jones, J. Boswell1 (Texas A&M Univ., Kingsville TX, US; 1BioReaction Ind., Tualatin OR, US) [1447]
E4.1 - 14:00 - Bioreactors for air pollution control. *C. Kennes, M. C. Veiga (Univ. La Coruna, ES) [86]
Symposium on proces intensification and miniaturisation
G1.1 - 11:00 - Invention of downstream processing techniques as an example of process intensification. E. N. Lightfoot (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison WI, US) [117]
EU Projects F3 Factory, COPIRIDE and PILLS
E7.1 - 8:30 - F³ Factory: Flexible – Fast – Future. *S. Buchholz, T. Grömping (Bayer Technol. Services, Leverkusen, DE) [2131]
E7.6 - 11:00 - COPIRIDE - combining process intensification-driven manufacture of microstructured reactors and process design regarding to industrial dimensions and environment. *V. Hessel1, U. Krtschil, G. Menges (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL) [1740]
E8.2 - 14:20 - Process intensification methodologies applied to liquid-liquid systems in structured equipment – concept, objectives and status of the FP7 EU-Project PILLS. *P. Löb, S. Fletcher1, D. Lindsay2, J. M. Double2, J. Membrez3, L. Kiwi-Minsker4, A. Rodriguez5, J. C. B. Lopes6, J. Bałdyga7, P. Araujo8, C. Gaudêncio Baptista9 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Chemistry Innovation Ltd., Runcorn, UK; 2Britest Ltd, Runcorn, UK; 3Givaudan Suisse, Vernier, CH; 4EPFL, Lausanne, CH; 5Huntsman, Everberg, BE; 6Fluidinova, Moreira da Maia, PT; 7Warsaw Univ. Technol., Warszawa, PL; 8CUF Quimicos Ind., Estarreja, PT; 9Univ. Coimbra, PT) [1757]
Electromembrane processes and integrated membrane systems
B5.6 - 11:00 - Membranes: the microchips for process engineers in a new area of full intensified and integrated systems. G. M. Rios (IEM, Montpellier, FR) [1845]

PRES 2010
J1.1 - 11:10 - Modelling and optimisation issues of the energy systems of the future. *E. N. Pistikopoulos, P. Liu1, M. Georgiadis2 (Imperial Coll., London, UK; 1Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, CN; 2Univ. W. Macedonia, Kozani, GR) [2202]
J2.1 - 14:00 - Energy saving for ethylene process by adsorption heat pump. K. Hirata (Mitsubushi Chem. Corp., Mie, JP) [485]
J3.1 - 11:00 - Sustainability indicators: using the Process Analysis Method to select indicators for assessing production operations. A. Chee Tahir, *R. C. Darton (Oxford Univ. , UK) [2025]
J4.1 - 14:00 - On the integration of power, heat and water in industrial processes. *J. Martínez-Patiño, M. Picon Nunez, M. A. Hernández Figueroa, V. Verda1, L. M. Serra2 (Univ. Guanajuato, MX; 1Politecnico, Torino, IT; 2Univ. Zaragoza, ES) [650]
J4.5 - 16:20 - Process integration for power-dominated cryogenic energy systems. J.-K. Kim (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1393]
J5.1 - 8:30 - Towards a sustainable European energy system – The role of the pulp and paper industry. *T. Berntsson, J. Jönsson (Chalmers Univ. Technol., Göteborg, SE) [2172]
J5.7 - 11:00 - Shell-side heat transfer enhancement for shell-and-tube heat exchangers by helical baffles. *Q. Wang, M. Zeng, G. Chen, Q. Chen, B. Peng, D. Zhang, L. Luo (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN) [2197]
J6.1 - 14:00 - Optimizing the energy link between city and industry. L. Halasz, M. Eder1, N. Sandor1, N. Niemetz1, K.-H. Kettl1, *M. Narodoslawsky1 (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU; 1Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [1461]
J6.5 - 16:20 - Case-based design of Soche (Blantyre, Malawi) wastewater treatment plant. V. Chipofya1, *Y. Avramenko, A. Kraslawski (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI; 1Univ. Malawi, MW) [1884]
J7.1 - 8:30 - Smart energy storages for integration of renewables in 100% independent energy systems. G. Krajačić, *N. Duić, B. V. Mathiesen1, M. D. G. Carvalho2 (Univ. Zagreb, HR; 1Aalborg Univ., Esbjerg, DK; 2Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, PT) [1664]
J7.7 - 11:00 - Integrated design methodology for wastewater treatment plant. K. Y. Fung, C. M. Lee, *K. M. Ng, C. Wibowo1 (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., Kowloon, HK; 1ClearWaterBay Technol., Pomona CA, US) [1787]
J8.1 - 14:00 - Integration potential of milk powder plants using conventional heat recovery options. *M. J. Atkins, M. R. W. Walmsley, J. R. Neale (Univ. Waikato, Hamilton, NZ) [1332]
J8.4 - 16:20 - Development of high efficiency enhanced tubes. *D. J. Kukulka, K. G. Fuller (State Univ. New York, Buffalo NY, US) [579]
K1.1 - 11:10 - Biofuel supply chains: impacts, indicators and sustainability metrics. R. L. Smith (US EPA, Cincinnati OH, US) [1703]
K2.5 - 16:20 - Hydrogen production from natural gas: auto-thermal reforming and CO2 capture. J. De Castro, R. Rivera-Tinoco, *C. Bouallou (MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [246]
K3.1 - 11:00 - Ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass – evaluation of process scenarios for Austria. P. Kravanja, *A. Friedl (Vienna Univ. Technol., Wien, AT) [762]
K5.7 - 11:00 - Optimization of third generation biofuels production: biodiesel from microalgae oil by homogeneous transesterification. *V. Plata, V. Kafarov, N. Moreno (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [1500]
K6.1 - 14:00 - The new corrugation pattern for low pressure plate condensers. L. L. Tovazhnyanskyy, *P. Kapustenko, O. Y. Perevertaylenko, O. P. Arsenyeva, G. L. Khavin1 (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kyiv, UA; 1Sodruzhestvo, Kharkiv, UA) [1277]
K6.5 - 16:20 - Mathematical programming approach to sustainable system synthesis. Z. Kravanja (Univ. Maribor, SI) [2343]
K7.1 - 8:30 - Process integration – successful implementation and possible pitfalls. *J. Klemeš, P. Varbanov (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [701]
K7.7 - 11:00 - Oxidative coupling of methane: a design of integrated catalytic processes. *G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia (Tech. Univ., Berlin, DE) [1577]
K8.1 - 14:00 - The influence of new tools in virtual learning environments on the teaching and learning process in chemical engineering. *S. Perry, I. Bulatov (Univ. Manchester, UK) [1275]
Program Overview

Click to enlarge
name | date | from - to | where | |
EFCE Board |
28.8.2010 |
Saturday |
13:00 - 16:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
EFCE Forum |
28.8.2010 |
Saturday |
16:30- 18:30 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
WP Education |
28.8.2010 |
Saturday |
9:00 - 16:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Quadrant |
WP Chemical reaction engineering |
28.8.2010 |
Saturday |
18:00-19:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Stella |
IChemE Luncheon |
29.8.2010 |
Sunday |
12:00 - 14:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
Poster session - WP Awards |
29.8.2010 |
Sunday |
15:30-20:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
Workshop on Heat exchangers |
30.8.2010 |
Monday |
14:00 - 18:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
WP Process Intensification |
30.8.2010 |
Monday |
10:00-12:00 |
Hotel Clarion - Restaurant Gourmet |
EFCE Section of Environmental Protection and Sustainability |
30.8.2010 |
Monday |
11:00-12:00 |
Hotel Clarion - President suite |
30.8.2010 |
Monday |
15:30 - 17:00 |
Hotel Clarion - President suite |
WP Mixing |
31.8.2010 |
Tuesday |
13:30 - 16:00 |
Hotel Clarion - President suite |
Network meeting INSOLEX |
1.9.2010 |
Wednesday |
14:00-17:00 |
Hotel Clarion - President suite |
Short Course Workflow for product design and development |
2.9.2010 |
Thursday |
9:00 - 18:00 |
Novotného Lávka 5, Prague 1 |
EU Projects - F3 |
2.9.2010 |
Thursday |
9:00 -18:00 |
Technical library, Technická 6, Prague 6 |
EFCE FORUM 2010 – Invitation [PDF, 605 kB]
Workshop on heat exchangers [PDF, 22 kB]
Short course "Workflow for product design and development" [PDF, 31 kB]
List of accepted papers
Complete "List of accepted papers" can be found here
Lecture and poster sessions
Eleven parallel lecture sections will take place at 8:30–12:40 and 14:00–18:00 based on 20 minutes rigid schedules. For keynote lectures 40 minutes are reserved. Poster sessions will take place the whole day from 9 to 17 h. However, authors must attend their posters during the coffee/poster breaks: 10:30– 11:00, and 15:20–16:20.
How to prepare the summary
Summary has to be prepared on sheet(s) of A4 size (297x210 mm) with all margins equal to 25 mm. The single spaced text should be typed in Times New Roman font with use of the MS-Word editor. Start at the top with the title of your contribution (non-capitalised, left aligned, bold, size 14 pts.). Skip two lines below title and type the author’s name(s); underline the author delivering the paper. On a new line, give the affiliation of each author with a sufficient postal address; telephone, fax, and e-mail connections are desirable (non-bold, left aligned, size 12 pts.). Then, skip two lines and begin your summary text (justified, size 12 pts.).At least one full page is required, however, maximum two pages are allowed for the summary. You can locate any text, equations, figures, references, etc. within the area available (247x160 mm).
Please observe kindly the instructions.
An example of summary (PDF, 11kB; MS Word, 28kB)
Important: The author is responsible for the text of her/his summary and its appropriate graphical design. The summary that does not meet the above requirements will not be accepted and the author will be notified.
Final summary and full text
The final summary and full text have to be written in English and are requested from authors of all contributions (lectures and posters).
The deadline for submission of the final summary and full text is 31 May 2010. The final summary can be modified at any time by means of your user pages. Both the final summary and full text should be prepared according to the Instructions for authors, which can be found here
Please follow all instructions very carefully. Regrettably, many of the preliminary summaries have not complied with these instructions, therefore they had to be reedited. In these cases, the Editors have no responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting.
In case you wish to modify anything later, please DOWNLOAD AT FIRST your summary from the website (see List of papers) – because here is accessible the version already edited. In this way we shall avoid re-formatting the abstract again in order to be compatible with the rules.
Then, you can modify it and submit: for submission please access your user pages, in the menu select button “Inspecting submitted papers” and upload the final summary instead of the preliminary one. Resubmission will automatically notify the administrator of database about some change. This is also the easiest way how to announce correction of the title, authors, affiliations, etc. It is valid what is in summary.
The final summary must be received before 31 May 2010, however only in the case if it is different from the preliminary one.
The full text should also be interactively uploaded via user pages in a similar manner. Please observe kindly the instructions.
In case of difficulties contact .
In all correspondence please always refer to the serial number assigned to your contribution.
In July, every author will receive an e-mail confirming location and timing of his paper in the Final Program.
Poster presentation
The majority of papers will be presented as posters and thus they are a very important part of the Congress program.
Scope. Try to arrange your poster in such a way to provide a clear comprehensible image of your work at first sight even for those participants who are not conversant in your special field of interest. Give preference to diagrams, pictures and charts. The text should be very concise and accentuate the particular aim of your work, its importance, application, and the key formulas and symbols. Leave details to the discussion with interested people and to the full text.
Form. The size of the poster board is 130 cm (height) by 96 cm (width). The presenters will mark their posters with a heading, containing the title (size of letters 4 cm, at least), and the name(s) of author(s), affiliation, city and country (size of letters 2 cm). Letters under 1 cm are not suitable. Posting only a printout of the full text does not do credit to the sense and purpose of poster session.
Presentation. The presenters will arrange their posters at designated panels before the beginning of the poster session and remove them immediately after the closure of the session. The presenters must attend their posters during the coffee break from 15:20 to 16:20 h.
Lecture presentation
Since the oral sessions are based on rigid time schedules, a regular lecture including discussion can last no longer than 20 minutes. Forty minutes are reserved for keynote lectures only.
Data projectors. Lecture rooms will be equipped with dataprojector/PC and CD-ROM drives, and with PowerPoint software (version 2003). We are not adapted for Macintosh software. A PC for checking the PowerPoint presentation beforehand will be available in the Congress Reading Room. A connection to Internet will not be available in the lecture rooms.
Oral presentation. The lectures should be presented in English. Kindly use short sentences, a slower pace of delivery and clear and distinct pronunciation. This concerns specifically those presenters who speak in their mother tongue (i.e. English).
Submission of additional papers
Additional papers are still being accepted, despite almost 2000 contributions were accepted for presentation. They will be included mostly as posters, however, significant lectures might also be considered. For submission, please use the application form. Authors will be notified about acceptance before end of April.
The Final Program will be displayed at this website in July. Only paper received before 31 May 2010 will be listed in the printed Final Program provided that paper is accepted and that presenting author had registered and paid the Congress fee. After this date further contributions (only as posters) will be accepted till the beginning of the Congress, however, they will not appear in the Congress summary sets, and will only be listed in supplementary sheets.
"List of additional papers", can be found here. The list is updated every 1–3 days.
Important note: only two applications for poster presentation are allowed for one registered participant due to time and space limitations. Without having selection by authors, the excessive posters will be removed from the program by decision of the Scientific Committee.
Sets of summaries with pre-prints on CD-ROM and publication Meet the Authors
Summaries will be clustered according to the thematic groups as six Sets numbered from 1 to 6. The Set 6 and another one selected are included in the Congress fee; selection must be specified in the registration form. Among Congress materials will be a CD-ROM containing full texts of all accepted lectures and posters. All participants will receive also a publication Meet the Authors, with photos and CV´s of all congress authors (if supplied).
Extra set of summaries at a price of 15 EUR/each and extra CD-ROM at a price of 20 EUR may be purchased at the Congress office. The sets of summaries and CD-ROMs can also be ordered after the Congress by contacting the Organising Committee.
Set 1 – Reaction and electrochemical engineering
[Reactor engineering, catalysis and kinetics; Symposium on electrochemical engineering; Intensified technologies for multiphase reactions (the best poster competition)]
Set 2 – Separation processes
[Distillation and absorption; Extraction and leaching; Membrane separations; Electromembrane processes and integrated membrane systems; Adsorption and ion exchange; Symposium on micro– and mesoporous materials; Symposium on supercritical fluid applications; Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties; Filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, hydrocyclons]
Set 3 – Hydrodynamic processes and system engineering
[Fluid flow and multiphase systems; Mixing; Fluidization; Particulate solids]
[Computer aided process engineering; Heat transfer processes and equipment; Drying and evaporation]
Set 4 – PRES 2010 Conference
Set 5 – Systems and technology
[Symposium on environmental engineering; Symposium on safety in chemical industry; Pharmaceutical engineering; Symposium on food processing and technology; Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology; Chemical engineering education; Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation, EU Projects F3 Factory, COPIRIDE and PILLS]
PRES 2010 Chemical Engineering Transaction
Two volumes, publication with impact factor. This publication you can order via your registration form, price for both volumes is 40 EUR.
Publication policy
Participants will receive the Congress full texts including summaries on a CD-ROM. Authors are free to publish their papers at will after the Congress.
Selected papers from PRES 2010 will appear in full size in the special issues of the following journals: Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier UK), Heat Transfer Engineering (Taylor & Francis US), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Springer US), Journal of Clean Production (Elsevier US).
Selected contributions presented during the Symposium on electrochemical engineering will be published in the special issue of the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. All submitted manuscripts will be subject of the journal standard reviewing procedure.
The 6-page fulltext of PRES 2010 will be published in Chemical Engineering Transaction, CET.
The fulltext instruction is available HERE. Only the abstract will be published in CHISA Summaries.
Congress awards
Zdenek Burianec Memorial Award
Competition for the best poster at PRES 2010. All posters will be considered and judged under the following criteria: originality of the research; originality of the topic; clarity of the presentation; graphical quality; oral presentation and discussion with the Selection Committee. The authors of the best three posters will receive a Diploma and an invitation to prepare a full size manuscript for one of the special issues.
WP Awards
The Working Parties on Process Intensification, Multiphase Fluid Flow, and Chemical Reaction Engineering will organize a special poster session for PhD students and postdocs. The session "Intensified Technologies for Multiphase Reactions" is reserved only for young scientists. Eligible applicants have to register their contributions under topic No. 27. The winners of the best papers of the session will be awarded prize money and a certificate.
Half a day special "Workshop on heat exchangers – key equipment for process and power industries"
organized within CHISA/PRES
In general process heat transfer is regarded as a subject peripheral to process/chemical and power engineering; a subject to be handled by thermal specialist or mechanical engineering. However, increasing requirement of operating chemical processes with minimum energy spent, maximising the product output and keeping within the ever stringent regulatory requirements mean that process engineers need to use their core knowledge of chemical engineering to get the maximum out of heat transfer processes when they directly impact chemical processing.
The objective of the Workshop is bring to attention of engineers the benefits of getting involved in design of heat exchangers, their processing and simulating them rigorously along with other process plant equipment and to discuss new promising trends in the field.
In addition to imparting background technology knowledge to the chemical engineers on design and simulation of heat exchangers, the Workshop will make use of case studies involving process and thermal equipment simulation. In this context a number of process heat transfer topics will be discussed, for example:
- Using high performance compact heat exchangers to advantage
- Enhanced, compact and ultra-compact heat exchangers
- Heat exchanger networks
- High temperature applications
- Manufacturing aspects
- Fouling issues
- Exploiting close links between distillation column and reboiler
- Using plate heat exchanger as cost effective alternative to conventional exchanger
Course Directors:
- Vishwas Wadekar (UK)
- Petr Stehlik (CZ)
- Jiri Klemes (HU)
- Qiuwang Wang (CN)
- Jiri Hajek, Zdenek Jegla, Petro Kapustenko, Jiri Klemes,
Petr Stehlik, Vishwas Wadekar, Qiuwang Wang
Lecture topics:
- Process heat exchangers
- Classification based on area density
- Benefiting from compact heat exchanger technology
- Plate heat exchanger as alternative to conventional equipment
- Plate heat exchangers – industrial applications
- High temperature heat exchangers
- Introduction and general features
- Examples of heat recovery applications
- High performance recuperators for micro-gas turbines
- Modelling of heat exchangers
- Modelling complex multistream plate-fin heat exchanger
- Overview of numerical techniques (including ANN, GA etc)
- Heat exchanger networks synthesis and optimization
- Fluid flow and heat transfer modelling in heat exchanger design
Short course "Workflow for product design and development"
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Product and process design and development: what to make, how to make
- Classification of products
- Tasks and phases in product and process development
- Unit tasks and unit operations
- RAT2IO module
- Tools for project management – Gantt Chart, Objective-Time Chart, Workflow Diagram
- Product attributes/ ingredients / product microstructure relationships
- Various product attributes: functional, mechanical, sensorial, etc.
- Relationship between product attributes, ingredients, and microstructure
- Examples: cream droplet size, powder PSD, crystal structure
- Methods and tools for describing the relationship
- Causal tables
- Mechanistic models
- Empirical correlations
- Experimental strategies for product design
- Property characterization
- One-factor-a-time
- Design of experiments
- Prediction and measurement of properties for product design
- Group contribution methods for property estimation
- Computer-aided molecular design and computer-aided molecular/blend design
- Economic analysis in product design and development
- Best product vs. most profitable product
- Economic measures and pricing model
- Examples
- Sun lotion cream with antioxidant and zinc oxide nanoparticles (distributed throughout the sections above)
- Design of pharmaceutical granules
- Transdermal patch
- Herbal dietary supplements
- Bar soaps
- A nanotechnology-based humidity sensor
- Design of a pharmaceutical salt form
- Conceptualization of innovative products
- Summary and conclusions
Date and Venue
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 (the day after the closing of Congress)
Venue: House of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS), Prague 1.
Course Fee
Standard fee .............................. |
Euro 350 |
Discounted fee for members of EFCE ............ |
Euro 300 |
Discounted fee for student participants .......... |
Euro 100 |
The course fee includes participation in all lectures and tutorials, lecture notes, tutorial notes, and two coffee breaks.
Prof. Ka Ming NG (Chair Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chief Executive Officer of Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Prof. Rafiqul GANI (Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and Director and co-founder of Computer Aided Process-Product Engineering Center (CAPEC), Technical University of Denmark)
Dr. Christianto WIBOWO (Principal Engineer and Training Course Coordinator, ClearWaterBay Technology, Inc., Pomona, California, USA)
For participation in the course, please contact directly the Organizing Committee at the address
Course fee concerns the course solely. This fee does not entitle a participant to take part in the Congress.
Exhibition MARCHES 2010
MARCHES 2010 - the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will take place in the premises of the CHISA 2010 & ECCE 7 Congress. Standard exhibition booths of 3 x 2 m floor area will be available for business negotiations and demonstration purposes. For renting of a booth at MARCHES 2010 Exhibition please fill in the Application forms.
In the registration form you will find the relevant item for MARCHES 2010 to choose. The price for the renting of a booth includes the Congress registration fee for one company/institution representative. In addition, two other representatives who attend the booth will receive invitation for the Festive Congress opening and coffee during breaks. Every exhibiting company/institution can include a one-page text (company/institution advertisement) in the Catalogue of Exhibitors which will be distributed to all Congress participants.
For more detailed information or any additional questions please contact