Lectures G
G1 - Sunday morning
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
Chairpersons: D. Kirschneck, M. Marek
G1.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Invention of downstream processing techniques as an example of process intensification. E. N. Lightfoot (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison WI, US) [117]
G1.2 11:40 Process intensification with SEM. *K. Köhler, H. P. Schuchmann (Univ. Karlsruhe, DE) [60]
G1.3 12:00 Concepts of process intensification using methyl acetate synthesis as model reaction. *S. Lux, T. Winkler, M. Siebenhofer (Graz Univ. Technol., AT) [508]
G1.4 12:20 Piloting and small scale production using process intensification technologies. H. A. Bottenberg (Zeton B.V., Enschede, NL) [1350]
G2 - Sunday afternoon
Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation (continues as H3)
Chairpersons: E. Lightfoot, D. Šnita
G2.1 14:00 Corning(R) Advanced-Flow(TM) glass reactor : one modular tool from feasibility to production – industrial applications and case studies . *B. Chevalier, F. Schmidt, S. Pissavini (Corning, Avon, FR) [228]
G2.2 14:20 Intensification routes for mineral carbonation. *R. Santos, D. François, E. Vandevelde, G. Mertens, J. Elsen, T. Van Gerven (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE) [339]
G2.3 14:40 L-Malic acid production within a microreactor. G. Stojkovič, I. Plazl, *P. Žnidaršič-Plazl (Univ. Ljubljana, SI) [542]
G2.4 15:00 Scaling rules for multiphase gas-liquid flow distribution in multiple micro/milli channels running in parallel under segmented flow regime. *M. I. M. Al-Rawashdeh, T. A. Nijhuis, E. V. Rebrov, V. Hessel, J. Schouten (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL) [1444]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
G2.5 16:20 Enhancing synthesis of block-copolymers through anionic polymerization using microreaction technology. *C. Kompter, D. Ziegenbalg, D. Kralisch, S. Sell1, E. Klemm1 (Friedrich Schiller Univ., Jena, DE; 1Jenpolymer Materials Ltd., Jena, DE) [1048]
G2.6 16:40 New technology for the intensification and miniaturization of chemical processes. *D. Unge, B. Johnson (Alfalaval Tumba AB, SE) [1426]
G2.7 17:00 Scale-down of a condensation polymerisation reaction process in a millifluidic device. *I. Vasconcelos, P. Guillot, J. Toutain1, V. Mollet2 (Rhodia, Pessac, FR; 1CNRS, Talence, FR; 2Rhodia, Saint Fons, FR) [1038]
G2.8 17:20 A microfluidic calorimeter for the measurement of the excess enthlapies for water + ethanol. *C. Hany, H. Lebrun, C. Pradere1, J. Toutain1, J.-C. Batsale1 (Univ. Bordeaux, Pessac, FR; 1Univ. Bordeaux, Talence, FR) [1879]
G2.9 17:40 Uniform flow distribution through combined numbering-up. *R. Guidat, E. D. Lavric (Corning, Avon, FR) [2034]
G2.10 18:00 Flow chemistry: From potential evaluation to production scale realization. D. Kirschneck (Microinnova Engieering, Graz, AT) [2341]
G3 - Monday morning
Chemical engineering education
Chairpersons: V. Machoň, D. G. Wood
G3.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Chemical engineering education for the second decade of the 21st century. D. C. Shallcross, *D. G. Wood (Univ. Melbourne, AU) [1716]
G3.2 11:40 whynotchemeng – securing the talent pipeline of chemical and process engineers in the United Kingdom. A. Furlong (Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, UK) [2324]
G3.3 12:00 Current problems in engineering education of nuclear power generation. P. Zuna (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [2156]
G3.4 12:20 Students need activation: time used for studying correlates with results. *R. Tuunila, K. Kolehmainen (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI) [1614]
G4 - Monday afternoon
Chemical engineering education
Chairpersons: V. C. Hass, J. Koubek
G4.1 14:00 Strategies for the development of operator training simulators for engineering education and training. A. Blesgen, *V. C. Hass1 (s&h Ingenieurgesselschaft mbH, Bremen, DE; 1Univ. Appl. Sci., Bremen, DE) [861]
G4.2 14:20 Development of a modular training simulator for biomass power plants. S. Kuntzsch, F. Kuhnen, A. Blesgen1, *V. C. Hass (Univ. Appl. Sci., Bremen, DE; 1s&h Ingenieurgesselschaft mbH, Bremen, DE) [509]
G4.3 14:40 Importance of daily life examples on fire and combustion in chemical engineering education. *G. A. Altun-Ciftcioglu, M. A. N. Kadirgan (Marmara Univ., Istanbul, TR) [211]
G4.4 15:00 Urgency of reform in chemical engineering education in Iran. Y. Jalali (Islamic Azad Univ., Shahrood, IR) [1661]
G4.5 15:20 Chemical engineering curriculum development and international recognition in Kazakhstan and Russia. *S. Simons, G. Kuvshinov1, G. Yeligbayeva2, S. Rakhmadiyeva3 (Univ. Coll. London, UK; 1Novosibirsk State Tech. Univ., RU; 2Kazakh Nat. Tech. Univ., Almaty, KZ; 3Eurasian Nat. Univ., Astana, KZ) [2138]
G5 - Tuesday morning
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: Y. Matsumura, M. Punčochář
G5.1 8:30 Keynote lecture: “State of the art" of biomass utilization for energy and fuel production in Japan. Y. Matsumura (Hiroshima Univ., JP) [1515]
G5.2 9:10 Life cycle modelling and environmental impact assessment of energy production supply chains based on a biomass pyrolysis densification process. *M. Cordella, V. Cozzani, F. Santarelli (Univ. Bologna, IT) [1493]
G5.3 9:30 Perspectives for MSW energetic destination. *G. Genon, D. Panepinto (Politecnico, Torino, IT) [292]
G5.4 9:50 Electricity generation from tapioca wastewater using microbial fuel cells (MFCs). R. M. Rachma, V. Reinaldo, A. Muhyinsyah, *T. Setiadi (Inst. Technol., Bandung, ID) [6]
G5.5 10:10 Energetic utilization of phytoextraction crops. *M. Šyc, M. Pohořelý, M. Jeremiáš, M. Vosecký, P. Kameníková, M. Puncochar, P. Tlustos1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Czech Univ. Life Sci., Praha, CZ) [1142]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
Chairpersons: R. Dewil, C. SpenglerG5.6 11:00 Measuring method and simulation model to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of evaporative emissions in the air intake system of Otto-engines. *C. Spengler, C. Merten, F. Pfeiffer1 (Univ. Stuttgart, DE; 1Mann+Hummel GmbH, Stuttgart, DE) [1992]
G5.7 11:20 Removal of undesirable VOCs from biogas by adsorption onto activated carbon fiber cloths. From a static approach to a dynamic modeling. *B. Boulinguiez1, S. Giraudet, P. Le Cloirec (Ec. Nat. Sup. Chim., Rennes, FR; 1Univ. Europ. Bretagne, FR) [854]
G5.8 11:40 Biofiltration and adsorption used as indoor air treatment: equilibrium of toluene on activated carbon in the Henry’s law region. *A. Réguer, S. Sochard, C. Hort, V. Platel (Univ. Pau, FR) [518]
G5.9 12:00 In situ bioremediation of Cr (VI) in mesocosm reactors using biological permeable reactive barrier. *P. E. Molokwane, E. Chirwa (Univ. Pretoria, ZA) [1841]
G5.10 12:20 Kinetics of Cr(VI) reduction in a multi-species indigenous culture of bacteria – Brits culture. P. E. Molokwane, *E. Chirwa (Univ. Pretoria, ZA) [1844]
G6 - Tuesday afternoon
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: J. Derco, P. E. Molokwane
G6.1 14:00 UV- and visible-light assisted photocatalytic oxidation of a pesticide over TiO2 catalysts modified with neodymium and nitrogen. R. Kralchevska, A. Premru1, T. Tišler1, M. Milanova, D. Todorovsky, *A. Pintar1 (Univ. Sofia , BG; 1Nat. Inst. Chem., Ljubljana, SI) [1932]
G6.2 14:20 Simulation of phenol oxidation in an O3/UV reactor. *W. Van de Moortel, K. Van Eyck, S. Liers, J. Degrève1, J. Luyten (De Nayer Inst., Sint-Katelijne-Waver, BE; 1Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, BE) [1246]
G6.3 14:40 Optimisation of ultrasonic sludge disintegration as a pre-treatment for anaerobic digestion and development of a kinetic model. *L. Appels, F. Van Mechelen1, J. Van Impe, J. Degrève, R. Dewil (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, BE; 1Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, BE) [1029]
G6.4 15:00 Improvement of the biological activity of activated sludge by ultrasound and ozone. *N. Lambert, A. Hulsmans, S. Houtmeyers, J. Van Impe, I. Smets, R. Dewil (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE) [1167]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
Chairpersons: J. Horák, A. PintarG6.5 16:20 Removal of benzothiazols by ozonation. *J. Derco, M. Melicher, A. Kassai1 (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 1Water Res. Inst., Bratislava, SK) [2013]
G6.6 16:40 Synthesis, characterization and properties of carbon nanofiber-based monometallic Pt, Pd and Ru catalysts in water purification processes. *A. Pintar, J. Batista, J. Levec (Nat. Inst. Chem., Ljubljana, SI) [1854]
G6.7 17:00 Environmental sustainability assessment of natural gas burning and photovoltaic electricity. *J. Albo, J. Cristobal, A. Dominguez-Ramos, A. Irabien (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [307]
G6.8 17:20 Study of urban PM concentrations at different locations. *V. Csom, T. Szentmarjay, J. Kovács, E. Domokos (Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [2075]
G6.9 17:40 Calcium aluminate-based pellets for CO2 capture – reactivation and reforming aspects. *V. Manovic, E. J. Anthony (CanmetENERGY, Ottawa ON, CA) [2137]
G6.10 18:00 Ammonia releases from anaerobically digested materials: how physico-chemical treatment can reduce the impacts of renewable energy plants. *E. Brizio, G. Genon1 (Env. Protect. Agency Piedmont, Cuneo, IT; 1Politecnico, Torino, IT) [947]
G7 - Wednesday morning
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: R. Nakayama, P. Tlustoš
G7.1 8:30 Keynote lecture: Ability of plants to clean soils contaminated by heavy metals. *P. Tlustos, M. Puncochar1, J. Szakova, J. Balik, J. Habart, M. Syc1, M. Pohořelý1 (Czech Univ. Life Sci., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1706]
G7.2 9:10 Cellulose degradation by enzymatic hydrolysis with the aid of ultrasonic irradiation. *R.-I. Nakayama, M. Imai (Nihon Univ., Fujisawa, JP) [225]
G7.3 9:30 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers – design and validation of models for photodegradation. *M. Veselý, H. Žabová, F. Kaštánek, R. Ponec, V. Jiricny (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [2126]
G7.4 9:50 Bioleaching of heavy metals from spent catalyst using Aspergillus niger and Penicillium Simplicissimum. *R. Mafi Gholami, S. M. Borghei1, S. M. Mousavi2 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 2Tarbiat Modarres Univ., Tehran, IR) [475]
G7.5 10:10 Use of the white-rot fungus Irpex lacteus in a trickle bed reactor and in a rotating biological contactor. *J. Pocedič, J. Garcia, O. Knotek, J. Šíma, P. Hasal (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [408]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
Chairpersons: W. Hintz, P. KlusoňG7.6 11:00 Kinetic parameter of alfa-amylase and glucoamylase enzymatic reaction on the glucose yield from hydrolized processes of tapioca solid waste. *S. R. Juliastuti, D. Yanuarita P. (Inst. Technol. Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, ID) [687]
G7.7 11:20 A hydrometallurgical recycling technology for selective recovery of zinc, lead and iron oxide from electric arc furnace (EAF) dust by an integrated leach-grinding and precipitation process. *W. Hintz, T. Günther, G. Kache, T. Tomas (Otto v. Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, DE) [730]
G7.8 11:40 Improvements in the acrylonitrile production by using environmental assessment life cycle analysis. *M. A. Morales Mora, E. Rosa Dominguez1, N. Suppen Reynaga2, S. Martínez Delagadillo3 (PEMEX-Petroquímica, Veracruz, MX; 1Cent. Univ. Las Villas, Santa Clara, CU; 2Cent. Anal., Cuautitlan Izcalli , MX; 3Univ. Aut. Metrop., Ascapotzalco, MX) [1840]
G7.9 12:00 Advanced precipitation processes for industrial inorganic wastewaters treatment: impact of reactor design and process parameters. *E. Barbier, J. Robert, M. Coste, K. Banerjee1, J.-F. Beaudet2, R. J. Cook3 (Veolia Env., Maisons-Laffitte, FR; 1Veolia Water Solut. Technol., Moon Township PA, US; 2Veolia Water Solut. Technol., Sartelon Saint-Laurent, CA; 3Veolia Water, Houston TX, US) [788]
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