I am very pleased to invite you to the anniversary 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2012 and the 15th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES 2012, which will be held jointly in Prague from 25 to 29 August 2012. We shall celebrate several important anniversaries in 2012: it has been 50 years since the first International Congress CHISA was held Brno in 1962, and we organise already 20th CHISA Congress and 15th PRES Conference in the series.
Like all the CHISA Congresses before, even this jubilee one will cover a range of important topics and, together with the PRES conference, will offer many real interdisciplinary links. The logistics of the program, which includes both the standard sessions and specialized symposia, should enable the interested people to listen also to the presentations, which are close to their fields of research yet outside their everyday horizons.
You are cordially invited to attend the Congress, to meet colleagues and friends and enjoy a stay in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We would love to see you Prague!
Professor Jiří Drahoš
Congress Chairman
President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (CSCHE)
The series of International Congresses CHISA taking place in the centre of Europe started in 1962 in Brno, Czech Republic, then continued in Mariánské Lázně, and since 1972 the Congresses have been held in Prague.
However, it is worth mentioning that the logo was used for the national event as early as 1953. The word CHISA originates from the Czech acronym for “Chemical Engineering, Chemical Equipment Design and Automation” and later became a “trade mark” for large meetings which have emphasised especially East-West-European and later pan-European contacts. Nevertheless, the stepwise development during the last two decades transformed the one-time European Congresses into an event of world importance.
The PRES conferences started in Prague in 1998, and since then they have been held in Budapest, Hungary (1999), Prague (2000), Florence, Italy (2001), Prague (2002), Hamilton, Canada (2003), Prague (2004), Taormina, Italy (2005), Prague (2006), Ischia, Italy (2007), Prague (2008), Rome, Italy (2009), Prague (2010), and Florence, Italy (2011).
The objective of this joint event is to provide engineers, scientists, researchers, technologists, students and others a platform to present their latest results, to interchange ideas, to make new contacts, to establish new collaborations, and many more. The Congress addresses the full spectrum of chemical and process engineering practice, including current trends and future needs.
Information on arrival published
Scientific program
Program overview published.
Final Program will be displayed in the last week of July (or earlier).
The 2nd Circular information is available now
User pages are open for participant registration (it is obligatory for presenting authors).
Change of deadline: Submission of manuscript for Procedia is moved to 30 April 2012.
A special PSE keynote session
A special PSE (Process Systems Enterprise Limited) keynote session will be held during the Congress.
Confirmed speakers: A. Bode (BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE), P. Piccione (Syngenta, Bracknell, UK), M. Georgiadis (Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, GR), G. Sin (Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK).
Paper submission deadline prolonged
Deadline for submission of papers for both oral and poster presentation has been prolonged till 15 January 2012
Within the anniversary 20th international CHISA Congress and 15th international PRES Conference we succeeded to invite excellent recognized experts and speakers to cover the following present "hot topic": "The Energy Revolution - Threats and Opportunities"- E. Drioli (IT): Energy, Water and Raw Materials: An Integrated Solution
- M. Gough (UK): Process heat transfer enhancement to upgrade performance, throughput and reduced energy use
- G. Kreysa (DE): Chemical Engineering Challenges for a Post-nuclear and Post-fossil Energy Future
- H. Mueller-Steinhagen (DE): Power from the Deserts: From Vision to Reality