Lectures H
H1 - Sunday morning
Symposium on food processing and technology
Chairpersons: Z. Bubník, M. Houška
H1.1 11:00 Keynote lecture: Different meso-scale models for multi-scale modelling of food processing. F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [717]
H1.2 11:40 Selection of parameters of heat treatment of media. *E. Chmal-Fudali, J. Iciek, A. Papiewska (Tech. Univ., Lodz, PL) [437]
H1.3 12:00 Optimisation and modelling of the enzymatically assisted aqueous extraction of gac fruit oil. H. C. Mai, H. M. Le1, V. Truong, *F. Debaste1 (Nong Lam Univ., Ho Chi Minh City, VN; 1Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [393]
H1.4 12:20 Capacity planning in food-related industry by application of hybrid
simulation. *M. Nagel, A. Delgado (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnburg, DE) [421]
H2 - Sunday afternoon
Symposium on food processing and technology
Chairpersons: F. Debaste, E. Šárka
H2.1 14:00 Grape juices and resveratrol and other components content prepared from UV light and ozonized water treated grapes. *M. Houska, A. Landfeld, R. Halama, J. Strohalm, P. Novotna, J. Triska1, N. Vrchotova1, J. Totusek2, J. Veverka3, J. Balik3 (Food Res. Inst., Praha, CZ; 1Global Change Res. Cent., České Budějovice, CZ; 2Masaryk Univ., Brno, CZ; 3Mendel Agric. Forest. Univ., Lednice, CZ) [1071]
H2.2 14:20 Treatments of red and sweet wines by pulsed electric field or high voltage electrical discharge – effects on the physical-chemical
composition and several micro-organisms. *C. Delsart, N. Grimi1, N. Boussetta1, M. Silva, C. Poupot, C. Miot Sertier, R. Ghidossi, E. Vorobiev1, M. Mietton Peuchot (Univ. Bordeaux Segalen, Villenave d'Ornon, FR; 1Univ. Technol., Compiegne, FR) [408]
H2.3 14:40 Comparative study of freezing and various drying processes at physical and chemical properties of strawberries. M. Alonzo-Macías, S. Mounir1, J. G. Montejano2, *K. Allaf (Univ. La Rochelle, FR; 1Zagazig Univ., EG; 2ITESM-CQ, Quereraro, MX) [1016]
H2.4 15:00 Influence of extraction parameters on antioxidant properties of pommelo extracts. *K. Makovšek, Ž. Knez, M. Škerget (Univ. Maribor, SI) [541]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
H2.5 16:20 Solid particle coating: drying condition influence on morphology, mechanical and permeability properties of composite coating
film. *F. Laboulfie, M. Hémati, A. Lamure2, S. Diguet1 (LGC, Toulouse, FR; 1DSM Nutr. Prod., Kaiseraugst, CH; 2CIRIMAT, Toulouse, FR) [1343]
H2.6 16:40 Adhesion of beer-spoiling microorganisms to solid surfaces. *M. Bittner, T. Branyik, D. Matoulkova1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Res. Inst. Brewing Malting, Praha, CZ) [190]
H2.7 17:00 Image analysis – comparison of recipe composition effect. M. Hrušková, *I. Švec, T. Hofmanová, J. Dvořáková (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [104]
H2.8 17:20 Impact of instant controlled pressure drop treatment on dehydration and rehydration kinetics of green Moroccan pepper (Capsicum
annuum). C. Tellez Perez, M. M. Sabah1, J. G. Montejano Gaitán2, *V. Sobolik, K. Allaf (Univ. La Rochelle, FR; 1Zagazig Univ., EG; 2ITESM-CQ, Quereraro, MX) [1080]
H3 - Monday morning
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: M. Alvarez-Guerra, M. Punčochář
H3.1 11:00 Enhancement of CO2 capture capacity by a fine cohesive powder. J. M. Valverde, A. Perejon1, L. A. Perez-Maqueda1, F. J. Duran, F. Pontiga, C. Soria-Hoyo, M. A. S. Quintanilla, H. Moreno, *M. J. Espin (Univ. Sevilla, ES; 1CSIC-USE, Sevilla, ES) [18]
H3.2 11:20 CO2 valorisation: comparing Sn and Pb cathodes for continuous electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate. M. Alvarez-Guerra, A. Del Castillo, *A. Irabien (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [449]
H3.3 11:40 Off-gas-treatment by application of selective adsorbents. T. Täffner, Y. Dong, J. F. Fernandez, *B. Niemeyer (Helmut-Schmidt-Univ., Hamburg, DE) [29]
H3.4 12:00 Energetic recovery from wastes incineration: an Italian example. *D. Panepinto, G. Genon (Politecnico, Torino, IT) [98]
H3.5 12:20 Rice husk fast pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor. *J. Alvarez, G. Lopez, M. Artetxe, M. Amutio, A. Erkiaga, I. Barbarias, M. Olazar (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [943]
H4 - Monday afternoon
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: A. Eštoková, R. Pokorný
H4.1 14:00 Physicochemical performance of concrete with added natural fiber of coconut and sisal. *M. Portella, M. M. Bonato, K. F. Portella, P. A. Pereira, B. L. Medeiros, J. M. da Silva, K. F. C. Brambilla, J. L. Bronholo, M. S. Cabussú1, D. P. Cerqueira1, R. Salles1 (LACTEC, Curitiba, BR; 1COELBA, Salvador, BR) [516]
H4.2 14:20 Chemical modification of hemp shives and their characterization. *E. Terpáková, L. Kidalová, A. Estoková, J. Čigášová, N. Števulová (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [478]
H4.3 14:40 Vitrification of nuclear waste: Mathematical modeling of batch melting. *R. Pokorny, P. Hrma (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [438]
H4.4 15:00 Modelling and fixed bed column adsorption of Cr(VI) onto orthaphosphoric acid-activated lignin. *A. Albadarin, G. Walker, S. Allen, M. Ahmad1 (Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK; 1Sultan Qaboos Univ., Oman, OM) [876]
H5 - Tuesday morning
Symposium on environmental engineering
Chairpersons: F. Debaste, P. Klusoň
H5.1 8:30 Identification, test and comparison of analysis methods of urban wastewaters estrogenic activity. *J. Blavier, F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE) [220]
H5.2 8:50 Adsorption of heavy metals in mine wastewater by Mongolian natural zeolite. *R. Egashira, S. Tanabe, H. Habaki (Tokyo Inst. Technol., JP) [244]
H5.3 9:10 Wastewater treatment for dyes and heavy metals using modified pine sawdust as adsorbent. *D. Politi, D. Sidiras (Univ. Piraeus, GR) [349]
H5.4 9:30 Resin screening for solvent impregnated resins in industrial wastewater treatment applications. *J. Bokhove, B. Schuur1, A. Haan (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 1Twente Univ., Enschede, NL) [414]
H5.5 9:50 Effect of an acoustic field on the degradation of phenol: Ozone combined with a low frequency acoustic field. *W. Van de Moortel, J. De Coster2, K. Sniegowski1, L. Braeken1, J. Degrève, J. Luyten2 (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, BE; 1Limburg Cathol. Univ., Diepenbeek, BE; 2Fac. Ind. Biol. Sci., Sint Kateljine-Waver, BE) [549]
H5.6 10:10 Modeling of Bisphenol A degradation using insolubilized/immobilized laccase enzymes. S. Talvy, R. Nair1, P. Demarche1, S. Agathos1, *F. Debaste (Univ. Libre, Bruxelles, BE; 1Kathol. Univ. Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE) [635]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
H5.7 11:00 Rotating drum contactor and its application for textile dyes decolorization. *J. Šíma, J. Pocedič, T. Roubíčková, P. Hasal (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [734]
H5.8 11:20 Online monitoring and total organic carbon (TOC) modeling of Yeşilirmak river. E. Semizer, M. Yuceer1, *E. Karadurmus2, I. Atasoy3, A. Çalımlı, R. Berber (Ankara Univ. , TR; 1Inonu Univ., Malataya, TR; 2Hitit Univ., Corum, TR; 3Refik Saydam Hyg. Cent., Ankara, TR) [431]
H5.9 11:40 Comparison of the PAHs degradation potential of Pseudomonas stutzeri and a consortium obtained from a contaminated soil. I. Teijiz, F. Moscoso, *F. J. Deive, M. Longo, M. Á. Sanromán (Univ. Vigo, ES) [133]
H5.10 12:00 Applications of radio-frequency heating in environmental technology. *U. Roland, F. Holzer, U. Trommler, C. Hoyer, C. Rabe, M. Kraus, J. Schneider, F.-D. Kopinke (UFZ, Leipzig, DE) [800]
H6 - Tuesday afternoon
Chemical engineering education
Chairpersons: M. Jahoda, R. Tuunila
H6.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Student engagement in engineering ethics. E. Alpay (Imperial Coll., London, UK) [672]
H6.2 14:40 Product engineering – A new frontier for chemical engineering education?. M. J. Pitt (Univ. Sheffield, UK) [307]
H6.3 15:00 How about safety and risk management in research and education?. T. Meyer (EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [20]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
H6.4 16:20 Accreditation of chemical engineering programmes in Lappeenranta University of Technology: observations of its effect on development
of education. R. Tuunila (Lappeenranta Univ. Technol., FI) [986]
H6.5 16:40 Educational benefits in biotechnology and bioengineering by using a BioEthanol training simulator. *V. C. Hass, I. Gerlach, S. Kuntzsch, K. Kühn1, C.-F. Mandenius2 (Univ. Appl. Sci., Bremen, DE; 1s&h Ingenieurgesselschaft mbH, Bremen, DE; 2Linköping Univ., SE) [1036]
H6.6 17:00 Biobased targeted chemical engineering education, role and impact of biobased energy and resource development projects. *N. M. Márquez Luzardo, J. Venselaar1 (Avans Univ. Appl. Sci., Breda, NL; 1Avans Univ., Tilburg, NL) [802]
H7 - Wednesday morning
EU FP7 projects – F3 Factory, COPIRIDE, POLYCAT, SYNFLOW and PILLS
Chairpersons: R. Dittmeyer, J. Double
H7.1 8:30 Keynote lecture: F³ Factory – a European project aiming at modular process design. *S. Buchholz, L. Frye, T. Groemping, D. Guenter (Bayer Technol. Services, Leverkusen, DE) [1069]
H7.2 8:50 Continuous production of water soluble polymers in a flexible tubular reactor – experimental studies at small pilot plant
scale. *M.-C. Chevrel, *D. Kohlmann1, S. Hoppe, A. Durand, L. Falk, S. Engell1, C. Schwede2, W. Loth2, A. Stammer2, J. Wilson3, P. Ferlin3 (CNRS, Nancy, FR; 1Tech. Univ., Dortmund, DE; 2BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE; 3Rhodia, Aubervilliers, FR) [477]
H7.3 9:10 High viscous continuous processing in kneader-processors. Part A: Fundamentals. *O. Seck, M. Gemmerich, H.-J. Warnecke (Univ. Paderborn, DE) [645]
H7.4 9:30 A design workflow for modular plants applied to the recycling of homogeneous catalysts in hydroformylation. *P. Schmidt, T. Seifert, S. Sievers, M. Becker1, M. Priske1, B. Hamers1, P. Kreis1, C. Bramsiepe (Tech. Univ., Dortmund, DE; 1Evonik Ind., Marl, DE) [664]
H7.5 9:50 Solution quality and computational aspects of integrated scheduling and control of continuous multi-product plants. *K. Frankl, R. Pölking, W. Marquardt (RWTH, Aachen, DE) [1278]
H7.6 10:10 From batch to continouos - a flexible reactor system for pharmaceutical development. *K. Haas-Santo, B. Vankayala, R. Dittmeyer, R. Rozada-Sanchez1, A. Godfrey1, G. Rennie1, B. Gregertsen1 (Karlsruhe Inst. Technol., DE; 1Astra Zeneca, Macclesfield, UK) [630]
10:30 Coffee break, poster session
H7.7 11:00 Keynote lecture: SYNFLOW: Continuous flow homogeneous catalysis. D. J. Cole-Hamilton (Univ. St. Andrews, UK) [1335]
H7.8 11:20 Design of efficient micro- and meso- scale flow reactors for fine chemical synthesis. K. N. Loponov, X. Fan, *A. A. Lapkin (Univ. Warwick, UK) [688]
H7.9 11:40 SYNFLOW: From molecular understanding to continuous-flow processes with chiral organometallic catalysts. *P. Schmitz, G. Franció, W. Leitner (RWTH, Aachen, DE) [1354]
H7.10 12:00 Keynote lecture: Novel polymer based catalysts and microflow conditions as key elements for innovation in fine chemical synthesis – the FP7
EU project POLYCAT. *P. Löb, T. Rehm, V. Hessel1, E. Sulman2, L. Bronstein3 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 2Tver State Tech. Univ., RU; 3Nesmeyanov Inst., Moskva, RU) [1351]
H7.11 12:20 Development of novel polymer-based nanoparticulate catalysts as the basis of FP7 project POLYCAT. E. Sulman, *V. G. Matveeva, I. Tyamina, L. Z. Nikoshvili, L. Bronstein1, Z. Shifrina1, L. Kiwi-Minsker2 (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU; 1Nesmeyanov Inst., Moskva, RU; 2EPFL, Lausanne, CH) [1345]
H8 - Wednesday afternoon
EU FP7 projects – F3 Factory, COPIRIDE, POLYCAT, SYNFLOW and PILLS
Chairpersons: S. Buchholz, P. Löb
H8.1 14:00 Keynote lecture: Combining process intensification-driven manufacture of microstructured reactors and process design regarding to industrial
dimensions and environment - update on the results of the EU FP7 Project CoPIRIDE. *P. Löb, U. Krtschil, V. Hessel1, J. Lang2 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 2Evonik Ind., Hanau-Wolfgang, DE) [1348]
H8.2 14:20 Coupling of chemical process design and intensification with sustainability issues – Experiential report from the CoPIRIDE
project. D. Kralisch, S. Kressirer, *D. Ott, C. Staffel, U. Krtschil1, V. Hessel2, P. Löb1 (Univ. Jena, DE; 1Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 2Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL) [1357]
H8.3 14:40 Gasification of biomass and refuse derived fuels for the production of electricity and commodity chemicals. *C. A. Jordan, G. Akay1, T. Fordham (ITI Energy, Rotherham, UK; 1Univ. Newcastle, UK) [1350]
H8.4 15:00 Novel process windows in COPIRIDE and beyond – from reaction intensification and new reaction design towards new process design.
*V. Hessel, L. Di Carlo1, E. Klemm2, D. Kralisch3, J. Lang4, W. Linhart5, P. Löb6, E. Santacesaria7 (Eindhoven Univ. Technol., NL; 1Mythen SpA, IT; 2Univ. Stuttgart, DE; 3Univ. Jena, DE; 4Evonik Ind., Hanau-Wolfgang, DE; 5Microinnova Engineering, Graz, AT; 6Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 7Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT) [1352]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
H8.5 16:20 Keynote lecture: Process intensification methodologies applied to liquid-liquid systems in structured equipment – objectives, results and generic
learning of the EU FP7 Project PILLS. P. Löb, R. Farnell1, S. Fletcher1, *J. M. Double2 (Inst. Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE; 1Chemistry Innovation Ltd., Runcorn, UK; 2Britest Ltd, Runcorn, UK) [1353]
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