Posters P5, Tuesday
Membrane separations
P5.1 Gases separation by ZSM-5 based membranes. A. García-Abuín, *D. Gómez-Díaz, A. B. López1, J. M. Navaza (Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES; 1Univ. Jaén, ES) [199]
P5.2 Recent developments in membrane-based technologies for CO2 capture. *P. Luis, T. Van Gerven, B. Van der Bruggen (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, BE) [205]
P5.3 Sorption kinetics of systems polydimethylsiloxane + alkane. *A. Randová, L. Bartovská, Š. Hovorka (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [318]
P5.4 Effect of post-treatment and physical aging on the gas transport properties of PIM-1 membranes. P. Bernardo, F. Bazzarelli, F. Tasselli, G. Clarizia, *J. C. Jansen, C. Mason1, L. Maynard-Atem1, A. Bushell, P. M. Budd1, M. Lanč2, Y. P. Yampolskii3, V. P. Shantarovich4, K. Friess2 (ITM-CNR, Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT; 1Univ. Manchester, UK; 2Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 3Topchiev Inst. Petrochem. Synt., Moskva, RU; 4Semenov Inst. Chem. Phys., Moskva, RU) [423]
P5.5 Effect of operating variables on the pervaporation of ethanol produced by lignocellulosic residue. R. H. Bello, O. Souza, N. Sellin, S. H. W. Medeiros, *C. Marangoni (Univ. Joinville, BR) [1042]
P5.6 modeling and simulation of n-butane/1-butene separation using facilitated transport membranes. A. A. Al-Rabiah (King Saud Univ., Riyadh, SA) [1116]
P5.7 Mathematical modeling of mass transfer in the pore using the algorithm of parallel computing. *H. Q. Tran, A. D. Povetkin, E. Koltsova, A. V. Zhensa, G. U. Averchuk, G. N. Shemyakina (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [429]
P5.8 Separation processes for the production of stabilized “Clementine” and “Lemonof Rocca Imperiale dop” juices without allergenics.
*V. Calabro, S. Curcio, S. Mazzuca, E. Ricca (Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [526]
P5.9 Treatment of water containing silica by membrane technology. *O. Silos, G. Kagramanov, A. Kashirin (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [531]
P5.10 Direct pertraction of acetic acid from unfiltered fermentation broths. *A. Carlescu, L. Kloetzer, A.-I. Galaction1, D. Cascaval (Tech. Univ., Iasi, RO; 1Univ. Med. Pharm., Iasi, RO) [675]
P5.11 Simultaneous extraction and stripping of iodine in a bulk liquid membrane. B. Nabiyan, *T. Kaghazchi (Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [743]
P5.12 Isolation of minor whey proteins by diaultrafiltration with charged membranes. V. Valiño, M. F. San Román, R. Ibañez, *I. Ortiz (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [925]
P5.13 Mixed matrix membranes from polymerizable ionic liquids. C. Casado-Coterillo, *E. Santos Santamaría, J. Albo, A. Irabien (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [1114]
P5.14 Modeling of diffusion and utilization of the fillers in mixed matrix membranes. A. J. Petsi, *V. N. Burganos (Inst. Chem. Eng. High Temp. Chem. Proc., Patras, GR) [1235]
P5.15 Concentration of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in aqueous Sorghum extracts by nanofiltration. P. C. D. Agbangnan, D. Ciceron2, *S. Alexandrova3, A. Chrostowska1, C. Tachon1, E. Fouquet4, D. C. K. Sohounhloue (UAC, Cotonou, BJ; 1Univ. Pau, FR; 2INSA Rouen, Caen, FR; 3LaTEP, Pau, FR; 4CNRS, Talence, FR) [1338]
P5.16 Empirical approaches to estimation of gas transfer parameters for polymeric membranes. V. Teplyakov (Russian Acad. Sci., RU) [1438]
P5.17 Technology of carbon dioxide trapping during water softening in industry. *D. Terpougov, G. Terpougov, M. Nosyrev, A. Veshnyakov, R. Komlyashov, S. Ilyina (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1448]
P5.18 The influence of the concentration of dissolved substances in the effluent sulfate pulp and paper mills on the productivity
of semi-permeable membranes. *A. Truberg, O. Katsereva, O. Silos, G. Terpougov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [1449]
P5.19 β-Lactoglobulin peptide fractionation by ultrafiltration/nanofiltration: influence of initial protein concentration and membrane
cut-off. *A. Fernández, V. Menéndez, A. Suárez, F. Riera (Univ. Oviedo, ES) [535]
P5.20 Water energy. *D. Terpougov, G. Terpougov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [206]
P5.21 Direct osmosis. O. Katsereva, O. Kabanov, *D. Terpougov, G. Terpougov (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [196]
P5.22 Pertraction of Lu(III) in a hollow fibre contactor. *K. Kumrić, J. Djordjević, G. T. Vladisavljević1, T. Trtić-Petrović (Inst. Nucl. Sci. Vinča, Beograd, RS; 1Loughborough Univ., UK) [559]
P5.23 The influence of electrochemical properties of membranes and dispersions on the permeate flux in the crossflow microfiltration
. *P. Mikulášek, P. Velikovská (Univ. Pardubice, CZ) [761]
P5.24 Simulation of mass transfer processes in membrane electrode assembly of hydrogen fuel cell. E. Koltsova, *V. Vasilenko, A. Tyutin, M. Stankevich (Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [880]
P5.25 Recovery of hydrochloric acid from hot-dip galvanizing effluents - comparison of diffusion dialysis and electrodialysis membrane
technologies.. *M. F. San Román, I. Ortiz Gándara, R. Ibañez, I. Ortiz (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [959]
P5.26 Effect of humic acid on pesticides rejection by nanofiltration. I. Musbah, D. Ciceron1, A. Saboni2, *S. Alexandrova3 (Univ. Sirte, LY; 1Univ. Caen, FR; 2SIAME, FR; 3UPPA - ENSGTI, FR) [1040]
P5.27 Treatment of stable oil-water emulsions by crossflow microfiltration; experimental analysis and evaluation of fouling mechanism.
*A. Fouladitajar, F. Zokaee, H. Rezaei, A. Haghmoradi (Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1212]
P5.28 Use of ceramic membrane microfiltration for improving shelf life of heat-treated milk. L. Fernández, *A. Fernández, F. Riera (Univ. Oviedo, ES) [1213]
P5.29 High molecular weight of sericin obtained by high temperature and ultrafiltration process. V. R. Silva, M. Ribani1, *M. L. Gimenes2, A. D. P. Scheer (Univ. Fed. Paraná, Curitiba, BR; 1Technol. Inst. Parana, Curitiba, BR; 2State Univ. Maringa, BR) [376]
P5.30 Mathematical simulations on the effect of different feed spacers applied in commercially available spiral-wound NF and RO
membrane systems on biofouling. *S. S. Bucs1, A. I. Radu2, C. Picioreanu2, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht2, V. Lavric, J. S. Vrouwenvelder2 (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 1King Abdullah Univ. Sci. Technol., Thuwal, SA; 2Delft Univ. Technol., NL) [1509]
Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
P5.35 Determining sublimation pressure of ibuprofen from solubility data in supercritical carbon dioxide. *M. Mirzajanzadeh, M. Ardjmand, H. Moghadamzadeh, L. Khosravani, F. Saberi, S. Saedlashgari (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [364]
P5.36 Thermodynamic modelling for determining sublimation pressure of some anti-inflammatory drugs from solubility data in supercritical
carbon dioxide utilizing density-based and EOS models. *H. Moghadamzadeh, A. Behbahani, F. Zabihi, M. Mirzajanzadeh (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [1412]
P5.37 Solubility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in compressed propane: comparison with scCO2 and modelling by SRW, PR and Chrastil
equations. F. Martínez, A. Martín, *R. Camarillo, I. Asencio, J. Rincón (Univ. Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, ES) [1174]
P5.38 Oxidant multi-injection in Supercritical Water Oxidation of Wastewaters. M. B. Garcia-Jarana, V. Vadillo, J. R. Portela, J. Sanchez-Oneto, *E. Martinez de la Ossa, B. Al-Duri1 (Univ. Cadiz, ES; 1Univ. Birmingham, UK) [394]
P5.39 Biodiesel synthesis from rape oil in supercritical methanol in flow type reactor. V. I. Anikeev (Boreskov Inst. Catal., Novosibirsk, RU) [1387]
P5.40 Biopolymer particles for proteins and peptides sustained release produced by supercritical emulsion extraction. *R. Campardelli, E. Reverchon, G. Della Porta (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1006]
P5.41 Preparation of stable aqueous nanodispersions of β-carotene by supercritical assisted injection in a liquid antisolvent. *R. Campardelli, R. Adami, E. Reverchon (Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1147]
P5.42 Photocatalytic activity of different copper-doped titania photocalysts synthesised with supercritical fluids . J. Rincón, I. Asencio, *R. Camarillo, F. Martínez, S. Tostón (Univ. Castilla, Toledo, ES) [1141]
P5.43 Production of antibacterial scaffold by an integrated supercritical extraction and impregnation process. M. A. Fanovich, *I. Zizovic1, P. T. Jaeger2, J. Ivanovic1, D. Misic3, J. M. Rodriguez4 (INTEMA, Mar del Plata, AR; 1Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 2Tech. Univ., Hamburg-Harburg, DE; 3Fac. Veterin. Medicine, Beograd, RS; 4Univ. Cordoba, AR) [1482]
P5.44 Cost optimization of extract production in supercritical extraction process with the use of CO2 – a novel approach. *E. Rój, M. Gagoś1, A. Dobrzyńska-Inger (Fertiliz. Res. Inst., Pulawy, PL; 1M. Curie-Sklodowska Univ., Lublin, PL) [966]
P5.45 Antibacterial potential of celery and parsley fruit extracts obtained by supercritical fluid extraction for food industry
applications. *I. Zizovic, D. Misic1, J. Ivanovic, M. Ristic2, M. Stamenic, S. Petrovic (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 1Fac. Veterin. Medicine, Beograd, RS; 2Inst. Med. Plant Res., Beograd, RS) [1473]
P5.46 Supercritical fluid extraction of argan oil. C. Taribak, *C. Mantell1, L. Casas1, Z. El Fadli, M. Rodriguez1, M. R. Metni, E. Martinez de la Ossa1 (Univ. Abdel Malek Essadi, Tetouan, MA; 1Univ. Cadiz, ES) [175]
P5.47 Supercritical fluid extraction of oil from hempseed. *T. Perko, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez (Univ. Maribor, SI) [325]
P5.48 Solute-matrix and solute-solute interactions during supercritical fluid extraction of sea buckthorn leaves. *M. Sajfrtova, H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [947]
P5.49 Supercritical extraction and separation of antioxidants from residues of the wine industry. *S. M. García-Abarrio, J. L. Marqués1, M. R. Scognamiglio2, G. Della Porta2, E. Reverchon2, A. M. Mainar, J. S. Urieta (Univ. Zaragoza, ES; 1Univ. Complutense, Madrid, ES; 2Univ. Salerno, Fisciano, IT) [1067]
P5.50 Enhancement of concentration of coumarins and essential oil in extract from Ruta graveolens. *M. Kurcova, H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1337]
P5.51 Supercritical fluid extraction of uncrushed Jordanian olives. *A. Al-Otoom, S. Al-Asheh, M. Allawzi, K. Mahshi, N. Alzenati, B. Banat, B. Alnimr (Jordan Univ. Sci. Technol., Irbid, JO) [1368]
P5.52 Effects of temperature, time and pressure on the hemicelluloses yield extracted using subcritical water extraction. R. Norsyabilah, *S. Sabiha Hanim, M. H. Nor Suhaila, A. Noraishah, A. K. Siti Kartina (Univ. Technol. MARA, Shah Alam, MY) [728]
P5.53 Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of algal lipids for the biodiesel production. *A. Santana, S. Santos de Jesus, M. A. Larrayoz1, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1447]
P5.54 Mathematical modeling of supercritical fluid extraction. M. Haghayegh, *M. H. Eikani1, A. Vaziri, F. Zabihi2 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1IROST, Tehran, IR; 2Islamic Azad Univ., Amol, IR) [1508]
Particulate solids
P5.59 Cracks formation in dust cake of ceramic candle filters. *Y.-P. Chyou, J. Smid, S. S. Hsiau1 (Inst. Nucl. Energ. Res., Longtan Township, TW; 1Nat. Cent. Univ., Jhongli City, TW) [1020]
P5.60 Facile preparation of inclusion complex of paraffin in beta-cyclodextrin. *B. G. Alamani, R. L. De Leon, A. D. Escoto (Univ. Philippines, Quezon City, PH) [372]
P5.61 Separation processes of granular materials in size on the sieve classifier. *F. G. Akhmadiev, R. F. Gizzjatov (Kazan State Univ. Arch. Eng., RU) [417]
P5.62 Effect of hemp shives particles size on mechanical properties of fibrous composites. L. Kidalová, J. Junák, *J. Čigášová, E. Terpáková, N. Števulová (Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [485]
P5.63 Process intensification for precipitated calcium carbonate production. *S. Aldea, M. Snåre1, K. Eränen, A.-R. Leino2, K. Kordás2, J.-P. Mikkola3, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi (Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI; 1Nordkalk Oy, Pargas, FI; 2Univ. Oulu, FI; 3Umea Univ., SE) [518]
P5.64 Electrophoresis of a charge-regulated particle in a narrow pore: influence of temperature. *C. Hsu, D.-J. Lee, J.-P. Hsu (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW) [695]
P5.65 Diffusiophoresis of a spherical polyelectrolyte in a salt concentration gradient. K. L. Liu, *J.-P. Hsu, W. L. Hsu, L. H. Yeh, S. Tseng1 (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW; 1Tamkang Univ., Tamsui, TW) [698]
P5.66 Ground stock changes under the dry mode of the ultra-fine grinding conditions. *T. Sverak, N. Števulová1, A. Estoková1 (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ; 1Tech. Univ., Košice, SK) [1364]
P5.67 Importance of the membrane layer properties of a soft particle on its electrophoretic behavior. K. L. Liu, J.-P. Hsu, *S. Tseng1 (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW; 1Tamkang Univ., Tamsui, TW) [699]
P5.68 Design of experiments in formulation of spray dried co-excipient. *G. Matijasić, K. Žižek, M. Puškaš, D. Vrsaljko (Univ. Zagreb, HR) [807]
P5.69 Electrophoresis of a charge-regulated soft cylinder in a narrow pore filled with multiple ionic species. *Y.-Y. Chen, J.-P. Hsu (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW) [815]
P5.70 Importance of temperature and presence of multiple ionic species on the diffusiophoresis of a charge-regulated particle in
a narrow pore. *T.-W. Lo, J.-P. Hsu (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW) [823]
P5.71 Leaching of f-type fly ash based geopolymers. *E. Arioz, O. Arioz1, O. M. Kockar (Anadolu Univ., Eskisehir, TR; 1Cimbeton, Izmir, TR) [875]
P5.72 An experimental study on the mechanical and microstructural properties of geopolymers. *E. Arioz, O. Arioz1, O. M. Kockar (Anadolu Univ., Eskisehir, TR; 1Cimbeton, Izmir, TR) [1394]
P5.73 Modelling of mechanical interactions of particles in disperse solid-fluid systems. T. Barczi, *M. Kohout, O. Hadač, J. Havlica1 (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [1441]
P5.74 Aqueous two-phase extraction of alpha-amylase within Y- and psi-shaped microchannels. U. Novak, M. Lakner, *I. Plazl, P. Žnidaršič-Plazl (Univ. Ljubljana, SI) [1450]
P5.75 Thermo-responsive adhesion properties of composite hydrogel particles. *A. Zadrazil, V. Tokarova, F. Stepanek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [1327]
P5.81 Study of CFD simulation of the flow pattern in an agitated system with a pitched blade worn impeller. *J. Skočilas, I. Fořt, T. Jirout (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [1467]
P5.82 Homogenization and suspension efficiency of hydrofoil impeller TX 535. *F. Rieger, T. Jirout, D. Ceres, L. Pešl1 (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ; 1Techmix, Brno, CZ) [725]
P5.83 Mathematical simulation the kinetics of process of mixing heterogeneous systems with solid phase. F. G. Akhmadiev (Kazan State Univ. Arch. Eng., RU) [76]
P5.84 CFD study of concave turbine stirred tank. *A. Ghadi, A. Sinkakarimi1, R. Zadghaffari1 (Islamic Azad Univ., Amol, IR; 1Islamic Azad Univ., Ahar, IR) [1477]
P5.85 Improvement the rheological properties of SBS modified bitumen by organophilic montmorillonite. *S. Sadeghpour Galooyak, B. Dabir1, N. Fatourehchi1, N. Sadeghpour2 (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR; 1Amirkabir Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR; 2Iran Univ. Sci. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1372]
Pharmaceutical engineering
P5.90 Dry powder coating in a modified Wurster apparatus. W. Ludwig, R. G. Szafran, *A. Kmiec, J. Dziak (Wroclaw Univ. Technol., PL) [137]
P5.91 Functionalized monolithic stationary phases for continuous electro-chromatography. *M.-G. Braunbruck, H. Gruber-Wölfler, P. Feenstra, C. Banko, R. Laskowski1, H.-J. Bart1, B. Werner1, C. Hofmann1, J. Khinast (Graz Univ. Technol., AT; 1Tech. Univ., Kaiserslautern, DE) [269]
P5.92 Dry-swabbing/image analysis technique for the pharmaceutical equipment cleaning validation. *P. Zamostny, K. Punčochová (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [482]
P5.93 Dirty hold time effect on the cleaning process efficiency. *J. Patera, P. Zamostny, G. Stipkova (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [547]
P5.94 Surface optimized model carrier systems for pulmonary drug delivery. *S. Zellnitz, J. D. Redlinger-Pohn, H. Schroettner1, N. A. Urbanetz2 (Graz Univ. Technol., AT; 1Austrian Cent. Elect. Microscopy Nanoanal., Graz, AT; 2Res. Cent. Pharm. Eng. GmbH, Graz, AT) [560]
P5.95 Evaluation of functional characteristics of lactose by inverse gas chromatography. *J. Patera, P. Zamostny, Z. Berova, D. Litva (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [566]
P5.96 Polymer: drug ratio effect on the co-precipitation of amoxicillin and ethyl cellulose by SAS process. A. Montes, D. Gordillo, C. Pereyra, *E. Martinez de la Ossa (Univ. Cadiz, ES) [573]
P5.97 Inkjet drop-on-demand fabrication of structured particles with different type of inner inclusions. *J. Dohnal, M. Ullrich, F. Stepanek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [874]
P5.98 Characterization of temperature-induced release kinetics from liposomes. *M. Ullrich, J. Dohnal, J. Hanuš, M. Štěrbák, F. Štěpánek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [956]
P5.99 Interactions of xanthohumol with phospholipids in Langmuir monolayers. M. Arczewska, E. Rój1, A. Dobrzyńska-Inger1, *M. Gagoś2 (Univ. Life Sci., Lublin, PL; 1Fertiliz. Res. Inst., Pulawy, PL; 2M. Curie-Sklodowska Univ., Lublin, PL) [1095]
P5.100 Technology for extraction of bee-bread from the honeycomb . L. Akhmetova, J. Sibgayullin, S. Garmonov, K. Sibgatullin, V. Sopin, *R. T. Akhmetova (Kazan Nat. Res. Technol. Univ., RU) [1200]
P5.101 Xanthohumol crystallization. D. Kamiński, E. Rój1, D. Kostrzewa1, *M. Gagoś2 (Univ. Life Sci., Lublin, PL; 1Fertiliz. Res. Inst., Pulawy, PL; 2M. Curie-Sklodowska Univ., Lublin, PL) [1217]
P5.102 Investigation of particle flow pattern in an innovative fluid bed equipment. S. Salar-Behzadi, A. Eitzlmayr1, T. Leadbeater2, D. Parker2, J. Seville3, *H. Viernstein4, J. Khinast (Res. Cent. Pharm. Eng. GmbH, Graz, AT; 1Graz Univ. Technol., AT; 2Univ. Birmingham, UK; 3Univ. Warwick, UK; 4Vienna Univ., Wien, AT) [1260]
P5.103 Sustained delivery of low MW drugs from thermosensitive chitosan/GP/PLGA hydrogel. P. Sandiani (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1378]
P5.104 Removal of Cd(II) ion from aqueous solution using porous chitosan hydrogel beads. S. S. Mohajer (Fateh Darouva Darman Co., Tehran, IR) [1504]
P5.105 A comparison of activity coefficient models integrated in a general dynamic model for multiphase electrolytic systems. *C. Coussine, F. Lucile, P. Cézac, F. Contamine, J.-P. Serin, J.-M. Reneaume (Univ. Pau, FR) [979]
Symposium: Next generation biofuels from laboratory to industry
P5.109 Optimization of system control in low-power biomass boilers. *R. Urbaniak, J. Bartoszewicz (Poznan Univ. Technol., PL) [46]
P5.110 Liquid fuels from biomass cracking. E. Buzetzki, J. Rimarčík, Z. Cvengrošová, *A. Kleinova, I. Sarkozy1, J. Cvengroš (Slovak Univ. Technol., Bratislava, SK; 1World Tech. Solution, Gyor, HU) [379]
P5.111 Improvement of biogas production by codigestion of WWTP sludge and microalgae. M. Caporgno, *M. Olkiewicz, R. Trobajo1, A. Fabregat, N. Caiola1, C. Ibáñez1, C. Bengoa (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1IRTA Aq. Ecosystems, San Carles de la Rapita, ES) [458]
P5.112 Modeling of biodiesel production from waste oils by enzymatic transesterification with Hybrid Neural Model. *V. Calabro, S. Curcio, A. Saraceno, E. Ricca, G. Iorio (Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [505]
P5.113 Waste vegetal oil transesterification with immobilized lipases for biodiesel production: a comparison between stirred batch
and fluidized bed bioreactors. *V. Calabro, S. Curcio, E. Ricca, M. G. De Paola, G. Iorio (Univ. Calabria, Rende, IT) [534]
P5.114 Investigation of the biodiesel fuel conditioning by use of through pulsating flow-type apparatus. R. S. Abiev, *Y. A. Kuptsova (St. Petersburg State Tech. Univ., RU) [613]
P5.115 Mechanochemically synthesized CaO/ZnO catalyst for biodiesel production. *Z. Kesic, I. Lukic, M. Zdujic1, H. Liu2, D. Skala (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 1Inst. Tech. Sci., Beograd, RS; 2China Univ. Geosci., Wuhan, CN) [643]
P5.116 Transesterification of waste frying oils using ZnAl2O4 as heterogeneous catalyst. *C. T. Alves1, A. S. de Oliveira, S. A. V. Carneiro, R. C. D. Santos1, S. A. B. Vieira de Melo, E. A. Torres, H. M. C. Andrade (UFBA, Salvador, BR; 1Univ. Birmingham, UK) [66]
P5.117 Kinetics of rape seed oil methanolysis over lime catalyst. *A. P. S. Dias, J. F. Puna1, M. J. N. Correia, J. F. Gomes1, J. C. Bordado (Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, PT; 1Inst. Sup. Eng., Lisboa, PT) [614]
P5.118 Biodiesel production from waste frying oil over calcium oxide catalyst. A. P. S. Dias, *J. F. Puna1, M. J. N. Correia, J. F. Gomes1, J. C. Bordado (Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, PT; 1Inst. Sup. Eng., Lisboa, PT) [624]
P5.119 Third generation biofuels production: hydrotreating of microalgae oil. V. Plata, A. Camacho, A. Gutiérrez, A. Guzman1, *V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO; 1Colomb. Pet. Inst., Piedecuesta, CO) [881]
Chemical engineering education
P5.124 A 3D simulation-based design application for chemical engineering education. *J.-P. Belaud, J.-S. Ulmer, C. Brandam (LGC, Toulouse, FR) [467]
P5.125 Interactive, multimedia e-material usage in Chemical Engineering Courses. M. Krajnc (Univ. Maribor, SI) [278]
P5.126 Process simulation: when programming is easier than user-friendly packages. Z. Ravaghi-Ardebili, *F. Manenti (Politecnico, Milano, IT) [520]
P5.127 Analysis of competences on cooperative learning in teamwork in chemical engineering degree. *M. J. San Jose, C. Lobato, P. Apodaca, J. L. Zubimendi, J. Sancho, M. Barandiarán (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [888]
P5.128 Experimental multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control of a process control simulator. *A. Aldemir, A. Akpınar, L. C. Pekel, B. Özyurt, H. Hapoglu (Ankara Univ. , TR) [1381]
Symposium on safety in chemical industry
P5.132 Effect of ovality on the integrity of gazoducs. *R. Bouzid, E. Bouali, M. Gaceb, N. Abdelbaki (Univ. Boumerdes, DZ) [16]
P5.133 Workplace health promotion program on using dietary antioxidants (anthocyanins) in chemical exposed workers. *M. Stoia, S. Oancea1 (Publ. Health Direct. Sibiu, RO; 1Univ. Sibiu, RO) [737]
P5.134 HAZOP study with qualitative risk analysis for prioritization of corrective and preventive actions. *L. Kotek, M. Tabas (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [1152]
P5.135 The flame speed functionality on material and congested area. *F. Rahimi, N. Badri, D. Rashtchian (Sharif Univ. Technol., Tehran, IR) [1204]
P5.136 Establishment of a database and a classification of the defects in the metal of pipes according to their severity. *M. Bettayeb, E. Bouali, N. Abdelbaki, M. Gaceb (Univ. M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, DZ) [1223]
P5.137 Concept learning by examples in process safety. J. Savkovic-Stevanovic, *M. Ivanovic-Knezevic, T. Mosorinac1 (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 1Refinery Pančevo, RS) [1400]
P5.138 Safety operation control. M. Ivanovic-Knezevic, *T. Kaludjerovic-Radoicic, J. Savkovic-Stevanovic (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS) [1466]
P5.139 Analysis of parametric sensitivity related to a chemical exothermic reaction. *B. Badrtamam, B. Noureddine, C. Yahya1, B. Zoubir2 (Univ. Batna, DZ; 1Univ. Rouen, FR; 2Univ. Constantine Algeria, DZ) [1476]
PRES 2012
P5.144 Dynamic solid phase microextraction (SPME) of atrazine at PDMS and PA coated fibers . *K. Benhabib, R. M. Town1 (Univ. Picardie, Saint Quentin, FR; 1Univ. South. Denmark, Odense , DK) [14]
P5.145 Simulation of an integrated sustainable extract production from Brazilian ginseng roots with a cogeneration plant. *D. T. Santos, J. Q. Albarelli, M. A. A. Meireles (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [777]
P5.146 Problems found in the adaptation of a fluid cracking catalytic pilot plant for studying second generation biofuel production
by pyrolysis. *M. A. G. Figueiredo, F. M. Leal1 (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro , BR; 1Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, BR) [35]
P5.147 The multi-objective optimization of an actual hydrocracking unit. *L. Vafajoo, M. Kia (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [56]
P5.148 Theoretical and experimental drying of a cylindrical sample by applying hot air and infrared radiation in an inert medium
fluidized bed. B. Honarvar (Islamic Azad Univ., Fars Sci. Res. Branch, IR) [57]
P5.149 Environmental and economic performances of different technologies for power generation from rice husks. *J. Prasara-A, L. Čuček1, P. S. Varbanov1, J. J. Klemeš1 (Mahasarakham Univ., TH; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [73]
P5.150 Liquid phase catalytic process for α-pinene acetoxylation. *M. Golets, A. Samikannu, W. Larsson, D. Blomberg1, H. Grundberg2, J.-P. Mikkola3 (Umea Univ., SE; 1Processum Biorefinery Initiative, Ornskolsvik, SE; 2Domsjo Fabriker, Ornskoldsvik, SE; 3Abo Akad. Univ., Turku, FI) [105]
P5.151 Process intensification of gas-liquid contacting for hydrogen sulfide conversion. *J. W. Smith, D. T. Ellenor1, M. A. Sheedy2 (Univ. Toronto, CA; 1Indium Corp. America, Utica NY, US; 2Eco-Tec. Ltd., Pickering ON, CA) [108]
P5.152 A thermodynamic approach to the integration of a sugar cane bagasse gasifier with a solid oxide fuel cell. *L. E. Arteaga-Pérez, R. Pérez-Bermúdez, L. Rodríguez-Machín, Y. Casas-Ledón1, L. M. Peralta-Suárez, J. O. Prieto-García (Cent. Univ. Las Villas, Santa Clara, CU; 1Univ. Ghent, BE) [114]
P5.153 Cleaner production of fertilisers with low grade phosphates decomposition by nitric acid. A. S. Savenkov, I. M. Ryschenko, I. S. Belogur, *P. Kapustenko (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA) [129]
P5.154 Preparation of metal surfaces with silicone coating. N. V. Kulyushina, *J. A. Averina, N. S. Grigoryan1, T. A. Vagramyan (BINACOR-ChT, Moskva, RU; 1Mendeleev Univ. Chem. Technol. Russia, Moskva, RU) [163]
P5.155 Simplified model to ozone mass transfer in a bubble column. *M. A. Cremasco, C. F. Vergel (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [169]
P5.156 The effect of packing roughness on performance of wet cooling towers. H. Ranji-Boorachalu, M. Sagharichiha, *A. A. Hamidi (Univ. Tehran, IR) [180]
P5.157 Pd-catalyzed deoxygenation of fatty acids mixture for 2nd generation biodiesel production. *A. A. Stepacheva, A. V. Gustova, L. Z. Nikoshvili, V. G. Matveeva, E. M. Sulman, M. G. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [185]
P5.158 Simulation of coke formation in the convection section tubes of a steam cracker. *A. V. Mahulkar, G. J. Heynderickx, G. B. Marin (Univ. Ghent, BE) [189]
P5.159 CO2 abatement through a methanol production process. E. S. Van-Dal, *C. Bouallou (MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [191]
P5.160 China’s thermal electricity production and relative carbon dioxide emissions for the period 2012-2020. *L. Jin, C. Bouallou1 (Beijing Gas Group, CN; 1MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [194]
P5.161 Photodegradation of amicarbazone herbicide by direct photolysis. *A. L. D. C. Peixoto, A. C. S. Teixeira (Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [207]
P5.162 Carbon reduction of gypsum produced from flue gas desulfurization. *T. Kato, K. Murakami, K. Sugawara (Akita Univ., JP) [208]
P5.163 Catalytic synthesis of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (vitamin K3) in supercritical CO2. *E. Shimanskaya, V. G. Matveeva, V. Doluda, E. M. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [210]
P5.164 Dry reforming of methane – Review of feasibility studies. *H. Er-rbib, C. Bouallou, F. Werkoff (MINES ParisTech, Paris, FR) [215]
P5.165 Kinetics of sulcis coal chemical cleaning process. *E. Fois, A. Pistis1, A. Lallai2 (Carbosulcis SpA, Gonnesa, IT; 1Sardegna Ricerce, Uta, IT; 2Univ. Cagliari, IT) [221]
P5.166 Kinetic modelling and analysis of waste bamboo pyrolysis. *A. O. Oyedun, K. L. Lam, T. Gebreegziabher, H. K. M. Lee, C.-W. Hui (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., Kowloon, HK) [222]
P5.167 Modelling of size and population on photosynthetic microalgae growth. *H. K. M. Lee, T. Gebreegziabher, C.-W. Hui (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., Kowloon, HK) [223]
P5.168 Analysis of the dispersion of droplets, spray centrifugal blasting nozzle. A. U. Valdberg, *K. P. Makeeva (Moscow State Univ. Env. Eng., Moskva, RU) [233]
P5.169 Exergy analysis of a NGL fractionation plant in order for energy reduction in process. A. Esmaeili (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [240]
P5.170 Different content of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (sPEEK) as electrode's ionomer with nanocomposite membrane in polymer
electrolyte membrane fuel cell. A. Rahnavard, *S. Rowshanzamir, G. Amirkhanlou (Iran Univ. Sci. Technol., Tehran, IR) [261]
P5.171 Energy intensity of two-stage fermentative hydrogen production from biomass in a plant equipped with fuel cells for power
supply. A. Budek, *K. Urbaniec, M. Markowski (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [264]
P5.172 Identifying optimal operating conditions for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). G. Nouri, *M. Mehrpooya, M. H. Eikani1, N. Khandan1 (Univ. Tehran, IR; 1IROST, Tehran, IR) [274]
P5.173 Investigation of thermal analyses techniques potential to determine solids content in eucalyptus black liquor samples. B. S. Leite, M. T. Andreuccetti1, S. A. F. Leite, *J. V. H. D'Angelo1 (Univ. Vicosa, Florestal, BR; 1UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [281]
P5.174 Recent situation and actual possibilities in development of sea water desalination equipment. *Z. Hájek, Z. Jegla (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [308]
P5.175 Refinement of the payload tube furnace by taking into account the heat losses in heat exchange equipment and piping installation
of primary oil refining unit. L. Tovazhnyansky, P. Kapustenko, L. Ulyev, *L. Melnykovskaya, S. Boldyryev (Nat. Tech. Univ., Kharkiv, UA) [309]
P5.176 Simulation of carbon dioxide sequestration with mono ethylene amine (MEA) and methanol solvents. A. Esmaeili (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [314]
P5.177 Study of the thermal behavior of sewage sludge from a WWTP in Cantabria (Spain) by TG-DSC-MS. *J. Fernández, F. González, C. Pesquera, C. Blanco, M. J. Renedo (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [324]
P5.178 The ruthenium-containing polymer catalysts in the synthesis of D-Sorbitol. *I. Yakovlev, U. Akhmetzyanova, M. Grigorev, E. M. Sulman, V. G. Matveeva (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [332]
P5.179 Use of the modeling in the development of a technology for treating wastewater from a dangerous process. L. M. Ríos Hidalgo, L. M. Peralta Suárez, *L. E. Arteaga-Pérez (Cent. Univ. Las Villas, Santa Clara, CU) [344]
P5.180 X-Ray difraction analysis of desulfurant sorbents prepared by mixing calcined sewage sludge and CaO in distilled or seawater.
M. J. Renedo, L. González Pellón, *J. Fernández (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [351]
P5.181 Zinc (II) recovery from aqueous solution and industrial effluents using continuous foam fractionator. *M. Arulmozhi, K. M. Meera S.Begum, N. Anantharaman (Anna Univ. Techol., Tiruchirappalli, IN) [352]
P5.182 Analysis of macroalgae oil transesterification for biodiesel production. S. Urréjola, *R. Maceiras, L. Pérez, Á. Cancela, Á. Sánchez (Univ. Vigo, ES) [355]
P5.183 Analysis of possibilities of elimination of liquid droplets from gas flow for mitigation of operating problems of gas preheater.
*T. Pačíska, Z. Jegla, M. Reppich1 (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ; 1Augsburg Univ. Appl. Sci., DE) [356]
P5.184 Biomass corridor synthesis for Malaysia green energy supply chain. *W. P. Q. Ng, H. L. Lam, E. H. Ng, T. L. Ng, M. Kamal, D. K. S. Ng (Univ. Nottingham, Selangor, MY) [360]
P5.185 Effective oxidation of azo dyes by a Fenton-type process employing zero valent iron and different chelating agents. I. Cota1, *S. A. Messele1, A. Fortuny, F. Stuber, A. Fabregat, J. Font, C. Bengoa (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES; 1Univ. Politec. Catalunya, Vilanova i la Geltru, ES) [366]
P5.186 Green potential from palm biomass in Malaysia. *H. L. Lam, W. P. Q. Ng, F. Y. Ng1, M. Kamal2, J. H. E. Lim3 (Univ. Nottingham, Selangor, MY; 1Malaysian Palm Council, Selangor, MY; 2Univ. Tek. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MY; 3Global Green Synergy, Kuala Lumpur, MY) [375]
P5.187 Modeling and economic predictive control of an ammonia reactor. *G. G. Esturilio, D. Odloak (Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [383]
P5.188 Phase equilibrium measurements of the heat stable salt of MEA. *A. Penttilä, P. Uusi-Kyyny, A. Salminen, J. Seppälä, V. Alopaeus (Aalto Univ., FI) [396]
P5.189 Statistical analysis of electrochemical noise records in paintings barrier type. *S. Urréjola, Á. Sánchez1, S. Lánchas1, R. Maceiras, Á. Cancela1 (Cent. Unic. Defense, Marin, ES; 1Univ. Vigo, ES) [404]
P5.190 Analysis of plucking of U-tubes in heat exchanger. *P. Lošák, B. Kilkovský, Z. Jegla (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [420]
P5.191 Falling film evaporator: drying of ionic liquids with low thermal stress. *N. Wellner, K. Siebeneck, S. Scholl (Tech. Univ., Braunschweig, DE) [427]
P5.192 Polymer-based nanocatalysts for phenol CWAO. *V. Doluda, N. Lakina, A. Torozova, S. Golosova, M. Koniyeva, O. Matveeva, E. M. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [433]
P5.193 Pyrolysis of peat and oil-contain wastes in presence of aluminosilicate catalyst. *Y. V. Lugovoy, K. V. Chalov, Y. Y. Kosivtsov, E. Sulman (Tver State Tech. Univ., RU) [434]
P5.194 Exergy analysis of multicomponent distillation systems for efficiency ranking. *M. Haragovics, P. Mizsey1 (Budapest Univ. Technol. Econ., HU; 1Univ. Pannonia, Veszprém, HU) [439]
P5.195 Anaerobic co-digestion of fats, oil and grease (FOG) with waste activated sludge. *J. Lauwers, L. Appels, S. Taes, J. Van Impe, R. Dewil (Kathol. Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, BE) [443]
P5.196 Biogas clean up and upgrading by adsorption on commercial molecular sieves. *P. Pagliai, R. Di Felice (Univ. Genova, IT) [448]
P5.197 Application of the Fenton process in the oxidation of doxycycline hyclate: optimal operating condition for pH, temperature,
hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ion concentrations. *A. A. Borghi, M. I. Nakagawa, M. S. A. Palma (Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [466]
P5.198 Adsorptive separation of basic dye from aqueous solution by activated carbon prepared from locally available waste materials.
*F. Kaouah, T. Berrama, S. Boumaza, L. Brahmi, Z. Bendjama (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [469]
P5.199 Application of the Fenton process in the oxidation of enrofloxacin. *V. M. F. Frade, L. Y. Shinotsuka, M. S. A. Palma (Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [471]
P5.200 Deasphalting process using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). *L. Lodi, V. Cardenas Concha, R. Augusto Souza, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [480]
P5.201 Dynamic modelling of the reactive absorption of CO2 in ionic liquids and its effect on the mass transfer and fluid viscosity.
*D. Carvajal, M. Irrázabal, C. Carlesi Jara (Pontif. Univ., Valparaiso, CL) [483]
P5.202 Investigation of autoclave’s cooling jacket static and dynamic behaviour. *Z. Siménfalvi, G. Venczel, G. Szepesi (Univ. Miskolc, HU) [494]
P5.203 Local energy storage in redox flow battery. *M. Bobák, J. Vrána, T. Gregor1, J. Kosek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ; 1Univ. West Bohemia, Plzeň, CZ) [499]
P5.204 Major industrial sources of CO2 emissions in Romania and regional facilities for capture and storage. *M. Neagu (Petre), D. Movileanu (Petrol.-Gas Univ. Ploiesti, RO) [500]
P5.205 Oxidation of oxytetracycline by the Fenton process and determination the optimal operating condition according to a DCCR factorial
design. *R. M. Miyaguti, M. S. A. Palma (Univ. Sao Paulo, BR) [510]
P5.206 PAHs occurrence during combustion of biodiesel from various feedstocks. *A. Llamas Lois, A. Al-Lal, L. Canoira, M. Del Campo, M. Lapuerta1 (Univ. Politec. Madrid, ES; 1Univ. Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, ES) [511]
P5.207 Technological improvement of aguamiel syrup in the southeast region of Coahuila State, Mexico. *A. Rodríguez-Vidal, N. C. Barajas-Aguilar, H. D. Flores-Chávez, M. D. L. L. Reyes-Vega, L. Castro-Piña, H. Soto-Zuñiga (Univ. Aut. Coahuila, MX) [529]
P5.208 Adsorption of chromium on modified clinoptilolite. *P. Uzun, Y. A. Aydın, N. Deveci Aksoy (Istanbul Tech. Univ., TR) [538]
P5.209 Effect of biomass impregnation with nickel on the gasification reaction intensification. A. Aubert, F. X. Collard1, *A. Bensakhria, J. Blin1 (Univ. Technol., Compiegne, FR; 1Int. Inst. Water Env. Eng., Ouagadougou, BF) [540]
P5.210 A large-scale process simulation plant based on the glycerol pyrolysis technology. *A. P. G. Peres, E. R. de Morais, A. R. R. Bineli, B. H. Lunelli, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [562]
P5.211 Efficiency of TiO2/UV process at removal of an herbicide in aqueous suspension. *N. A. Laoufi, F. Bentahar (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [564]
P5.212 Evaluation of use of distillery wastewater “white vinases” through production of Chlorella vulgaris UTEX 1803. A. Cepeda-Bautista, C. García-Valbuena, A. F. Barajas-Solano, *C. Barajas, V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [567]
P5.213 Improvement of CO2 secuestration by optimization of carbon/nitrogen ratio using Chlorella vulgaris utex 1803. C. Godoy, J. D. Monroy, A. F. Barajas-Solano, C. Barajas, *V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [569]
P5.214 Improvement of microalgal energy crops using carbon/nitrogen ratio. *A. F. Barajas-Solano, A. D. Gonzalez, C. Barajas, V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [570]
P5.215 Methodology for fault detection in chemical process control. *D. L. Souza, G. M. Almeida, L. C. Oliveira-Lopes1 (UFSJ, Ouro, BR; 1UFU, Uberlandia, BR) [571]
P5.216 Removal and degradation of a persistent pharmaceutical micropollutant by an advanced oxidation process using an immobilized
titanium dioxide catalyst. *N. A. Laoufi, S. Hout, F. Bentahar (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [574]
P5.217 Evaluation of biodiesel production from microalgae through reactive distillation. *E. L. Martínez Arias, L. F. Rios Pinto, N. Lima da Silva, T. S. Siqueira Dantas, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR) [581]
P5.218 Simulation of biodiesel production in a HiGee reactive distillation column. *E. L. Martínez Arias, R. Jaimes Prada, P. Fazzio Martins1, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR; 1Univ. Fed. Sao Paulo, Diadema, BR) [585]
P5.219 Study of influence of combustible gas on explosion parameters of black coal dust. *J. Serafín, M. Mynarz, I. Konderla, A. Bebčák, P. Lepík (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ) [602]
P5.220 Modification of an industrial ethane recovery plant using mixed integer optimization and shuffled frog leaping algorithm.
M. Mehrpooya, H. Pakravesh, *A. Vatani (Univ. Tehran, IR) [616]
P5.221 Prediction of research octane number (RON) of gasoline in catalytic naphtha reforming units through ANFIS modeling with on-line
input variables. *H. Vezvaei, S. Ordibeheshti, M. Ardjmand (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, IR) [639]
P5.222 The fouling of skimmed milk in plate heat exchangers. *M. Abdelkader, K. Samia, M. Youcef, K. Moussa, H. Rima (USTHB, Algier-Bab Ezzouar, DZ) [640]
P5.223 Tube fitted bulk monolithic catalyst as a novel concept for hydrogen production for fuel cell application. *A. Zamaniyan, F. Bahadoran, H. A. Ghadirian (Res. Inst. Pet. Ind., Tehran, IR) [642]
P5.224 A review of biochar production from wastes: Vinasse from bioethanol production process as a viable raw material. *X. I. Pereira Hernandez, V. Kafarov (Univ. Ind. Santander, Bucaramanga, CO) [647]
P5.225 Energetic and exergetic optimization of an organosolv-biorefinery process. *A. Garcia, M. González Alriols, J. A. Quijera, J. Labidi (Univ. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, ES) [765]
P5.226 Coal based power plants using oxy-combustion for CO2 capture: Pressurized coal combustion to reduce capture penalty. *R. Soundararajan, T. Gundersen (Norweg. Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO) [1011]
P5.227 Integrating renewable energy to power, heat and water systems. *J. Martinez-Patiño, M. Picón-Núñez, M. A. Hernández-Figueroa, H. J. Estrada-García (Univ. Guanajuato, MX) [45]
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