Scientific program - table of contents
- A1 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A2 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A3 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A4 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A5 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A6 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- A7 Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- B1 Membrane separations
- B2 Membrane separations
- B3 Membrane separations
- B4 Membrane separations
- B5 Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
- B6 Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
- C1 Extraction and leaching
- C2 Extraction and leaching
- C3 Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
- C4 Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
- C5 Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
- C7 Distillation and absorption
- D1 Solid–liquid separations
- D2 Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- D3 Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- D4 Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- D5 Mixing
- D7 Mixing
- E1 Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
- E2 Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
- E3 Particulate solids
- E4 Particulate solids
- E5 Particulate solids
- E5 Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
- E6 Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
- E7 Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
- E8 Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
- F1 Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- F2 Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- F3 Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- F4 Pharmaceutical engineering
- F5 Computer aided process engineering
- F6 Computer aided process engineering
- F7 Computer aided process engineering
- F8 Computer aided process engineering
- G2 Symposium on safety in chemical industry
- G3 Chemical engineering education
- G4 Chemical engineering education
- G5 Symposium on environmental engineering
- G6 Symposium on environmental engineering
- G7 Symposium on environmental engineering
- G8 Symposium on environmental engineering
- J2 PRES 2016
- Waste minimisation, processing and management including waste to energy
- Waste minimisation, processing and management including waste to energy
- J3 PRES 2016
- J4 PRES 2016
- Education, operations research and supply chain management
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- J5 PRES 2016
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- J6 PRES 2016
- Integration of renewables, biomass and energy conversion technologies
- Industrial & experimental studies
- J7 PRES 2016
- Extraction and leaching
- Membrane separations
- Solid–liquid separations
- Symposium on safety in chemical industry
- Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
- Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
- Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
- Fluid flow and multiphase systems
- Particulate solids
- Pharmaceutical engineering
- Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
- Chemical engineering education
- Mixing
- Computer aided process engineering
- Symposium on environmental engineering
- Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
- Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
- Symposium on process intensification and miniaturization
- PRES 2016