Lectures H

H1 Lectures - Monday morning

PRES 2000

Sustainable and environmental technology

Chairmen: J. Klemes, P. Stehlik

H1.1 9.30 Keynote lecture: Better solutions for process sustainability through better insight in process energy integration. *B. Kalitventzeff, F. Marechal1, H. Closon (BELSIM s.a., Angleur, BE; 1LASSC, Liege, BE) [1240]

H1.2 10.10 The sustainable process index (SPI) as a tool for strategic planing and optimisation of process industries. *M. Narodoslawsky, C. Krotscheck1, M. Bachhiesl2 (Graz Univ. Technol., AT; 1Kornberg Inst., Feldbach, AT; 2Verbund-Umwelt, Klagenfurt, AT) [1091]

H1.3 10.30 Mass and energy integration in the planning of an eco-industrial park. Dingjiang Chen, *Yourun Li, Jingzhu Shen, Shanying Hu, Mingheng Li, Chong Chen (Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, CN) [309]

H1.4 10.50 Cooling crystallization applied to the "extract" of a chromatographic separation process (SMB) of beet raw juice. *G. Vaccari, E. Tamburini, G. Sgualdino, M. Kearney1, V. Kochergin1, D. Costesso1 (Univ. Ferrara, IT; 1Amalgamated Res., Twin Falls ID, US) [1157]

H1.5 11.10 Minimum energy consumption in sugar production by cooling crystallisation of concentrated raw juice. *M. Grabowski, K. Urbaniec (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [1161]

H1.6 11.30 Optimization of gas cleaning devices using nondominated sorting genetic algorithm. R. Gopalan, S. K. Gupta, S. Viswanathan, *M. B. Ray (Nat. Univ. Singapore, SG) [307]

H1.7 11.50 Waste usage of coal cleaned plants for the manufacturing of thermal-insulated ceramic products. *G. A. Statyukha1, V. I. Mikhajlov, L. P. Chernyavskaya, R. N. Kolesnikova (Kiev Polytech. Inst., UA; 1Sci. Inst. Build. Mat., Kiev, UA) [519]

H1.8 12.10 A statistical study on the activated sludge process of Tupras refinery in Izmit. I. C. Onbilgin, *T. A. Ozbelge1, O. H. Ozbelge1 (Tupras Refinery, Izmit, TR; 1Middle East Tech. Univ., Ankara, TR) [789]

H2 Lectures - Monday afternoon

PRES 2000

Energy saving and waste minimisation technology

Chairmen: T. Gundersen, B. Kalitventzeff

H2.1 14.00 Keynote lecture: Design of cooling systems. R. Smith (UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1239]

H2.2 14.40 Direct heat integration of independent processes. Jian Wen, *Xiao Feng, Guilian Liu, Li Wang, Zaoxiao Zhang, Jihua Chen1, Bin Wang1, Kai Wu1 (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., CN; 1Lanzhou Pet. Proc. Chem. Complex, CN) [195]

H2.3 14.55 Alternative energy-saving structures for distillation and hybrid separation processes. *E. Rev, Z. Fonyo (Tech. Univ., Budapest, HU) [212]

H2.4 15.10 Effect of heat losses in energy integration. *V. Vaclavek, V. Briza (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [42]

H2.5 15.25 A new methodology for simultaneous optimization of capital and operating cost targets in heat exchanger network design. *H. K. Shethna, J. M. Jezowski, F. J. L. Castillo (Hyprotech Ltd., Calgary, CA) [1101]

H2.6 15.40 Loop breaking in heat exchanger networks by mathematical programming. *J. Jezowski, R. Bochenek, A. Jezowska (Rzeszow Univ. Technol., PL) [122]

H2.7 15.55 Studies on water use in beet sugar factories. *K. Urbaniec, J. Wernik (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Plock, PL) [1160]

H2.8 16.10 Towards an efficient water management strategy: Vito's integrated approach. *D. Baetens, R. A. Tainsh1 (Vito, Mol, BE; 1Linnhoff March Ltd., Northwich, UK) [607]

H2.9 16.25 VOC emission- "end of pipe" and process integration approach. *J. Vlasakova, V. Vaclavek (Inst. Chem. Technol., Praha, CZ) [43]

H3 Lectures - Tuesday morning

PRES 2000

Optimisation and experimental studies

Chairmen: L. Puigjaner, R. Smith

H3.1 9.30 Keynote lecture: Understanding the limitations of modeling and simulation. *M. Shacham, N. Brauner1 (Ben Gurion Univ. Negev, Beer Sheva, IL; 1Tel-Aviv Univ., IL) [1323]

H3.2 10.00 Optimisation of the ammonia-hydrogensulfide circulation scrubbing process (AS-Process) using reverse osmosis membrane. *O. Brettschneider, H. Thielert1, J. Mayer, G. Wozny (Tech. Univ. Berlin, DE; 1THYSSEMKRUPP, Bochum, DE) [1047]

H3.3 10.25 MINLP-Optimization of product recovery from rinsing waters. *F. Beuster, B. Goers, A. Lehmann, G. Wozny (Tech. Univ. Berlin, DE) [1048]

H3.4 10.50 Heat exchanger network optimization with discontinuous exchanger cost function. K. Y. Cheung, *C. W. Hui (Hong Kong Univ. Sci. Technol., Hong Kong, CN) [168]

H3.5 11.15 Optimization of industrial process water systems. *A. Lassahn, G. Gruhn (Tech. Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, DE) [188]

H3.6 11.40 Multistream heat exchanger network synthesis. *Lee Ming Pua, F. Zhu (UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1079]

H3.7 12.05 Enhancement prediction and extrapolation properties of hybrid neural network model. C. Benqlilou, D. Ruiz, A. Espuna, *L. Puigjaner (Univ. Polit. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1172]

H4 Lectures - Tuesday afternoon

PRES 2000

Optimal design

Chairmen: D. T. Tsahalis, V. V. Wadekar

H4.1 14.00 Keynote lecture: Molecular modelling and plant-wide optimisation. X. X. Zhu (UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1014]

H4.2 14.40 Process integration retrofit by structural analysis. *M. Amidpour, D. Rashtchian (Iranian R & D Cent. Chem. Ind., Tehran, IR) [291]

H4.3 15.05 Applying column targeting technique for the separation section of ethylene process. *M. A. Al-Otaibi, M. Soliman, A. Adris (SABIC, Riyadh, SA) [326]

H4.4 15.30 Considering range and precision of data in model reduction. N. Brauner, *M. Shacham1 (Tel-Aviv Univ., IL; 1Ben Gurion Univ. Negev, Beer-Sheva, IL) [1324]

H4.5 15.55 Synthesis and optimization of membrane networks. R. Uppaluri, *A. C. Kokossis (UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1148]

H4.6 16.20 Match constraints in heat exchanger network syntheses. M. Amidpour (Iranian R & D Cent. Chem. Ind., Tehran, IR) [290]

H5 Lectures - Wednesday morning

PRES 2000

Industrial applications

Chairmen: M. Narodoslawsky, K. Urbaniec

H5.1 9.30 Keynote lecture: High performances reboilers applied to the oil and gas processing industries. B. Thonon (CEA-Grenoble, FR) [269]

H5.2 10.10 Objective fuctions for optimization problems in the process industry. G. A. Efthimeros, Z. G. Diamantis, D. I. Photeinos, *D. T. Tsahalis (Univ. Patras, GR) [12]

H5.3 10.35 Process integration analysis and retrofit of the crude oil distillation unit heat exchanger network in an oil refinery. *D. Fernandez-Polanco, J. Klemes, V. Plesu1 (UMIST, Manchester, UK; 1Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO) [1039]

H5.4 11.00 Rigorous MINLP model for ethanol dehydration system. *Z. Szitkai, Z. Lelkes, E. Rev, Z. Fonyo (Tech. Univ., Budapest, HU) [211]

H5.5 11.25 Unit for thermal treatment of gas wastes. *R. Stulir, V. Fabikovic, J. Oral1, P. Stehlik (Tech. Univ. Brno, CZ; 1EVECO Brno, CZ) [983]

H5.6 11.50 Estimation of energy saving potential of industrial sites with methods of process integration. L. L. Tovazhnyansky, *P. A. Kapustenko, L. M. Uliev (Kharkiv State Polytech. Univ., UA) [189]

H6 Lectures - Wednesday afternoon

PRES 2000

Advanced design

Chairmen: J. Jezowski, X. X. Zhu

H6.1 14.00 Keynote lecture: Different strategies to improve industrial heat exchange. *V. V. Wadekar, P. Stehlik1 (HTFS, AEA Technol., Harwell, UK; 1Tech. Univ. Brno, CZ) [982]

H6.2 14.40 Design and control of energy efficient multicomponent distillations. M. Serra, M. Perrier1, A. Espuna, *L. Puigjaner (Univ. Polit. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES; 1Ec. Polytech. Montreal, CA) [55]

H6.3 15.00 Combinatorial framework for the algorithmic synthesis of azeotropic-distillation systems. *B. Bertok, F. Friedler, G. Feng1, L. T. Fan1 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Kansas State Univ., Manhattan KS, US) [1203]

H6.4 15.20 Integration of fault diagnosis and reactive scheduling in batch chemical plants. D. Ruiz, J. Canton, J. M. Nougues, A. Espuna, *L. Puigjaner (Univ. Polit. Catalunya, Barcelona, ES) [1394]

H6.5 15.40 Integrated synthesis of combined process and heat exchanger networks. *A. B. Nagy, G. Biros, F. Friedler, L. T. Fan1 (Univ. Veszprem, HU; 1Kansas State Univ., Manhattan KS, US) [1205]

H6.6 16.00 Optimisation and energy saving in the separation of a mixture containing n-pentane and i-pentane. R. M. Dragomir, *V. Plesu, A. Platon1, G. Constantinescu2 (Univ. Politehnica, Bucuresti, RO; 1SNP-Petrom, Bucuresti, RO; 2SNP-Petrom, Brazi, RO) [1218]

H6.7 16.20 End product quality control in batch reactors using automatic and statistical process control techniques. B. Alakent, *M. C. Camurdan (Bogazici Univ., Istanbul, TR) [662]

H7 Lectures - Thursday morning

PRES 2000

Dynamic and flexible plant design

Chairmen: M. Sorin, B. Thonon

H7.1 9.30 Keynote lecture: Energy integration with inherent flexibility. L. Tantimuratha, D. K. Antonopoulos, *A. C. Kokossis (UMIST, Manchester, UK) [1146]

H7.2 10.10 Flexibility analysis and steady-state optimizing control of a deep-cut turboexpander plant with flexible energy integration. K. Uygun, A. E. S. Konukman1, *U. Akman (Bogazici Univ., Istanbul, TR; 1Gebze Inst. Technol., Kocaeli, TR) [552]

H7.3 10.35 Multiperiod synthesis of heat-exchanger networks with period-specific structural flexibilities through superstructure-based simultaneous MILP formulation. *A. E. S. Konukman, U. Akman1 (Gebze Inst. Technol., Kocaeli, TR; 1Bogazici Univ., Istanbul, TR) [578]

H7.4 11.00 Simultaneous MILP synthesis with flexibility targeting of minimum-utility heat-exchanger networks and minimum-cost flexible retrofit design. *A. E. S. Konukman, M. C. Camurdan1, U. Akman1 (Gebze Inst. Technol., Kocaeli, TR; 1Bogazici Univ., Istanbul, TR) [581]

H7.5 11.25 Energy-resource-saving optimal control of simple controllers. Yu. L. Muromtsev, L. P. Orlova, *V. M. Tyutyunnik1 (Tambov State Tech. Univ., RU; 1Int. Inf. Nobel Centre, Tambov, RU) [62]

H7.6 11.50 Development of an in-situ continuous monitoring system for pure water. *D. J. Kukulka, R. E. Baier, J. C. Mollendorf (State Univ. New York, Buffalo, NY, US) [84]

H8 Lectures - Thursday afternoon

PRES 2000

Advanced design

Chairmen: A. C. Kokossis, V. Plesu

H8.1 14.00 Keynote lecture: A sequential framework for optimal synthesis of industrial size heat exchanger networks. *T. Gundersen, A. Hashemi-Ahmady1, J. M. Zamora2, I. E. Grossmann3 (Norwegian Univ. Sci. Technol., Trondheim, NO; 1Statoil, Stavanger, NO; 2Univ. Aut. Metrop., Iztapalapa, MX; 3Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburg, US) [953]

H8.2 14.40 Keynote lecture: The role of equilibrium thermodynamics in process synthesis. *M. Sorin, B. Spinner1 (CANMET, Varennes Que, CA; 1CNRS, Perpignan, FR) [154]

H8.3 15.10 Compact multifunctional heat exchangers. B. Thonon (CEA-Grenoble, FR) [455]

H8.4 15.35 Heat-integrated distillation columns sequencing pitfalls. P. Lenfeld (UNIPETROL Kaucuk, Kralupy n/Vlt., CZ) [6]

H8.5 16.00 Design and synthesis of distillation sequences for the separation of multicomponent azeotropic mixtures. *S. K. Wasylkiewicz, F. J. L. Castillo (AEA Technol. Eng. Software, Calgary, CA) [1100]

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This page is maintained by Z. Wagner <wagner@mbox.cesnet.cz> and was last edited on September 4, 2000.